
99% of you [...] [PASTA]

Jul 14th, 2013
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  1. 99% of you have no concept of what reality is like because you sit on the computer acting tough all day and IRCing with internet 'friends'
  3. anyways, the ignorance label i'm giving you all stems from the fact that damn near all of you say 'faggot' and variations of the "n-word"
  5. could you worthless, pathetic individuals be any more lame? i bet all of you who say 'faggot' have never actually met a real homosexual person and as such have no idea of how hateful that word can be and really is.
  7. seriously, lambasting a whole group of people whom you have never had any contact with because of what they do in the privacy of their own homes THAT DOESN'T EVEN AFFECT YOU? wow sounds great! not.
  9. now as for the "n-word," that's even more lame to say because none of you morons can even fathom what that word entails and all the hatred and history behind it. maybe it's just me because i'm from the south, but nevertheless you shouldn't say something just to look 'cool'
  11. how about you all stop making such hateful remarks and just try to not be ignorant for a week!
  13. best,
  14. Tyrone
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