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Mar 10th, 2017
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  1. Acroscephale, scholars of the stars: An ancient kingdom lead by astronomers and wisemen. The astronomers who helped build the old kingdom have recently emerged from centuries of study and meditation, ready to bring new wisdom.
  3. Ermor, the skeletal empire: The undead remains of a once dominant empire now sits in a deathly state. After the sorcerers and the mages committed one too many sacrifices, the whole kingdom fell into decay and disarray. The nobles, the soldiers, the people, were all turned into undead horrors, and now roam the earth in a state of anger. They seek to reclaim their empire, and punish the god that brought this curse upon them.
  5. Sceleria, the new empire: Sceleria was kingdom which broke off from Ermor before its fall. They were, unfortunately. unable to fully escape the curse that came over the Ermor, and much of their empire was also turned undead. Now, what remain of the living live and walk with the dead.
  7. Pythium, the emerald empire: The only significant part of the old Ermor empire that didn't fall to the curse after Ermor itself did. The lands of Pythium are as alive as the lands of Ermor are dead. The downside, however, is that the lands are in chaos. Rebellions happen frequently, and Pythium has lost much of its territory. The likely cause is the complete banning of the old Ermor faith, which many people still followed. The new faith has yet to catch on, and religious strife is a massive problem.
  9. Man, guardians of Avalon: Man is a feudal kingdom, lacking in the skills and resources that other kingdoms have. Their overall affinity for magic is lackluster, and their equipment is limited to skilled archers and knights. The kingdom's power comes from the forest of Avalon, a magical site conquered centuries ago and protected ever since. The holy forest sanctuary grants immense power to any who are allowed inside.
  11. Eriu, land of the immortals: Eriu is home to the original inhabitants of Avalon, the Sidhe, Tuatha, and the Fir Bolg. These races predated man, and many other known creatures . The magic of Avalon has significantly extended their lifespan, making them live for hundreds of years. The Tuatha, divine mages who most often dwelt in the forest of Avalon, can live for thousands of years.
  13. Ulm, legends of steel: Ulm is a kingdom clad in steel and power, and shuns magic. They can smith great tools and powerful weapons with little effort, and their forges burn hot with the smithing of incredible things. In recent days, a cult has begun to pop up and has taken some power within the kingdom. This cult sees magic is a holy practice, reserved for a select few. The smiths of Ulm don't like the cultists, and the cultists don't like the smiths. It's likely that the two sides will clash before long.
  15. Marignon, faith through fire: Marignon is kingdom built on religious zeal, faith, and extensive inquisitions. Their priests seek to root out any unfaithfulness and opposing religions that dare encroach on their territory, and those of different beliefs are often put to the pyre if they don't repent.
  17. Mictlan, sacrificial alters: The Mictlan are a kingdom of primitive warriors who worship their gods through blood sacrifices. The alters they've constructed, though sinister in purpose, are gigantic in size and magnificent in appearance.
  19. T'ein Ch'i, the Astral Bureaucracy: T'ein Ch'i is a mystical, orderly land controlled by a well organized bureaucracy. T'ein Ch'i has reached the very height of its empire. Its armies are the grandest in the east, its scholars are the wisest in the east, and their power is nearly assured. It isn't uncommon to see astral being, creatures summed from a different plain, walking the streets alongside common folk.
  21. Machaka, land of voodoo: Machaka is an archaic land of voodoo and sorcery. Their jungle kingdom is home to giant spiders, big enough to ride, and skilled witch doctors who live far from "civilized" society.
  23. Agartha, worshipers of the old ones: Agartha is a murky, underground realm, home to the pale ones, a race of giant, powerful, and distinctly pale creatures. These pale ones have diminished greatly over the years, as their incredibly long lifespan begins to catch up with them, and now only a few remain. Humans have begun to take their place underground, and the humans worship the remaining pale ones.
  25. Caelum, the frozen angels: Caelum is a land of mountainous, icy terrain, inhabited by winged humans, who are well resistant to the cold weather. These "ice angel bastards" as they've been come to known by rowdy tavern folk, are beautiful and holy beings who descended from the old days, when angels still held a presence in the mortal realm.
  27. C'tis, encroaching miasma: The C'tis are a race of lizard men who dwell in disease ridden swamps. Their priests have awakened an ancient miasma, that spreads pestilence and wetlands wherever it goes, and has revived legendary lizard warriors of old.
  29. Pangaea, realm of the beast-men: Pangaea is forested realm, inhabited by mythical half beasts of godly origin. Centaurs and Satyrs are nimble and skilled, while the giant Minotaur are brutish and simple.
  31. Asphodel, corruption of the forest: Asphodel is deathly realm of demonic and evil half men and beasts. A great Pan, fed up with the treatment of the forest, began to take his revenge on the world by using the forest itself to resurrect the dead, and send these ghastly creatures out against those who would dare harm the great forest. Asphodel is a horrid place, of trees infected with dark magic, and beasts corrupted by dark power.
  33. Vanheim, lords of illusion: Vanheim is an ancient land, ruled by the Vanir, a beautiful race of men who can use illusions to hide their true appearance. Over the centuries, the Vanir have steadily declined in number, and thus have released humans from their servitude and allow them to bolster their armies and hold land to grow crops and feed the kingdom.
  35. Jotunheim, realm of giants: Jotunheim is an ancient land, ruled by the Jotun giants, a race of giants with power and strength unequaled in their snow covered homelands. Over the centuries, the Jotun, like their age old Vanir enemies, have steadily declined in number, and as such, they released the Vaetti from their servitude, and allow them to join the armies and serve as mages. The giants are a proud race, and still refuse to allow humankind any sort of power within their lands.
  37. Vanarus, the northern bear: Vanarus is a relatively new kingdom, founded under two holy races, as well as humans. The Vanir and the Chuds are beautiful people of great skill. The Vanir can still cast their illusions, but powerful Chuds are able to turn in ferocious bears should the situation call for it. Humans still make up the majority of the kingdom, and serve as landowners and soldiers.
  39. Bandar Log, kingdom of apes: The apes of Bandar have long since overthrown their demon and ogre overlords, and have begun a society all their own, made purely of apes. The white apes that remain are blessed beings, and are highly respected among the Bandar society.
  41. Shinuyama, dwelling of demons: Shinuyama is feudal land, ruled by Bakemono; ghostly goblins and strong warriors. Though despite having gone through a massive decline, the Shinuyama land is still home to the demons known as Oni, and they are just as powerful as they once were.
  43. Ashdod, power of the giants: Ashdod is a kingdom which has lost much of its power and influence over the centuries. Constant onslaughts from rivals have greatly diminished their territory, and the pure blooded giants are getting rarer and rarer.
  45. Nazca, mummy kings: Nazca is a kingdom that broke away from Caelum long ago, when two prominent eagle kings rebelled against the rest of the bird tribes, and split off to create their own faction. The descendants of the Caelum eagles make up the citizens and armies of Nazca, and they can fly just as well as their icy cousins.
  47. Xibalba, toads and bats: Xibalba is a flooded underground kingdom of connected caverns, inhabited by human-like toads. These toads are powerful warriors, and equip themselves with the obsidian found deep within the caverns. Alongside the toads, there exist the original inhabitants of the cave kingdom; the Zotz, a race of giant, human-like bats have lost their control and their great numbers, but still hold some power.
  49. Atlantis, lords of the deep: Modern Atlantis is what remain of the old kingdom after it was destroyed and then reformed. The dwellers that remain are part frog, part human, and part fish, and find magic difficult. They often kidnap humans from the shore to teach magic, as humans are far more attuned to magic then the Atlantians are. The city of Atlantis still remains as beautiful as ever, despite the lose of the old basalt castle.
  51. R'lyeh, masters of the void: The R'lyeh are a relatively new race, come from a fallen space rock. Despite their limited time in these lands, they've still been quick to make their mark on the world. The R'lyeh follow a dark god, and can summon horrible nightmare creatures from the void. They are will versed in the astral plain, and can blast your mind to bits with powerful mind attacks.
  53. Pelagia, hall of the tritan kings: Pelagia is perhaps the most powerful of the underwater nations of a world scale. They are steady trade partners with numerous kingdoms, and have a sizable force that can conquer both the above and underwater realms. Their mermen can shed their tails and walk on land like humans. WIth the coming of bronze to the undersea realm, the mermen have stopped their use of coral, and instead suit their soldiers in bronze armor, and decorate their cities with beautiful bronze carvings.
  55. Oceania, undersea half-men: Oceania is a land that corresponds to Pangaea to an uncanny degree. It's inhabited by half-men that have grown fish tails, and have adapted to life under the sea. These tri-men can walk on land by shedding their tails, and often do so to raid coasts and carry men and woman off into the waves.
  57. Ys, morgan queens: Ys is what remains of an ancient kingdom, sunk beneath the waves to prevent its total annihilation. The ancient denizens adapted to the undersea life by growing gills, and webbed hands and feet. They aren't pleasant to look at, but they are powerful nonetheless. The sorceresses of the old kingdom still rule with powerful magic, and have retained their beauty.
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