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- #RequireAdmin
- #Include <GuiListView.au3>
- #include <GuiconstantsEx.au3>
- #include <WindowsConstants.au3>
- #include <GuiEdit.au3>
- $title = "A.I.X.O.A. v0.1"
- $ifilepath = @WindowsDir & "\system32\drivers\etc\hosts"
- ;GUI
- GUICreate( $title , 720, 380,-1,-1)
- ;hosts file
- $Hfile = FileOpen($ifilepath,16)
- If $Hfile = -1 Then
- MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.")
- EndIf
- $Hcontent = BinaryToString(FileRead($Hfile))
- FileClose($Hfile)
- ;Tab greenC8EDCC red2D01EE blueFF0000
- GUICtrlCreateTab(1,5,720,373)
- GUICtrlCreateTabItem("CPU")
- $cpuinfo = GUICtrlCreateListView("Description|CPU infomation",10,35,700,300)
- $refreshCpu = GUICtrlCreateButton("Refresh",10,340,105,30)
- GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Drive")
- $Dinfo = GUICtrlCreateListView("Drive|Drive Name|Free space|Total space|File system|Status|Drive Serial",10,35,700,300)
- $refreshDrive = GUICtrlCreateButton("Refresh",10,340,105,30)
- GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Important file")
- $hosts = GUICtrlCreateEdit($Hcontent,10,35,700,300)
- $saveH = GUICtrlCreateButton("Save",10,340,105,30)
- $hostsfile = GUICtrlCreateButton("Hosts",125,340,105,30)
- $winini = GUICtrlCreateButton("Win.ini",240,340,105,30)
- $systemini = GUICtrlCreateButton("system.ini",355,340,105,30)
- $bootini = GUICtrlCreateButton("boot.ini",470,340,105,30)
- GUICtrlCreateTabItem("BIOS")
- $BiosList = GUICtrlCreateListView("Description|Basic Input Output System infomation",10,35,700,300)
- ;tab contents
- ;cpu tab
- _CPURegistryInfo()
- _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems($cpuinfo)
- GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("Name|"& $aCPUInfo[2],$cpuinfo)
- GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("# of thread|"& $aCPUInfo[0],$cpuinfo)
- GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("CPU speed|"& Round($aCPUInfo[1]/1000,1) &"Ghz" , $cpuinfo)
- GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("Identifier|"& $aCPUInfo[3],$cpuinfo)
- GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("Vendor|"& $aCPUInfo[4],$cpuinfo)
- ;drive tab
- _DriveInfo()
- _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems($Dinfo)
- For $i = 1 to $DriveNum[0]
- GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($DriveNum[$i] &"|"& $Dlabel[$i] &"|"& Round($Dfree[$i]/1000,1) &"GB|"& Round($Dtotal[$i]/1000,1) &"GB|"& $Dfs[$i] &"|"& $Dstatus[$i] &"|"& $Dserial[$i],$Dinfo)
- Next
- GuiSetState()
- Do
- $msg = GUIGetMsg()
- Select
- Case $msg = $refreshCpu
- _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems($cpuinfo)
- GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("Name|"& $aCPUInfo[2],$cpuinfo)
- GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("# of thread|"& $aCPUInfo[0],$cpuinfo)
- GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("CPU speed|"& Round($aCPUInfo[1]/1000,1) &"Ghz" , $cpuinfo)
- GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("Identifier|"& $aCPUInfo[3],$cpuinfo)
- GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("Vendor|"& $aCPUInfo[4],$cpuinfo)
- Case $msg = $refreshDrive
- _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems($Dinfo)
- For $i = 1 to $DriveNum[0]
- GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($DriveNum[$i] &"|"& $Dlabel[$i] &"|"& Round($Dfree[$i]/1000,1) &"GB|"& Round($Dtotal[$i]/1000,1) &"GB|"& $Dfs[$i] &"|"& $Dstatus[$i] &"|"& $Dserial[$i],$Dinfo)
- Next
- Case $msg = $saveH
- $Hfile = FileOpen($ifilepath,2)
- $Hwrite = FileWrite($Hfile,_GUICtrlEdit_GetText($hosts))
- FileClose($Hfile)
- If $Hwrite = 1 Then
- MsgBox(0,"Aixoa editor","Save successful")
- Else
- MsgBox(0,"Aixoa editor","Save failure")
- EndIf
- Case $msg = $bootini
- $ifilepath = StringReplace(@windowsdir,"WINDOWS","") & "boot.ini"
- Case $msg = $systemini
- $ifilepath = @windowsdir & "\system.ini"
- _openinifile()
- _GUICtrlEdit_Destroy($hosts)
- $hosts = GUICtrlCreateEdit($Hcontent,10,35,700,300)
- Case $msg = $winini
- $ifilepath = @windowsdir & "\win.ini"
- EndSelect
- Until $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
- ;===========================Funtions========================
- ; [0] = # of Reported CPU's (can include 'logical' processors as well (# CPU's * # of hyperthreads))
- ; [1] = CPU Speed (Mhz)
- ; [2] = CPU Name
- ; [3] = Identifier (family, model, stepping)
- ; [4] = Vendor name
- ; [5] = Feature Set (unsure what values are which..)
- ; Failure: @error = same as returned by RegEnumKey(), with an empty array ([0] = -1 though)
- ; @error = 1 = unable to open requested key
- ; @error = 2 = unable to open requested Main key
- ; @error = 3 = unable to connect to *remote* registry (not likely a return here)
- ; @error = -1 = unable to retrieve requested subkey (key instance out of range)
- ; ===============================================================================================================================
- Func _CPURegistryInfo()
- Global $aCPUInfo[6]
- If @error Then Return SetError(@error,0,$aCPUInfo)
- $aCPUInfo[1] = RegRead ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0","~MHz")
- $aCPUInfo[2] = RegRead ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0","ProcessorNameString")
- $aCPUInfo[3] = RegRead ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0","Identifier")
- $aCPUInfo[4] = RegRead ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0","VendorIdentifier")
- $aCPUInfo[5] = RegRead ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0","FeatureSet")
- Return $aCPUInfo
- EndFunc
- ;----------------------------------------
- Func _DriveInfo()
- Global $DriveNum[12]
- Global $Dlabel[12]
- Global $Dfree[12]
- Global $Dtotal[12]
- Global $Dfs[12]
- Global $Dstatus[12]
- Global $Dserial[12]
- $DriveNum = DriveGetDrive("fixed")
- For $i = 1 To $DriveNum[0]
- $Dlabel[$i] = DriveGetLabel($DriveNum[$i])
- $Dfree[$i] = DriveSpaceFree($DriveNum[$i])
- $Dtotal[$i] = DriveSpaceTotal($DriveNum[$i])
- $Dfs[$i] = DriveGetFileSystem($DriveNum[$i])
- $Dstatus[$i] = DriveStatus($DriveNum[$i])
- $Dserial[$i] = DriveGetSerial($DriveNum[$i])
- Next
- EndFunc
- ;====================================================================
- Func _openinifile()
- $Hfile = FileOpen($ifilepath,1)
- If $Hfile = -1 Then
- MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.")
- EndIf
- $Hcontent = FileRead($Hfile)
- FileClose($Hfile)
- EndFunc
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