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mathematica error

a guest
Aug 6th, 2013
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  1. x = {Cell[
  2. CellGroupData[{Cell[
  3. BoxData[{RowBox[{RowBox[{RowBox[{"GetCode", "[", "]"}], " ",
  4. ":=", RowBox[{"Cell", "[",
  5. RowBox[{RowBox[{"BoxData", "[",
  6. RowBox[{"StyleBox", "[", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  7. RowBox[{RowBox[{"DynamicBox", "[",
  8. RowBox[{"ToBoxes", "[",
  9. RowBox[{RowBox[{"Refresh", "[",
  10. "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  11. RowBox[{RowBox[{"InputForm", "@@",
  12. RowBox[{"MakeExpression", "@",
  13. "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  14. RowBox[{"First", "@",
  15. RowBox[{"First", "@",
  16. RowBox[{"Cases", "[",
  17. RowBox[{RowBox[{RowBox[{"NotebookGet", "[",
  18. RowBox[{"EvaluationNotebook", "[", "]"}], "]"}],
  19. "[", RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}], ",",
  20. RowBox[{"Cell", "[",
  21. RowBox[{"___", ",",
  22. RowBox[{"CellTags", "\[Rule]", "\"MyGraphic\""}],
  23. ",", "___"}], "]"}], ",", "Infinity"}],
  24. "]"}]}]}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  25. "\[IndentingNewLine]", ",", " ",
  26. RowBox[{"UpdateInterval", " ", "->", " ", "1"}]}],
  27. "]"}], ",", " ", "StandardForm"}], "]"}],
  28. "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}], ",",
  29. RowBox[{"StripOnInput", "->", "False"}], ",",
  30. RowBox[{"LineColor", "->",
  31. RowBox[{"GrayLevel", "[", "0.5", "]"}]}], ",",
  32. RowBox[{"FrontFaceColor", "->",
  33. RowBox[{"GrayLevel", "[", "0.5", "]"}]}], ",",
  34. RowBox[{"BackFaceColor", "->",
  35. RowBox[{"GrayLevel", "[", "0.5", "]"}]}], ",",
  36. RowBox[{"GraphicsColor", "->",
  37. RowBox[{"GrayLevel", "[", "0.5", "]"}]}], ",",
  38. RowBox[{"FontColor", "->",
  39. RowBox[{"GrayLevel", "[", "0.5", "]"}]}]}], "]"}],
  40. "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}], ",", " ",
  41. "\"Output\"", ",",
  42. RowBox[{"CellTags", "\[Rule]", "\"MyCode\""}]}],
  43. "]"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  44. "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  45. RowBox[{RowBox[{RowBox[{"DynamicQ", "[", "]"}], " ", ":=",
  46. " ", RowBox[{"(", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  47. RowBox[{RowBox[{"Length", "@",
  48. RowBox[{"Cases", "[", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  49. RowBox[{RowBox[{"Cases", "[",
  50. RowBox[{RowBox[{RowBox[{"NotebookGet", "[",
  51. RowBox[{"EvaluationNotebook", "[", "]"}], "]"}],
  52. "[", RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}], ",",
  53. RowBox[{"Cell", "[",
  54. RowBox[{"___", ",",
  55. RowBox[{"CellTags", "\[Rule]", "\"MyCode\""}],
  56. ",", "___"}], "]"}], ",", "Infinity"}], "]"}],
  57. "\[IndentingNewLine]", ",",
  58. RowBox[{"DynamicBox", "[", "___", "]"}],
  59. "\[IndentingNewLine]", ",", "Infinity"}], "]"}]}],
  60. "\[Equal]", "1"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", ")"}]}],
  61. ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  62. RowBox[{RowBox[{"CellPrint", "@",
  63. RowBox[{"Cell", "[",
  64. RowBox[{RowBox[{"BoxData", "[",
  65. RowBox[{"ToBoxes", "[", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  66. RowBox[{"Graphics", "[",
  67. RowBox[{RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"Circle", "[", "]"}],
  68. "}"}], ",",
  69. RowBox[{"ImageSize", "\[Rule]",
  70. RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"100", ",", "Automatic"}],
  71. "}"}]}]}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}],
  72. "]"}], ",", "\"Output\"", ",",
  73. RowBox[{"CellTags", "\[Rule]", "\"MyGraphic\""}]}],
  74. "]"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  75. "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  76. RowBox[{RowBox[{"Print", "[",
  77. RowBox[{RowBox[{"Button", "[",
  78. RowBox[{"\"Diable/Enable Dynamic\"", ",",
  79. "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  80. RowBox[{RowBox[{"If", "[",
  81. RowBox[{RowBox[{"DynamicQ", "[", "]"}], ",",
  82. "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  83. RowBox[{RowBox[{"NotebookLocate", "[",
  84. "\"MyCode\"", "]"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  85. RowBox[{"code", " ", "=", " ",
  86. RowBox[{"InputForm", "@@",
  87. RowBox[{"MakeExpression", "@",
  88. "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  89. RowBox[{"First", "@",
  90. RowBox[{"First", "@",
  91. RowBox[{"Cases", "[",
  92. RowBox[{RowBox[{RowBox[{"NotebookGet", "[",
  93. RowBox[{"EvaluationNotebook", "[", "]"}], "]"}],
  94. "[", RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}], ",",
  95. RowBox[{"Cell", "[",
  96. RowBox[{"___", ",",
  97. RowBox[{"CellTags", "\[Rule]", "\"MyGraphic\""}],
  98. ",", "___"}], "]"}], ",", "Infinity"}],
  99. "]"}]}]}]}]}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  100. RowBox[{"NotebookWrite", "[",
  101. RowBox[{RowBox[{"EvaluationNotebook", "[", "]"}],
  102. ",", RowBox[{"Cell", "[",
  103. RowBox[{RowBox[{"BoxData", "[",
  104. "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  105. RowBox[{"ToBoxes", "[", "code", "]"}],
  106. "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}], ",", "\"Input\"",
  107. ",", RowBox[{"CellTags", "\[Rule]",
  108. "\"MyCode\""}]}], "]"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  109. "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", ",",
  110. "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  111. RowBox[{RowBox[{"NotebookLocate", "[",
  112. "\"MyCode\"", "]"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  113. RowBox[{"NotebookWrite", "[",
  114. RowBox[{RowBox[{"EvaluationNotebook", "[", "]"}],
  115. ",", RowBox[{"GetCode", "[", "]"}]}], "]"}],
  116. ";"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}], ";"}]}],
  117. "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}],
  118. RowBox[{"Button", "[",
  119. RowBox[{"\"Update Graphics\"", ",",
  120. "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  121. RowBox[{RowBox[{"NotebookLocate", "[",
  122. "\"MyGraphic\"", "]"}], ";",
  123. "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  124. RowBox[{"NotebookWrite", "[",
  125. RowBox[{RowBox[{"EvaluationNotebook", "[", "]"}],
  126. ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  127. RowBox[{"Cell", "[",
  128. RowBox[{RowBox[{"BoxData", "[",
  129. "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  131. RowBox[{"ToBoxes", "@",
  132. RowBox[{"ReleaseHold", "@",
  133. RowBox[{"MakeExpression", "@",
  134. RowBox[{"First", "@",
  135. RowBox[{"First", "@",
  136. RowBox[{"Cases", "[",
  137. RowBox[{RowBox[{RowBox[{"NotebookGet", "[",
  138. RowBox[{"EvaluationNotebook", "[", "]"}], "]"}],
  139. "[", RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}], ",",
  140. RowBox[{"Cell", "[",
  141. RowBox[{"___", ",",
  142. RowBox[{"CellTags", "\[Rule]", "\"MyCode\""}],
  143. ",", "___"}], "]"}], ",",
  144. RowBox[{"{", "1", "}"}]}], "]"}]}]}]}]}]}],
  145. "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}], ",", "\"Input\"",
  146. ",", RowBox[{"CellTags", "\[Rule]",
  147. "\"MyGraphic\""}]}], "]"}]}],
  148. "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}], ";"}]}],
  149. "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}]}],
  150. "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}], ";"}],
  151. "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  152. RowBox[{RowBox[{"CellPrint", "@",
  153. RowBox[{"GetCode", "[", "]"}]}], ";"}],
  154. "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  155. RowBox[{"(*", " ",
  156. RowBox[{RowBox[{"CellPrint", "@",
  157. RowBox[{"Cell", "[",
  158. RowBox[{RowBox[{"BoxData", "[", "\n", " ",
  160. RowBox[{"DynamicBox", "[",
  161. RowBox[{RowBox[{"ToBoxes", "[", "\n", " ",
  162. RowBox[{RowBox[{"Refresh", "[",
  163. "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  164. RowBox[{RowBox[{"ToBoxes", "@@",
  165. RowBox[{"MakeExpression", "@",
  166. RowBox[{"First", "@",
  167. RowBox[{"First", "@",
  168. RowBox[{"Cases", "[",
  169. RowBox[{RowBox[{RowBox[{"NotebookGet", "[",
  170. RowBox[{"EvaluationNotebook", "[", "]"}], "]"}],
  171. "[", RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}], ",",
  172. RowBox[{"Cell", "[",
  173. RowBox[{"___", ",",
  174. RowBox[{"CellTags", "\[Rule]", "\"MyGraphic\""}],
  175. ",", "___"}], "]"}], ",", "Infinity"}],
  176. "]"}]}]}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  177. "\[IndentingNewLine]", ",", " ",
  178. RowBox[{"UpdateInterval", " ", "->", " ", "1"}]}],
  179. "]"}], ",", " ", "StandardForm"}], "]"}], ",",
  180. "\n", " ",
  181. RowBox[{"ImageSizeCache", "->",
  182. RowBox[{"{",
  183. RowBox[{"7.", ",", " ",
  184. RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0.", ",", " ", "7."}],
  185. "}"}]}], "}"}]}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", " ",
  186. "\"Input\"", ",", "\n", " ",
  188. RowBox[{"CellChangeTimes", "->",
  189. RowBox[{"{", "3.5839336357137146`*^9", "}"}]}]}],
  190. "]"}]}], ";"}], " ", "*)"}]}], "Input",
  191. CellChangeTimes -> {{3.583934510565753`*^9,
  192. 3.583934511856827`*^9}, {3.583934664748572`*^9,
  193. 3.5839346658266335`*^9}, {3.5839347013006625`*^9,
  194. 3.5839347413869553`*^9}, {3.5840371605430984`*^9,
  195. 3.5840371644633226`*^9}, {3.584037543148982`*^9,
  196. 3.5840375483802814`*^9}, {3.5840376301689596`*^9,
  197. 3.58403763314813`*^9}, {3.5840379794969397`*^9,
  198. 3.5840379849482517`*^9}, {3.584038161913374`*^9,
  199. 3.5840381620333805`*^9}, {3.5840382216817923`*^9,
  200. 3.5840382347065372`*^9}, {3.584038314514102`*^9,
  201. 3.584038404605255`*^9}, {3.584038532517571`*^9,
  202. 3.584038597695299`*^9}, {3.584038687541438`*^9,
  203. 3.5840386918726854`*^9}, {3.584039048367076`*^9,
  204. 3.584039061991855`*^9}, {3.5840390957977886`*^9,
  205. 3.5840391146768684`*^9}, {3.5840391487528176`*^9,
  206. 3.584039223027066`*^9},
  207. 3.584039294112132`*^9, {3.5840393403057737`*^9,
  208. 3.5840393424338956`*^9}, {3.584039422535477`*^9,
  209. 3.5840394380653653`*^9}, {3.584039583294672`*^9,
  210. 3.58403964007292`*^9}, {3.5840397635889845`*^9,
  211. 3.584039787743366`*^9}, {3.5840398667668858`*^9,
  212. 3.58403996369843`*^9}, {3.5840997717017965`*^9,
  213. 3.584099772842862`*^9}, {3.584099821697656`*^9,
  214. 3.584099905367442`*^9}, {3.5840999484909086`*^9,
  215. 3.584099982721866`*^9}, {3.5841018839826117`*^9,
  216. 3.584101910102106`*^9}, {3.5841019486933136`*^9,
  217. 3.58410195248053`*^9}, {3.5841019847563763`*^9,
  218. 3.5841020516122`*^9}, {3.584102213812477`*^9,
  219. 3.584102344090929`*^9}, {3.5841025149507017`*^9,
  220. 3.584102539470104`*^9}, {3.5841026849254236`*^9,
  221. 3.5841026889376526`*^9}, {3.584102849067812`*^9,
  222. 3.58410289659053`*^9}, {3.584132219720541`*^9,
  223. 3.5841322320532465`*^9}, {3.584132266697228`*^9,
  224. 3.5841323003051505`*^9}, {3.5841323337920656`*^9,
  225. 3.5841323644888215`*^9}, {3.584132415197722`*^9,
  226. 3.584132534840565`*^9}, {3.5841326039095154`*^9,
  227. 3.584132614673131`*^9}, {3.5841327004370365`*^9,
  228. 3.584132728187624`*^9}, {3.5841327914192405`*^9,
  229. 3.584132819161827`*^9}, {3.5841329657822137`*^9,
  230. 3.584133012077862`*^9}, {3.584133806760315`*^9,
  231. 3.5841338189360113`*^9}, {3.5841338991816006`*^9,
  232. 3.584133943612142`*^9}, {3.584138353766389`*^9,
  233. 3.584138354630438`*^9}, {3.5841384593294263`*^9,
  234. 3.584138460711506`*^9},
  235. 3.584138694563881`*^9, {3.584210382251153`*^9,
  236. 3.5842103875574565`*^9}, 3.584210656479838`*^9,
  237. 3.5842108551071987`*^9, {3.584211265046646`*^9,
  238. 3.5842112683858366`*^9},
  239. 3.5842113075620775`*^9, {3.584313369762908`*^9,
  240. 3.584313370790967`*^9}, {3.584836878760091`*^9,
  241. 3.5848368798441525`*^9}}],
  242. Cell[BoxData[
  243. GraphicsBox[CircleBox[{0, 0}],
  244. ImageSize -> {100, Automatic}]], "Output",
  245. CellChangeTimes -> {3.5843176186689315`*^9},
  246. CellTags -> "MyGraphic"],
  247. Cell[BoxData[
  248. RowBox[{ButtonBox["\"Diable/Enable Dynamic\"",
  249. Appearance -> Automatic,
  251. ButtonFunction :> (If[$CellContext`DynamicQ[],
  252. NotebookLocate["MyCode"]; $CellContext`code =
  253. InputForm @@
  254. MakeExpression[
  255. First[First[
  256. Cases[NotebookGet[EvaluationNotebook[]][[1]],
  257. Cell[___,
  258. CellTags -> "MyGraphic", ___], \[Infinity]]]]];
  259. NotebookWrite[EvaluationNotebook[],
  260. Cell[BoxData[ToBoxes[$CellContext`code]], "Input",
  261. CellTags -> "MyCode"]];, NotebookLocate["MyCode"];
  262. NotebookWrite[
  263. EvaluationNotebook[], $CellContext`GetCode[]];];),
  264. Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], " ",
  265. ButtonBox["\"Update Graphics\"", Appearance -> Automatic,
  266. ButtonFunction :> (NotebookLocate["MyGraphic"];
  267. NotebookWrite[EvaluationNotebook[],
  268. Cell[BoxData[
  269. ToBoxes[
  270. ReleaseHold[
  271. MakeExpression[
  272. First[First[
  273. Cases[NotebookGet[EvaluationNotebook[]][[1]],
  274. Cell[___, CellTags -> "MyCode", ___], {1}]]]]]]],
  275. "Input", CellTags -> "MyGraphic"]];),
  276. Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"]}]],
  277. "Print", CellChangeTimes -> {3.5843176187029333`*^9}],
  278. Cell[
  279. BoxData[StyleBox[
  280. DynamicBox[
  281. ToBoxes[Refresh[
  282. InputForm @@
  283. MakeExpression[
  284. First[First[
  285. Cases[NotebookGet[EvaluationNotebook[]][[1]],
  286. Cell[___,
  287. CellTags -> "MyGraphic", ___], \[Infinity]]]]],
  288. UpdateInterval -> 1], StandardForm],
  289. ImageSizeCache -> {385.`, {2.`, 8.`}}],
  290. StripOnInput -> False, LineColor -> GrayLevel[0.5`],
  291. FrontFaceColor -> GrayLevel[0.5`],
  292. BackFaceColor -> GrayLevel[0.5`],
  293. GraphicsColor -> GrayLevel[0.5`],
  294. FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.5`], $CellContext`BackFaceColor ->
  295. GrayLevel[0.5`]]], "Output",
  296. CellChangeTimes -> {3.584317618704934`*^9},
  297. CellTags -> "MyCode"]}, Open]],
  298. Cell[CellGroupData[{Cell[
  299. BoxData[RowBox[{"InputForm", "@@",
  300. RowBox[{"MakeExpression", "@", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  301. RowBox[{"First", "@",
  302. RowBox[{"First", "@", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  303. RowBox[{"Cases", "[",
  304. RowBox[{RowBox[{RowBox[{"NotebookGet", "[",
  305. RowBox[{"EvaluationNotebook", "[", "]"}], "]"}],
  306. "[", RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}], ",",
  308. RowBox[{"Cell", "[",
  309. RowBox[{"___", ",",
  310. RowBox[{"CellTags", "\[Rule]", "\"MyGraphic\""}],
  311. ",", "___"}], "]"}], ",", "Infinity"}],
  312. "]"}]}]}]}]}]], "Input",
  313. CellChangeTimes -> {3.5848369570215673`*^9}],
  314. Cell[BoxData[
  315. RowBox[{StyleBox[RowBox[{"First", "::", "first"}],
  316. "MessageName"], RowBox[{":", " "}],
  317. "\"\[NoBreak]\\!\\({}\\)\[NoBreak] has a length of zero and \
  318. no first element. \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\", \
  319. ButtonStyle->\\\"Link\\\", ButtonFrame->None, \
  320. ButtonData:>\\\"paclet:ref/message/First/first\\\", ButtonNote -> \
  321. \\\"First::first\\\"]\\)\""}]], "Message", "MSG",
  322. CellChangeTimes -> {3.5843180161496663`*^9, \
  323. {3.584836814211399`*^9, 3.584836816291518`*^9},
  324. 3.584836957961621`*^9}],
  325. Cell["Graphics[Circle[{0, 0}], ImageSize -> {100, Automatic}]",
  326. "Output",
  327. CellChangeTimes -> {3.584318016150666`*^9, \
  328. {3.584836814249401`*^9, 3.5848368162925177`*^9},
  329. 3.584836957963621`*^9}]}, Open]],
  330. Cell[CellGroupData[{Cell[
  331. BoxData[RowBox[{"Cases", "[", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  332. RowBox[{RowBox[{RowBox[{"NotebookGet", "[",
  333. RowBox[{"EvaluationNotebook", "[", "]"}], "]"}], "[",
  334. RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}], ",",
  335. "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  336. RowBox[{"Cell", "[",
  337. RowBox[{"___", ",",
  338. RowBox[{"CellTags", "\[Rule]", "\"MyGraphic\""}], ",",
  339. "___"}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", ",",
  340. "Infinity"}], "]"}]], "Input",
  341. CellChangeTimes -> {{3.5843181415298376`*^9,
  342. 3.584318143646959`*^9}, {3.584836969275268`*^9,
  343. 3.584836974414562`*^9}, {3.584837113038491`*^9,
  344. 3.584837114699586`*^9}, {3.5848383830785294`*^9,
  345. 3.5848383980623865`*^9}}],
  346. Cell[BoxData[
  347. RowBox[{StyleBox[RowBox[{"First", "::", "first"}],
  348. "MessageName"], RowBox[{":", " "}],
  349. "\"\[NoBreak]\\!\\({}\\)\[NoBreak] has a length of zero and \
  350. no first element. \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\", \
  351. ButtonStyle->\\\"Link\\\", ButtonFrame->None, \
  352. ButtonData:>\\\"paclet:ref/message/First/first\\\", ButtonNote -> \
  353. \\\"First::first\\\"]\\)\""}]], "Message", "MSG",
  354. CellChangeTimes -> {{3.5848383945551863`*^9,
  355. 3.5848383984854107`*^9}}],
  356. Cell[BoxData[
  357. RowBox[{"{",
  358. RowBox[{RowBox[{"Cell", "[",
  359. RowBox[{RowBox[{"BoxData", "[",
  360. RowBox[{"GraphicsBox", "[",
  361. RowBox[{RowBox[{"CircleBox", "[",
  362. RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0", ",", "0"}], "}"}],
  363. "]"}], ",",
  364. RowBox[{"ImageSize", "\[Rule]",
  365. RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"100", ",", "Automatic"}],
  366. "}"}]}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", "\"Output\"", ",",
  367. RowBox[{"CellChangeTimes", "\[Rule]",
  368. RowBox[{"{", "3.5843176186689315`*^9", "}"}]}], ",",
  369. RowBox[{"CellTags", "\[Rule]", "\"MyGraphic\""}]}],
  370. "]"}], ",",
  371. RowBox[{"Cell", "[",
  372. RowBox[{"___", ",",
  373. RowBox[{"CellTags", "\[Rule]", "\"MyGraphic\""}], ",",
  374. "___"}], "]"}], ",",
  375. RowBox[{"Cell", "[",
  376. RowBox[{RowBox[{"BoxData", "[",
  377. RowBox[{"RowBox", "[",
  378. RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\"{\"", ",", "\"}\""}],
  379. "}"}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", "\"Input\"", ",",
  380. RowBox[{"CellTags", "\[Rule]", "\"MyGraphic\""}]}],
  381. "]"}], ",",
  382. RowBox[{"Cell", "[",
  383. RowBox[{"___", ",",
  384. RowBox[{"CellTags", "\[Rule]", "\"MyGraphic\""}], ",",
  385. "___"}], "]"}]}], "}"}]], "Output",
  386. CellChangeTimes -> {3.5843180264642563`*^9,
  387. 3.5843180997124457`*^9, {3.5843181444170027`*^9,
  388. 3.5843181721985917`*^9},
  389. 3.5848368246919985`*^9, {3.584836895896071`*^9,
  390. 3.5848368971051397`*^9}, 3.5848369698733025`*^9,
  391. 3.584837115143611`*^9, {3.584838380405377`*^9,
  392. 3.584838398486411`*^9}}]}, Open]],
  393. Cell[CellGroupData[{Cell[
  394. BoxData[RowBox[{RowBox[{"NotebookGet", "[",
  395. RowBox[{"EvaluationNotebook", "[", "]"}], "]"}], "[",
  396. RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}]], "Input",
  397. CellChangeTimes -> {{3.5848385435387077`*^9,
  398. 3.5848385438907275`*^9}, {3.5848389493499184`*^9,
  399. 3.5848389502899723`*^9}}],
  400. Cell[BoxData[
  401. InterpretationBox[
  402. TagBox[PanelBox[
  403. GridBox[{{StyleBox[
  405. StyleBox[
  406. DynamicBox[
  407. ToBoxes[
  408. FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["FEStrings",
  409. "sizeExplanation"], StandardForm],
  410. ImageSizeCache -> {299.`, {3.`, 9.`}}],
  411. StripOnInput -> False, DynamicUpdating -> True],
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  564. (* First::first: {} has a length of zero and no first element. >> *)
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