
/PoFg/ Spotted Fun (Giraffe)

Jun 13th, 2017
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  1. >Being a human wasn’t so bad
  2. >You had all the food to eat
  3. >A warm home
  4. >”Anon, come see boy!”
  5. >And one hell of a pervert for an owner
  6. >You grinned to yourself, walking to where you knew your owner was
  7. >Opening the door to her bedroom, a familiar sight greeted you
  8. >There Lana was
  9. >Your Giraffe owner
  10. >Naked, with little more than a hoof hand thing hiding her pussy from your sight
  11. >And it was moving
  12. >Circles, up and down, in and out
  13. >”Ohh, Anon, there you are~”
  14. >Lana’s words were heavy with need and the room stank of her heat
  15. >”Would you come help mommy out? She really needs, nngh, someone right now”
  16. >Welcome to Flavor Town
  17. >Her lithe, long figure was trembling with need
  18. >Her massaging hand slipped from her steaming folds and tracing a line down your chin and shirt
  19. >”There’s a good boy~”
  20. >Lana closed her eyes and opened her mouth
  21. >Her long purple tongue snaked out and into your face, licking and prodding at your lips looking for entrance
  22. >As always, you obliged her want
  23. >She was gonna do this anyway weather you let her or not you let her
  24. >Besides, it was sexy as hell
  25. >no homo
  26. >Nothing quite came close to this feeling
  27. >The sensation of Lana’s slimy tongue filling your mouth with it’s presence and taste
  28. >Sweet from all the fruit she ate, there was also an acidic tang hiding in there somewhere
  29. >Naughty girl
  30. >Grabbing her head you pulled her closer to you, your lips meeting with several wet noises too lewd to print
  31. >Grinding your bulge against her wet pussy, you heard, or more accurately, felt Lana moan like a slut
  32. >Sher hands shot to your pants
  33. >Ripping both them and your underwear down to expose your cock to the open air
  34. >With your pants gone, you could feel the heat radiating from her crotch
  35. >Pressing your hips to hers, you slid your rod up her lips
  36. >Teasing her and yourself before taking the plunge
  37. >You’d slide down, almost reaching her needy hole
  38. >But sliding back up at the last second, feeling her clit wink angrily against your shaft
  39. >after agonizing grin d after grind, yoj finally pull back all the way
  40. >Slamming yourself balls deep before she can slam against you
  42. >Lana’s head shoots back and she whinnies to the ceiling
  43. >Her tongue flying from your mouth in a spray of saliva
  44. >You pull back and slam in again
  45. >”WHREEEEEE”
  46. >You feel her clit go nuts against you and her tunnel spasm as she cums
  47. >The syrupy goo sliding down your balls and her ass making the smell of heat in the room so much stronger
  48. >You slam in again
  49. >and again
  50. >and again
  51. >Each time making her whinny from the sensation and making her cum three more times
  52. >Then you feel it
  53. >The sensation starting in your legs and traveling up to your groin like a bore tide
  54. >Your lower body tenses up, ready to fire
  55. >Grunting like an animal, you slam balls deep one last time
  56. >Pushing as deeply as you can into Lana’s soft pussy flesh, holding there for only a second
  57. >You cum, exploding insider her slick tunnel, slathering the walls with your cum
  58. >An unattainable pleasure fills your head, blowing away any higher functions, reducing you to a quivering animal
  59. >Spurt after spurt fires into that hot hole, some of it even slipping back out and down Lana’s ass to join her fluids
  60. >After what felt like years, bot was only a few short seconds, you return to yourself, the nirvana leaving behind a serene afterglow.
  61. >You collapsed against Lana, her chest quivering with ragged breaths, and her body splayed from the pleasure
  62. >Resting your head against her soft breasts, you hug the giraffe, savoring this moment of bliss
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