
synaptic is bad at debate

Jan 24th, 2018
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  1. 15:30 synaptic who is getting fired and imprisoned
  2. 15:31 synaptic ZERO oversight of the deep state?
  3. 15:31 Meren Given they advocate for enforcement of the 2nd Amendment.
  4. 15:31 synaptic this shit didn't happen when obama was inaugurated, or bush
  5. 15:31 *** tis quit (Quit: tis)
  6. 15:31 Meren synaptic: What is the deep state?
  7. 15:31 synaptic these people are going down for sedition and treason
  8. 15:31 synaptic is that rhetorical?
  9. 15:32 synaptic deep state, n. a body of people, typically influential members of government agencies or the military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy.
  10. 15:32 Meren It's a questioned designed to prompt you to explicate your worldview.
  11. 15:32 synaptic In the United States, the term "deep state" describes a form of alleged cabal that coordinates efforts by government employees and others to influence state policy without regard for democratically elected leadership.
  12. 15:32 synaptic according to wikipedia
  13. 15:32 Meren synaptic: I agree a deep state can exist.
  14. 15:32 Meren Do you think a deep state exists in the USA?
  15. 15:32 synaptic yes, do you?
  16. 15:33 Gumbie the establishment meaning FBI and CIA has had bushes in top positions for many years.. I don't beleieve they left without keeping a foot atleast in the door there....
  17. 15:33 Meren To an extent, yes.
  18. 15:33 Meren Which members of the deep state are you most concerned about?
  19. 15:33 synaptic all of them
  20. 15:33 Meren That's not a real answer.
  21. 15:33 synaptic you ask bullshit questions
  22. 15:33 Easymoney
  23. 15:33 urlinfo *** Content type: image/jpeg
  24. 15:34 Easymoney do u guys think chuck schumer is gay?
  25. 15:34 Meren If I am to take action based off your concern over the deep state, "all of them" prompts no precise action.
  26. 15:34 Meren What should I do about "all of them" deep state people?
  27. 15:34 Gumbie the so called FBI pre-recruitment is done in colleges all over. The secretive group Skull & bones exists and has for long time.....
  28. 15:34 synaptic another bullshit question
  29. 15:34 Meren Are you advocating the US federal government employ nobody who is not elected?
  30. 15:34 ltCd- Meren is on the right:
  31. 15:34 synaptic another bullshit question
  32. 15:34 urlinfo *** Content type: unknown
  33. 15:34 Meren The federal government currently employs a few million non-elected people.
  34. 15:35 Meren Thank you for the conversation, synaptic. You were unable to explicate or defend your position.
  35. 15:35 Meren Claim rejected.
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