
When you a G

Nov 27th, 2015
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  1. AshlaSnow: yo your avatar is coo
  2. AshlaSnow: cool
  3. Guest_BloodyBonesTheReaper: -grins evily- ty
  4. AshlaSnow: your welcommmmeee -smiles-
  5. AshlaSnow: Hey I was just wondering have you heard anything about my old friend Flaky im kinda worried about her and i havent seen her in a while
  6. Guest_BloodyBonesTheReaper: she change her profile name on imvu
  7. AshlaSnow: to what?
  8. Guest_BloodyBonesTheReaper: Zilimni
  9. AshlaSnow: oh really? because they are two seperate people they have been online at the same time
  10. Guest_BloodyBonesTheReaper: strange, she must have sold the acound
  11. Guest_BloodyBonesTheReaper: account*
  12. AshlaSnow: alright thank you i was just wondering because i heard from Zilimni that you were in Passion's RP
  13. Guest_BloodyBonesTheReaper: i am,as her master, you avater looks very cutie btw
  14. AshlaSnow: wait who are you the master of?
  15. AshlaSnow: and thank you
  16. Guest_BloodyBonesTheReaper: well it was passion. we mad an agreement that she would be one of my slaves in secret
  17. AshlaSnow: oh intersting......becuase im Zilimni's master
  18. Guest_BloodyBonesTheReaper: you are are you?
  19. AshlaSnow: yes she is let me invite her
  20. Zilimni has joined the chat
  21. Zilimni: Greetings Master Ashla how may i serve you?
  22. AshlaSnow: Hello my slave take a seat im just chatting her with my handsome friend
  23. Zilimni: "aaah most certainly Master Ashla this one is made too serve it's masters every whim no matter what it's master desires" ~Zilimni would take a seat carefully and look down unto the ground not too show disrespect by looking her master in the eyes.~
  24. AshlaSnow: Is everything alright friend?
  25. Guest_BloodyBonesTheReaper: -grins evily- so my dear, i see you don't have to punish you slave much
  26. AshlaSnow: no she is a good slave best slave i ever had
  27. Guest_BloodyBonesTheReaper: most the ones i have i have to punish fo disobeying me alot
  28. AshlaSnow: Well I dont force my slaves to do things they arent comfortable with
  29. Guest_BloodyBonesTheReaper: -grins- this is quite the romantic boat ride you have us on my dear
  30. Zilimni: ~Zilimni would raise her paw so that she might get a word in whilst still looking down at the ground~
  31. AshlaSnow: -coughs a bit- well yes a river of blood is always quite romantic in itself
  32. AshlaSnow: -looks to her slave seein g her paw- you may speak my slave
  33. Zilimni: "This one thanks it's master for letting it get its word in and was wondering something if she could be of any service what so ever? Or should it perhaps leave and let you two be within the same boat and not be a distraction?"
  34. AshlaSnow: do not worry my slave you are no distraction i assure you stay
  35. Zilimni: "Of course this one understands and shall do as it is told" ~she would smile and then look up at Reaper with a raised brow.~
  36. Guest_BloodyBonesTheReaper: -kissies her on her check- if i didn't know beter my dear, i would say you are looking for a life mate
  37. AzazelMagnus has joined the chat
  38. AshlaSnow: oh no my husband caught me!
  39. AzazelMagnus: - in shadow a fugure appers- "Who is messing with my wife!"
  40. Zilimni: "This one greets it's masters mate with warm summers" ~she would smile as she went back too stare down unto the ground.~
  41. AzazelMagnus: Darkest of greetings to you -nods his head to Zira-
  42. AzazelMagnus: ANSWER ME!!!
  43. AshlaSnow: -shrinks a bit-
  44. Guest_BloodyBonesTheReaperGuest_BloodyBonesTheReaper Whisper: -the dragon demon would smile- yuo have nothning to worry my good sir, you wife have a boat ride with her
  45. Guest_BloodyBonesTheReaper whispers: thought i would try & cover for you my darling -grins-
  46. AzazelMagnus: -he would glare at him griping his weapon tight- "hmmm, you will stay away from my wife and treat her with respect or fall before my blade and stop wispering to her i know all"
  47. Zilimni: "Wow Reaper this one would have thougth it's former master would be more of a fighter and say something in his defence."
  48. AshlaSnow: FORMER!?
  49. Guest_BloodyBonesTheReaper: -grins evily- i know when to chose my battles
  50. AshlaSnow: you owned my slave??????????
  51. Guest_BloodyBonesTheReaper: & yes i had reset her form my care, i had grown tied of her. this included takeing off her boom coller
  52. Zilimni: "THIS ONE MEANS NO DISRESPECT MASTER ASHLA IT WAS ONLY STATING!!?" ~Zilimni would lower her Cru'x ears in fear of something horrible too happen.~
  53. AshlaSnow: -she looks back to bloody- i heard about you! fore collaring does not go unpunished in
  54. Guest_BloodyBonesTheReaper: -sighs- most people missunderstand that about me, only the sevent slave of my family are collared. its to make them more dosal
  55. AshlaSnow: uh huh explians the porn on your computer
  56. Guest_BloodyBonesTheReaper has left the chat
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