
aAAAAAAAA part 2

May 2nd, 2016
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  1. Interesting Aspects - Synastry
  3. 1 : Sun/Moon
  4. "This is the classic marriage indicator simply because it is what marriage is all about. The balance of day and night is what keeps the earth fertile. Ying and yang, male and female, partnership and balance. Fertility and growth are the fundamentals of a successful relationship. Even if you are not having children together you want your soul to thrive as well as to be materially comfortable. Harmonious aspects facilitate this fecundity. The opposition makes for a sexy polarity. The square will put obstacles in the way of growth, but the growth may end up being more durable because it will have forced you to build up more resilience."
  6. Sun 1 trine Moon 2
  7. "This is very good for a long term relationship along with other positive aspects this can indicate a long and happy relationship. The Sun is the Masculine energy and the Moon is the nurturing, supportive energy, regardless of who is the Sun or the Moon you will both be very complimented and supportive of one another. The Moon will intuitively and effortlessly make the Sun at ease. " -1
  8. "With the trine and the sextile between the Sun and the Moon in synastry, discomfort is less likely. Instead, there is a natural and flowing compatibility. The individuals naturally cooperate with each other--a characteristic that is very welcome in most any romantic relationship, as much energy can be squandered when individuals compete with one another. The only real problem with the flowing aspects here is a certain level of complacency. For individuals who prefer a more aggressive and active atmosphere in a relationship, the flowing aspects between the Sun and the Moon may not be stimulating enough. There is a real feeling of being able to rely and depend upon each other, however, that most will appreciate. With the conjunction, sextile, and trine, the Moon person generally comes to rely upon and trust the Sun person's wisdom, spirit, and personal style. The Sun person, in turn, depends upon the support of the Moon person." -2
  10. Moon 1 opposite Sun 2
  11. "This is a binding aspect to be found between lovers. With this aspect, a mutual attraction is present. However, the Moon person may find the Sun person insensitive and overbearing, while the Sun person may find the Moon person overly dependent and overly sensitive. The Moon person may feel the Sun person stomps all over their feelings, and the Sun person may not even be aware of this! Regardless, oppositions in synastry are complementary."-1
  13. "The Sun-Moon opposition in synastry is actually a very powerful, binding interaspect. Oppositions between two people’s respective luminaries, angles and personal planets create a highly magnetic attraction. In the charts of married couples, there are typically several significant oppositions. In fact, many astrologers agree that powerful interaspects (including oppositions and squares) between the Suns, Moons and Ascendants in synastry are crucial if the relationship is to be binding and lasting. "
  15. "In the case of the Sun-Moon opposition, the Moon person feels compelled to support, nurture and care for the Sun person. They can feel like the Sun person's number one fan, cheering them on and encouraging them in all that they pursue. The Moon person also feels immensely comfortable in the company of the Sun person, as if they are family. They feel a strong sense of compatibility and shared values. At the same time, they feel this exciting sense of attraction. They feel irresistibly drawn to the Sun person because they possess many of the traits the Moon person admires. The Moon person also feels this deep, instinctive understanding of the Sun person. Without words or explanation, they just know what makes the Sun person tick."-2
  16. [I'm sorry hun]
  19. 2 : Mercury/Moon
  20. Mercury in synastry is often overlooked, but in the information age it’s value is increasing. Of course communication between a couple is essential because its a bond like any other. With so much competition from social networking sites and the internet, if a couple cannot have stimulating conversations together than after the sexual buzz has worn off there is a real danger of stagnation and bordom. The Mercury aspects don’t always even need to be harmonious, they just need to be connected. A good debate can stimulate the passions and can be great foreplay. The occasional argument is healthy for purging and cleansing bottled up emotions lest they fester and become toxic.
  22. When handled well, the Moon person brings imagination and "color" to the Mercury person's thought processes. Communication is stimulated. When challenging, the Moon person is bound to find the Mercury person too rational, nitpicky, and detached from time to time; while the Mercury person can be irritated by the Moon person's seeming oversensitivity and mood swings. This can be rather challenging in a close relationship.
  24. Moon 2 trine Mercury 1
  25. When your Moon makes a harmonious aspect (conjunction, trine, sextile) to your partner’s Mercury, you are attuned to your partners’ thoughts and feelings. As such, this aspect is great for communication! The Mercury person has the ability to verbalize the Moon person’s feelings. The Mercury person is also a great counselor for the Moon person, due to the fact that the Moon person feels comfortable expressing her feelings to the Mercury person.
  27. Mercury very easily stimulates Moon towards self-expression. This aspect means that you feel very comfortable chit-chatting about practically anything under the sun! This ease with one another is probably noticeable right from the start of your relationship, and the easygoing nature of your interaction will feel tremendous! Who else could you share such personal issues with in such an easy manner? You enjoy long talks and you feel very much at home with each other. You are able to openly share your feelings about various issues, whether they are political, religious, or personal in nature. You will find that as you spend more time together, your tastes, interests, hobbies, and activities tend to blend together harmoniously. The feeling of friendship and inner understanding of each other is very satisfying and of a very positive nature.
  30. 3 : Venus/Sun ; Venus/Moon
  31. "Venus is the planet of beauty and pleasure, while the Sun represents our core being. Thus, synastry aspects involving the Sun and Venus are indicative of a strong physical attraction, especially on the part of the Venus person. The Sun person represents what the Venus person finds beautiful and pleasing, and the Sun person gets a huge ego boost from this! The Venus person adores the Sun person, and the Sun person loves the Venus person’s style and grace. This is a highly romantic aspect, and is one of the best indicator of a lasting romance."
  33. Sun 2 sextile Venus 1
  34. "A Sun sextile Venus aspect denotes your desire for cooperation and harmony in your romantic relationship. You both feel that you can create a beautiful, loving relationship together. With the Sun person sextile the Venus person, you have an opportunity to graciously accept their support of your ideas about domestic matters. Your partner will find beauty in the life you make together."
  36. "This is a very positive aspect to find in synastry. The Venus finds the Sun person attractive, and the Sun person feels loved and adored around the Venus person. Indeed, being around the Venus person gives the Sun person an ego boost! The Venus person instinctively knows how to love the Sun person. This isn’t an indicator of sexual attraction, but rather one of pure love and affection. This is a wonderful aspect to find in friendships, as well.
  37. "Conjunctions, sextiles, and trines between the Sun and Venus are helpful aspects in any relationship. They create a sense of harmony and offer some common interests to the partnership. The Sun person feels more loving and beautiful in the presence of the Venus person. The Venus person finds the Sun person quite charming and intriguing. The Venus person admires the Sun person in such a way that he or she is willing to, and happy to, please the Sun. There is a mutual attraction here that, on its own, is not as insistent or sexual as other indicators (such as Venus-Mars or Venus-Pluto), but it is pleasing and supportive. Acceptance and tolerance characterize the partnership. Perhaps the most apt keyword for this combination is contentment. On a financial level, unless debilitated, this combination suggests some financial "luck" as a couple, or at the very least an overall agreement on how to spend and save money. The sextile is not as powerful or obvious a connection, but it generates a feeling of mutual respect. The people see value in one another--they're most certainly worth each other's time!"
  39. This is not as powerful as the conjunction, but it is a very close second. This shows mutual attraction and a desire to please the other. You bring out one another's sweet side. You feel at ease with one another, simply like each other. This indicates a strong attraction because when you get along seamlessly and love to be around that person because they make you feel good and you are both mutually physically attracted. What better can there be? The relationship is easy and pleasant you just flow together. Trines are considered Gifts from the Universe and allow love to grow deeply and consistently because you both nourish one another.
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