
Adwarf / Granite "Kyle Johnson" Ironblood

Mar 5th, 2016
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  1. Name: Granite Ironblood
  2. Gender: Male
  3. Race: Dwarf
  4. HP: 14
  6. Skills: Brute, Brawler
  8. Combat stats:
  9. AC: 8
  10. DR: 5
  12. Inv:
  14. Coin: 25m
  16. Weapons:
  17. Masterwork Adamantine Knuckles: 2d3+4, penetrates 3 DR
  19. Armour:
  20. Heavy Plate
  22. Misc:
  23. 2x Bandages [Heals 1HP. Cannot stack for the same wound. 1 use.]
  25. Your special item:
  26. Pair of Masterwork Adamantine Knuckles - These were supposedly made by a very distant relative of Granite's back when all the races lived on a single world, before the races learned to sail through the Ether, and supposedly they had been forged specifically for use on demons though if that was true it's long since lost any power it may have had. They're worn down and marked from the countless times they have been used, but they still hold a certain rugged charm that makes one wonder at what craftsman could have made it. [2 Points]
  28. Description: Granite Ironblood is of average height for dwarves with a sturdy physique born from years of mining, and quite a few bar fights though those are of much lesser note than his former life as a miner. He is bald with a neatly trimmed grey beard obscuring the lower half of a face that's been busted up a few too many times.
  30. Backstory: Granite was born the son of a miner and a somewhat wealthy merchant's daughter who promptly abandoned his care solely to his father before leaving their lives entirely due to what she claimed was a 'mistake made in the haziness of drink'. From there he spent his time being watched over by the wives of other miners who were more than willing to help out their husbands' friend with only a few times throughout the year when he'd get to actually meet with his father who would always spend some of his meager remaining wages to buy him a gift. Though meetings with his father were rare, Granite still gained from them a dedication to hard work and a desire to make his place in life better so that his children wouldn't have to endure the same lifestyle him and his father had. Of course when he grew old enough to work his father helped him get a job with the mining crew he ran with, and gifted him the family heirloom, a pair of battered adamantine knuckles that had been in the family for centuries he said. Now, after mining for so long he hopes to set out into the Ether in search of wealth.
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