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a guest
Feb 1st, 2013
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  1. "/usr/bin/kmail(8112)" Soprano: "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid model"
  2. "/usr/bin/kmail(8112)" Soprano: "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid model"
  3. "/usr/bin/kmail(8112)" Soprano: "Invalid iterator."
  4. "/usr/bin/kmail(8112)" Soprano: "Could not connect to server at /tmp/ksocket-[username]/nepomuk-socket (Tiedostoa tai hakemistoa ei ole)"
  5. "/usr/bin/kmail(8112)" Soprano: "Could not connect to server at /tmp/ksocket-[username]/nepomuk-socket (Tiedostoa tai hakemistoa ei ole)"
  6. "/usr/bin/kmail(8112)" Soprano: "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid model"
  7. "/usr/bin/kmail(8112)" Soprano: "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid model"
  8. "/usr/bin/kmail(8112)" Soprano: "Invalid iterator."
  9. akonadi_imap_resource_0(5068)/libakonadi Akonadi::CollectionSync::Private::findUnprocessedLocalCollections: Found unprocessed local node without remoteId, excluding from deletion
  10. akonadi_imap_resource_0(5068)/libakonadi Akonadi::CollectionSync::Private::findUnprocessedLocalCollections: Collection ID: 303 remote ID: ""
  11. name: "testi2"
  12. url: KUrl("akonadi://?collection=303")
  13. parent: 11 "imap:/[username@host]"
  14. resource: "akonadi_imap_resource_0"
  15. rights: QFlags(0x1|0x2|0x4|0x8|0x10|0x20)
  16. contents mime type: ("inode/directory")
  17. CachePolicy:
  18. inherit: true
  19. interval: 5
  20. timeout: 60
  21. sync on demand: true
  22. local parts: ("ENVELOPE", "HEAD")
  23. CollectionStatistics:
  24. count: -1
  25. unread count: -1
  26. size: -1
  27. Error during executing query "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId, remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, cachePolicyInherit) VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5)" : "Duplicate entry '11-test2' for key 'CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex' QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement"
  28. X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
  29. Major opcode: 20 (X_GetProperty)
  30. Resource id: 0x9c00125
  31. X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
  32. Major opcode: 20 (X_GetProperty)
  33. Resource id: 0x9c00125
  34. klauncher(4919) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "/usr/share/applications/thunderbird.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).
  35. QGraphicsLinearLayout::removeAt: invalid index 1
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