
2019-10-22 TOEFL: word roots, reading purpose

Oct 22nd, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
  4. ---
  5. Word Roots (list 5) - With your partners, try to explain the meaning of each root given the examples.
  6. morph (amorphous, metamorphosis, morphology) = form
  7. multi (multicolored, multilayers) = many (Latin)
  8. nat (native, innate, natal) = birth
  9. neo (neoclassical, neocolonialism, Neolithic) = new
  10. nom/nym (nominate, misnomer, pseudonym) = name
  11. nov (innovate, novelty, nova) = new
  12. nov (November) = nine (At one time the year began with March.)
  13. ob/op (obstruct, object, opposite) = in front
  14. omni (omnipotent, omnidirectional, omnivore) = all (Latin)
  15. optim (optimal, optimize) = best
  16. opt (optician, optometry) = eye/vision
  17. paleo (paleontology, Paleolithic, paleozoic) = old
  18. pan (panacea, panorama, pandemic) = all (Greek)
  19. path (pathology, antipathy, empathy) = suffering
  20. ped (pedestrian, pedicure) = foot
  21. ped/paed (pediatrician, pedagogy) = child
  22. peri (perimeter, peripheral) = around
  23. phil (philanthropy, philosophy, bibliophile, hydrophilic) = love/attraction
  24. phob (arachnophobia, claustrophobia) = fear/aversion
  25. phon (phonograph, microphone, homophone, megaphone, phonetic) = sound
  26. photo (photograph, photosynthesis, photogenic) = light (some words with this root mean “photograph”)
  27. pod (podium, podiatry, tripod) = foot
  28. poly (polygon, polyglot) = many (Greek)
  29. port (transport, portable) = carry (through something)
  30. post (posthumous, postpone) = after
  31. proto (prototype, proton, protocol) = first (proto, pre, prim, fore, front, first - all from the same root)
  32. pseudo (pseudonym, pseudopod) = fake
  33. psych (psychopath, psychotherapy, psychology) = mind
  34. pute (computer, dispute) = think/reckon/judge
  35. pyro (pyromaniac, pyrotechnics) = fire
  36. ---
  37. TOEFL: 4 sections, 4 hours, 120 points, $205
  38. 1 reading: 54-72 minutes, 3-4 passages, 10 questions per passage
  39. 2 listening: 40-60 minutes, 2-3 conversations (5Q), 3-4 lectures or discussions (6Q)
  40. (10-minute break)
  41. 3 speaking: 17 minutes, 4 tasks, 3m45s total speaking time
  42. 4 writing: 55 minutes, 2 tasks, 20+30 minutes of writing time
  43. ---
  44. Reading Question Types:
  45. - reference/pronoun (probably not on the test any more)
  46. - categorize (also probably not on the test any more)
  47. - vocabulary
  48. - fact
  49. - negative fact
  50. - purpose
  51. - inference
  52. - paraphrase
  53. - sentence insertion
  54. - summary
  55. ---
  56. Purpose Questions
  57. - ask why the author of a passage did something
  58. Why did the author use a particular word or phrase?
  59. What is the purpose of paragraph 3?
  60. What is the relationship between paragraph 2 and paragraph 3?
  61. Method Questions
  62. - ask how the author did something
  63. How does the author illustrate the point that…?
  64. ---
  65. Cengage exercise 4.1
  66. - Take 3 minutes to answer the t/f questions about passage 1
  67. 1 T
  68. 2 F
  69. 3 F (There’s no reason to infer that this is the author’s opinion.)
  70. 4 F (It’s the applied technology aspects.)
  71. - Take 7 minutes for passage 2.
  72. 5 T
  73. 6 T
  74. 7 F
  75. 8 T
  76. 9 F
  77. 10 T
  78. 11 F
  79. - 3 minutes for passage 3
  80. 12 F
  81. 13 T
  82. 14 F
  83. 15 T
  84. - 3.5 minutes for passage 4
  85. 16 F
  86. 17 F
  87. 18 F
  88. 19 T
  89. 20 T
  90. ---
  91. You can finish exercise 4.1 as optional homework.
  92. ---
  93. BREAK
  94. ---
  95. exercise 4.2 - Choose the correct answers to the purpose questions about each passage.
  96. - 7 minutes for passage 1 (Don’t try to read the whole text first. Just start with the questions and then read the necessary parts of the text while you answer them.)
  97. 1 B
  98. 2 A
  99. 3 A
  100. 4 B
  101. 5 C
  102. 6 A
  103. 7 D
  104. - 2 minutes for passage 2
  105. 8 A
  106. 9 B
  107. - 4 minutes for passage 4
  108. 10 D
  109. 11 A (It doesn’t explain how post-modernism evolved from modernism, only that it did.)
  110. 12 C
  111. 13 D (Furniture is mentioned in order to explain the appearance of the top of the building. Nothing is said about influence in either direction.)
  112. - 8 minutes for passage 5
  113. When you compare your answers, try to reach an agreement about which answer is correct if you disagree.
  114. 14 B
  115. 15 C
  116. 16 A
  117. 17 D
  118. 18 A
  119. 19 C
  120. 20 C
  121. 21 B
  122. - 6 minutes for passage 6
  123. 22 A
  124. 23 A
  125. 24 B
  126. 25 A
  127. 26 D
  128. 27 D
  129. ---
  130. If you want, you can skim the whole passage first (to know what it’s about and to identify the topic of each paragraph), but don’t try to read the whole thing carefully. You can read more carefully while you’re answering questions.
  131. 1 Find the specific part of the text that the question is about. (The highlighted word(s) or from scanning for key information.)
  132. 2 Read the sentence with the key information. Can you answer the question in your own words now?
  133. - If yes, compare your answer to the choices and pick the correct one.
  134. - If no (or if you can’t decide on the correct choice yet), read a sentence before and after and try 2 again.
  135. 3 If you still can’t pick one answer, scan the text to check each possibly true answer choice. Eliminate any that are definitely incorrect.
  136. 4 Guess between any remaining possible answers.
  137. (I suggest guessing and moving on quickly, but write down the number of each question you guessed, so you can return and spend more time on it if you have the chance.)
  138. - Your first time through, try not to spend more than 1 minute on each question.
  139. ---
  140. Homework: Oxford exercise 6R7 (p. 349) and 6R13 (p. 353-354) - Answer the purpose questions, but you don’t need to answer the final, summary questions.
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