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May 23rd, 2012
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  3. ----------------
  4. Fellow Members of Next Generation Gaming,
  7. Thank you all for coming here today to give me a little bit of your time. I come before you now to announce several things that I think that you will all enjoy but before I go into those things that are about to come I want to take this time first, to set the record straight on a few matters. I do not wish to dwell on the particulars of others, but there have been some outright lies and half truths going around and its clear to me now, more than ever, that several people have set out with personal agendas to slander Next Generation Gaming. One month ago I brought to you all my Christmas Address, in which I spoke about how people that wish to DDOS us may be able to attack our servers but I also spoke about how they could never crush or defeat the spirit of an NGG Member, today our neighbors at Horizon Roleplay have set out in a game of smear tactics, and while the ownership of that community is not accepting responsibility for the various forms of attack, the fact remain, that some of his chosen leadership have engaged in very questionable activity - including vandalizing gang slots and massive server advertising, and on top of these attacks against us it has been said that we are simply banning players from our community just because they are playing at HRP, and my friends, that is not true.
  9. Any person that has received a ban from us, has been done because they set out to advertise or attack in some fashion against us, we have not and will not ban people just because they play at other communities. The truth is we have instructed our admin staff not to be a part of that community due to the attacks and the conflict of interest that it presents because of those very attacks, but these restrictions have not be placed onto anyone else. Lastly on the note of HRP, it has also be tossed around that we are attacking them by means of DDOS. Next Generation Gaming has not and will not ever use such means against another gaming community, we have been able to pride ourselves on our achievements that have been won by fair play methods only, with quality scripting and a strong backbone. NGG welcomes our neighbors such as USRP, SARP, LSRP and even HRP for what they can bring to the SAMP Community overall - however we would hope that HRP would focus more on what they could bring to the SAMP Community rather than talking poorly of NGG or being connected with some of these falsehoods and attacks that I have already mentioned. As I do not wish to dwell on the subject of our neighbors, I will leave it there but I do invite anyone that may be concerned to contact me and I would be happy to go over those concerns 1 on 1. Next Generation Gaming wishes all of our neighbors the best of luck in this New Year.
  11. Next Generation Gaming has several great things to bring before you today. I understand that we cannot make everyone happy but I hope that you all will take a moment and think twice about each of the proposals I bring before you and I would hope that you all understand I've taken each of these things into heavy consideration. This week all of my Departments were part of a meeting to discuss our scripting priorities, while I do not have the time to go over each of them, it has been decided that we clear all previous scripting agendas and start anew. Over the last two weeks, members of The Club House have spoken to each faction and family at some point to discuss things you all would like to see and on top of those discussions, the development department also hosted a new feedback gathering site, which you can access at, where already several ideas have been posted and some are already receiving action. I want you to know that the Development Department as well as the Executive Administrators are taking into consideration all of the feedback posted there and that you are being heard out. Over the next couple of weeks our complete Scripting Agenda will be posted for you all to see, some of the things that we have considered based on your feedback is: Additional Mat Runs in Terria Robotta, New trucking routes, Implementation of Speed Cameras, and even some of the smaller suggestions pertaining to the likes of /dice. One of our top priorities in terms of major projects for 2012 is the Player Owned Business Systems which is underway as we speak. The Business Systems project is one of massive proportions and will take a little bit to put together and properly beta test, however we will keep you all updated on the progress of that as details become available and over the next couple of months I will be hosting a series of Scripting-Development Meetings, more details on that to be announced.
  13. We have always enjoyed bringing fun events to the community for all to enjoy. My Public Relations team has decided to step it up a notch and we have a very fun filled month ahead of us already planned. I will keep the details of each event brief for the sake of time at this meeting, but as always, be watching the forums for details on all of our event offerings. Next weekend we will be hosting a Tri Athlon event, in which there will be three segments to the race - a foot race, swimming race, finished off by a vehicle race. We will be offering a test run of the race on the 28th with the main event happening on the 29th, both days will feature three sessions - one for each of our major zones (North America, European, and Oceanic).
  15. Beyond the Tri Athlon we have fun things planned for each weekend, on the weekend of the 3rd we will be offering Free Bronze VIP Weekend, the next weekend will follow with Double EXP, along with a special Valentine's Day Event, on February 18th we will be giving away 5 copies of Brink and having a special Brink Tournament, the next day we will have a special BF3 day and hosting a giveaway of 3 copies of BF3 along with a special team event for that as well, lastly and by popular demand on the last weekend in February we will be modifying the Craftsman Job with the limited time ability to craft Boombox (Radios) which can be sold to other players or kept for yourself! I know these many events will keep us all having a great time, as we enjoy some of these added bonuses and prizes!
  17. But the improvements to Next Generation Gaming do not stop there, I have even more great announcements for you all. Over the last couple of months I have spoken with many of you and listened to your concerns about the gate system, based on your opinions and popular demand, effective February 1st we will discontinue the regular sale of any new gates. Some of you love the gate system but many of you feel that they are a bit too excessive and can impede Roleplay - so I'm here to say that today is the turning point for gates. We will continue to review over each gate that is placed and if it is decided that a gate is in a public area, it could be removed. But let me reassure those who already have gates, we are not taking them from you we are simply not going to sell any new gates beyond the 1st of the month.
  19. Besides just the gates that I'm happy to announce we have also heard out the concerns about the easy access to weapons within Club VIP. While we recognize that the VIP Program should have certain advantages, we do agree that heavier weapons should be harder to obtain by all players and should be more equally accessed. Today it is my pleasure to announce that based on the popular opinion, there again, we will be restricting the access to heavy weapons like the Spas12 and placing those back into the gun market - where material runs will become a more worthwhile venture for you all. Later on down the road there will be some added changes to heavy weapons with the addition of the SAAS Armory, however the details on that project will be discussed in more depth at one our upcoming scripting meetings as I had previously mentioned. We are trying to make things more fair for all our members while honoring those financial contributors who participate in the VIP Program along with those who enjoy the free play that NGG has always offered. The VIP Program will retain certain percentage advantages in the area of mat runs but the end result is the same - the SPAS 12 is back on the market!
  21. Besides removing easy access to some of the heavier weapons we have been quick at work to combat the problem that most any SAMP Community that has age on it faces -- Death Matching. What many people do not understand is that Death Matching is one of our hardest problems to combat because once an admin receives the DM Report - the person is either already dead or shooting has already begun and we are not able to tell if there was RP prior to the shots or even if the person that reported, may have started the shooting. Besides the reduction of heavier weapons, I'm proud to announce the Watchdog DM System, which is going to allow, you, the players a hand in combating this problem. While there are plenty of details about this new system, I will explain the basics to you here today. Any player that is Level 8 or higher will be able to access a special command /dmreport which will place a token against the person they are reporting, after a person has a certain amount of dm tokens against them they are placed onto a special watch list; and then players who are given the "Watchdog Status" will be able to use commands to be randomly assigned a person from the watch list to spectate and if they witness that person DM, they will be able to use special commands to report the offense and get action upon the person. Other levels of staff, including Server Moderators, Community Advisors and Admins will also be able to access the watchdog system. Between the reduction of heavier weapons on our streets and this new system, we can all come together in reducing DM once and for all. The Watchdog DM system finally allows us the tool that we need to combat this offense, which is eyes on the problem before, during and after. You can find a topic with more details on the Watchdog DM system in the announcement section of the forums.
  23. Next I'm happy to announce that we have decided to renew our efforts of goodwill in this New Year to allow consideration of unban for anyone who has been banned for 3 months or more regardless of the offense. They can apply for a fresh ban appeal and their case will be considered one by one, but we want to give those who have served out a long ban a chance to return to our server and be a productive member of this gaming community. I know many of you have friends that have been banned long ago that you would like to play with once again here at NGG, and today, my friends that may be possible! While we are not guaranteeing that everyone will simply be unbanned we are agreeing to take a fresh look at each case.
  25. In keeping on the positive note it is also my pleasure to announce that not only are we going to be offering unban considerations, stopping the new sale of gates, and the new Watchdog DM system but along with our fun filled month packed with great social events we are also going to start offering a special two month program called "Reward Playing", which will offer some fun rewards to our dedicated players! This system is simple, every 10 playing hours you will be rewarded with some neat things such as in game prizes and you will also be given one chance each ten playing hours to win a Gaming Computer! At 10 playing hours you get a random gift and again at 20 hours. Once you reach 30 playing hours this is where it gets a little more interesting: You will receive a Gold Box Gift Token, which you can either give, sell or trade to others players or even use at the Golden Gift Box yourself - the golden gift box will give you only the best gifts, not the small gifts like a First aid Kit which is the scorn of many of you. At 40 playing hours it goes back to the normal random gift, but after that it's all golden! At 50 hours you will receive 5 chances in the gaming computer drawing and at 60 hours and every 10 hours thereafter you will get a Gold Giftbox Token. Each hourly counting period will reset after one month and this special will run for 2 months (or two counting periods).
  27. As an added special to honor our most dedicated players, once you reach 150 playing hours in the counting period you will be added to the Dedicated Players Circle which will have your name displayed in /dedicated inside the server for a period of two months and you will be given the Forum Title and TS Tag for life. Like the Watchdog DM system you can find more details about the Reward Playing System on the forums after this meeting. At the end of the two months, the drawing will be held to determine the winner of the new Gaming Computer!
  29. As I begin to close this meeting, I hope you all can see that we are ready to kick 2012 off right with a multitude of great events and changes, all of which, have been inspired by our valued members. It's our goal to have fun events like the one's I presented in this meeting along with one major scripting release each month. Each day the members of Next Generation Gaming come together as we see our server maxed out for 4, 5 even 6 hours at a time. We thank you for that ongoing support that you give us and hope that you will continue to give that support to us all throughout the year. Over the next few weeks I plan to be out and about more often to visit with as many of you as possible, to be able to continue to hear out your concerns, take your questions and get your comments on matters that are important to you. Thank you for everything that you have done and all that you will do throughout 2012 and beyond.
  31. See: for details on Reward Playing and the Watchdog DM System.
  33. Thanks,
  34. Devin
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