
Spikeys Mom has got it goin on

Apr 30th, 2014
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  1. >Spike tries not to cry as he wipes away the breaking tears, ", its not true." He sniffles and chokes up as the tall purple dragoness keeps to herself.
  2. >"Yes, it is, I am your mother my little dragon. And I am so very happy to see you again."
  4. >You and Twilight sit at a table and watch Spike laughing as he rides atop his mothers head.
  5. "So like, whats the deal with the new dragon?"
  6. >"Thats Spike's mother. Apparently she gave up her only egg to Princess Celestia in the hopes that he would grow up to be a noble dragon of legend, and to protect him from the harsh life of a dragon."
  7. "Huh, kinda sucks that you guys made him into a personal pin cushion then huh? But wait, how come all the other dragons we met have been dicks, and these two are ok?"
  8. >The female dragon speaks from your blind spot, "Because dragon greed needs to be kept in check if we are to live peacfully with other creatures. My little Spikey is proof of that."
  9. >Despite her size, she carried herself with a certain elegance and poise. Like a dragon Rarity.
  10. >Spike jumps off her head and lands by you two, "Isnt my mom the coolest!? She even has wings!"
  11. >She smiles and looks between you and Twilight before leaning in and taking a good look.
  12. "...Is something wrong?"
  13. >"Its been many a millennium since I've seen a human."
  14. "Humans have LIVED here before!?"
  15. >"Not that I'm aware of, but before I came here, I lived in a land of many humans."
  16. "No shit? I'm from another world too."
  17. >"Is that so? Were you from my land? Did King Jora reign last you were there?"
  18. "I have a feeling we were from different times."
  19. >"Apologies."
  20. "Nah dont worry about it Mrsssssss?"
  21. >"Dragons are not born with names, we are given them. You can call me as you wish."
  22. "Ok, Spike's Mom."
  23. >"Then that shall be my name."
  24. "Wait I..nevermind."
  25. >"This may be a little forward of me, but would you like to talk? Despite tormenting villagers, I did find a certain joy in conversing with the human tongue."
  26. "Ok."
  28. >She pats Spike on the head and smiles, “I shall return come nightfall.” You hop off the chair and wait by her as she stands up on her hind legs, “What meat do you have a taste for?”
  29. “Me? I like whatever.”
  30. >”Very well.” She lowers herself down and shows you her back, “Get on.” You do so as she flys off into the air.
  32. >In the Everfree, a roaring fire burns as an entire roasted cow is submerged in the flames. Spike’s Mom tears off a leg, and blows fire at it before setting it down by you.
  33. >You look at it puzzled and grin sheepishly.
  34. “Thanks.”
  35. >She grabs the rest of it, and begins to tear into its midsection, splattering blood, entrails, and chunks everywhere.
  36. >Smacking her lips, she sets it down and gets herself comfy, “Tell me, what your village was like, did it have cattle?”
  37. “Nah, I was from sometime WAAAAY in the future, I don’t think you guys could understand it.”
  38. >”We dragons live for thousands upon thousands of years, try me.”
  39. “Well…”
  40. >Your tales of humanity’s accomplishments drew a child like wonder from her, she wanted to know more, and more of modern life. A land where dragons had never existed and humanity had no natural predators to keep them in check.
  41. >Her mind swimming in possibilities of endless worlds, all with a different outcome depending on slight changes.
  42. >The hours seemed to fly by, and before you knew it, it was already sun up. The two of you look to the sun and though it was not agreed upon, you both lamented on your shared fate of being uprooted.
  44. >Both you and Spike’s Mom come walking into town at night, both laughing and talking as though you had known one another for years. It had been about 2 months since you talked the night away and seeing one another was becoming more, and more frequent.
  45. >Spike often looked on jealously as you and his mother spent hours talking, and he often smacked what little treats, and toys you brought for him.
  46. >You weren’t blind, you knew why he was doing it, but still, you didn’t give a fuck. His mother though, she just thought it was his way of keeping his greed in check, so she never really saw it as hostile.
  47. >Leading her to Twilight’s house, you both stand there awkwardly, despite being thousands of years old, she still was a lady dragon, and apparently romancing isn’t something they get a lot of in her species.
  48. >”Thank you Anonymous, tonight was wonderful, I really enjoyed myself. And it feels nice to have met beings who share my longevity.”
  49. “Yeah, you and Luna really hit it off, guess you guys have that castle stuff going on.”
  50. >She looks like she wants to say something, but instead scrapes the ground with her claws.
  51. “Something wrong?”
  52. >”Anonymous..I…I don’t know, these emotions are still new to me, I can’t tell what I want from you. It feels like mating, but, its not. Dragon mating is..not very enjoyable. Is what I’m feeling normal?”
  53. “Well, I’m no dragon, but…I think I feel it too.”
  54. >She seems to be relived by your words, but still stands there. You walk over and reach up, she lowers herself down as you bring her face towards yours. You kiss her on the tip of her beak and its every bit as awkward as it seems.
  55. “Sorry, that was supposed to be a kiss, but…its kinda hard to do.”
  56. >”Kiss?”
  57. “Yeah, its like biting, only you don’t kill or injure them.”
  58. >She thinks about this and gently nibbles on your shoulder as you get the strangest boner, she even uses her tounge to lick around you and manages a small flick before pulling back.
  59. >”That..that was enjoyable, my belly feels warm, like its on fire.”
  60. >The two of you laugh awkwardly before you reach out your arms.
  61. “Hug?”
  62. >”Is this like a kiss?”
  63. “Yeah, but with our hands.”
  64. >She gently wraps her arms around you and follows your lead and gently caresses you, pulling away, she feels her stomach, “This was very enjoyable, could we do this again?”
  65. “Hell yeah, maybe I’ll even show you something more enjoyable.”
  66. >She bashfully looks down and back up at you, “Well, if it you I know I can trust you to your word.”
  67. >Hugging one last time, she enters the library as you walk away. You get about 5 steps around the house when Spike pops out from bushes, “Dude, please don’t be my dad.”
  68. “No promises.”
  69. >Suddenly your boner is gone, today was a fun day.
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