

Jan 17th, 2015
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  1. The Lost Rulebook:
  3. 8. If you need to hype a shitty Pokemon, please contact user: Champion Fizz for tips
  4. -Side note, if you want it to REALLY look awesome, talk to Dracoyoshi8
  5. 9. If you need Foongus counters, talk to user: Champion Fizz
  6. 10. If you want to hear the gospel of Male Combee, please talk to user: McLovin
  7. 11. If you want to learn how to suck at Pokemon, talk to user: Antgeezy
  8. 12: If you want to never complete any analyses ever again, please pm Goddess Briyel- oh wait, she’s inactive
  9. 13. If you need RU team rates please PM Goddess Briyella (I think it’s LC related)
  10. 14. If you want to steal an analysis from TCR, contact Goddess Briyella (if you can get a hold of her)
  11. 15. If you want to learn how to drop from mod to voice, talk to user: kingmidas
  12. 16. If you want to learn how to drop from Driver to reg, please talk to absdaddy/Antgeezy/chromatic shart
  13. 17. If you want to learn how to sound like a certain character from the movie Superbad, please contact user: PumpHead (Better known as McLovin)
  14. 18. If you like getting drunk and making shitty teams, please contact user: QuoteCS
  15. 19. If you like using really bad teams and sucking dick, please contact user: Jac
  16. 20. If you want to get high as fuck and build teams, please contact user: PumpHead/absdaddy
  17. 21. If you want to learn how to suck 37 dicks at the same time for driver, please contact user: Aaron’s Aron
  18. 22. If you want to do way more than any other human being and still get no reward, contact user: Aaron’s Aron
  19. 23. If you don’t like the smell of fresh air and prefer having shit on your nose, please contact brownoser: Aaron’s Aron for helpful tips!
  20. 24. If you are in to dark-skin girls with huge af noses, please hit up Goddess Briyella for dem n00ds -> here’s a link to pic:
  21. 25. If you want to find out what it sounds like to live in an orphanage, please skype call user: TUO
  22. 26. If you want to use Swagger and T-wave, please contact notorious ginger-mormon who still gets none: Caledrith
  23. 27. If you want to play an Indian version of Super Mario Bros, please contact the Curry Brothers: prem and blarajan
  24. 28. If you want to be a moderator, please contact GlassGlaceon (be sure to send him dick pics for extra street cred)
  25. 29. If you want to be the shittiest moderator possible, please take private lessons from user: Splashyship/manana
  26. 30. If you want to be the most overhyped battler ever, please contact: queenlucy (even though she only has sun teams)
  27. 31. If you are new user from Chile and want to be diddled in Chile, please contact user: Vileman
  28. 32. If you want If you want If you want If you want If you want If you want If you want If you want If you want If you want: McLovin
  29. 33. If you want to be a pretentious asshole who gets on everybody’s nerves, please contact user: DeathxShinigami or that chick he wanted to fuck but never could
  30. 34. If you want to help run a server that is apparently relevant, please contact: SparkServer staff
  31. 35. If you want to learn how to play Little Cup, please contact user: Tutor Briyella loljk
  32. 36. If you want to suck so much e-peen that you get global voice in a matter of minutes, please contact user: Aerow
  33. 37. If you just want to be chill af and diss Artemisa like a bitch, please contact user: Adam Lambert
  34. 38. If you don’t want to suck at LC, please watch users: fatty/fitzy/Artemisa/Heysup
  35. 39. If you want to use shitmons but still win tournament games, please contact users: Apt-get/Rowan
  36. 40. If you want to suck, please contact user: zeriloa or anyone who helped write this document
  37. 41. If you want to be respected because you don’t get involved with shit, please contact user: QuoteCS
  38. 42. If someone is spamming, the best thing to do is always highlight only one of the room staff, because highlighting multiple staff will only lead to disaster
  39. 43. If you have a problem with something in the LC room, bitching to the site staff is almost always the best way to get it solved
  40. 44. If you want to make the mods pop rage boners, say some random person is absdaddy or stoner linoone
  41. 45. Spamming that there is a spammer is a great idea
  42. 46. If you want to unban Yanma, please contact: your local asylum for bookings.
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