
Fist of the FazBear: Ch 2

Oct 3rd, 2014
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  1. It was a busy day at Chuck E Cheese's. The kids were swimming & jumping in the ball-pit. The game room crowded with children playing the Arcade machines, shooting Skeeball or playing air hockey. Three simultaneous birthday party's had occurred today. Adding that one family had quintuplets.The dining area bustled with the laughter and shouting of children running, playing, and chowing down on Pizza & cupcakes. suddenly the lights dimmed, the kids were immediately filled with excitement as they hurriedly rushed to their seats. "Hiya kids! it's time for the big show!" stated a cheery voice. The stage lights began to shine and move around the curtains. They then opened to show a pink-faced, pointy snout rat with a long tail. dressed in a signature, red colored derby, maroon patterned checkered vest draped over a yellow undershirt that was fitted with black buttons, and bow tie. In his hands was a cane and a cigar, which he mocked smoking in a comedic fashion. Soon the rest of the cast became revealed to all. There was Jasper T. Jowls, the country loving hound dog with his banjo in hands. Helen Henny, the solo singer of the band, looking out to the kids and waving her feathered hand towards the crowd. Next was Pasqually, Chuck E's Pizza chef and Drummer. And finally, was Mr. Mulch. The keyboardist and leader of the Make believe band. This was chuck's last performance of the day. "We've had a real good time today haven't we gang?" exclaimed Chuck, turning towards his crew. Helen clucked a few times, "We sure have Chuck! so many birthday's today I almost couldn't keep up!" said Helen, looking out towards the children, many of whom were fixating on them. Jasper started laughing hysterically. "Gosh dang I never seen so many birthdays befo!" said Jasper, who then strung a chord on his banjo. "I'a tell ya, If a Pizza had twice as many Pepperoni's as today had birthdays, Chuck'a still wouldn't even touch the pizza!" joked Pasqually, whom received some laughter. "Well if ya spent more time makin the Pizza's instead of counting the sausage, i wouldn't have had to fore go lunch today!" retorted Chuck, who was rewarded with the roaring laughter of the birthday kids. Chuck twirled his cane and mock puffed from his cigar.
  5. "Well we're gonna play you all one more birthday jamboree for ya! won't we guys?" Chuck asked, turning his head to the make believers. "Uh we sure will!" Said Mulch, sounding his usually slow self. Twirling his cane once more, he ushered to his gang. "And a one, a two, a you know what to do!". The sound of jamming tunes played throughout Chuck E's place. The dancing animatronics twisted & moved, as if dancing ritually to the show tunes. Chuck danced a little on stage, before he walked down the steps and began to interact carefully with the kids. After a few photographs and hugs, Chuck waltzed back on the stage, finishing the show with the others. They finished with a Rock-afied version of happy birthday. The kids roared with cheers s the pink-faced rat waved to all of them. "That's all for today kids! we sure had a good time." Said Chuck, being responded by sigh's. "Awww, don't worry kids. Chuck will always be here for you. Cause remember, at Chuck E Cheese's, a Kid Can Be a Kid!" he chimed. "That's right!" clucked Helen. "See you later kids!" said the animatronics' as the stage curtain closed around them. The kids were cheering loudly as Chuck Winked at them before the curtain finally closed.
  9. "Finally" Chuck uttered quietly, as his body turned and marched off towards the back stage dressing room. Once inside he slowly sat on his set chair, which had his name engraved in a gold stair. Chuck took off his signature red derby and placed it to the side. He then placed down his fake Cigar, took out a croc skinned cigar case, and took out a fresh cohiba. Chuck reached into his vest and pulled out a silver lighter with the letters 'CEC' engraved on it. He lit the cigar & took a long, slow drag. Holding the smoke in for a moment, He exhaled slowly when he heard the thumping sounds of his mechanical associates walking into the backstage dressing room. Chuck turned his head towards their direction slightly, his eyes half closed to show irritation. "I swear if one more of those greasy little bastards touches me one more time, I'm going to have a 'unexplainable' knee jerk reaction!" Chuck exclaimed, waving his cigar hand slightly. Jasper walked by chuck and placed his Banjo on the table. "Y'all know that ain't gonna Neva happen boss." Said Jasper. "Trust me Jasper" started Chuck, resting his spats on his dressing room table; "After 87, ANYTHING can happen in this Industry." Chuck said, his voice filled with a slight hint of arrogance. "But wasn't management suppose to, ya know, develop a 'costumed' revue?" Jasper asked, head cocked to the side. Chuck took another puff of his cohiba. "Yeah, but Management is as good at delivering promises than PizzaHut is at delivering under 30 minutes or less." retorted Chuck, exhaling slowly as he took a jab at the rival franchise. Helen mechanically waddled her way to chuck, resting her feathered hands on his shoulders. "Speakin of which, have you heard anything from them sweetie?" she clucked. Chuck place a hand on Helen's costumed one. "Nothing yet babe. As expected" he stated, knocking some ash into an ashtray. He looked up at her and grinned. Helen Henny has worked in showbiz pizza for years. Before Chuck came on the scene, she was originally part of a group of cabaret animatronics. But it was through Chuck E's concept unity plan that not only gave Helen her path to stardom, but it also gave her a unrepented love for the spat wearing rat. He then got up and walked mechanically toward the center table, spats clacking on the floor. The room, stocked & filled with many costumed heads of the cast, and several dozen spare endoskeleton's were in the corner. Neatly lined up in formation, as if standing at attention.
  13. "Also, I'd like to add a little something." Started Chuck, he knocked aside some more cigar ash. "What the hell was that on stage, Pasqually?" Chuck barked at his personal chef whom he used sometimes as his verbal punching bag. "It'sa true!" exclaimed Pasqually, speaking in his stereotypical italian accent. He walked over and leaned his hand on the center table gently. "Several'a years workin wit'a you, you are the pickiest sonuva bitch i eva known!" he said, waving a wooden spoon in the air frantically. "I think i have every right to BE picky." Chuck roared, slamming a costumed fist on the table. "I have made this industry what it IS. The quality entertainment. The many games & prizes available. Who's behind that? It's ME!" Chuck shrieked angrily. Helen placed her hands on his shoulders again. "Now calm down Chucky, the kids are still-" "The only reason the term "Family themed restaurant" is relevant is because of me!" He continued on, shrugging off Helen. "If i didn't even remotely give a flying rats ass about you, i would have kept you as a mouth piece for pizza orders! you fucking Pastafazool!" Chuck shouted angrily at Pasqually. The chef just stood in place, and took it. He's been used to being the butt of Chuck E Cheese's jokes. But having to be his personal chef and right-hand man was almost as agonizing than putting up with him on stage. Just then however, a female PR rep peaked her head into the room. "Excuse me, Mr. Cheese?" she said timidly. The rat turned and looked at her with an eyebrow raised. "Nyes?" he said, his sudden change of tone going to that of a gentle one. "The regional manager from PizzaHut is here to see you. should i send him in?" she asked, adjusting her glasses slightly. "Oh why yes of course! please send him in!" Chuck said in his regular happy voice.
  17. In walked a man in a sharp dressed black suit. His tie was red, and on the right breast pocket was a Pizzahut logo. "Well well, glad you could finally join us." Stated chuck, taking in another drag. "So, was Freddy finally...'fun timed'?" he asked, voice filled with glee & anticipation. "T-that's why I was a bit late today. you see....well." Started the regional Manager, struggling internally to get the words out. Chuck tapped one of his feet slightly, displaying some growing impatience "Come on. this mouse's time ain't cheap ya know?" teased chuck. "i know you had me send out a message to Freddy's Pizzeria." he started, wiping away some developing sweat on his forehead. "Yes, and did you make the point clear?" Chuck asked, raising an eyebrow at him. The man adjusted his tie sightly, trying to get a lump out of his throat. "Well...uh, you see." he said, before he stopped talking and simply clapped his hands. this motioned one of his employee's to push a cart into the room. On the cart were four Freddy Faz Bear costumes. They were very bloody. Two heads had a pair of eyeballs loosely hanging out of the empty mask sockets, and teeth peeking out through the mouths. The other two were bleeding profusely from the eye's and mouth sockets. When the cart came to a stop, one of the heads rolled off and fell to the ground, spilling out a collective ooze of brain & skull fragments.
  20. "Gee whizz!" exclaimed Helen, her eyes widened with shock.
  24. "Mamma mia!!" shouted Pasqually, placing his hands on his head in a show of surprise.
  28. Jasper too, was a gaze with surprise. "Hoo-doggy! I haven't seen this much stuffing since last Thanksgiving!" he howled out, laughing hysterically.
  31. Chuck had a sudden look of anger on his face. "Our PR department was right. They hired a night-shift guard to watch the place." the regional manager said. Mulch looked at the stuffed carcass suits for a second. "Ya think that's the guy who stuffed them into these suits?" Asked Mulch, leaning over slowly to poke one of the bloodied suits. "Well, i couldn't think of anyone else who could." Stated Chuck, looking closer at them. "Seems this guy wanted to send us all a message." Chuck said in a serious tone, before looking up and puffing from his Cigar. "That if anyone tries to ruin Freddy's place." he said, then looking directly towards the Regional manager and to his gang. "This guy is gonna put you in your place." Chuck finished, motioning his cigar hand to the carcass stuffed costumes, which started emitting a rotten odor of decay. "That son of a bitch." Uttered the manager, clenching his fist and kicking one of the disembodied heads, which caused a sludge of flesh and bone to spill on the floor. "Hey! don't dirty up my place with the excrement formerly known as your employees!" barked Chuck, stepping back a bit to prevent his spats from being dirty. "What the hell are we supposed to do now?!" Barked back the Regional Manager.
  35. "This changes nothing, Kent." Chuck said, addressing the man by his name. "This clearly indicates that we have to work a bit harder to meet our desired goal of 'Zero' Competition." explained Chuck. "So they have a night guard with an extra layer of balls. Big-fucking-whoop." Said Chuck. "The best you can do is get on the line with Hungry Howie's people and see if you can get something worked out in terms of cooperation. Or better yet." He went on, looking at Kent with a shit eating grin on his pink snout. "Round up some of your personal best "Employee's of the month" and try to plan something on your own. Meanwhile, i can make a couple of calls and see what we can't get done on our side." stated Chuck. "I don't know about this." Said Kent, his unease beginning to show. "Listen here." Said Chuck, placing a hand gently on his arm. "We've come to far to stop now." He started, sounding very gentle and sincere. "All the work we've put in. All the profits & customers, We can't let it stop here." he said to Kent, walking him around the backstage area. "Look how far PizzaHut has come. There's a red-roofed pizzeria in almost every state!" he went on, prodding Kent with pride. "Do you remember having your 7th Birthday party here in this very store?" Asked chuck, holding him close. "I...i think i can..." Started Kent, feeling both nervous and recovering memories from his very turbulent childhood. "I know your folks were going through a very hard time. You told me all about it." Chuck said, his voice emitting a tone of concern. Rubbing Kent's back to comfort him. "Remember what you wished for when you blew out the candles?" Chuck said. Kent closed his eyes and swallowed hard. "I-i wished to become a successful adult..." said Kent. "That's right. And didn't you work twice as hard through that adversity to get into college?" asked Chuck, to which Kent nodded. "Did you not get a master's degree in business?". Kent nodded solemnly again. "Do you know why you succeeded so much?" Asked the rat, turning Kent to meet him face to face. He swallowed once more. "It's because Uncle Chuck believed in you." Stated Chuck with the utmost of love & sincerity in his voice. It was then that Jasper & Pasqually looked at each other, their eyes closed halfway. This is the type of effect that Chuck E Cheese had on people who grew up with him. "Uncle Chuck always listens. Always has, always will." Chuck spoke softly to Kent. "He's always believed in you, even when you parents didn't" he said right into his ear. Kent looked down, choking up slightly whilst fighting away tears. "I-i know...Uncle Chuck." Kent said softly, wiping away his tears. "And remember." Chuck said, taking Kent into his arms in a warm embrace. "Uncle Chuck has your back...always" he said. It was then that Kent started sobbing softly into Chuck's furry shoulder.
  39. "Alright. I'll get into contact with Howie's, and see what else I can do on my end." said Kent, who stopped sobbing and wiped away some more tears. "That's the spirit kiddo!" Chuck exclaimed happily. "Now get out there and show the world what you are capable of!" Chuck said, patting him on the back. Kent nodded enthusiastically. Kent turned and walked towards the door, taking out his cellphone and started to make some calls. Chuck smirked once again, turning to his Make Believe Band. "It's early on during their Cognitive growth and development phase that makes it possible to get inside a kids head. hehehe" Chuck giggled. Pasqually & Jasper took another look at each other with their half closed eyes. Suddenly, Mr. Mulch decided to chime in. "Uhhh, wouldn't have been better if we took care of the competition ourselves?" spoke Mulch, sounding like his usually slow self. Chuck turned his head slightly, looking at Mulch with minor annoyance. "Because why bother getting your hands dirty, when you can have others do your dirty work for you?" he said,puffing out some smoke rings. "This provides a great opportunity for us. I've managed to convince PizzaHut & Hungry Howie's to go after Freddy Faz Bear's Pizzeria. I been planning on knocking those two out of the industry for a long while now. But with Freddy's rise to fame, it has set us back for a very long while." Said Chuck, whose voice grew with disgust by just mentioning the bear, exhaling a plume of cigar smoke. "We've had to work twice as hard just to make up lost revenue cause of that Faz Fuck." Chuck said, shaking his head. "I don't'a get how'a one Bear can cause this'a much a problem for us." Pasqually said. "That's the same thing i thought when i had to deal with Billy Bob. And look how long THAT took" Chuck retorted, remembering the long fight between Pizza time Theatre & Showbiz Pizza. "The difference between Freddy & Billy is that Billy was a kind & caring bear whom could put up an actual fight, but chose to submit to me." stated Chuck, taking a moment to look at Pasqually, his personal chef. "Freddy is a kind and caring bear that is as capable of standing up to others who try to get in his way." finished Chuck, whom took another drag from his Cigar. "So by sending the two franchises after Freddy, he will have no choice but to fight them both until they are completely eliminated." Finished Chuck. Pasqually looked slightly perplexed, his eyes were half closed. "It'll keep him off my back for a while. buy us sometime before we plan our next move on him." Chuck said with a smirk.
  43. "Wait a second!" said Mulch, who looked at the stuffed costumes. "Did that new night guy really do this?" he asked in a dumbfounded way. "Of course not, you giant purple turd." replied Chuck, walking over to them. bending down carefully to reach inside one of the costumed heads. After pushing aside some shattered teeth, Chuck pulled out a blood stained envelope. A bear sticker was holding the envelope closed. "Cheeky bastard." he said, before tearing it open. The letter inside appeared highly decorated. It was a party invitation to Freddy Faz Bear's Pizzeria. Chuck E's hands began to tremble...
  47. [Hey there boys and girls! Are you ready for Freddy? If so, bring your family on down to FREDDY FAZ BEAR's PIZZERIA & celebrate your birthday with Freddy! Cause remember, It's all about the Joy of Creating memories with your family and friends!]
  50. it read on. Chuck began to bear his teeth in a seething rage. But it was the last part of the letter that truly blew Chuck E Cheese over the edge. On the bottom was an Autographed picture of the bear himself, smiling innocently while waving. On the back, it read
  53. [And remember, ALWAYS be Ready for Freddy]
  56. "FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDY!!!!!" Chuck shrieked loudly. The psyche shattering shrieking scream echoed throughout the store. Kids were frozen with Fear. As were the staff and parents. Chuck immediately slammed the picture of Freddy on the table and walked back to his desk. "So that Snazzy Fazzy little shit stain thinks he can fuck with me?!" Chuck Boomed. "I'll put that asshole in his place once and for all!!!" he yelled out, reaching out and grabbing his desk phone. He started punching a few numbers, and leaned back on his desk, trying to let the rage boil over. The phone buzzed a few times, before a cheery female voice was heard. "Hiiii~!! who is it?" the voice said.
  59. "Hey its your old Pal Chuck! remember from the Showbiz days?" Said Chuck.
  62. "Oh my gosh! Chuck it's been such a long time!" The voice said with glee & enthusiasm.
  65. "I know! We were just talking about you too! Thinking back to the good old days of Showbiz Pizza." Said Chuck, his tone being fully relaxed and semi-jolly.
  67. "Oh my gosh, so was i!" said the voice. "Listen uh, I've done some thinking lately. And i was wondering. What if i were to say i found a way to get you back performing properly?" Chuck said in a quizzically yet teasing tone. "Oh my gosh, that would be down right dandy of you Chuck!" the voice replied, sounding more & more cheery by the second. "Well hope no longer, cause i got one just for you!" Exclaimed Chuck. There was a sudden happy sounding, cackling shriek emitting from the phone. Enough for Chuck to move the phone away from his ear. "Okay okay, calm down now, Mitzi" chuck said. "Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh! I can't believe this is happening!!" Said Mitzi over the line. "Yes, yes it is happenin hon. Believe it or not, i have a gig for you." Chuck said, finally managing to get a word in. "Oh my goodness where Chuck!? Will i be ready in time?" Mitzi exclaimed drastically over the phone.
  69. "OH yes, you will be ready just in time for the best performance of your life!" Chuck said. "Just stop by our shop before the end of the day, and we'll get you outfitted for the big show!" Chuck said, twirling the phone cord with his finger. "And the place you'll be performing?" he sai, taking a piece of paper and began to write a name and address. "It is none other than Freddy Faz Bear's Pizzeria." Chuck said. "Sounds lie a fun place!" Mitzi exclaimed over the phone. "It's quite the opposite, i assure you." Chuck immediately responded. "That's why they need you there to put on a great show!" he exclaimed. "I'll be over soon!" she said. "Thanks, Mitzi." Chuck said before hanging up the phone. He then sat back down, and promptly kicked his feet back up on his desk. "Did you really contact her? of ALL people?" Clucked out Helen, feathered arms being crossed.
  71. "Trust me. She's the perfect one to finally end Freddy" he said, sounding confident. "She is one of the original characters that was supposed to be outfitted with a new "2nd generation" animatronic. Unfortunately due to, 'budget cuts' within Showbiz." Chuck took a moment to pause and laugh slightly. "this second version of Mitzi never made it past the prototype stage. But luckily the designers managed to salvage some of her concepts, and we were able to remake a new Endoskeleton using our line of models." He said, Taking one last puff of his cigar before putting it out on a gold ashtray. "And if that ain't enough, i ordered some off the market modifications to give her an edge." He said, looking back towards his skeptical associates. "And what if she fails?" Helen asked, clucking a few times. "I don't really believe we have to worry about that." said Chuck, smiling at her. "She has her own very special way of putting on a show." He said, with an evil grin forming on his snout. 'Tonight, Freddy will know the true meaning of 'Showbiz'"
  75. The time was 11:50 PM. The skies were black, save for the small twinkling stars overhead. Michael was driving his car down the block. His destination was his new place of work. Freddy Faz Bear's Pizzeria. A place where he nearly died last night. A special place that was apparently targeted by a rival Pizza franchise, for simply existing. Mike pulled up into the parking lot of Freddy's & parked. Inside the car Mike adjusted the rearview mirror, looking at himself. Aside the vicious assault last night, Michael wasn't too badly damaged. Just a few bruises & scraps. His left eye was slightly darkened, and there were small bandage's on the bridge of his nose, and on the right cheek. Boy did he have a face only a mother could love. He shook his head and grabbed his hat. He opened the car door and looked up at the Pizzeria. This is where he had to work to make ends meet. Inside that store was a fully sentient, animatronic, childrens birthday bear. Whom not only was capable of observational logic and opinion, But was completely capable of standing up for itself. Even in a deadly way. Michael took in a deep breath, and exhaled slowly. Then he placed his hat on, which was labeled 'Security', and walked towards the main entrance. Inside this store, Freddy Faz Bear awaited with silent enthusiasm. He awaited the return of his new companion.
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