

Mar 2nd, 2016
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  1. ------------------------------
  2. Logging started for Rizon:Flamberge- on Wednesday, March 2, 2016 1:51:02 PM Western Indonesia Time
  3. ------------------------------
  5. ** Query with Flamberge-
  6. (Flamberge-) hey tink, okay f we just talk in here for a bit? i'm tired of hearing them go on about purge
  7. (Flamberge-) *if
  8. (Tinker_) Huh? Sure man
  9. (Tinker_) I don't really mind
  10. (Flamberge-) and i just wanna say
  11. (Flamberge-) don't get rid of stephanie, alright?
  12. (Tinker_) I won't
  13. (Flamberge-) thanks tink
  14. (Tinker_) Actually i might do stuff with her
  15. (Flamberge-) oh, really? cool
  16. (Tinker_) In covengers stephanie is a character of mine, has the power of earth manipulatiom
  17. (Tinker_) N
  18. (Flamberge-) tink, this might already be the idea you're going for, but you just gave me an idea
  19. (Tinker_) ???
  20. (Flamberge-) what if stephanie, in this universe, got powers?
  21. (Tinker_) !!
  22. (Tinker_) I have an unused power, astrological physiology
  23. (Tinker_) And i /might/ intergrate it with Steph!
  24. (Flamberge-) sounds cool
  25. (Tinker_) Hmmm.... She would stumble upon some necklace with the zodiac wheel as the amulet and it gives her powers? And she happens to not be able to control it just yet
  26. (Flamberge-) i just thought it'd be an interesting twist: a random background character suddenly thrust into the spotlight
  27. (Flamberge-) that would be cool
  28. (Tinker_) She would see a lot of random villain events and be in there accidentally, using her powers to survive
  29. (Flamberge-) which zodiac, by the way? chinese? greco-roman? something else i haven't heard of?
  30. (Tinker_) Western zodiac
  31. (Tinker_) She uses the planets instead of the zodiac itself
  32. (Flamberge-) oh, that's even cooler, i don't think anybody's ever done that
  33. (Tinker_) But each sign has a ruling planet, Leo=Sun, Virgo and Gemini = Mercury and so on
  34. (Tinker_) So if Steph's amulet shines on Scorpio, it'll give her pluto's powers
  35. (Tinker_) Cancer, moon
  36. (Flamberge-) i think i know where she could "stumble upon it"
  37. (Tinker_) I do know a lot about astrology
  38. (Tinker_) Go ahead man
  39. (Flamberge-) there's a little shop in chinatown that deals in magic items, it's where flam gets his wanderer's crystals (the crystals he stores his weapons in)
  40. (Tinker_) Mhm
  41. (Tinker_) Maybe steph sees it and thinks it's cute then bought it without knowing the powers?
  42. (Flamberge-) she could buy it, not knowing it's magic, and boom: new hero on the streets of new york
  43. (Flamberge-) ^^^
  44. (Flamberge-) exactly
  45. (Tinker_) Yes that's neat
  46. (Flamberge-) okay, i'm loving that we turned a random fangirl into a full character
  47. (Tinker_) Yep
  48. (Flamberge-) you're really awesome tink
  49. (Flamberge-) thanks for going along with this
  50. (Tinker_) R-really? Thanks!
  51. (Tinker_) It's just a really interesting idea
  52. (Flamberge-) i'm almost tempted to say that the little old lady who runs the shop gives it to her for free for some unknown reason, but i'm wondering if that might be too much
  53. (Tinker_) Hmm
  54. (Tinker_) The old lady might just gave her a discount
  55. (Tinker_) She knows the amulet is going to the right home
  56. (Flamberge-) yeah, giving it to her for free sounds way too much like a "chosen one" kind of thing
  57. (Tinker_) Who knows the amulet's been sitting in the shop for years
  58. (Flamberge-) yeah, granny xiaolong is cool like that
  59. (Tinker_) And it's finally sold
  60. (Flamberge-) yeah, sometimes she just knows what someone needs
  61. (Tinker_) Mmhm
  62. (Tinker_) Yes this is neat
  63. (Flamberge-) (she's unknowably old, and there are theories that she may actually be a dragon, but nobody's dared to ask)
  64. (Tinker_) Yes that's awesome
  65. (Flamberge-) it's weird, but i think i've put more effort into this shopkeeper than i have flam himself
  66. (Tinker_) Hahaha
  67. (Tinker_) But i like it
  68. (Flamberge-) she's kinda like one of those shopkeepers you see in manga, the ones who treat frequent customers like family
  69. (Flamberge-) if you visit enough, she'll insist you call her granny, sometimes start a pot of tea when you show up
  70. (Tinker_) Aww
  71. (Tinker_) Cute
  72. (Flamberge-) oh, and i really wish we got more of a chance to hang out more in character, i'm sure we'd have a blast being weapon nerds together
  73. (Tinker_) Yesh
  74. (Flamberge-) and even just being friends, hanging out
  75. (Tinker_) Yessd
  76. (Flamberge-) and now i'm wondering if i could enchant nanomachines
  77. (Tinker_) >mfw tinker has a literal magic nanites that can make a flaming sword
  78. (Flamberge-) but then again, your weapons are electric, and a lot of times when you mix lightning and fire, things tend to explode
  79. (Flamberge-) and not in a good way
  80. (Tinker_) ..yeah that too
  81. (Flamberge-) but hey, maybe i could pull in a favor, get them enchanted with something that mixes with lightning better
  82. (Flamberge-) like water, or wind
  83. (Tinker_) Lightning/wind would be cool
  84. (Tinker_) Water... hmm it can work too
  85. (Flamberge-) water magic really isn't great for dealing damage (unless you use a lot), but it really boosts lightning damage
  86. (Tinker_) Mhm, i see
  87. (Tinker_) I think Tink can use water magic to splash her enemies and combines it with dominator's stun mode to deliver damage to a large amount of people
  88. (Tinker_) Though it'll be weakened because splash damage
  89. (Flamberge-) wind and lightning don't really "mix", they just work really well together
  90. (Tinker_) This is cool
  91. (Flamberge-) that's brilliant! why didn't i think of that? water's most beneficial power for weapons: splash damage!
  92. (Tinker_) Yee
  93. (Flamberge-) y'know, i should talk to you about magic stuff more often, you probably have a lot of cool ideas i haven't even thought of
  94. (Tinker_) I like magic stuff
  95. (Tinker_) Sure!
  96. (Flamberge-) i told you about my idea with the four basic elements, right?
  97. (Tinker_) Hm?
  98. (Tinker_) I, don't remember a lot of it actually
  99. (Flamberge-) basically, all enchantments (and possibly magic as a whole) start with the four basic elements
  100. (Flamberge-) some elements have sub elements, which are either a part of them naturally (lightning is a sub element of air, ice is a sub element of water) or a mixture of two elements (lava would be a mix of earth and fire)
  101. (Tinker_) Mhm cool
  102. (Flamberge-) basically, it's a mess, and i just make up how elements mix on the spot
  103. (Tinker_) Hahah
  104. (Tinker_) It's cool tho
  105. (Flamberge-) oh, i wanna let you in on a little something, at this point only me and gestalt know
  106. (Tinker_) Hmm??
  107. (Flamberge-) once flam gets his upgrade and all his new gear, he's going to give his old revolvers to gestalt
  108. (Tinker_) That's cool
  109. (Flamberge-) sort of a legacy thing
  110. (Flamberge-) like "these got me through a lot of trouble, i hope they can do the same for you"
  111. (Flamberge-) that kind of thing
  112. (Tinker_) Cool cool
  115. 17:25 Flamberge- tink, have you heard of ouran highschool host club?
  116. 17:27 Tinker_ mhm, but i never watched it
  117. 17:27 Flamberge- well, it kinda gave me an idea
  118. 17:28 Flamberge- Paradigm Charity Host Club
  119. 17:28 Tinker_ hmm? elaborate
  120. 17:28 Flamberge- basically, paradigm members do a host club for charity
  121. 17:30 Tinker_ mmhm
  122. 17:30 Flamberge- a host club is kinda like the reverse of a maid cafe, girls pay money to have guys dote on them while they enjoy food
  123. 17:30 Tinker_ yeah i've heard of that
  124. 17:32 Flamberge- oh, well, i'm just thinking, we get heroes like emit, flamberge, etc, and raise money for [insert charity here]
  125. 17:33 Tinker_ that could really work
  126. 17:33 Flamberge- of course, we'll also make a donation equal to whatever we raise
  127. 17:33 Tinker_ considering the fangirls of all ages and places would go to there
  128. 17:34 Flamberge- the only question is, what charity?
  129. 17:35 Tinker_ hmm
  130. 17:36 Flamberge- hmmm
  131. 17:36 Tinker_ i'm thinking something that has to do with metahumans
  132. 17:37 Tinker_ or ya know, third world countries and stuff?
  133. 17:37 Flamberge- hell, we could do both
  134. 17:38 Flamberge- side note, should probably ask hell yeah, being a famous stuntman
  135. 17:38 Tinker_ yep
  136. 17:42 Flamberge- let's go with third world countries, metas might be a touchy subject with people, but everybody wants to help impoverished nations
  137. 17:42 Tinker_ ^
  138. 17:42 Tinker_ yes!
  139. 17:44 Tinker_ i like this idea
  140. 17:45 Flamberge- and tink, i think we know somebody who might show up
  141. 17:46 Flamberge- or, actually, maybe not, depending on how she's feeling
  142. 17:46 Tinker_ stephanie?
  143. 17:46 Tinker_ she might come in
  144. 17:46 Flamberge- yeah, y'know, because fangirls
  145. 17:47 Flamberge- but i could actually understand why she wouldn't
  146. 17:47 Tinker_ i think she might come just to see her idol/crush for the last time before moving on
  147. 17:48 Tinker_ and this happen before she gets her powers so she's still a normal girl
  148. 17:48 Flamberge- sounds fair
  149. 17:49 Tinker_ also yes she will have grudges for lioness, but it won't last long after she realizes that it's silly
  150. 17:50 Flamberge- character progression, i like it
  151. 17:53 Tinker_ hell she might even become close friend with lioness after the grudge is settled
  152. 17:53 Flamberge- also, just an idea, but i kinda like the thought of training her myself
  153. 17:55 Tinker_ cute
  154. 17:56 Flamberge- >senpai becomes sensei
  155. 17:57 Tinker_ cute
  156. 17:57 Tinker_ so she'll get some combat skills from flam and magic skill from jeroen
  157. 17:58 Tinker_ [he told me that he's up to training steph]
  158. 17:58 Flamberge- perfect
  159. 17:58 Flamberge- although maybe lioness should help with the combat training
  160. 18:00 Tinker_ yeah
  161. 18:05 Flamberge- i could probably help with some of the basics of being a hero, always finding a way to gain an advantage, blanacing training with your personal life, that kind of thing
  162. 18:06 Tinker_ she's still a college girl after all and she's determined to graduate
  163. 18:08 Flamberge- exactly, and what kind of role model would i be if i let her fall behind on her studies?
  164. 18:10 Tinker_ a bad one
  165. 18:10 Flamberge- ^
  166. 18:11 Flamberge- i'll just have to be the best mentor ever
  167. 18:14 Tinker_ yep
  168. 18:14 Tinker_ keep her spirits up and all
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