
Millie Vanilly

Jul 26th, 2014
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  1. You have a bit of a conversation with Millie again - and it becomes apparent she wasn't really trying to hide the dragon from you, it just ended up a sort of goof-up on her part that she didn't bring the matter up to anyone. Oops! She thanks you for taking the dragon in at the Life Sanctum in any case, she wasn't really looking forward to paying for more of its food out of her own cafe wages. The two of you have a bit more of a heart to heart for a while afterwards, and you manage to glean a number of things from her without giving away what you're prying out of her.
  3. Her original life goal was.. well, the most important person in her life was Ayane. She wanted to be someone important to Ayane, to help her succeed in her plans to cure the Mages and then be by her side from then on as a sort of secretary/co-administrator. She -was- very much concerned with helping the girls in her own right aside from that, but she didn't care much about her own life and was willing to die if necessary. She saw Ayane as... a sort of naive heroine - someone that could accomplish great things but needed a competent second to do things she might not have been willing to - and Millie decided she wanted to try and be that.
  5. The fact that all of this ended up with Ayane becoming a janitor, and all of their efforts for nothing has been killing Millie inside, with the weight of how she behaved to the other girls weighing hard on her conscience in recent days. She's fairly resigned to her fate now, willing to do what she can to make up for her misdeeds, but she's still incredibly unsatisfied with Ayane's sudden obsessions and mood swings.
  7. She's of the opinion that Ayane's latched on to strong affection and desire for Theta as a way to cope with such enormous trauma that would otherwise likely break her. Until Ayane can redeem herself, that's pretty much all she has left, from what Millie can tell. Then again, she's starting to become convinced the feelings are genuine, too, after realizing how easily Theta seduced her at the Desert Palace and seeing how many people respect him and all he's done.
  9. As far as her current short-term goals, she's currently looking at watching over Ayane and quietly volunteering at the Academy to lessen her workload overall. Also, she doesn't mention this in any respect, but Theta realized when she mentioned paying for the dragon's food out of her own wages that she's managed to save up a good bit of money, and the guilt that's weighed on her might lean towards her saving up to buy Gina an apology gift.
  11. Her current long-term goal... her plans there have pretty much been shattered with events as they are. Theta can tell it'd actually be possible to shape and change Millie's future goals depending on how he worded things.
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