
Run that ended abruptly

Nov 9th, 2012
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  1. 01:29:12: <Roget> <<Hey, Jeremiah needs some live food. Someone want to catch him something, like a squirrel?>>
  2. 01:29:29: <Roget> Radio message from somewhere on the base
  3. 01:29:35: <Padri> "Oh! Let's go squirrel catching!" This is exciting!
  4. 01:30:52: <Roget> "Yeah, sure." Fish sounds relieved
  5. 01:30:54: <nac> Desmond nods and cracks his neck, grabbing a rifle. "Squirrel population is getting a bit high."
  6. 01:31:11: <nac> "Wait. Alive."
  7. 01:31:33: <Padri> "We can go squirrel chasing!" She hops up and heads outside, gleefully.
  8. 01:32:21: <Roget> Fish walks outside
  9. 01:32:56: <nac> Desmond joins him "You coming with?"
  10. 01:33:03: <Roget> "Yeah."
  11. 01:33:19: <Roget> "Not much else for me to do besides stand around."
  12. 01:33:30: <Soulless> <<Already on it.>>
  13. 01:34:02: <Padri> "Damn. We could go squirrel chasing anyway?"
  14. 01:34:26: <Soulless> Stoat's off to hunt squirrels, Stoat style!
  15. 01:34:32: <Roget> Fish shrugs.
  16. 01:35:22: <nac> "Wait, that was stoat?" Desmond grunts. "Ok, we're doing it. Now." He heads off to the forest.
  17. 01:35:27: <Padri> She grins. "Let's go then!"
  18. 01:35:32: <Padri> She goes with.
  19. 01:35:38: <Roget> Fish follows along
  20. 01:36:24: <Roget> The forest is expansive, seeming to stretch for miles in every direction
  21. 01:36:39: <Roget> There are lots of trees burned or charred from fire
  22. 01:36:50: <Roget> The ground is mostly dirt, with grass patches.
  23. 01:37:37: <Padri> Are there any squirrels around?
  24. 01:37:44: <Roget> The sound of wildlife echoes in the distance
  25. 01:37:55: <Roget> they could be close, or 13 miles away
  26. 01:38:05: <Roget> perception might help
  27. 01:38:17: <Padri> 6df+6 Where da squirrellies at?
  28. 01:38:18: <Glacon> padri: Where da squirrellies at?: 7 (6df+6=3+, 3+, 4-, 3+, 0, 4-)
  29. 01:38:18: <nac> 6df+11 tagging Apex Predator. Survival to find squirrels.
  30. 01:38:19: <Glacon> NAC: tagging Apex Predator. Survival to find squirrels.: 13 (6df+11=3+, 4-, 3+, 0, 0, 3+)
  31. 01:38:42: <Roget> The squirrels sound closeish
  32. 01:38:57: <Padri> "Hold on a sec . . ."
  33. 01:39:04: <Padri> 6df
  34. 01:39:04: <Glacon> padri: -1 (6df=0, 3+, 0, 0, 4-, 4-)
  35. 01:39:07: <Padri> no
  36. 01:39:16: <Padri> 6df+7 sneakin up on squirrellies
  37. 01:39:16: <Glacon> padri: sneakin up on squirrellies: 9 (6df+7=0, 4-, 0, 3+, 3+, 3+)
  38. 01:39:25: <nac> No additional knowledge from survival?
  39. 01:39:34: <Roget> They sound like they're in a tree
  40. 01:39:39: <Roget> Or above ground
  41. 01:40:49: <Padri> Is there any way Magpie could sneakily climb up after them?
  42. 01:40:50: <nac> Desmond knows this, he's a wildlife Biologist. Squirrels tend to be in trees. He was looking for tracks or a nest or something
  43. 01:41:38: <Roget> Ah. You spot some tracks in the dirt! Leading to the west."
  44. 01:41:47: <Roget> *!
  45. 01:41:47: <nac> He follows them, stealthily
  46. 01:41:51: <nac> 6df+6 STEALTH
  47. 01:41:52: <Glacon> NAC: STEALTH: 4 (6df+6=4-, 4-, 4-, 3+, 4-, 3+)
  48. 01:42:10: <nac> Ohshit
  49. 01:42:16: <Padri> She follows him. "That's kind of a pathetic attempt at sneaking."
  50. 01:42:21: <nac> take 1 from that
  51. 01:42:27: <Glacon> Roget: HUMAN RUN AAAA: 2 (6df+5=0, 4-, 4-, 4-, 3+, 4-)
  52. 01:42:27: <Roget> 6df+5 HUMAN RUN AAAA
  53. 01:42:45: <Roget> The squirrels pay no hed, luckily for you
  54. 01:42:56: <Padri> Or to Magpie, right?
  55. 01:43:14: <Roget> yeah sure whatever
  56. 01:43:29: <Roget> (Yes Magpie is unnoticed)
  57. 01:43:38: <Soulless> 6df+8 Percep roll, Stoat searches for movement in the trees where squirrels may be
  58. 01:43:39: <Glacon> Soulless: Percep roll, Stoat searches for movement in the trees where squirrels may be: 9 (6df+8=4-, 3+, 4-, 0, 3+, 3+)
  59. 01:44:25: <Padri> Is there any way she can maintain her sneak and climb up to catch them?
  60. 01:44:29: <Roget> There's some a tree about 20 yards away
  61. 01:44:38: <Roget> re-roll day sneak
  62. 01:44:41: <Roget> dat*
  63. 01:44:57: <Padri> 6df+7
  64. 01:44:57: <Glacon> padri: 10 (6df+7=0, 0, 3+, 3+, 3+, 0)
  65. 01:45:34: <Roget> And to climb....agility
  66. 01:46:34: <Padri> 6df+5 Can I climb?
  67. 01:46:34: <Glacon> padri: Can I climb?: 3 (6df+5=0, 3+, 4-, 4-, 0, 4-)
  68. 01:47:15: <Soulless> Stoat sneaks up to the tree so she can get a good look.
  69. 01:47:23: <Glacon> Soulless: Sneak: 4 (6df+8=4-, 0, 4-, 4-, 0, 4-)
  70. 01:47:24: <Soulless> 6df+8 Sneak
  71. 01:49:07: <Roget> 6df+5 OGOD STOAT RUN
  72. 01:49:08: <Glacon> Roget: OGOD STOAT RUN: 6 (6df+5=4-, 3+, 0, 3+, 4-, 3+)
  73. 01:49:22: <Roget> The squirrel scampers off, Stoat
  74. 01:49:30: <Roget> 6df+5 lolno I'm a tree
  75. 01:49:31: <Glacon> Roget: lolno I'm a tree: 5 (6df+5=0, 0, 0, 4-, 3+, 0)
  76. 01:49:57: <Soulless> Stoat huffs and begins her search anew. Can she toll perception again to look for moar?
  77. 01:50:03: <Roget> Magpie, this tree is one touch cookie. You just can't seem to get a grip
  78. 01:50:05: <Roget> Yes she can
  79. 01:50:39: <Padri> She huffs. "Fish, can you climb?"
  80. 01:50:41: <Roget> redact the magpie thing
  81. 01:50:59: <Roget> Magpie is able to climb and get very close to the squirrels.
  82. 01:51:05: <Roget> It's sleeping
  83. 01:51:09: <Padri> then redact the talkin to the fish.
  84. 01:51:18: <Padri> She reaches out to grab a squirrel.
  85. 01:51:22: <Padri> Can she get one?
  86. 01:51:36: <Roget> She can get the mama squirrel
  87. 01:51:49: <Roget> The baby squirrels are too far
  88. 01:52:22: <Padri> She grabs the momma, then! "Aha! Gotcha!"
  89. 01:52:35: <Roget> The baby squirrels flee
  90. 01:52:39: <Roget> Mama is in hand!
  91. 01:52:42: <Soulless> 6df+8 Searchin
  92. 01:52:43: <Glacon> Soulless: Searchin: 7 (6df+8=0, 4-, 0, 3+, 4-, 0)
  93. 01:53:04: <Roget> There might be movement from a stump nearby
  94. 01:53:41: <Padri> She tries to climb down one handed.
  95. 01:53:43: <Padri> Roll?
  96. 01:54:28: <Roget> Nah
  97. 01:54:39: <Roget> She makes it
  98. 01:56:24: <Glacon> Soulless: Stoat sneaks up to it.: 8 (6df+8=0, 3+, 4-, 3+, 4-, 0)
  99. 01:56:24: <Soulless> 6df+8 Stoat sneaks up to it.
  100. 01:57:36: <Padri> "Got one, Fish! See?"
  101. 01:57:57: <Padri> She waves it at him.
  102. 02:00:54: <Roget> "Good one. Is that all they wanted?"
  103. 02:01:27: <Padri> She shrugs. "I dunno."
  104. 02:02:56: <Roget> Stoat: It looks like some kind of mole.
  105. 02:03:03: <Roget> It doesn't notice you
  106. 02:03:25: <Roget> Fish looks around. "Do you want to catch any more?"
  107. 02:03:29: <Padri> "I don't even know what I'm supposed to do with it."
  108. 02:03:58: <Soulless> Stoat takes off a glove and moved to catch the mole in it. Roll?
  109. 02:04:56: <Roget> Agility
  110. 02:05:52: <Soulless> 6df+8 Agi roll, Stoat goes to catch the mole in a glove.
  111. 02:05:52: <Glacon> Soulless: Agi roll, Stoat goes to catch the mole in a glove.: 6 (6df+8=4-, 3+, 4-, 0, 4-, 0)
  112. 02:06:07: <Padri> "Who even is Jeremiah?"
  113. 02:08:36: <Roget> "The lizard guy"
  114. 02:08:41: <Roget> Soulless has a mole!
  115. 02:08:47: <Padri> "Lizard guy?"
  116. 02:08:49: <Roget> It struggles ineffectively
  117. 02:08:59: <Roget> "The one they got from the ruins."
  118. 02:09:05: <Padri> "Where's he?"
  119. 02:09:43: <Roget> "One of those buildings, I'm not sure."
  120. 02:10:01: <Roget> "We can drop the food off near where we played cards."
  121. 02:10:02: <Padri> "Well then where are we supposed to turn in the squirrel?"
  122. 02:10:09: <Soulless> Stoat looks for another one. She's got two gloves.
  123. 02:10:11: <Padri> "Oh. Okay."
  124. 02:10:14: <Soulless> <<How many am I catching.>>
  125. 02:10:39: <Roget> <<I dunno, what have you caught so far?>>
  126. 02:10:54: <Padri> <<I got a squirrel. Where do you want it?>>
  127. 02:11:43: <Soulless> <<A mole.>>
  128. 02:14:12: <Roget> <<Bring what you have to the edge of the forest, we'll take it from there.>>
  129. 02:14:32: <Padri> She goes that way.
  130. 02:18:54: <Roget> Fish follows
  131. 02:20:17: <Soulless> Stoat also heads over.
  132. 02:20:24: <Soulless> Can Stoat attempt to sneak above them?
  133. 02:20:29: <Soulless> err, not above, be behind?
  134. 02:20:31: <Roget> Sure
  135. 02:21:39: <Soulless> Does she need to roll perception to see them?
  136. 02:22:01: <Roget> Nah, they were heading in the same direction
  137. 02:23:48: <Soulless> 6df+12 Tagging Specialized for sneak
  138. 02:23:49: <Glacon> Soulless: Tagging Specialized for sneak: 15 (6df+12=3+, 3+, 3+, 3+, 4-, 0)
  139. 02:23:59: <Roget> 6df+4 oh god not again
  140. 02:24:00: <Glacon> Roget: oh god not again: 3 (6df+4=4-, 3+, 0, 0, 0, 4-)
  141. 02:25:46: <Padri> Nope. Magpie doesn't see.
  142. 02:26:01: <Roget> Stoat sneaks on em'
  143. 02:27:34: <Soulless> Stoat waits until they begin nearing the edge.
  144. 02:28:16: <Padri> They do.
  145. 02:28:53: <Soulless> She puts a hand on Magpie's shoulder.
  146. 02:29:06: <Soulless> None-too-gently, but she does.
  147. 02:31:28: <Padri> She jumps, dropping the squirrel. She whirls around and grabs at Stoat.
  148. 02:31:36: <Padri> Roll?
  149. 02:31:55: <Soulless> Can Stoat Roll to jump onto the squirrel, catching it as well?
  150. 02:38:25: <Roget> Magpie, roll to grab stoat. Stoat rolls pdef. If magpie fails, stoat can roll agility to get the squirrel
  151. 02:38:58: <Padri> Roll what?
  152. 02:39:55: <Roget> Ath
  153. 02:40:11: <Padri> . . . u fired. i think you mean agility.
  154. 02:40:18: <Roget> I do
  155. 02:40:27: <Roget> Roll that Agi
  156. 02:40:46: <Soulless> 6df+10 Tagging specialized, she's got a job (PDEF)
  157. 02:40:47: <Glacon> Soulless: Tagging specialized, she's got a job (PDEF): 10 (6df+10=3+, 0, 4-, 4-, 0, 3+)
  158. 02:41:14: <Padri> 6df+9 teapot Bad stoat
  159. 02:41:15: <Glacon> padri: teapot Bad stoat: 12 (6df+9=3+, 4-, 3+, 0, 3+, 3+)
  160. 02:41:47: <Roget> Stoat is grabbed! The mama squirrel bounds off to find her babies.
  161. 02:43:00: <Padri> "Stoat! What the fuck!"
  162. 02:43:26: <Soulless> "Let me go. You dropped the squirrel. I'm getting another one."
  163. 02:43:52: <Padri> "Fuck that. It's your fault I dropped it!"
  164. 02:44:09: <Soulless> "Okay. My fault. So I'm getting another one."
  165. 02:44:57: <Padri> "You think you're getting off that easy? First you try to choke Fish, then you sabatoge me?"
  166. 02:45:59: <Roget> Fish backs away, slightly.
  167. 02:46:04: <Soulless> "Trying. If I was trying, the results would be different. Hmf."
  168. 02:46:15: <Soulless> "Now, let me go. We need to finish the task."
  169. 02:47:01: <Padri> She glares at Stoat. ~You can't do anything to her, Mags.~ She lets Stoat go and stalks off.
  170. 02:47:41: <Soulless> Stoat looks to Fish and hands him the mole. "Don't let it go. I'll contact you when I find another animal."
  171. 02:48:20: <Roget> Fish takes the mole, carefully holding onto it.
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