
Seven - UnusualSuspects

May 27th, 2012
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  1. > I break into a run as soon as I'm around the first corner.
  2. > The mist should cover the noise.
  3. > If I'm lucky, I'll find the other end of the alley quick enough to make a difference.
  4. > Fate breaks a bad habit.
  5. > I get lucky.
  6. > The alleyway is a small, dirty backgarden access for a row of ill repaired country terrace houses.
  7. > I stop to catch my breath.
  8. > One minute running is about... one minute more than I'm in condition for these days.
  9. > While I lean on the alley wall, I listen.
  10. > In the distance, another clatter and a muffled cursing, followed by irregular hoof falls.
  11. > Thing about p0nies that I've learnt...
  12. > Compared to a human? They're not all that good at sneaking around.
  13. > Horses are built to spot and run, not lurk and stalk.
  14. > Guess they still carry that with them.
  15. > I figured out early on that I wasn't gonna catch a fleeing p0ny.
  16. > Over a real short distance? Less than 10 feet? Yeah, sometimes I'd get the drop on them.
  17. > Two legs are easier to get moving than four.
  18. > Beyond that, I'd be lucky to keep up with the dust trail.
  19. > So, Instead I tried to be where they were running to.
  20. > Staying in this guard game has given me a lot of practice at lurking.
  22. > I hold position and slowly draw my piece.
  23. > It ain't no Smith and Wesson, but it's the closest thing I'm gonna find on this crazy horse-run world.
  24. > Small, compact crossbow that folds down and fits in my long pocket nice and snug.
  25. > Only one shot, but I carry 6 bolts sewn into leather holders inside my coat.
  26. > Diamond dog work.
  27. > Picked it up during a rough case two years back.
  28. > It's a short, nasty looking piece that I only use for short, nasty jobs.
  29. > I hope I don't have to use it every single time I load it.
  30. > Most of the time, I don't disappoint myself.
  31. > Still, gotta be careful.
  32. > Technically, these things are illegal.
  33. > I wait, hidden in the shadows cast by the eaves of a house that frames the alley.
  34. > It's a young mare or an older filly.
  35. > She's carefully picking her path down the garbage strewn dirt track.
  36. > The moonlight is helping, but she's still having a hard time.
  37. > She's alone and distracted.
  38. > Good.
  39. > Keeps her eyes of me.
  41. > Definately an older filly, red mane with a pink bow, yellow coat and a familiar drawl in her muttering.
  42. > She's within twenty feet when I step out.
  43. "You looking to earn a cutie mark in spying, or you just really interested in guardwork?"
  44. > The filly jumps, eyes wide with panic and starts to back away.
  45. > Shit.
  46. "Missy, I need you to stop right there."
  47. > I pull the crossbow and with a quick motion cock the lever.
  48. > She's yellow, in more ways than one.
  49. > Either she didn't see the piece, or she doesn't know what one is.
  50. "You run, I shoot. Don't you think that I won't."
  51. > Especially since I won't.
  52. > God damn it.
  53. > She turns and bolts down the alleyway, knocking over a trashcan as she runs.
  54. > I take off after her, hat falling behind me with crossbow a close second.
  55. > My coat flares out behind me as leap the fallen can.
  56. > It's hopeless and I know it.
  57. > She's smaller than me by a longshot, but still quicker.
  58. > Then, for the second time tonight, fate decides to cut me a break.
  59. > As she looks back to see If I'm good for my word with the crossbow, she slams into another garbage can.
  60. > The filly topples over it, thumping to the ground and skidding in the mud.
  61. > She's just getting her legs in order when I leap, catching her around the midriff.
  62. > I muscle her down to the floor, her legs kicking and flailing this way and that.
  63. > Bringing my head closer to hers, through quick breaths I tell her...
  64. ..."I say stay put, you stay put dammit!"
  66. > She flails and bucks underneath me.
  67. > I reposition myself, grabbing a forehoof with each hand and flipping her over.
  68. > I'm sitting astride her, she's on her back and I have both her hooves restrained.
  69. > She's stronger than she looks.
  70. > More stubborn too.
  71. > Doesn't do her any good.
  72. "You *pant* finished yet?"
  73. > One last vain struggle to free her hooves and then she looks aside, pouting in defeat.
  74. "Cute isn't gonna get you outta this, sweethooves. What the hell were you doing?"
  75. > "Nuthin mister. Ah'm just goin' home."
  76. "Oh, well in that case, just let me get up and you can be on your way."
  77. > She looks up, shock poorly disguised and a smile starting to creep onto her face.
  78. > I don't move.
  79. > "Um... I can't move with you...can I... di'nt didya mister?"
  80. > Well, I'm dealing with a genius.
  81. "You're quick. Tell you what. You stop lying to me, I'll stop lying to you. Deal?"
  82. > She pouts again.
  83. "I'll even throw in a bonus. If you play ball, I won't even put the anklecuffs on you."
  84. > Her head turns as she looks around for something... escape? help?
  85. > Oh god...
  86. "You're not looking for a ball, are you?"
  87. > She starts to nod, but stops herself.
  88. > Better lay off the slang with this one.
  89. > Jesus.
  90. > What a night.
  92. "What's your name?"
  93. > "Ummmm... Diamond? Tiara?" She gives a rictus grin.
  94. "Horseapples. The cuffs are going on, hold still..."
  95. > "NO!, wait please, I'm sorry... It's... Applebloom. *sigh*"
  96. > That makes sense.
  97. "So, I guess that answers why you're watching the station..."
  98. > "uhuh..." Applebloom looks downcast, even her bow sags.
  99. "Aw... damn it. Look. I'm gonna trust you. I'll let you up, but I want you to stay. Talk. Your sister... She's in a lot of trouble."
  100. > Grunting as my joints scream in protest, I push away from the filly and end up sitting in on a buckled, fallen trashcan.
  101. "More trouble than she realises. If I'm going to help her, I need to know a few things."
  102. > She's standing now, still looking down the alleyway as if she's considering running.
  103. "I trusted you Applebloom. Y'gotta trust me. Even if it's only for AJ"
  104. > I use the nickname I heard her friends use.
  105. > Sounding familiar with her sister can't hurt none.
  106. > "...can you get her outta there mister?" asks the filly, sheepishly.
  107. > I slowly shake my head...
  108. ..."I don't think so. missy. Most I can do for now is stop things getting worse. After that... maybe."
  109. > Applebloom looks down at the dirt, trying not to cry.
  110. > It distracts her from my lie.
  111. "I know AJ has hit... sorry, robbed wagons before. It's always been small stuff. Nothing like this. Why the change?"
  112. > "She ain't robbed nuthin! It's ours! We're jus'..." At first she shouts, loud enough to raise answering calls for quiet from the nearby houses.
  114. > Then, she just trails off, meekly...."...jus' taking it back mister. They cheated us. Stole our home. We ain't ever taken nuthin' that wasn't rightful ours."
  115. > The last part sounded like a second hand justification, learned at the knee of big sister.
  116. "Flam-co. A lot of their wagons, sure... but there are others."
  117. > "They're lyin mister. Tryin ta get us blamed so more'n more p0nies'll try an' get us. S'not fair." She pouts again, her eyes glisten but still hold a defiant cast.
  118. > I let it slide.
  119. > There's an age limit on my 'world ain't fair kid' speech.
  120. > Got to be this tall to ride the disillusion-coaster.
  121. > "...ah told her we shouldn't do this." she mumbles to herself, I barely catch it.
  122. > So, it wasn't just a mistake.
  123. > She went for the wagon with intent.
  124. "Why'd she do it then? D'you know?"
  125. > Applebloom bites her bottom lip, avoiding my gaze "Um. Aftah she went ta Manehatten last week. We got a lettah out at home."
  126. > Probably Appleloosa...
  127. > "Sis was reeeal angry. She went straight fer th' train. When she came back she was jus'... sad. Told us the plan. BigMac didn' like it."
  128. > Jeez kid, anyone else you wanna implicate?
  129. > I fight down the instinct to tell her to keep schtum.
  130. > You can't stop the blab train.
  131. > Applebloom sighs... "...but Sis said 'we don't got no choice' and 'we got our orders'."
  133. "You remember anything else about the letter?"
  134. > "... well, it was with a package. It was a bit funny. Who'd send oranges ta appl. eep!"
  135. > She claps her mouth with both hooves.
  136. > I get an Idea.
  137. "Hey, I need to go. You head home. I'll tell your sister you're ok. Just... give me something so she knows it's from you."
  138. > Applebloom thinks, tapping her chin, then catches up.
  139. > Somehow she unties her bow and drops it on my lap.
  140. "Stay off the streets, kid, and... be careful."
  141. > "Don't you worry none, mister. Ah'm a big p0ny. Ah can look aftah myself."
  142. > I stand, give her a tired wave and head back down the alleyway to find my hat and piece.
  143. > Then I do what I do everynight.
  144. > I go looking for a bar.
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