

Jul 7th, 2012
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  1. Parados by Antonius Homarus
  3. Characters
  5. Night Guard - City Guard on the night shift
  6. Miscellaneous Guards - A multitude of guards that bring news to other characters
  7. Miscellaneous Paradyms - A number of Parados' followers
  8. Citizens of <CoG Name> - Innocent and worried citizens
  9. Parados - Leader of a religious sect
  10. The Regent - The keeper of the crown until a new king is selected
  11. Drosius - Captain of the Guard
  12. Brenuth - A City Senator
  13. Otho - Parados' second in command, an ex-guard
  14. Junius - Parados' most fervent follower, a rich merchant
  15. Pardotus - Parados' cunning uncle, and old noble
  16. Melos - Parados' butcher a heartless killer
  17. Sporus - The Regents' mistress
  18. Jelkir - A mage of disreputable reputation
  19. Godrian - The rightful heir to <CoG Name>
  20. High Priest - The true religious leader of <CoG Name>’s Gods
  22. ~~~Act I~~~
  23. ~~~Scene 1~~~
  25. Upon the battlements of the great city of <CoG Name> above the city gates, the sun slowly rising beyond the rolling hills and valleys of the surrounding land. A lone guard leans on his spear as his watch draws to a close.
  27. Night Guard: (slum accent, grumbling) Sun is up; I can finally get some blasted sleep. Not even sure why we bother guarding from the outside, it is what is on the inside of this rotten city we need to watch out for. Blasted Paradym zealots! Capturing people of the street, proclaiming them unholy and burning them alive! (Looks to the audience conspiratorially) Between you and me, it is The Regents fault for not crowning a new King. Gave that jumped up incense burner too much of a chance... (Sarcastically) Parados and his Paradyms, what a load of shit, pardon my orcish. Saying their god has chosen Parados as the new King? It is all about the gold and that is the truth!
  28. It all started when The Regent came back from that battle with a dozen chests filled with Dwarven gold and gems. The damned fool saying 'It will stay untouched by all, except the rightful King'. The Regent; now there is a snob with his face up his arse if I ever saw one: 'The poor can fend for themselves but the rich need their wealth guarded.' What a load of pig shit.
  29. (Another guard approaches)
  31. Guard: (slum accent) talking to yourself again Demodicus? You great fool go get some sleep I am taking over the watch.
  33. Night Guard: At bloody last! (Smoke starts to billow from inside the city; the night guard sees it as he walks away) Holy Mernia! Fire! Fire in the city! Go get the watch captain. Fire! Fire!
  34. (Both guards run down the stairs to get help)
  36. ~~~Scene 2~~~
  38. An open market forum. A large pyre roars as men in priest robes throw a multitude of items, bearing the royal crest, onto the inferno. To the side on a podium a man in richly decorated priest robes preaches to the on-looking citizens and the surrounding priests.
  40. Parados: The Royal House of Melanii is no more! Their possessions have been claimed by the Sect of Paradym! The Regent sits upon his wooden stool next to the golden thrones and watches as you, my people, die! I alone can save you my brothers and sisters from the damnation The Regent has brought upon us! Come my people and join my holy flock, for I am the shepherd of the city! Together we shall walk towards the light of the blessed!
  41. I am not some nameless tyrant like The Regent. You all know who I am. I am Parados. A humble priest to the Gods of <CoG Name> yet I have been given a message. I alone can save our precious city from the fires to come! Join us! For you are but one step away from salvation!
  42. (City Guards march into the forum and take position opposite the crowd with weapons drawn, at their head a masked man stands with his arms folded)
  44. The Regent: Parados! You have trespassed in The Royal Household, committed theft of Royal possessions, incited rebellion amongst the citizens of <CoG Name>, attempted treason against the Crown and those dedicated to preserving the Crown, murdered innocent citizens of <CoG Name> and committed arson of over fourteen government and private buildings. Parados of house Brunii how do you plead to the charge given?
  46. Parados: Ah! Our infamous masked protector of the thrones has come to honour our humble selves! The Regent! Tell me, how does it feel to let the people you are 'charged' to protect die whilst you and your pampered friends sit and feast in luxury?
  47. (The crowd and Paradyms cheer while the guards remain silent and shift about nervously)
  49. The Regent: I will ask once more Parados. How do you plead against the charges accused?
  51. Parados: I do not plead anything. I AM innocent Regent for the Gods have chosen me as the implement of their will! I have not trespassed anywhere royal or taken anything royal as there is no royalty in this land. I have simply taken items of waste and repurposed them as a means of keeping warm. I have incited no rebellion, I have but gathered the righteous and given them the means to carry out the Gods tasks. Murder? I have not committed murder, nor has any man here save you and your bloodthirsty guards! I have simply cleansed the city of the unholy and sent the holy to a place of everlasting peace! The fires were caused by the ineptitude of your men and the lack of fire defences you have provided to us!
  53. The Regent: Do not try and swindle your way out of this! You have committed crimes against this city and must pay for your actions. Any man who aids in the apprehension of the criminal, Parados, will be given a pardon to any and all crimes committed so far and shall receive a payment of two hundred Folleri!
  54. (The crowd murmur loudly amongst themselves)
  56. Citizen of <CoG Name> 1: And how long will we get this money before it is taxed away by your bloody guards?!
  57. (The crowd cheer as Parados smiles smugly)
  59. Parados: I will bet that two hundred Folleri you are fuming under that metal mask!
  60. (Laughs loudly and the Paradyms join him)
  62. The Regent: Men! Seize the criminal Parados and any man who tries to protect him! (The guards march forward menacingly with weapons raised)
  64. Parados: See this heresy people?! The Regent tries to kill the prophet of the Gods! Halt his tyranny people! Stop his corrupted men! (Paradyms draw a variety of small weapons, the majority of the citizens take what arms they can and rush towards the advancing Guards. The sound of combat fills the forum. Parados and a group of his followers flee into the depths of the City whilst The Regent draws his sword and cuts down any who stand before him)
  67. ~~~Scene 3~~~
  69. A small room, grime and mould cover the ceiling and walls. Parados paces around the dirt strewn floor as four men sit around the edge on boxes watching intently.
  71. Parados: What are our casualties?
  73. Otho: Same as they were the last six times you asked: eight Paradyms dead, double that of wounded. Thirteen Citizens dead, thirty two wounded. Four City Guards dead, fifteen confirmed wounded.
  75. Parados: You said we would defeat them Otho...
  77. Otho: We didn’t count on The Regent showing up with his extra guard.
  79. Pardotus: Calm down boy, this pacing is making me nauseous.
  81. Parados: How can I calm down when my followers are dying in the streets! The Regent must pay for his actions!
  83. Junius: Yes! Oh Parados you are truly blessed with your insight, I can have dozen boxes of armaments shipped into the city in three days.
  85. Parados: Good Junius, you shall be richly rewarded once I have saved us from the darkness that is to come.
  87. Melos: Who do I have to kill? The Regent has a lot of fancy guards with him most of the time. It is going to be hard to get to him...
  89. Parados: Melos is right, Uncle are the people ready to revolt fully?
  91. Pardotus: Soon my nephew soon. You still have the Guilds to persuade, the slums, all the lower districts, most of the middle districts and some of the upper districts all follow you.
  93. Parados: The Guilds are nothing, just a few old men living in a relic of a bygone age!
  95. Otho: They still hold a lot of sway among the richer citizens. (A robed Paradym enters and gives a message to Otho) The slummers have rioted against The Regent at the audacity of his attack on you; they have set a dozen fires and ambushed four guard patrols.
  97. Parados: Excellent we must use this distraction to infiltrate the Royal Complex and remove The Regent. Melos I want you to take three of our best fighters and sneak in. Junius I want you to preach to the people and other Paradyms that the fires are sent from the gods to punish The Regent. Uncle I want you to organise the Paradyms into squads to help the slummers attack those who oppose me.
  98. (The four men exit leaving Parados on his own)
  100. Parados: Soon they city will be mine and I can do away with that bumbling fool Junius, though he has his uses now. As for Melos he will become troublesome if he goes without a target for too long... My dear uncle Pardotus is to cunning to let me stay in power he shall be dealt with. Otho alone can remain; he is my most trusted friend and is not friend of the city. Yes, he will sit just below me on my golden throne. (Savours the image in his mind for a while) Soon, soon, just stay calm and be patient. The Regent has no desire to re-instate the monarchy so I will do it for him. Then we will see if I am truly a prophet of the Gods as my 'flock' so believe...
  101. (Parados leaves the room)
  103. ~~~Scene 4~~~
  105. A sumptuously decorated room in the Royal Palace, a few servants nervously arrange several trays of sweet breads. The Regent, Drosius (the Captain of the Guard), some Senators and a scantily clad young woman enter in a rush. The Regent and the Captain are blood splattered and tired.
  107. The Regent: Status report.
  109. Drosius: Four guards dead, eighteen wounded. Thirteen citizens’ dead, thirty two wounded. Eight Paradyms dead, roughly ten wounded, sir.
  111. The Regent: We had him dammnit! He was there, what went wrong?
  113. Drosius: His popularity among the city far exceeded our reports, sir. Some of the citizens were part of a mercenary band the late-King tried to eradicate.
  115. Brenuth: Regent we Senators have paid handsomely for you to do two things. Firstly to delay your duty of crowning the next monarch. Secondly to keep the peace within the city. You have performed the first task admirably however Parados has outwitted and outmanoeuvred you countless times. He has half the city at his beck and call. Why have you not dealt with him permanently yet?
  117. Sporus: Because you paid us not to first! Was he not one of your little schemes to spread unrest against the monarchy and to help promote support for your precious democracy?
  119. Brenuth: I have no idea what you are talking about you vile seductress!
  121. Sporus: Do not pretend ignorance with me Brenuth. I know about your little escapades in the whore houses by the docks, how is Marannia? You have not seen her in over a month now...
  123. Brenuth: How? Who told? I do not need to answer to such filth as yo-
  125. The Regent: Insult her once more and you will be thrown from the city walls.
  127. Sporus: I am the owner of nearly all the bordellos and taverns in the city you foolish old man. Do not presume me to be just a pretty face.
  129. Brenuth: (tightly) Of course madam, please forgive my rudeness
  131. Sporus: What rudeness? I had already forgotten it dear Brenuth (laughs lightly) Now Regent how do you intend to deal with Parados?
  133. The Regent: Right. Drosius have cordons between each district, limit their movements. Have sweeping patrols of no less than fifty guards go through each district to dig out the Paradym rebels. They must be hiding somewhere, find them. Seal the city gates and search all ships in the harbour. A curfew at the twentieth hour will be in effect to any who do not have a signed permit from a Royal Scribe.
  135. Drosius: Yes sir I will set them up at once. (Drosius exits shouting orders)
  137. Sporus: Now that is settled let us enjoy the delicacies provided, Brenuth you are particularly fond of strawberries are you not?
  139. Brenuth: Erm yes they are a personal favourite but I must decline as my wife is preparing a strawberry dessert.
  141. Sporus: Oh come now I insist you try them, they are freshly picked...
  143. The Regent: No. Senators please excuse me but I feel it is time you left.
  144. (The Senators depart, Brenuth rather hurriedly)
  146. The Regent: Now my little asp, what games do you wish to play today?
  148. Sporus: Perhaps you should bath first; I do not want any nasty bloodstains upon my new dress.
  150. The Regent: Today’s trials have taxed me immensely; I may need some assistance in bathing...
  152. Sporus: Oh I am sure I could find someone willing to aid the most powerful man in the city, myself first among them.
  153. (The two leave in each others arms, as the servants clean away the uneaten food)
  155. ~~~ End of Act I ~~~
  157. ~~~ Act II ~~~
  158. ~~~Scene 1~~~
  160. A large cordon along the main road of the city, on the border of the slums and merchant district. The people wait grumbling while guards inspect anyone who looks like a possible threat. The clock tower rings for the tenth hour.
  162. Guard: Please wait patiently until you are allowed to enter the merchant district!
  164. Citizen 1: I have been waiting here for over three hours, why can you not hurry up? I have produce to sell in the market!
  166. Citizen 2: All you do is stand around and bully us! You swagger around with a full belly while the rest of us starve!
  168. Guard: If you keep shouting I will arrest you for disturbing the peace!
  170. Citizen 1: Peace? This is not peace! My cousin got nabbed by those Paradym bastards last week and you lot did nothing!
  172. Citizen 3: The Paradyms are not bastards you blind fuck! They are a shining beacon amidst the black heart of this city!
  174. Guard: Men arrest that Paradym supporter! And that loud mouthed beggar!
  175. (As the guards push their way through the throng, people hurl abuse at them. They grab the beggar but the Paradym has fled)
  177. Citizen 1: Get off me! This is not right I say! I have done nothing!
  178. (The guards hit him until he loses consciousness, on a rooftop a Paradym preacher stands and shouts)
  180. Paradym Priest: See these unholy acts! They are condoned by the masked one! He who is meant to protect you! Listen to me for I carry the voice of Parados! He has promised us salvation in these desperate times! He will lead the city into a new and glorious age! Heed these words for they are the words of Parados and he speaks for the Gods!
  181. (The guards rush into the building under the preacher, as they do more Paradyms seal the entrance and set it on fire. The preacher hurries out of view. The Paradyms surround the unconsciousness man and raise him up)
  183. Paradyms: We take this despot and sanctify him in the cleansing flames so that he might find peace in the next world.
  184. (They throw him onto the burning house, the screams of the guards can be heard from within)
  186. Paradyms: Join our holy brotherhood and be guided unto salvation by Parados our God given shepherd in these dark times!
  187. (The Paradyms walk off quickly, followed by a dozen of the stunned citizens)
  189. ~~~Scene 2~~~
  191. In front of the Senate House. The sun is starting to set. A herald declares the list of dead and missing citizens. Women in the crowd weep or pray. Guards look nervously around by the doors.
  193. Herald: Kerius Daysor, dead, body held in the City Hospital. Kehn Burn, missing presumed dead.
  194. (An arrow strikes the herald in the breast)
  196. Guard: Archer! Get in cover! (The crowd scream as Paradyms stream in to the area)
  198. Guard: We are under attack! Protect the Senators! Send for reinforcements!
  199. (Fighting fills the stage, from a balcony of the Senate House Brenuth appears)
  201. Brenuth: You Paradym scum! How dare you attack the Senate! Who ordered this attack?
  203. Paradym: The prophet Parados! He says the Senate have succumbed to the heresy of the State and should be cleansed!
  205. Brenuth: Then your so called prophet is a fool! It is us who fills his coffers! We who gave him power! By turning against us he turns upon his right arm!
  207. Paradym: Lies! It was the Gods who gave him power and he has no coffers, he gives his wealth to his flock to keep them safe while rich old men like you try and starve us to death!
  209. Brenuth: You are blinded by your own stupidity! The Gods are not real; Parados is a liar and a traitor! He took on this role to help us establish a government that I could rule!
  210. (More senators appear on the balcony)
  212. Senator 1: What do you mean 'You can rule'? You told me it was to save the city.
  214. Senator 2: You said that it was a means to give power to the people.
  216. Brenuth: Then you are fools too! How can you believe that a group of people could rule effectively? No! I planned to take the city and make all bow before me. It is my right! I am the next in line to the throne and The Regent refuses to accept my right! Yes, I told my dear friend Pardotus to trick his simple nephew into believing he was a messenger of the gods. Yes I convinced you bumbling fools to bribe The Regent to stop him picking that snivelling wretch that is my cousin as King. I am the rightful King no other! But of course that damn simpleton Parados got carried away and sent the city into turmoil, and you stupid old men could not keep your dirty hands of the potential power that The Regent could offer in his well greased hands!
  218. Senator 1: What are you saying Brenuth? That you orchestrated this whole thing? The Paradyms? The lack of monarch?
  220. Brenuth: You are as deaf as you are dumb. Yes, I am the conductor of the city. I am the power behind you all. Now if you stand against me I shall remove you (Brenuth grabs the Senator and hurls off the balcony into the mass of fighting men below)
  222. Paradym: The Senate speaks heresy fight on and silence their unholy tongues!
  223. (Paradyms break into the Senate House as Guards flee)
  225. Brenuth: Any who join me will be rewarded in my reign! Fight for me, the rightful King!
  226. (A troop of heavily armed guards enter, at their head The Regent stands his mask gleaming in the last of the sunlight)
  228. The Regent: Brenuth! It appears you acted too early. Surrender now and die like a man or will I have to go up there and choke you to death?
  230. Brenuth: You would not dare Regent. It is a capitol punishment to kill a Senator, you touch me and your life becomes forfeit.
  232. The Regent: Hahaha! You have forgotten something Brenuth. Listen all! I hereby declare a state of war, as acting Head of State I remove the title and position of Brenuth Lannii. His assets will be seized and used to help in the current civil war. Men kill that citizen.
  234. Brenuth: NO! You can not do that! I forbid it! I am the true ruler!
  235. (Guards rush into the Senate House)
  237. The Regent: You are lucky I am killing you now Brenuth, if Sporus had her way you would live for another decade before you die.
  238. (Guards seize Brenuth and lift him high above them, he screams as he is thrown far off the balcony)
  240. The Regent: Let us end this...
  242. ~~~Scene 3~~~
  244. The Royal Palace Gates. Parados is outside on a podium surrounded by Paradyms and three of his lieutenants, Melos is absent. Sporus and Drosius are on the other side backed by more Guards
  246. Parados: The time has come my blessed flock. We claim the city for the people! I shall save the city from the coming darkness!
  248. Sporus: You are nothing but a charlatan Parados. I was there when you were told of your so called message from the Gods. It was your dear old Uncle Pardotus who convinced you. It is pathetic how much you believe your own lies!
  250. Parados: The Harlot is a bringer of darkness my followers! She must be cleansed in the holy fires; else our purity will attract the doom upon us!
  252. Sporus: Purity? You did not seem to be very pure on the nights we spent together... Or do you not remember the young boys you insisted be present?
  253. (The Paradyms cry in outrage)
  255. Parados: (Shrilly) She lies! She tries to drive impure thoughts into your minds! She must be silenced!
  256. (Guards enter behind the Paradyms with the Regent leading them)
  258. The Regent: Clear the way or be cut down!
  259. (A path is cleared and The Regent joins Sporus)
  261. The Regent: Is what you speak true Sporus? You had that pathetic whelp?
  263. Sporus: ...Yes. I did it to help you my love (she caresses the mask tenderly) If I had not he would have the whole city in his grasp by now. He is nothing to me.
  265. The Regent: Drosius, a blade please.
  266. (Drosius steps up with a small dagger and hands it to The Regent.)
  268. The Regent: You betrayed me Sporus, you said you loved me but you wanted power and nothing more. I see it now... Tell me, was there anyone else?
  270. Sporus: I did what I did to help us. I gave my body to others so that my heart can be yours my love.
  272. The Regent: How many? Who?
  274. Sporus: No others I swear.
  276. The Regent: Who else? Tell me or I will kill you right here.
  278. Sporus: ...Brenuth.
  280. The Regent: So you mean you lied to me just then. How can I trust there are no others? You say your heart is mine? (Sporus nods and The Regent holds Sporus close. He stabs her once in the heart) Then it is mine to do with as I wish then.
  282. Sporus: (gasping in shock) My love? Why? My love? My Regent? (Faintly) My Mortius? (Sporus caresses the mask once more before slumping to the ground)
  284. The Regent: Drosius remove her from my sight. Parados! The harlot is dead! Now surrender to me and all this will end.
  286. Parados: You have aided me in my goals and now demand I stop? You are a pompous fool Regent or should I say Mortius? A fitting name.
  288. The Regent: (in fury) Open the gates! I shall kill you myself Parados!
  289. (The gates open and, as The Regent prepares to stride out, four guards step up behind him. One of the guards is Melos; he takes a small goblin blade and stabs The Regent in the lower back while the other disguised Paradyms protect him.)
  291. Drosius: No! Guards kill them! Save The Regent!
  292. (Guards charge forward and cut down the three Paradyms. Melos calmly crouches and removes The Regents mask before being struck down. The Regents face is incredibly handsome; it seems to shine with a golden aura)
  294. Parados: What is the meaning of this trickery?! Why are you not some diseased cripple?! What purpose did the mask hold if not to conceal a wasting disease?!
  296. The Regent: (grimacing in pain) It is to prevent us seeking the power of the throne, to keep us from ever attaining recognition once our service is done. You were fooled by a simple presumption Parados. Guards seal the gates and keep a watch. Drosius with me.
  297. (The Regent and Drosius enter the palace. Parados and his followers are left staring at the closed doors beyond a mass of City Guards.)
  299. Pardotus: Come nephew, let us regroup and prepare. There is no victory to be had today.
  301. Parados: You are right as always Uncle. Come with me my flock! Let us pray for the death of The Regent to the martyr Melos’ poison!
  302. (A guard hurries off to warn The Regent of the poison. As he goes the Paradyms follow Parados into the city. Night has fallen and the moon has risen.)
  304. ~~~ End of Act II ~~~
  307. ~~~ Start of Act III~~~
  309. ~~~Scene 1~~~
  311. The sun rises over the Palace. In a richly furnished bedroom The Regent lies re-masked upon the bed, his hands are cold and he shakes with a fever. Physicians and herbalists hover over his shivering form unsure how to cure him of the poison racing through his body. Drosius enters.
  313. Drosius: Sir? I have reports sir; do you wish to hear them?
  315. The Regent: Speak and speak fast Drosius, I am in a lot of pain...
  317. Drosius: Yes sir. Parados has retreated into the Slum District with his followers. One of our men saw some Paradyms enter a warehouse owned by Junius Havnii. Havnii is a reported fanatic to Parados it is likely they are holed up there.
  319. The Regent: Once I have recovered I shall lead an assault on the warehouse, until then the curfew, blockades and cordons are still in effect. In addition any gathering of more than four men or women is to be broken up unless registered by a royal scribe.
  321. Drosius: Yes sir (Drosius moves away and turns to a physician) Tell me what is wrong with him.
  323. Physician: We are unsure Captain; the toxin in him has not been seen by any of us before. We have tried several remedies and potions but the solution might require more magical means.
  325. Drosius: Magic is forbidden on pain of death in the city as I am sure you are aware.
  327. Physician: So is whoring yet I am sure one of your guards could point me towards more than a dozen. You need to ask the right people.
  329. Drosius: Are you a right person to ask then? Any of you?
  330. (No one answers)
  332. Herbalist: I had a customer, who I could not cure of a weeping of the eye. She returned two days later completely fine to collect an infusion for her mother, it is possible that mage craft was involved...
  334. Drosius: Where can I find this woman? Time is running out.
  336. Herbalist: The Slums. Near the docks she is a seamstress in the Weavers Guild. I do not know her name.
  338. Drosius: Guard! (A guard enters) Get this woman to give you the directions to find a different woman. Once you find her, get her to tell you where the mage who healed an eye infection she had is. (The Guard and Herbalist exit. Drosius waves the rest of the healers out. As they too exit, Drosius sits down in chair near the now sleeping Regent)
  340. Drosius: Do not worry sir. You will remove Parados soon. Then you can finally choose the successor to the crown... The law dictates I should have killed you once your mask was removed but we are in a state of war, there is no general who can match you and you… you are the ruler this city needs.
  342. ~~~Scene 2~~~
  344. Once again in the mould ridden room, Parados paces while his three remaining lieutenants sit and watch in silence.
  346. Parados: So close! We had that fucking bastard and Melos failed me! That dumb oaf could not handle a simple task of stabbing a man in the back! Then he goes and reveals The Regents face!
  348. Otho: But you said you were going to publicly unmask The Regent. That was your plan; to show the masses how hideous he was to warrant the mask.
  350. Parados: But he is not hideous is he?! He is dashing and a hero of the people! Uncle, what will happen to my followers? Will they desert or remain loyal?
  352. Pardotus: Many will stay Nephew but some will be disillusioned.
  354. Junius: I will follow you Parados. I am but a humble servant to the Gods and you.
  356. Parados: Thank you Junius, it is good to see one so pure and holy among my followers, you shall be one of the first to enter paradise after I save the city.
  358. Junius: Thank you master. Oh thank you.
  360. Otho: The Regent will be dying if not dead now anyway. Melos always used poison blades as a precaution.
  362. Parados: I do not count on it. He failed me once, he may have again. Find out for me Otho.
  363. (Otho nods and departs)
  365. Parados: Junius I want you to head to the main warehouse and rouse the flock for a large congregation. I plan to take over the city barracks. Understood?
  367. Junius: A brilliant plan Parados. I will get all the brothers and sisters ready. I can use the new armaments that arrived this morning.
  369. Parados: Good. I hope the weapons are up to the standard you promised.
  370. (Junius nods vigorously and rushes out muttering bits of Holy Scripture)
  372. Pardotus: What is it that you wish for me to do Nephew?
  374. Parados: I want you to interrogate all my high ranking followers. I fear The Regent may have an assassin waiting for me as Melos was him. If you find a traitor burn him alive in the main Temple, send a message.
  375. (Pardotus shuffles out frowning to himself. Parados sits down and rubs his face)
  377. Parados: You will see Regent. I will be King of this city and I shall have you dead before. Then let us see just how pretty that face is.
  378. (He laughs to himself and strides out the room)
  380. ~~~Scene 3~~~
  382. The Regents bedroom, he is sitting upright being given all sorts of decoctions and infusions by the healers around him. Guards watch nervously from the side of the room. Drosius enters suddenly with two guards. In between the two guards a tall lanky man in shabby clothes.
  384. Drosius: Sir? We have found the mage healer. Are you sure you want this criminal to be allowed to help you?
  386. The Regent: (weakly) Yes Drosius, if he can help me then I must allow it. If, however he tries anything you have my permission to execute him on the spot. Now then mage, I suggest you be very careful and explain what you will be doing as you go.
  388. Jelkir: Yes my lord, my name is Jelkir (The mage bends over The Regent). I shall begin by finding the source of the pain... The wound in your back, it carries a foul taint. A poison I have not seen before.
  390. Drosius: Where would you have seen poisons before?
  392. Jelkir: Certain individuals have hired me in the past. Whether for protection against poisons or the experimentation of them, it does not matter. I have not seen a contagion as deadly as this. The fact you still live is almost magical in itself my lord.
  394. The Regent: If it is magical then you should be well equipped to remove it.
  396. Jelkir: I said that you are ‘almost magical’ I said nothing about the corruption. Though it appears to be a magically distorted variation of several rare plants. It will take time to fix this and much effort on my part. How will I be rewarded?
  398. Drosius: With a pardon for any and all crimes committed at this date. These include, so far: Learning magecraft, practicing magecraft, the poisoning of unknown individuals and possession of illegal artefacts.
  399. (Drosius holds up a bag with metal objects sticking out.)
  401. Jelkir: And what about future practices? I wish to be given a pardon for my profession in return for saving The Regents’ life.
  403. Drosius: That is out of the question. It is a capital crime to practise magic inside the city.
  405. The Regent: Drosius enough. Jelkir I hereby grant you a life pardon for the practicing of magecraft. In addition I offer you the position of Royal Mage; it gives you the power to petition for certain individuals to be granted a pardon for magical activities. Do you accept this offer?
  407. Jelkir: With pleasure my lord. Now be silent. I must have quiet in which to concentrate, this is complex magic I am dealing with.
  408. (The Regent nods and gestures for the other healers and Drosius to depart; as the healers leave Drosius sits down in the corner watching carefully.)
  410. ~~~Scene 4~~~
  412. Dusk approaches. Outside the warehouse where the Paradyms’ secret themselves away. The appearance of the building is quite dilapidated. The windows are shuttered and moss grows along the frames. The doors however are solid oak, able to withstand all but a ram. A contingent of guards march up to the warehouse, Drosius leads them.
  414. Drosius: Parados! We know you are in there! You have no chance of escape come out and face your justice!
  415. (A shutter on the second level of the warehouse opens and a Paradym with a crossbow leans out.)
  417. Paradym: Be gone Captain! Our glorious leader Parados does not trouble himself with the likes of you. He will exit this place for two reasons only: One, when proof of The Regents death is shown, which should be soon in coming. Or two, if, by some miracle The Regent lives, he stands outside ready to crown our righteous prophet as King.
  418. (The Paradym aims the crossbow high into the sky and shoots; it leaves a blazing trail through the darkening sky.)
  420. Drosius: You are as gullible as you are ignorant! Parados is nothing but a greed fuelled trickster. It fills my heart with sorrow to see my fellow people of <CoG Name> misguided so obviously by a charlatan like Parados...
  422. Paradym: It is not us being misled but you Captain. Parados has shown us how cruel and corrupt The Regent has made this once magnificent city. Now I advise you to join us or surrender for Parados has called his flock together in all its brilliance!
  423. (More Paradyms and Paradym sympathizers flood from the surrounding street and the strong doors of the warehouse open and Paradyms’ spill out from inside. All are armed with a plethora of weapons from clubs to vicious looking foreign blades.)
  425. Drosius: Guards form up! Watch yourselves men, these fanatics are unpredictable in a fight. You up there bring Parados out now!
  426. (The Paradym ducks inside. Pardotus, Junius and Otho soon stride into the fast fading sunlight.)
  428. Drosius: So Parados is too cowardly to face me himself and he sends his lackeys, does he?
  430. Pardotus: Silence your tongue you brash oaf. You are not in a position to talk in such a way to us.
  432. Drosius: For an old man you certainly have a quick tongue, but you did not deny the fact that Parados is a coward.
  434. Junius: Lies! Parados is praying for the final guidance to salvage this city from the destruction your precious Regent have brought!
  436. Otho: Enough Junius. Keep your calm and refrain from speaking with your foolish mouth.
  438. Drosius: Do I detect dissension from within? Is the religious brotherhood just a thin veil to mask the true greed and vulgarity of a vile scoundrel who seeks nothing more than the wealth of the crown?
  440. Junius: How dare you! Parados needs the crown and treasury to help save the city! He has no personal agenda; he will sacrifice his freedom for the sake of others!
  442. Drosius: Will you be silent, you intolerable fool?! I see you are even more misguided than the rest of your gullible lot. I even fear you are beyond true salvation for the disease that is Parados has infected your mind more so than others. Now then, who am I speaking to?
  444. Otho: I am Otho Gadrita, second to Parados. These men are Junius Havnii supplier of the fine arms you see presented, and Pardotus Vedanii, uncle to our glorious prophet Parados. We are here to remove you Drosius, Captain of the Royal Guard, for you are all that stands between Parados and our salvation now that The Regent has been taken care of.
  445. (With a great fanfare a troop of heavily armoured men storm on to the stage cutting down Paradyms that are too slow to get out the way. In the midst of the squadron stands The Regent and Jelkir.)
  447. The Regent: It would appear you have miscalculated Otho Gadrita, for I am very much alive. Drosius, thank you for stalling them. MEN!!!
  448. (More city guards appear {behind audience possibly} and soon outnumber the Paradyms by four to one)
  450. The Regent: Now then, where was I? Ah of course. Parados I know you are hidden in there! Step out, denounce your ludicrous claim of zealousness and surrender yourself to execution!
  452. Junius: Never! Never shall our great leader bow to your blasphemous demands! Paradyms cut him down and send him to the Gods!
  453. (He gestures wildly to The Regent and the Paradyms swarm towards the masked figure only to be repelled and trapped by the numerous guards.)
  455. Otho: You fool! You brash oaf! Look what you have done! Our men are not trained they will all die, all for your ignorance and misguided faith!
  456. (Otho grabs Junius and shakes him violently before throwing him down to the ground. He stands above Junius and lifts his mace high)
  458. Junius: By the Gods what have I done? It is true then, that Parados is nothing but a liar and charlatan. I have brought destruction to <CoG Name> through my foolishness. Run Paradyms! We have been duped by a coward and trickster! Flee now and repent! Flee!
  459. (Otho brings down the mace down, silencing Junius. Paradyms hear the cry and stand confused before scurrying away {through the audience}. A handful of Paradyms stand guard over Pardotus, Otho and the warehouse door.)
  461. Drosius: Come now, you have lost. Surrender now and be given some degree of mercy, or face death here and now.
  463. Pardotus: Enough of your twisted words. What mercy shall we receive but a death drawn out for the people to watch? You would make us a warning to others then or we can become martyrs to all now. I know my choice. This once great city has fallen into disrepair. The monarchy has failed us. Crown appointed official now grow rich and fat of corruption while the poor suffer and die in the streets and hovels. <CoG Name> needs to fall so that something beautiful may grow out of the rubble of fraudulent and immoral disaster. Come brothers join me here, where we can make the final effort our city needs.
  464. (Pardotus steps forward and three Paradyms join him. They advance forward with weapons raised)
  466. The Regent: Jelkir restrain them. After such a pretty speech Pardotus I can hardly kill you now. No, you will give that same speech to the people when you face them with a noose around your neck. As for your courageous fellows here, I will not kill such brave men, they will fight in the arena for the pleasure of the people they once called brothers and sisters.
  467. (Jelkir steps forward and mutters some words before the stone beneath Pardotus and the Paradyms feet reaches out and grabs their legs.)
  469. Pardotus: Ha-ha! You show such great hypocrisy Regent. Using a mage when you yourself ordered the outlaw of magic. Well I am eternally sorry to disappoint you Regent but I will not be a pawn in your cruel games.
  470. (He thrusts his short sword deep into his chest and with an upwards twist he falls to the floor, a grim smile on his face. The other Paradyms salute his last act before Jelkir hurriedly restrains their arms.)
  472. Drosius: Sir we must deal with the scum that is Otho and we have yet to find Parados.
  474. The Regent: You are right Drosius. Men, arrest these scum and take them to the Chasm. The rest of you get in there and find that bastard Parados.
  475. (City guards grab Otho and the other Paradyms and take them away. The remaining guards enter the warehouse. Leaving Drosius, Jelkir, The Regent and a few guards left.)
  477. Jelkir: My lord, would it not be more appropriate if I were to apprehend Parados? To help convince the populace that magic can be used for good?
  479. The Regent: I have trusted you with power enough, in return for my life, Jelkir. Do not try to exceed yourself in this regard. The city guard must be seen to put an end to this schism or else the people will revolt.
  481. Jelkir: Understood my lord but must we not also prove that magic is not an evil tool for cruel men but a force for good amongst the people?
  483. Drosius: I do not believe now is the time to discuss such matters. Look here comes the bastard monk himself.
  484. (Parados struggling is carried onstage by a handful of city guards.)
  486. Parados: Unhand me you heretical miscreants of hell! You have no right to touch my sacred person. I am the prophet of the Gods! You show your profanity by your mere presence! I am not some uncouth braggart to be manhandled in such ways!
  488. The Regent: Silence Parados, there is no point in trying to escape now. Your followers have finally seen the truth to your immoral and conniving ways. You are alone. No one can or will save you.
  490. Parados: I have my lieutenants still; they shall come and show you the error of your sacrilegious acts.
  492. Jelkir: I would not be so sure of that priest-man
  493. (Parados notices the bodies of his uncle Pardotus and Junius, he stops struggling. He slumps against the city guards restraining him forcing them to now support him.)
  495. Parados: No… Uncle? What have you done?! Where is Otho? And Junius? Tell me!
  497. Drosius: Otho has been arrested and taken to the Chasm. Junius at last saw with clarity that you are a false prophet. Otho killed him but in his dying breath he disbanded your gullible followers giving them the gift of sense as they fled. And you dear uncle? He killed himself rather than be subject to the disgrace you have brought your family. You killed them all Parados, through your senseless plans and schemes.
  499. Parados: You bastards! How dare you take Otho! He is a finer man than any I see before me here. I know you lie when you say Junius betrayed me, for none were as blind as he to my silver-tongued words. But there is one fact that I cannot contain my rage with, the utter filth you just tainted the air with about my own kin. Pardotus would never end his life for such a reason. It was him who encouraged me to start this fallacy.
  501. The Regent: I think we have run out of time for this little discussion. Men take him to the Chasm for execution, I will arrive shortly. Until then, Drosius, you will search out for anymore Paradyms in the area and publicly execute them. Jelkir you will-
  502. (Parados suddenly breaks free from the city guards holding him and charges towards The Regent with a blade held high. A sudden cloud of smoke and a large bang erupts before Parados. The smoke hides Parados, Jelkir and The Regent. When the smoke clears Parados has vanished, The Regent is slumped on the floor and Jelkir is standing with his arms raised at where Parados had been.)
  504. Jelkir: I think that will do for now.
  506. The Regent: What in the seven hollows was that?!
  508. Jelkir: Apologies sire, I was slightly over-zealous in defending you from that monk scum.
  510. The Regent: Humph well it would appear that one problem has been dealt with. You have my thanks Jelkir.
  512. Drosius: If you are fit to walk, perhaps we should head to the palace to deal with the captured Paradyms? And also the now unavoidable question of an heir to the throne?
  514. The Regent (now standing proudly): Indeed. Let us go with our heads held high and a victory in our hearts.
  516. ~~~Scene 5~~~
  518. The Palace. The great hall in all its decadent glory, on a dais is a single marble throne. Upon the throne sits a young boy of around fourteen, he sits straight and nobly. The Regent stands slightly down the dais near the young boy. The High Priest of <CoG Name>’s Gods stands next to The Regent holding a crown. Drosius and Jelkir stand at the bottom of the dais on opposite sides.
  520. The Regent: By the power invested in me by the last king, I, The Regent of <CoG Name> with no house or family, ask you Godrian of the Royal House, nephew to the last king and son to the sister of the late king, if you are willing to take the titles of King of <CoG Name>, High General of the armies of <CoG Name>, Protector of the Gods of <CoG Name> and Defender of the People in all lands?
  522. Godrian: I am willing and rightful by blood.
  524. The Regent: Then let the people declare their support. Do the city guard accept this man as your king?
  526. Drosius: They do and they swear to protect the city and the king with their lives.
  528. The Regent: And do the mages of <CoG Name> accept this man as your king?
  530. Jelkir: They do and they swear to protect the city and the king from any magical intruders and to serve in the hospitals of <CoG Name> when needed.
  532. The Regent: Do those gathered here accept this man as your king?
  534. Gathered Citizens of <CoG Name>: They do and will serve the king and obey the laws he decrees.
  536. The Regent: Do the Gods approve this man as our king?
  538. High Priest: The Gods look down with approval at this man; they rejoice to have a protector within the mortal realms once more.
  540. Godrian: Then let the crown be placed and my reign begin.
  541. (The High Priest walks forward and places the crown on Godrian.)
  543. ~~~End of Act III~~~
  546. ~~~~~The End~~~~~
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