Guest User


a guest
Jan 18th, 2017
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text 0.71 KB | None | 0 0
  1. autoconf
  2. automake
  3. blueutil
  4. boost
  5. cabal-install
  6. cairo
  7. cfssl
  8. cmake
  9. coreutils
  10. doxygen
  11. editorconfig
  12. erlang
  13. ffind
  14. ffmpeg
  15. flow
  16. fontconfig
  17. fontforge
  18. freetype
  19. gdbm
  20. gettext
  21. ghc
  22. git
  23. glib
  24. go
  25. gobject-introspection
  26. graphicsmagick
  27. harfbuzz
  28. haskell-stack
  29. highlight
  30. icu4c
  31. influxdb
  32. jemalloc
  33. jpeg
  34. keybase
  35. lame
  36. libevent
  37. libffi
  38. libpng
  39. libtermkey
  40. libtiff
  41. libtool
  42. libuv
  43. libvterm
  44. libxml2
  45. lua
  46. mongodb
  47. msgpack
  48. nginx
  49. node
  50. openssl
  51. openssl@1.1
  52. pango
  53. pcre
  54. pixman
  55. pkg-config
  56. postgresql
  57. protobuf
  58. python
  59. python3
  60. rabbitmq
  61. readline
  62. reattach-to-user-namespace
  63. redis
  64. sqlite
  65. the_silver_searcher
  66. thefuck
  67. tmux
  68. unibilium
  69. unixodbc
  70. wxmac
  71. x264
  72. xvid
  73. xz
  74. yarn
  75. z
  76. zsh
  77. josegonzalez/php/php54
  78. neovim/neovim/neovim
  80. cd ~
  82. mkdir moved
  83. for F in .bash*
  84. do
  85. mv $F moved
  86. done
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