

Mar 6th, 2016
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  1. Personal experiment:
  3. After noticing how little I feel like I have to do when internet is unavailable for a small amount of time, as well as how hard I procrastinate to just watch stream or whatever nonsense, I want to try something. It has definitely become the reflex as soon as I come home from work to check IRC/Twitter/Twitch/Youtube/Skype and then cycle between these for the rest of the day. Even if there's no stream I feel like watching and I close it, I instinctively check it again in a few minutes because this is what my brain goes to when it needs something to do. I love my speedrun friends but this is a bad reaction, especially when there's other stuff I'd like/need to do and blow it off.
  5. So I'm gonna unplug for a few days, not because I really need to, but just to see if I will do other stuff that I wanna do or just find an alternative way to procrastinate and hermit. Blocking all listed above and temporarily uninstalling them from my phone. I've also noticed when I'm driving I instinctively open up shit to look at within like a minute of driving, while not only being dangerous is also a pretty bad reaction. It's kind of a bad dependence.
  7. I tend to function in all or nothing mindsets most of the time and am bad at moderating, so I wanna try the nothing in this. Not really expecting some kind of life change or anything like that, just gonna see how I react for a few days. Have a few things I'd like to and will see if I actually feel like doing them when I have nothing else to do, invent a new nothing to do, or just go crazy from being bored and attempt to uninstall Cold Turkey lol... to be determined. Will disable in the morning, back after Friday.
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