
Cveta's Adventure part 2: Surgery with Advance technology

Jun 29th, 2017
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  1. Cveta followed Ryan through the dark halls of Transcendence, avoiding being seen by guards, while Ryan just walked past with no problem. After what must have been eternity to an impatient ala, they made it. A large metal Door. "Here we are. Chain's surgery room." Ryan went to the numberpad, ready to enter the code "Now was it 6-7-8-9-3-7-5, or 6-7-8-9-3-5-7?" Cveta floated up closely "Enter one or I'll punch through the Wall." Ryan looked at her, he opened his mouth to say something, but decided it was best not to get on the Ala's nerves more then he already was. He entered the code, and the metal door slowly slid open. "Finally. How did you know how to enter here Ryan of Stone?" "Well, for a bunch of Reds the guards here really like their money. Also, its just Ryan Blue-cheeks" Ryan walked on in while Cveta waited behind him "...Blue-cheeks?"
  3. The room was like a large Hexagon. 5 walls with a single door. On the opposite side to the duo there was a large screen and a just as large keypad, and on the remaining walls were the surgical equipment. Hundreds of different devices, Adaptanium. Some so advance neither of them knew what they were. Some were as simple as a large bone cutting saw. In the middle of the room was the operating table, Flat and metal. "Well, get on while I find what we need." Ryan pointed to the table as he went to the screen.
  5. Cveta was reluctant at first, but slowly made her way to the table. She floated her way on, looking up at the ceiling "...Ryan, what is that?" The rich man turned around "What is what?" Cveta pointed straight up "That." Ryan walked near her and looked at whatever she was pointing at "Oh." It seemed to be a large speaker with a glowing purple ring surrounding it. "...I have no clue what that is. We should be fine though, just don't turn it on." Ryan walked back to the computer, letting Cveta stare at the giant device above her. "You better hurry up. The sooner I'm out of here the better."
  7. After a few minutes Ryan finally made a noise "Ah-Ha! So that's what we need. It should be ooovveer..." Ryan made his way along the walls before grabbing a strange device. Ryan held it in one hand, it was almost shaped like a pistol with a bigger barrel with an 8 inch screen on the back, connected to a keypad with a Joystick of all things. "This was made just in case Chain ate a bomb and they couldn't cut him open. Oddly specific but hey, just our luck we have this. Just shoot it down your mouth, go through your throat, get to the Void, and grab the Tracker." Ryan turned around, only to See Cveta's dismembered head laying on the table next to her body, arms crossed. "I am not letting anything into my mouth that I can't eat." Ryan stared at her for a second before shrugging. "Hopefully you'll tell any future boyfriend that." Cveta just stared with a perplexed look on her face.
  9. Ryan walked around her, getting to her Neck. He was able to see her throat muscles move as she breathed. But even creepier was the fact he could see the entrance to the endless Void. "Eugh, lets hope this works." He aimed the device and fired. From the barrel came a small bullet shaped projectile. On the screen came a map of a female body, showing the Projectile fly through Cveta's body at a slow rate. Sinking down her throat. Suddenly the map vanished, showing nothing but a void and they projectile. "Guess that means its in." Ryan grabbed the Joystick and pressed the top button. Inside Cveta's body the projectile transformed into a 3 pronged clawhand. With a simple push of the joystick it moved forward.
  11. "This might take awhile. Big endless void and all." Cveta didn't speak much. Neither did for awhile. Just the dead silence of surgery. "...So, Bluecheeks. What changed?" Cveta's head turned to him "What do you mean?" "You came out all blood hungry and ready to kill Isidora, but after one visit you're wanting to run back to her arms. What gives?" Cveta stayed Silent for a minute before speaking up "Isidora and Drago are the only family I have left. And the visit made me realize that. Dora is too far gone to get back to my side, so...Maybe I could join hers." Ryan smiled "Family. A good reason to change, personally I- Wait, hold on." Ryan looked at the screen, now it wasn't just the Projectile. On the map was a small circular object, the Tracker!
  13. "There it is. Now we just have to grab it." Ryan piloted the projectile to the Tracker, and with a button press it grabbed the tracker. "Great, now to wait another hour while it comes back." Her voice was filled with sarcasm. But all Ryan did was laugh and press another button. Suddenly the projectile started to be dragged back towards Ryan! "Super thin Adaptanium wire. Really this thing could be a Grappling hook if we wanted it to be." Cveta's body was too busy convulsing to listen as the projectile just hit the entrance to her throat. With a quick pull from Ryan he ripped the projectile and Tracker out. Cveta's body was shaking as if she was having a seizure, knocking her head off the table and across the room. "Not use to something coming back up Blueberry?" Ryan's smugness would soon vanish as Cveta landed on the main console. Above him came a quiet Hum, but it was slowly growing louder. Ryan looked up to see The 'speaker' in the roof was activating "...Uh oh."
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