
Never ever have I ever played sburb? (yes you have)

Aug 13th, 2012
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  1. 18:48 pastdreamsilentAnswer So is anything happening?
  2. 18:48 pastdreamsilentAnswer Anything interesting?
  3. 18:48 tenaciousTheseus Eh
  4. 18:48 vsOther001 I am talking shop while I wait for my ship to calm down.
  5. 18:50 vsOther001 She got stuck on an "I'm broken" loop, I am sorry to say.
  6. 18:50 amaranthineSwell Has she tried any of the tea?
  7. 18:50 tenaciousTheseus Sounds kinda like Knight Syndrome
  8. 18:51 tenaciousTheseus Which is a psychologial thing that Pages like her fall into
  9. 18:51 *** ballisticSpectacle joined #ultimatereward
  10. 18:51 ballisticSpectacle Hey.
  11. 18:51 ballisticSpectacle What's going on?
  12. 18:51 pastdreamsilentAnswer Nothing apparently
  13. 18:51 tenaciousTheseus Not a whole lot
  14. 18:51 vsOther001 She nearly choked on it, but recovered.
  15. 18:51 pastdreamsilentAnswer I'm kinda bored
  16. 18:51 pastdreamsilentAnswer But I don't wanna do any more dream quests
  17. 18:51 amaranthineSwell That's good. Is she enjoying it, do you think?
  18. 18:51 pastdreamsilentAnswer Even if awake sarah says I'm supposed to
  19. 18:51 ballisticSpectacle I wouldn't exactly call the dream quests boring.
  20. 18:51 tenaciousTheseus You should probably listen to her
  21. 18:52 vsOther001 She's still drinking it, so I guess she is.
  22. 18:52 pastdreamsilentAnswer Some of them aren't boring
  23. 18:52 pastdreamsilentAnswer But
  24. 18:52 tenaciousTheseus She's thinking a lot more clearly then you
  25. 18:52 tenaciousTheseus Most of them aren't
  26. 18:52 pastdreamsilentAnswer There's this chain of like 15 million in a row
  27. 18:52 pastdreamsilentAnswer Just to unlock one thing
  28. 18:52 pastdreamsilentAnswer And it's really boring
  29. 18:52 ballisticSpectacle Hey, at least you didn'
  30. 18:52 ballisticSpectacle didn't go straight for the Mailman quests.
  31. 18:52 pastdreamsilentAnswer What's that?
  32. 18:53 tenaciousTheseus Oh dear god
  33. 18:53 ballisticSpectacle Let me give you some advice.
  34. 18:53 tenaciousTheseus Don't do them, you'll get curbstomped
  35. 18:53 ballisticSpectacle Don't do the mailman quests.
  36. 18:53 ballisticSpectacle For some reason, the deam moons hate mailmen.
  37. 18:53 pastdreamsilentAnswer Oh ok
  38. 18:53 tenaciousTheseus The mail ladies are fucking ninjas
  39. 18:53 tenaciousTheseus Because they have to be
  40. 18:53 pastdreamsilentAnswer So I'm allowed to tell her that I'm not allowed to do those quests?
  41. 18:54 tenaciousTheseus Because being a mailman is apparently the most dangerous job ever
  42. 18:54 tenaciousTheseus Sure
  43. 18:54 pastdreamsilentAnswer I hope she tries to make me do it then
  44. 18:54 tenaciousTheseus Mention the death
  45. 18:54 pastdreamsilentAnswer No
  46. 18:54 ballisticSpectacle Prospit dreamer.
  47. 18:54 pastdreamsilentAnswer She gets really weird when anyone mentions death
  48. 18:54 ballisticSpectacle I had to deliver magavines to the Derse agents.
  49. 18:54 ballisticSpectacle magazines*
  50. 18:54 tenaciousTheseus Oh yeah
  51. 18:54 tenaciousTheseus That sucks
  52. 18:55 pastdreamsilentAnswer Prospit's too bright
  53. 18:55 pastdreamsilentAnswer It hurts my eyes just looking at it
  54. 18:55 amaranthineSwell Prospit is /not/.
  55. 18:55 pastdreamsilentAnswer And I'm not even there?
  56. 18:55 amaranthineSwell It's pleasant.
  57. 18:55 pastdreamsilentAnswer ((forget the ?))
  58. 18:55 ballisticSpectacle Prospit's alright, man.
  59. 18:55 pastdreamsilentAnswer It's like a giant cristmas ball
  60. 18:55 ballisticSpectacle I don't get why everyone always rags on Prospit.
  61. 18:55 tenaciousTheseus Prospit is the best
  62. 18:55 pastdreamsilentAnswer alchemized with the sun
  63. 18:56 vsOther001 I am not sure what is going on here.
  64. 18:56 ballisticSpectacle Seriously. Nothing wrong with Prospit.
  65. 18:56 tenaciousTheseus Don't worry about it, you're not a player
  66. 18:56 pastdreamsilentAnswer I'm bored
  67. 18:56 pastdreamsilentAnswer That's what's going on
  68. 18:56 pastdreamsilentAnswer I don't know what these other people are doing
  69. 18:57 amaranthineSwell Prospit is very nice! Everyone harps on it for being bright, but that's because Derse is so /dim/.
  70. 18:57 pastdreamsilentAnswer Derse is cool
  71. 18:57 pastdreamsilentAnswer Lots of purple and
  72. 18:57 tenaciousTheseus Heh. In both senses of the word
  73. 18:57 pastdreamsilentAnswer Oh wait
  74. 18:57 tenaciousTheseus Stabbings
  75. 18:57 pastdreamsilentAnswer Purple is cool
  76. 18:57 tenaciousTheseus Not a whole lot of joy
  77. 18:57 tenaciousTheseus It's all quiet and depressing
  78. 18:57 pastdreamsilentAnswer Oh hey
  79. 18:58 pastdreamsilentAnswer If you see awake me
  80. 18:58 pastdreamsilentAnswer Don't tell her you saw me!
  81. 18:58 *** Ish quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  82. 18:58 pastdreamsilentAnswer She doesn't want me talking to you guys
  83. 18:58 pastdreamsilentAnswer She thinks I'd make her look bad
  84. 18:58 amaranthineSwell Lively celebrations! Hearty festivities! Bright lights, /fun/.
  85. 18:58 amaranthineSwell What's not to love about Prospit?
  86. 18:58 tenaciousTheseus Well
  87. 18:58 tenaciousTheseus Admittedly, the disco
  88. 18:59 vsOther001 Should I just go?
  89. 18:59 tenaciousTheseus Eh
  90. 18:59 tenaciousTheseus Maybe
  91. 18:59 pastdreamsilentAnswer No stay here
  92. 18:59 tenaciousTheseus We're not going to talk about anything you'll get
  93. 18:59 pastdreamsilentAnswer This is where the party is
  94. 18:59 pastdreamsilentAnswer Right?
  95. 19:00 tenaciousTheseus No, that would be Prospit
  96. 19:00 pastdreamsilentAnswer Ha ha
  97. 19:00 *** implosiveCabaret joined #ultimatereward
  98. 19:00 implosiveCabaret has joined the memo.
  99. 19:00 tenaciousTheseus Hiya
  100. 19:00 implosiveCabaret Hello there.
  101. 19:01 implosiveCabaret and how are all of you doing this evening?
  102. 19:01 tenaciousTheseus Well enough
  103. 19:02 vsOther001 I am fine.
  104. 19:03 pastdreamsilentAnswer Nobody has anything to say
  105. 19:03 pastdreamsilentAnswer Let's play a game instead then!
  106. 19:03 implosiveCabaret may I apologize for ever seeming rude to anyone in the memo?
  107. 19:03 tenaciousTheseus ...
  108. 19:03 vsOther001 What is the game?
  109. 19:03 tenaciousTheseus Were you ever rude?
  110. 19:03 pastdreamsilentAnswer Umm
  111. 19:03 tenaciousTheseus I can't remember
  112. 19:03 pastdreamsilentAnswer I dunno
  113. 19:04 pastdreamsilentAnswer I can't think of one
  114. 19:04 tenaciousTheseus Sigh
  115. 19:04 tenaciousTheseus Never have I ever?
  116. 19:04 pastdreamsilentAnswer Sure!
  117. 19:04 pastdreamsilentAnswer But
  118. 19:04 tenaciousTheseus Anyone not have alcohol on hand?
  119. 19:04 pastdreamsilentAnswer no weird stuff
  120. 19:04 vsOther001 We have tea.
  121. 19:04 pastdreamsilentAnswer Just sburb stuff
  122. 19:04 implosiveCabaret I believe so, I was not always polite, but I have gotten better..
  123. 19:04 pastdreamsilentAnswer Oh
  124. 19:04 pastdreamsilentAnswer Uhh
  125. 19:04 pastdreamsilentAnswer I don't have any
  126. 19:04 vsOther001 And I do not think I should be getting drunk.
  127. 19:04 vsOther001 I have a ship to care for.
  128. 19:04 tenaciousTheseus Heh
  129. 19:04 pastdreamsilentAnswer Awake me doesn't want me to have any
  130. 19:04 tenaciousTheseus Fine
  131. 19:04 amaranthineSwell I don't have any, and intend to keep it that way.
  132. 19:05 tenaciousTheseus Why not?
  133. 19:05 pastdreamsilentAnswer Awake me is kinda bossy
  134. 19:05 pastdreamsilentAnswer That's why not
  135. 19:06 amaranthineSwell Perhaps because I don't care for being drunk?
  136. 19:06 tenaciousTheseus No, I know why you wouldn't be allowed alcohol
  137. 19:06 vsOther001 ...I believe it would be a good thing for Valiant Skies to socialize. Allow me to have her play this game.
  138. 19:06 amaranthineSwell I don't recall needing a reason to not lose control of my faculties.
  139. 19:06 amaranthineSwell Of course.
  140. 19:06 amaranthineSwell She might enjoy herself.
  141. 19:06 tenaciousTheseus Hmm
  142. 19:06 tenaciousTheseus Fine, do any of you have anything to drink?
  143. 19:06 vsOther001 Tea.
  144. 19:06 pastdreamsilentAnswer Umm
  145. 19:06 vsOther001 I am not giving a ship alcohol.
  146. 19:06 pastdreamsilentAnswer I think if you want food on Derse you have to steal it
  147. 19:06 pastdreamsilentAnswer I think
  148. 19:07 pastdreamsilentAnswer I'm a little confused on that
  149. 19:07 tenaciousTheseus Ask the cooks
  150. 19:07 tenaciousTheseus Have you done the kitchen quests?
  151. 19:07 pastdreamsilentAnswer More quests
  152. 19:08 amaranthineSwell There's never an end to quests, really. I don't know what you expected.
  153. 19:08 pastdreamsilentAnswer Pretend I had a smilie that was both of those at the same time
  154. 19:08 tenaciousTheseus haven't
  155. 19:08 tenaciousTheseus Go do those, then
  156. 19:09 pastdreamsilentAnswer No1
  157. 19:09 tenaciousTheseus The chefs will let you eat from the buffet once you do
  158. 19:09 pastdreamsilentAnswer You're not the boss of me
  159. 19:09 vsOther001 Will we be playing this after all?
  160. 19:09 tenaciousTheseus You need SOMETHING to drink
  161. 19:09 amaranthineSwell We will.
  162. 19:09 amaranthineSwell Just give us a minute to herd meowbeasts.
  163. 19:09 pastdreamsilentAnswer Can't I just pretend?
  164. 19:09 *** implosiveCabaret quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  165. 19:10 pastdreamsilentAnswer It's not like you can see me anyways
  166. 19:10 *** implosiveCabaret joined #ultimatereward
  167. 19:10 tenaciousTheseus Fuck it, whatever
  168. 19:10 tenaciousTheseus Sure
  169. 19:10 *** implosiveCabaret is now known as cattishHatrack
  170. 19:11 amaranthineSwell Then there. We're ready to start.
  171. 19:11 cattishHatrack joins the memo!
  172. 19:11 tenaciousTheseus Hiiya
  173. 19:11 tenaciousTheseus We're playing Never Have I Ever
  174. 19:11 tenaciousTheseus Do you have alcohol on hand?
  175. 19:11 vsOther001 I'll start dictating again.
  176. 19:11 amaranthineSwell It doesn't /have/ to be alcohol.
  177. 19:11 amaranthineSwell Thank you, Engineer.
  178. 19:11 tenaciousTheseus It's a drinking game
  179. 19:12 --- SEER_OF_SPACE is away (Auto away)
  180. 19:12 tenaciousTheseus Alcohol is usually part of it
  181. 19:12 cattishHatrack Hello everyone, and no I really. I'm not old enough so drinking seems silly.
  182. 19:12 amaranthineSwell It's a social game. There's no need for alcohol.
  183. 19:12 ballisticSpectacle And back.
  184. 19:12 ballisticSpectacle We're doing Never Have I Ever?
  185. 19:12 tenaciousTheseus Yup
  186. 19:13 ballisticSpectacle Great. Let me get milkshakes set up then.
  187. 19:13 cattishHatrack I'll take a shot of juice, something I don't like. I used to play this game, with my buddy Mike.
  188. 19:13 pastdreamsilentAnswer Umm
  189. 19:13 unrecognisedCognition Ugh. Sorry about...That. Back now.
  190. 19:13 pastdreamsilentAnswer I'm not sure I wanna play with him
  191. 19:13 pastdreamsilentAnswer He's creepy
  192. 19:13 tenaciousTheseus Sigh
  193. 19:13 ballisticSpectacle Nah, he's fine.
  194. 19:13 ballisticSpectacle Just a bit...
  195. 19:13 ballisticSpectacle Rhyme-y.
  196. 19:13 pastdreamsilentAnswer Why's that?
  197. 19:14 vsOther001 sociality is happening?
  198. 19:14 tenaciousTheseus Yes
  199. 19:14 amaranthineSwell Yes, it is.
  200. 19:14 pastdreamsilentAnswer Hey nobody answered my question
  201. 19:14 pastdreamsilentAnswer Why is he rhyme-y
  202. 19:14 cattishHatrack I am back and I have found the juice. As to why I rhyme? Well, i'm a Seuss.
  203. 19:14 pastdreamsilentAnswer ???
  204. 19:14 pastdreamsilentAnswer !!!
  205. 19:14 pastdreamsilentAnswer WHAt!?!?
  206. 19:14 tenaciousTheseus Sigh
  207. 19:15 amaranthineSwell I second that sentiment, tenaciousTheseus.
  208. 19:15 ballisticSpectacle Here we go.
  209. 19:15 ballisticSpectacle It's fine, PDSA. He's the grandson of one of the good seussi.
  210. 19:15 cattishHatrack Did I say something wrong? are we not playing this game? I haven't been gone long, why have things changed?
  211. 19:16 tenaciousTheseus Seuss is...
  212. 19:16 tenaciousTheseus Someone dangerous, in Sburb
  213. 19:16 tenaciousTheseus I believe I already told you about the corruption
  214. 19:16 tenaciousTheseus Someone did, at least
  215. 19:16 pastdreamsilentAnswer Good seussi?
  216. 19:16 tenaciousTheseus Yeah
  217. 19:16 pastdreamsilentAnswer In the game?
  218. 19:16 pastdreamsilentAnswer No
  219. 19:16 pastdreamsilentAnswer Seuss isn't in the game
  220. 19:16 tenaciousTheseus Some Seuss were just writers of children's books
  221. 19:16 pastdreamsilentAnswer He's from back in the real world
  222. 19:16 ballisticSpectacle In my world, and I guess in cH's, he wrote children's books.
  223. 19:17 tenaciousTheseus In mine too
  224. 19:17 pastdreamsilentAnswer Books?
  225. 19:17 pastdreamsilentAnswer Books... like nice books?
  226. 19:17 ballisticSpectacle Yep.
  227. 19:17 vsOther001 Game now?
  228. 19:17 tenaciousTheseus Yup
  229. 19:17 pastdreamsilentAnswer Not evil books
  230. 19:17 ballisticSpectacle Nope.
  231. 19:17 tenaciousTheseus No
  232. 19:17 pastdreamsilentAnswer Not cutting people up books
  233. 19:17 tenaciousTheseus Nope
  234. 19:17 ballisticSpectacle Nope
  235. 19:17 pastdreamsilentAnswer Not trying to glue them to parts of a cat books?
  236. 19:17 ballisticSpectacle Not unless you count trees as people, anyway.
  237. 19:17 tenaciousTheseus They were surreal, but harmless
  238. 19:17 ballisticSpectacle And that was ment more as a tragedy.
  239. 19:18 cattishHatrack May a start, I love to play. I could think of nevers all day.
  240. 19:18 tenaciousTheseus Sure
  241. 19:18 ballisticSpectacle Yeah, arlight.
  242. 19:18 ballisticSpectacle Who's going first?
  243. 19:18 tenaciousTheseus Amaswe
  244. 19:18 tenaciousTheseus Alphabetical order, cathat
  245. 19:19 pastdreamsilentAnswer Where does that put me?
  246. 19:19 ballisticSpectacle Right after cH, I guess?
  247. 19:19 tenaciousTheseus after Cathat
  248. 19:19 pastdreamsilentAnswer Cool
  249. 19:20 amaranthineSwell Hm. Never have I ever been in a courtly duel.
  250. 19:20 ballisticSpectacle ....Nope.
  251. 19:20 vsOther001 I haven't
  252. 19:20 pastdreamsilentAnswer Not me!
  253. 19:20 tenaciousTheseus Nope
  254. 19:21 ballisticSpectacle Duels arn't really a thing in modern human culture.
  255. 19:21 pastdreamsilentAnswer That actually sounds kinda cool
  256. 19:21 ballisticSpectacle At least, not where I'm from.
  257. 19:21 ballisticSpectacle Um... I think that, if no one has, you have to drink.
  258. 19:22 tenaciousTheseus Yup
  259. 19:22 pastdreamsilentAnswer I kinda forgot how the rules work
  260. 19:22 pastdreamsilentAnswer I've never actually played this game
  261. 19:22 amaranthineSwell Feh. I was always good at avoiding those sorts of situations. Alas. At least I enjoy consort tea.
  262. 19:22 tenaciousTheseus If someone says somtehing you've done, you drink
  263. 19:23 tenaciousTheseus If you say something that no one's done, you drink
  264. 19:23 vsOther001 So is bs next?
  265. 19:23 ballisticSpectacle Yep.
  266. 19:23 ballisticSpectacle Hmm.
  267. 19:23 ballisticSpectacle Never have I ever...
  268. 19:24 ballisticSpectacle Purposefully levelled a building with aspect powers.
  269. 19:24 tenaciousTheseus Welp
  270. 19:24 vsOther001 I haven't
  271. 19:24 pastdreamsilentAnswer Time
  272. 19:24 amaranthineSwell Blast. I have to drink again.
  273. 19:24 pastdreamsilentAnswer So no
  274. 19:24 tenaciousTheseus drinks
  275. 19:25 cattishHatrack [Sean: Realize you don't have many aspect powers yet, nor have you toppled a building]
  276. 19:25 cattishHatrack Alright it's my turn I guess. Never have I ever lost a game of chess.
  277. 19:25 ballisticSpectacle drinks
  278. 19:25 pastdreamsilentAnswer Umm
  279. 19:25 pastdreamsilentAnswer Does it count if awake me did it?
  280. 19:25 tenaciousTheseus drinks
  281. 19:26 tenaciousTheseus Yes
  282. 19:26 pastdreamsilentAnswer Darn
  283. 19:26 vsOther001 Don't know sorry sorry
  284. 19:26 pastdreamsilentAnswer drinks
  285. 19:26 unrecognisedCognition drinks
  286. 19:26 pastdreamsilentAnswer So
  287. 19:26 pastdreamsilentAnswer It's my turn now
  288. 19:26 unrecognisedCognition I've got two bottles of water from the kitchen and I'm sipping. Not going near those masks again today.
  289. 19:26 vsOther001 Won against crew but before being a ship unknown
  290. 19:26 pastdreamsilentAnswer And I've got a good one
  291. 19:26 pastdreamsilentAnswer Never ever have I ever
  292. 19:26 pastdreamsilentAnswer STOLEN CD's HAT!
  293. 19:26 amaranthineSwell Never have lost a chess game.
  294. 19:26 tenaciousTheseus Nope
  295. 19:26 vsOther001 I haven't
  296. 19:26 ballisticSpectacle ....Nope. Never did that.
  297. 19:26 unrecognisedCognition I pushed it off his head
  298. 19:27 pastdreamsilentAnswer Aww come on
  299. 19:27 pastdreamsilentAnswer He's got the best hat ever
  300. 19:27 ballisticSpectacle Don't think that counts.
  301. 19:27 pastdreamsilentAnswer How does nobody want that?
  302. 19:27 tenaciousTheseus Because he loves his hat
  303. 19:27 tenaciousTheseus I can't take it away from him
  304. 19:27 pastdreamsilentAnswer I gave it back later
  305. 19:27 tenaciousTheseus It would be like kicking a puppy
  306. 19:27 pastdreamsilentAnswer I'm not a huge meanie
  307. 19:27 ballisticSpectacle Sorry, PDSA. You gotta drink.
  308. 19:27 tenaciousTheseus That could blow you the fuck up
  309. 19:27 pastdreamsilentAnswer Fine
  310. 19:27 pastdreamsilentAnswer takes a *HUGE GULP*
  311. 19:28 ballisticSpectacle TT, go.
  312. 19:28 tenaciousTheseus Hm
  313. 19:28 tenaciousTheseus Never have I ever succumbed to Rage
  314. 19:28 pastdreamsilentAnswer like the power?
  315. 19:28 *** sn joined #ultimatereward
  316. 19:28 ballisticSpectacle Never got the Rage aspect.
  317. 19:28 pastdreamsilentAnswer that's not even my power
  318. 19:28 unrecognisedCognition Does it count if somebody else has purple prosed you?
  319. 19:28 vsOther001 Normal rage or what?
  320. 19:28 pastdreamsilentAnswer how are you expecting to get anyone with that
  321. 19:28 tenaciousTheseus Yes, it counds
  322. 19:29 pastdreamsilentAnswer wouldn't you be dead?
  323. 19:29 vsOther001 Was rageful long ago but was fixed
  324. 19:29 unrecognisedCognition drinks
  325. 19:29 *** SEER_OF_SPACE quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  326. 19:29 pastdreamsilentAnswer Like, don't you blow up when that happens?
  327. 19:29 tenaciousTheseus I mean that someone raged at you and made you do something
  328. 19:29 unrecognisedCognition ...I am a person.
  329. 19:29 vsOther001 Just powers or normal rage?
  330. 19:29 tenaciousTheseus No, you don't
  331. 19:29 pastdreamsilentAnswer Oh
  332. 19:29 pastdreamsilentAnswer Actually I'm not sure
  333. 19:29 unrecognisedCognition Not a computer.
  334. 19:29 pastdreamsilentAnswer It's hard to tell
  335. 19:29 pastdreamsilentAnswer But I don't think so
  336. 19:29 ballisticSpectacle Oh. Well.
  337. 19:29 vsOther001 Does mine count don't know sorry
  338. 19:29 ballisticSpectacle ...Nope. Still never happened.
  339. 19:30 unrecognisedCognition No. It doesn't.
  340. 19:30 vsOther001 Then haven't
  341. 19:31 vsOther001 My turn now?
  342. 19:31 *** specificNihilism quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  343. 19:31 *** amaranthineSwell quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  344. 19:31 unrecognisedCognition I think I'm first.
  345. 19:32 ballisticSpectacle Actually, I think it's uC.
  346. 19:32 tenaciousTheseus It;s UC's turn, actually
  347. 19:32 unrecognisedCognition U coming before V and all.
  348. 19:32 vsOther001 Sorry sorry didn't mean to intrude
  349. 19:32 tenaciousTheseus No, it's fine
  350. 19:32 unrecognisedCognition Hm.
  351. 19:32 *** sn is now known as amaranthineSwell
  352. 19:32 ballisticSpectacle It's cool, vO.
  353. 19:33 unrecognisedCognition ...Never have I ever killed an imp
  354. 19:33 unrecognisedCognition drinks
  355. 19:33 vsOther001 drinks
  356. 19:33 cattishHatrack takes a shot.
  357. 19:33 amaranthineSwell connects to the memo!
  358. 19:33 tenaciousTheseus drinks
  359. 19:33 pastdreamsilentAnswer You're cheating
  360. 19:33 unrecognisedCognition It worked, though.
  361. 19:33 tenaciousTheseus Pretty sure that's cheating, yeah
  362. 19:33 ballisticSpectacle drinks
  363. 19:33 pastdreamsilentAnswer cheater
  364. 19:33 ballisticSpectacle Yeah, that's cheating, man.
  365. 19:33 amaranthineSwell This connection, honestly.
  366. 19:33 pastdreamsilentAnswer takes a very tiny sip
  367. 19:33 tenaciousTheseus Not allowed to say something that you've done
  368. 19:33 vsOther001 Howso
  369. 19:33 pastdreamsilentAnswer Wait
  370. 19:33 pastdreamsilentAnswer really?
  371. 19:33 steeledProtagonist connects to the memo
  372. 19:34 pastdreamsilentAnswer I thought it was the other way around
  373. 19:34 steeledProtagonist how is going
  374. 19:34 unrecognisedCognition Hey Nick. Good news, drinking games.
  375. 19:34 pastdreamsilentAnswer because I totally stole CD's hat
  376. 19:34 steeledProtagonist also, i buried the guy
  377. 19:34 steeledProtagonist drinking games
  378. 19:34 ballisticSpectacle Dude.
  379. 19:34 steeledProtagonist i have no booze here
  380. 19:34 tenaciousTheseus No, you say things you haven't done
  381. 19:34 unrecognisedCognition Use water.
  382. 19:34 steeledProtagonist also, i am a minor
  383. 19:34 vsOther001 Buried who what when where why?
  384. 19:34 ballisticSpectacle You're supposed to say something you havn't done.
  385. 19:34 steeledProtagonist technically
  386. 19:34 pastdreamsilentAnswer Oh sorry
  387. 19:34 pastdreamsilentAnswer I'll do better next time
  388. 19:34 steeledProtagonist ok
  389. 19:34 steeledProtagonist gets the glass of water
  390. 19:34 unrecognisedCognition Frankly dude I am just glad for something that isn't absolutely terrifying as a topic.
  391. 19:35 pastdreamsilentAnswer So he really hasn't killed any imps?
  392. 19:35 unrecognisedCognition No, I lied.
  393. 19:35 unrecognisedCognition I have killed imps.
  394. 19:35 steeledProtagonist he did
  395. 19:35 pastdreamsilentAnswer cheater!
  396. 19:35 steeledProtagonist otherwise he would be dead
  397. 19:35 ballisticSpectacle Right.
  398. 19:35 steeledProtagonist duh
  399. 19:35 ballisticSpectacle vO, your go.
  400. 19:35 unrecognisedCognition It got you all to finally /drink/ something though.
  401. 19:35 pastdreamsilentAnswer Even my brother killed some imps
  402. 19:35 pastdreamsilentAnswer And he's a wimp!
  403. 19:35 vsOther001 My turn now have to think
  404. 19:35 cattishHatrack Cheater cheater pumpkin eater, stole a fire cause he broke his heater.
  405. 19:35 vsOther001 Never have I ever broken programming
  406. 19:35 ballisticSpectacle Damn, son. You just got rhyme slammed.
  407. 19:36 tenaciousTheseus HMm
  408. 19:36 steeledProtagonist me sips
  409. 19:36 ballisticSpectacle ...Broken programming?
  410. 19:36 tenaciousTheseus Eh
  411. 19:36 tenaciousTheseus drinks
  412. 19:36 steeledProtagonist ((*/me))
  413. 19:36 pastdreamsilentAnswer on purpose?
  414. 19:36 tenaciousTheseus Disobeyed orders, I think
  415. 19:36 pastdreamsilentAnswer oh
  416. 19:36 pastdreamsilentAnswer well in that case
  417. 19:36 amaranthineSwell Oh, then... I guess I'll have to drink.
  418. 19:36 ballisticSpectacle Oh.
  419. 19:36 ballisticSpectacle drinks
  420. 19:36 unrecognisedCognition drinks
  421. 19:36 cattishHatrack takes a shot. has disobeyed orders.
  422. 19:36 steeledProtagonist heh
  423. 19:36 pastdreamsilentAnswer drinks the entire bottle, then the next bottle, and then the next bottle
  424. 19:36 unrecognisedCognition And you know what? It worked
  425. 19:36 steeledProtagonist dude
  426. 19:37 vsOther001 Distressing why do that?
  427. 19:37 steeledProtagonist it is like i had to be creative right
  428. 19:37 steeledProtagonist i am a smith
  429. 19:37 pastdreamsilentAnswer I didn't really do that silly
  430. 19:37 amaranthineSwell Sometimes there are times where your superiors are wrong.
  431. 19:37 tenaciousTheseus Because the orders I got were totally moronic
  432. 19:37 unrecognisedCognition They told me to stand still and die. So I moved.
  433. 19:37 amaranthineSwell It's rare enough. But sometimes that's the case.
  434. 19:37 pastdreamsilentAnswer I'm disobeying orders right now!
  435. 19:37 ballisticSpectacle I mean, c'mon.
  436. 19:37 ballisticSpectacle Who hasn't disobeyed an order now and then?
  437. 19:37 ballisticSpectacle ...Other then vO, I guess.
  438. 19:37 vsOther001 Distressing
  439. 19:38 ballisticSpectacle Because she was a bitch.
  440. 19:38 ballisticSpectacle A bitchy bitch that got my friends killed.
  441. 19:38 pastdreamsilentAnswer who's turn is it?
  442. 19:38 pastdreamsilentAnswer not that it's mine
  443. 19:38 pastdreamsilentAnswer because it isn't
  444. 19:39 amaranthineSwell I believe mine again.
  445. 19:39 ballisticSpectacle It's aS, again.
  446. 19:39 amaranthineSwell Never have I ever used a ranged specibus.
  447. 19:39 steeledProtagonist ...
  448. 19:40 steeledProtagonist well i fight with my natural weaponry
  449. 19:40 steeledProtagonist so nope
  450. 19:40 tenaciousTheseus Shotgunking
  451. 19:40 ballisticSpectacle Um.
  452. 19:40 pastdreamsilentAnswer I'm safe
  453. 19:40 tenaciousTheseus drinks
  454. 19:40 ballisticSpectacle Does a laser-shooting umbrella count?
  455. 19:40 steeledProtagonist yes
  456. 19:40 ballisticSpectacle drinks
  457. 19:40 unrecognisedCognition Does psychic ability count?
  458. 19:40 amaranthineSwell Hm. Is it in your specibus?
  459. 19:41 pastdreamsilentAnswer You can do that?
  460. 19:41 cattishHatrack I strife with a Seuss pen, it isn't ranged though i'm sure i can pretend.
  461. 19:41 pastdreamsilentAnswer ^creeeeepy
  462. 19:41 tenaciousTheseus Sigh
  463. 19:41 unrecognisedCognition Sadly no. Couldn't sustain it.
  464. 19:41 vsOther001 Unknown unless psionics count
  465. 19:42 steeledProtagonist it counts dude
  466. 19:42 amaranthineSwell Psionics don't count, then. They're not specibi.
  467. 19:42 steeledProtagonist bluh
  468. 19:42 unrecognisedCognition In that case?
  469. 19:42 unrecognisedCognition No.
  470. 19:42 vsOther001 Unknown unknown sorry
  471. 19:42 ballisticSpectacle Um....
  472. 19:42 pastdreamsilentAnswer It's my turn right?
  473. 19:42 pastdreamsilentAnswer No wait
  474. 19:43 pastdreamsilentAnswer no it's not
  475. 19:43 ballisticSpectacle Nope, mine.
  476. 19:43 ballisticSpectacle Then cH's, then yours.
  477. 19:43 pastdreamsilentAnswer didn't we skip his turn the first time?
  478. 19:43 pastdreamsilentAnswer I think we did
  479. 19:43 tenaciousTheseus No, we didn't
  480. 19:44 ballisticSpectacle Never have I ever set someone else on fire.
  481. 19:44 pastdreamsilentAnswer That's mean
  482. 19:44 cattishHatrack No we did not, wait your turn. No we did not, don't make me give you a sick burn.
  483. 19:44 vsOther001 sips
  484. 19:44 tenaciousTheseus Welp
  485. 19:44 pastdreamsilentAnswer
  486. 19:44 tenaciousTheseus drinks
  487. 19:44 amaranthineSwell You know, you really shouldn't ask questions you don't want the answer to.
  488. 19:44 vsOther001 Intruders had to be repelled
  489. 19:44 amaranthineSwell drinks
  490. 19:44 steeledProtagonist uh
  491. 19:44 cattishHatrack sips awkwardly. Dinner parties are hazardous.
  492. 19:44 steeledProtagonist takes a small sip
  493. 19:45 steeledProtagonist for board definition of /someone/
  494. 19:45 ballisticSpectacle Granted, I was set on fire to fight a giant, bee-shooting octopus...
  495. 19:45 unrecognisedCognition Oh man, I'd almost forgotten that
  496. 19:45 tenaciousTheseus Hehehe
  497. 19:45 steeledProtagonist heh
  498. 19:45 unrecognisedCognition drinks
  499. 19:45 tenaciousTheseus You were shooting off fire puns like they were going out of style
  500. 19:45 tenaciousTheseus It was hilarious
  501. 19:45 ballisticSpectacle Not that many...
  502. 19:46 pastdreamsilentAnswer Wouldn't that hurt?
  503. 19:46 cattishHatrack Okay it is my turn again. Never have I ever betrayed a friend.
  504. 19:46 pastdreamsilentAnswer Umm
  505. 19:46 pastdreamsilentAnswer no?
  506. 19:46 steeledProtagonist never
  507. 19:46 tenaciousTheseus ...
  508. 19:46 unrecognisedCognition Nope.
  509. 19:46 tenaciousTheseus drinks
  510. 19:46 vsOther001 Betrayed my crew failed them same as betrayed failed failed failed
  511. 19:46 vsOther001 sips
  512. 19:46 ballisticSpectacle ....
  513. 19:46 amaranthineSwell I...
  514. 19:46 ballisticSpectacle sips
  515. 19:46 amaranthineSwell drinks
  516. 19:46 ballisticSpectacle Killed them.
  517. 19:46 ballisticSpectacle That's a pretty big betrayal.
  518. 19:46 ballisticSpectacle ....
  519. 19:46 pastdreamsilentAnswer umm
  520. 19:46 unrecognisedCognition Wait. No.
  521. 19:46 amaranthineSwell My condolences.
  522. 19:46 pastdreamsilentAnswer this gam'es suddenly a lot less fun
  523. 19:47 pastdreamsilentAnswer I knew we shouldn't have let him play
  524. 19:47 unrecognisedCognition I had wanted to forget.
  525. 19:47 unrecognisedCognition drinks.
  526. 19:47 steeledProtagonist PMs cattishHatrack : (guess what, you dope you made her sad and that is a nope)
  527. 19:47 steeledProtagonist it doesnt count duke
  528. 19:47 amaranthineSwell My condolences, unrecognisedCognition.
  529. 19:47 cattishHatrack I didn't realize that it would be bad. I apologize for making everyone so sad.
  530. 19:47 unrecognisedCognition Nick, I killed her. That pretty much counts.
  531. 19:48 steeledProtagonist it was us or her situation
  532. 19:48 cattishHatrack My thoughts were that i would end up drinking alot. but, in this game, i think I forgot.
  533. 19:48 unrecognisedCognition It was still a betrayal.
  534. 19:48 steeledProtagonist next one please
  535. 19:48 ballisticSpectacle ...
  536. 19:48 ballisticSpectacle Um.
  537. 19:48 pastdreamsilentAnswer umm
  538. 19:48 ballisticSpectacle Next go.
  539. 19:48 amaranthineSwell /Please/.
  540. 19:48 pastdreamsilentAnswer my turn
  541. 19:48 pastdreamsilentAnswer I
  542. 19:48 steeledProtagonist sa it is you
  543. 19:48 pastdreamsilentAnswer had a good one
  544. 19:48 pastdreamsilentAnswer So
  545. 19:48 pastdreamsilentAnswer never ever have I ever
  546. 19:48 pastdreamsilentAnswer completed all the kitchen quests on the moon
  547. 19:48 *** razedDilettante joined #ultimatereward
  548. 19:48 pastdreamsilentAnswer that's what I was gonna say
  549. 19:49 ballisticSpectacle drinks
  550. 19:49 tenaciousTheseus Heh
  551. 19:49 vsOther001 I haven't
  552. 19:49 tenaciousTheseus drinks
  553. 19:49 amaranthineSwell I have.
  554. 19:49 unrecognisedCognition drinks
  555. 19:49 unrecognisedCognition Worth it.
  556. 19:49 cattishHatrack ((Brb))
  557. 19:49 steeledProtagonist drinks
  558. 19:49 amaranthineSwell This tea is delicious.
  559. 19:49 pastdreamsilentAnswer I kinda thought I'd get everybody with that one
  560. 19:49 ballisticSpectacle I got hungry.
  561. 19:49 steeledProtagonist i mean they are hard
  562. 19:49 unrecognisedCognition You were also banned from dreaming.
  563. 19:49 steeledProtagonist and i have never even had a possibility
  564. 19:49 steeledProtagonist ...
  565. 19:49 pastdreamsilentAnswer You can do that?
  566. 19:49 unrecognisedCognition Of course you didn't finish.
  567. 19:49 steeledProtagonist cause you know
  568. 19:49 pastdreamsilentAnswer Don't tell awake-me!
  569. 19:50 unrecognisedCognition I know.
  570. 19:50 steeledProtagonist i was banned from dreaming cause of reasons
  571. 19:50 steeledProtagonist i hope that i wont have the problem now
  572. 19:50 amaranthineSwell What reasons?
  573. 19:50 unrecognisedCognition None of your buisnes.
  574. 19:50 steeledProtagonist reasons
  575. 19:50 unrecognisedCognition buisness*
  576. 19:50 steeledProtagonist business
  577. 19:50 vsOther001 Best never dream never see the daymares no no no
  578. 19:50 pastdreamsilentAnswer I hope that awake me never figures out how to do that
  579. 19:50 pastdreamsilentAnswer because I think she would
  580. 19:50 pastdreamsilentAnswer And then I'd never get to be awake anymore
  581. 19:50 pastdreamsilentAnswer I mean
  582. 19:51 pastdreamsilentAnswer umm
  583. 19:51 tenaciousTheseus Your dreams will no longer be daymares, VS
  584. 19:51 unrecognisedCognition We get it.
  585. 19:51 unrecognisedCognition Relax.
  586. 19:51 steeledProtagonist well
  587. 19:51 steeledProtagonist you are harmless when dreaming
  588. 19:51 amaranthineSwell There are more pleasant dreams, now.
  589. 19:51 steeledProtagonist :T
  590. 19:51 cattishHatrack is no longer idle
  591. 19:52 unrecognisedCognition Bro. Nick. Calm.
  592. 19:52 tenaciousTheseus Mmph
  593. 19:52 tenaciousTheseus Gotta go now
  594. 19:52 amaranthineSwell Take care.
  595. 19:52 tenaciousTheseus See you all later
  596. 19:52 unrecognisedCognition See you around.
  597. 19:52 vsOther001 Bye
  598. 19:52 *** tenaciousTheseus quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  599. 19:52 vsOther001 Time for sP now?
  600. 19:52 steeledProtagonist i am calm
  601. 19:52 steeledProtagonist ok
  602. 19:52 unrecognisedCognition Good to hear.
  603. 19:52 steeledProtagonist never i have ever
  604. 19:53 steeledProtagonist killed black queen
  605. 19:53 unrecognisedCognition And nope.
  606. 19:53 vsOther001 Haven't
  607. 19:53 pastdreamsilentAnswer No way
  608. 19:53 amaranthineSwell It was one /hell/ of a fight.
  609. 19:53 amaranthineSwell drinks
  610. 19:53 ballisticSpectacle Nope.
  611. 19:53 pastdreamsilentAnswer why would anyone do that?
  612. 19:53 steeledProtagonist reasons
  613. 19:53 steeledProtagonist and that means i have no idea
  614. 19:53 unrecognisedCognition ^ That.
  615. 19:53 amaranthineSwell Really? I'm the only one who's killed her?
  616. 19:54 unrecognisedCognition I pretty much declared the idea no-go and that was that.
  617. 19:54 pastdreamsilentAnswer I'm in my first session
  618. 19:54 ballisticSpectacle My first session had... complications.
  619. 19:54 pastdreamsilentAnswer And also awake me isn't that stupid
  620. 19:54 steeledProtagonist we had just finished our first session
  621. 19:54 vsOther001 Never seen her even
  622. 19:54 unrecognisedCognition And now we're missing one another.
  623. 19:54 vsOther001 sorry
  624. 19:54 amaranthineSwell Ah.
  625. 19:54 ballisticSpectacle uC? It's your go.
  626. 19:54 pastdreamsilentAnswer I saw her once
  627. 19:54 pastdreamsilentAnswer In a parade
  628. 19:54 pastdreamsilentAnswer I think
  629. 19:55 pastdreamsilentAnswer I didn't even know she was allowed to leave the palace but I think she was in the parade
  630. 19:55 unrecognisedCognition Hm.
  631. 19:55 amaranthineSwell She'll leave for special cases like that, I believe.
  632. 19:55 unrecognisedCognition Never have I ever absolutely coddled one of my co-players.
  633. 19:55 unrecognisedCognition Nick take a drink.
  634. 19:55 pastdreamsilentAnswer Umm
  635. 19:55 pastdreamsilentAnswer Umm
  636. 19:55 ballisticSpectacle ?
  637. 19:55 steeledProtagonist drinks the whole glass
  638. 19:55 --- stanzicApparati is back
  639. 19:55 stanzicApparati has rejoined the memo!
  640. 19:55 pastdreamsilentAnswer Umm
  641. 19:55 vsOther001 Haven't
  642. 19:55 steeledProtagonist you are bad\
  643. 19:55 pastdreamsilentAnswer Maybe?
  644. 19:56 ballisticSpectacle Hey, sA.
  645. 19:56 amaranthineSwell Hah! This time I'll be passing
  646. 19:56 unrecognisedCognition You smothered her and you know it, dude.
  647. 19:56 steeledProtagonist :3
  648. 19:56 ballisticSpectacle We're Never Have I Evering.
  649. 19:56 pastdreamsilentAnswer takes half a sip sorta
  650. 19:56 stanzicApparati Hey, balspe.
  651. 19:56 stanzicApparati Ooh, fun.
  652. 19:56 amaranthineSwell Hello, stanzicApparati.
  653. 19:56 vsOther001 My turn?
  654. 19:56 steeledProtagonist hello sa
  655. 19:56 stanzicApparati Lemme wake up some more first before I start drinking, though.
  656. 19:56 ballisticSpectacle Fair enough.
  657. 19:56 unrecognisedCognition And then you didn't even admit /why/ to yourself.
  658. 19:56 steeledProtagonist you can drink water
  659. 19:56 steeledProtagonist ...
  660. 19:56 steeledProtagonist ...
  661. 19:56 steeledProtagonist shh
  662. 19:56 amaranthineSwell Or tea. Tea is good for waking up.
  663. 19:56 ballisticSpectacle I'm drinking a frosty chocolate milkshake.
  664. 19:56 steeledProtagonist shh people are listening
  665. 19:57 vsOther001 Tea is what I'm having
  666. 19:57 pastdreamsilentAnswer (I'm not even really drinking anything )
  667. 19:57 steeledProtagonist also she is tiny
  668. 19:57 unrecognisedCognition I will never shhh about this.
  669. 19:57 amaranthineSwell Are we seriously discussing romance again? Is that what's going on?
  670. 19:57 unrecognisedCognition No.
  671. 19:57 ballisticSpectacle vO, your go.
  672. 19:57 steeledProtagonist no
  673. 19:57 vsOther001 Never have I ever done a barrel roll
  674. 19:57 ballisticSpectacle Um.
  675. 19:57 unrecognisedCognition ...
  676. 19:57 ballisticSpectacle Do video games count?
  677. 19:58 amaranthineSwell Well. I have to drink.
  678. 19:58 unrecognisedCognition drinks
  679. 19:58 stanzicApparati Mm.
  680. 19:58 pastdreamsilentAnswer I don't even know what that is
  681. 19:58 stanzicApparati drinks
  682. 19:58 vsOther001 No games real life
  683. 19:58 ballisticSpectacle Ah. Then no.
  684. 19:58 steeledProtagonist drinks
  685. 19:58 steeledProtagonist :3
  686. 19:58 unrecognisedCognition Dreamself shenanigans.
  687. 19:58 steeledProtagonist godhood shenanigans
  688. 19:58 amaranthineSwell We had to avoid an incoming battery of fire.
  689. 19:58 stanzicApparati Hee. 'Shenanigans'?
  690. 19:58 pastdreamsilentAnswer sounds like something incredibly important then
  691. 19:59 stanzicApparati I was just having fun flying around.
  692. 19:59 pastdreamsilentAnswer am I right/
  693. 19:59 amaranthineSwell Hot /damn/ but our Pilot was amazing.
  694. 19:59 ballisticSpectacle Good thing you think so, aS. It's your turn.
  695. 19:59 vsOther001 What was his designation?
  696. 20:00 amaranthineSwell Navigator. And was he /ever/ good at what he did. I'll talk to you about him in private sometime, if you'd like.
  697. 20:00 pastdreamsilentAnswer We made it back to A again?
  698. 20:01 vsOther001 Yes
  699. 20:01 ballisticSpectacle Yep.
  700. 20:01 amaranthineSwell Never have I ever had a vegetarian meal.
  701. 20:01 amaranthineSwell Obviously, silentAnswer.
  702. 20:01 ballisticSpectacle drinks
  703. 20:01 unrecognisedCognition drinks.
  704. 20:01 vsOther001 ...feed tubes count?
  705. 20:01 stanzicApparati drinks
  706. 20:01 pastdreamsilentAnswer PMs cattishHattrick you'd better not do anything creepy when it's your turn again
  707. 20:01 ballisticSpectacle Depends. Do you get meat in it?
  708. 20:02 pastdreamsilentAnswer drinks
  709. 20:02 steeledProtagonist drinks
  710. 20:02 pastdreamsilentAnswer I think you're cheating by being an alien
  711. 20:02 vsOther001 Tailored nutrient solution
  712. 20:02 steeledProtagonist and it was awful
  713. 20:02 ballisticSpectacle I... think that's vegetarian?
  714. 20:02 stanzicApparati Hee. You should make her something, balspe, now that she can eat real food again.
  715. 20:02 amaranthineSwell It isn't meat proper. Count it as vegetarian.
  716. 20:03 unrecognisedCognition The mushrooms were not awful shut up.
  717. 20:03 vsOther001 Done
  718. 20:03 vsOther001 drinks
  719. 20:03 ballisticSpectacle Hey, I had a *damn* good salad.
  720. 20:03 ballisticSpectacle Oh is it my turn?
  721. 20:03 vsOther001 It is it is
  722. 20:04 amaranthineSwell Yes.
  723. 20:04 steeledProtagonist they were
  724. 20:04 ballisticSpectacle Okay fine.
  725. 20:04 ballisticSpectacle Never have I ever killed Dersian Royalty.
  726. 20:04 steeledProtagonist it was before we discovered the wonder that is alimentator
  727. 20:04 amaranthineSwell drinks
  728. 20:04 steeledProtagonist drinks
  729. 20:04 unrecognisedCognition drinks.
  730. 20:04 vsOther001 Haven't
  731. 20:04 pastdreamsilentAnswer I'm safe
  732. 20:04 steeledProtagonist black king d'uh
  733. 20:04 pastdreamsilentAnswer But that's kinda a cheating one too
  734. 20:04 unrecognisedCognition It was amazing.
  735. 20:04 ballisticSpectacle Actually, it isn't.
  736. 20:04 ballisticSpectacle I'm in my second session.
  737. 20:04 pastdreamsilentAnswer Oh
  738. 20:05 unrecognisedCognition Amazing that we managed, anyway.
  739. 20:05 steeledProtagonist us four agains that big meanie
  740. 20:05 stanzicApparati Haven't done it yet.
  741. 20:05 steeledProtagonist well we had Tina and you
  742. 20:05 ballisticSpectacle For me, it got kinda...
  743. 20:05 ballisticSpectacle Pre-empted.
  744. 20:05 steeledProtagonist those vectors are the shit
  745. 20:05 ballisticSpectacle By a Wraith situation.
  746. 20:05 unrecognisedCognition We also had you, dude.
  747. 20:05 steeledProtagonist and ashes of logorgh are too
  748. 20:05 pastdreamsilentAnswer Oh no!
  749. 20:05 pastdreamsilentAnswer (to the wraith thing)
  750. 20:06 vsOther001 Next one now?
  751. 20:06 pastdreamsilentAnswer Umm
  752. 20:06 amaranthineSwell Yes.
  753. 20:06 pastdreamsilentAnswer I think it's HIS tun
  754. 20:06 ballisticSpectacle Yeah.
  755. 20:06 pastdreamsilentAnswer turn
  756. 20:06 ballisticSpectacle Um..
  757. 20:06 ballisticSpectacle I think he's stepped out.
  758. 20:06 pastdreamsilentAnswer ok good
  759. 20:06 ballisticSpectacle So it goes to you?
  760. 20:07 pastdreamsilentAnswer Never ever have I ever
  761. 20:07 pastdreamsilentAnswer uhh
  762. 20:07 unrecognisedCognition Smoked?
  763. 20:07 pastdreamsilentAnswer Kissed a teammate!
  764. 20:07 pastdreamsilentAnswer That one's gonna get everyone and I know it
  765. 20:07 vsOther001 Define teammate
  766. 20:07 ballisticSpectacle ....Do corpsesmooches count?
  767. 20:07 amaranthineSwell Actually, I haven't.
  768. 20:08 unrecognisedCognition Pretty sure nobody kissed me.
  769. 20:08 pastdreamsilentAnswer That's totally the point of choosing that
  770. 20:08 pastdreamsilentAnswer so yes they count
  771. 20:08 vsOther001 Define teammate
  772. 20:08 unrecognisedCognition Nick did I get kissed at all?
  773. 20:08 pastdreamsilentAnswer seriously?
  774. 20:08 stanzicApparati Concupiscent or platonic?
  775. 20:08 pastdreamsilentAnswer YOU KNOW WHAT I WAS GOING FOR
  776. 20:08 ballisticSpectacle drinks
  777. 20:08 vsOther001 Please define teammate
  778. 20:08 pastdreamsilentAnswer Another player
  779. 20:08 pastdreamsilentAnswer In your session
  780. 20:09 vsOther001 Haven't
  781. 20:09 pastdreamsilentAnswer Ok that trump card didn't work at all did it?
  782. 20:09 unrecognisedCognition Nick. Seriously dude. Answer.
  783. 20:09 stanzicApparati Nope.
  784. 20:09 steeledProtagonist nope
  785. 20:09 --- amaranthineSwell is away (Away)
  786. 20:09 steeledProtagonist unless girls got you kissed when i was in coma
  787. 20:09 unrecognisedCognition They did not.
  788. 20:09 steeledProtagonist so no
  789. 20:10 steeledProtagonist and i havent get kissed too
  790. 20:10 ballisticSpectacle sA? Your go.
  791. 20:10 stanzicApparati Heh.
  792. 20:10 stanzicApparati Never have I ever
  793. 20:10 stanzicApparati kissed a concupiscent interest outside of a dreambubble.
  794. 20:10 steeledProtagonist obviously
  795. 20:10 ballisticSpectacle Um...
  796. 20:10 ballisticSpectacle No?
  797. 20:10 unrecognisedCognition Nope never kissed.
  798. 20:11 steeledProtagonist cause that explains so much
  799. 20:11 vsOther001 Define: concupiscent interest. One interested in me or me interested in them?
  800. 20:11 stanzicApparati Either qualifies.
  801. 20:11 pastdreamsilentAnswer I don't even know what that means
  802. 20:11 pastdreamsilentAnswer I think awake me knows?
  803. 20:11 pastdreamsilentAnswer Or was reading about it?
  804. 20:11 vsOther001 Participation from both parties needed?
  805. 20:11 stanzicApparati Someone you like romantically!
  806. 20:11 pastdreamsilentAnswer Oh
  807. 20:11 pastdreamsilentAnswer Why didn't you say it like that
  808. 20:11 stanzicApparati ...I did. :\
  809. 20:11 pastdreamsilentAnswer drinks sheepishly
  810. 20:11 ballisticSpectacle Because she's using Troll terms.
  811. 20:12 vsOther001 Participation from both parties needed?
  812. 20:12 pastdreamsilentAnswer (It was awake me though)
  813. 20:12 stanzicApparati Only requires participation from you, Valiant.
  814. 20:12 unrecognisedCognition That still counts.
  815. 20:12 vsOther001 Unknown then
  816. 20:12 stanzicApparati Ah.
  817. 20:13 vsOther001 Memories pruned over time apologies
  818. 20:13 steeledProtagonist my turn now
  819. 20:13 stanzicApparati hugs Valiant platonically
  820. 20:13 vsOther001 Know nothing before being Valient Skies
  821. 20:13 stanzicApparati 'S okay. Not your fault.
  822. 20:13 steeledProtagonist never i have everrrrr
  823. 20:13 stanzicApparati You'll make new memories.
  824. 20:13 steeledProtagonist ate a carapace
  825. 20:14 stanzicApparati Dude, what.
  826. 20:14 vsOther001 Haven't
  827. 20:14 steeledProtagonist while cognizant of my actions
  828. 20:14 unrecognisedCognition No.
  829. 20:14 unrecognisedCognition Still no.
  830. 20:14 ballisticSpectacle what
  831. 20:14 ballisticSpectacle no
  832. 20:14 stanzicApparati Haven't done that.
  833. 20:14 ballisticSpectacle no
  834. 20:14 stanzicApparati Why would you even.
  835. 20:14 pastdreamsilentAnswer Ewwwww
  836. 20:14 unrecognisedCognition Reasons.
  837. 20:14 steeledProtagonist phew
  838. 20:14 unrecognisedCognition We like to make sure.
  839. 20:14 steeledProtagonist reasons
  840. 20:14 stanzicApparati 'Reasons' is not an explanation!
  841. 20:14 steeledProtagonist shenanigans then
  842. 20:14 stanzicApparati :\
  843. 20:14 unrecognisedCognition Seriously somebody here earlier was knitting with souls forgive us for being wary.
  844. 20:14 stanzicApparati wait what
  845. 20:14 stanzicApparati what
  846. 20:15 unrecognisedCognition It was terrifying.
  847. 20:15 ballisticSpectacle what
  848. 20:15 pastdreamsilentAnswer Now you're the creepy one since the other creepy one is gone
  849. 20:15 stanzicApparati Who?
  850. 20:15 unrecognisedCognition He is not creepy shut up.
  851. 20:15 pastdreamsilentAnswer He's totally creepy
  852. 20:15 unrecognisedCognition He isn't.
  853. 20:15 steeledProtagonist i may came out as creepy
  854. 20:15 pastdreamsilentAnswer No not you
  855. 20:15 ballisticSpectacle Next is uC.
  856. 20:15 steeledProtagonist cause i am a big and bad
  857. 20:15 ballisticSpectacle So, please.
  858. 20:15 pastdreamsilentAnswer we're arguing about hte other guy
  859. 20:15 ballisticSpectacle Quickly.
  860. 20:16 pastdreamsilentAnswer I was joking about you
  861. 20:16 steeledProtagonist about who
  862. 20:16 unrecognisedCognition Never have I ever bottled somebody.
  863. 20:16 steeledProtagonist >:T
  864. 20:16 stanzicApparati BLuh.
  865. 20:16 stanzicApparati ...wait, what?
  866. 20:16 unrecognisedCognition THERE new question.
  867. 20:16 vsOther001 Define
  868. 20:16 unrecognisedCognition ...Hit them with a bottle.
  869. 20:16 steeledProtagonist drinks
  870. 20:16 steeledProtagonist :3
  871. 20:16 vsOther001 Unknown
  872. 20:16 stanzicApparati drinks
  873. 20:16 ballisticSpectacle Broke an empty bottle over somone's head.
  874. 20:16 ballisticSpectacle ....Nope.
  875. 20:16 pastdreamsilentAnswer Wouldn't you need a bottlekind specibus?
  876. 20:17 steeledProtagonist cause it was at hand
  877. 20:17 steeledProtagonist nope
  878. 20:17 pastdreamsilentAnswer Why would you even want a specibus like that
  879. 20:17 pastdreamsilentAnswer It'd break as soon as you use it once
  880. 20:17 steeledProtagonist it is not bad specibus i think
  881. 20:17 steeledProtagonist you could alchemize bottle of something
  882. 20:17 steeledProtagonist and use it
  883. 20:17 stanzicApparati Sometimes there's brawls in the dancehalls.
  884. 20:17 pastdreamsilentAnswer But
  885. 20:17 pastdreamsilentAnswer if you break your weapon
  886. 20:17 pastdreamsilentAnswer you brak your specibus
  887. 20:17 pastdreamsilentAnswer Right?
  888. 20:17 stanzicApparati And eh - I prefer needlekind, really.
  889. 20:17 stanzicApparati And fankind.
  890. 20:17 stanzicApparati And yeah, that's how it works, silans.
  891. 20:18 unrecognisedCognition Just toss it. Counts as shenanigans.
  892. 20:18 ballisticSpectacle Now..
  893. 20:18 ballisticSpectacle vO, it's your go.
  894. 20:18 vsOther001 Thinking
  895. 20:19 *** shadowMafia is now known as jayneCobb
  896. 20:19 vsOther001 Never have I ever intentionally killed an authority figure
  897. 20:19 pastdreamsilentAnswer Do boss monsters count?
  898. 20:19 steeledProtagonist authority of mine
  899. 20:19 steeledProtagonist wait
  900. 20:19 steeledProtagonist black king counts
  901. 20:20 steeledProtagonist cause i am theoretically a derse dreamer
  902. 20:20 pastdreamsilentAnswer Do boss monsters count?
  903. 20:20 steeledProtagonist drinks
  904. 20:20 vsOther001 No monsters
  905. 20:20 pastdreamsilentAnswer Oh ok
  906. 20:20 vsOther001 True authority
  907. 20:20 steeledProtagonist king is not a monster
  908. 20:20 steeledProtagonist he is a ruler and inteligent being
  909. 20:20 ballisticSpectacle Nah. Never killed an authority figure.
  910. 20:20 unrecognisedCognition Don't think I have?
  911. 20:20 stanzicApparati Haven't.
  912. 20:20 pastdreamsilentAnswer Not me
  913. 20:20 steeledProtagonist well, we havent kill white kind
  914. 20:20 steeledProtagonist *king
  915. 20:21 steeledProtagonist and well
  916. 20:21 steeledProtagonist hmm
  917. 20:21 steeledProtagonist do other authority count
  918. 20:21 unrecognisedCognition We mostly left prospit alone.
  919. 20:21 steeledProtagonist pack leader?
  920. 20:21 steeledProtagonist not mine but of the other pacl
  921. 20:21 steeledProtagonist *ck
  922. 20:22 steeledProtagonist if yes
  923. 20:22 vsOther001 Why not?
  924. 20:22 steeledProtagonist takes another swing
  925. 20:22 steeledProtagonist she was tought
  926. 20:22 steeledProtagonist but not tough enough
  927. 20:22 pastdreamsilentAnswer If it was a real person just drink already
  928. 20:23 ballisticSpectacle Um..
  929. 20:23 ballisticSpectacle Who's turn?
  930. 20:23 steeledProtagonist yours
  931. 20:23 ballisticSpectacle Oh.
  932. 20:23 ballisticSpectacle Hm.
  933. 20:24 soulHooks joined the memo
  934. 20:24 ballisticSpectacle Never have I ever...
  935. 20:24 unrecognisedCognition Oh no it's him again.
  936. 20:24 steeledProtagonist shh duke
  937. 20:24 steeledProtagonist he is alright
  938. 20:24 soulHooks ...
  939. 20:24 pastdreamsilentAnswer Who's this guy?
  940. 20:24 ballisticSpectacle Never have I ever teamed with a Heart player.
  941. 20:24 soulHooks rude! :b
  942. 20:24 pastdreamsilentAnswer drinks
  943. 20:24 steeledProtagonist a creepy but ok dude
  944. 20:24 unrecognisedCognition He knits using souls, dude.
  945. 20:24 steeledProtagonist i neved did team with heart
  946. 20:25 vsOther001 I haven't
  947. 20:25 pastdreamsilentAnswer ???
  948. 20:25 pastdreamsilentAnswer !!!
  949. 20:25 steeledProtagonist cause i havent got one
  950. 20:25 pastdreamsilentAnswer ?!?!
  951. 20:25 soulHooks wow, still rude!
  952. 20:25 steeledProtagonist shh
  953. 20:25 steeledProtagonist shh both of you
  954. 20:25 soulHooks it's not knitting, it's crochet.
  955. 20:25 pastdreamsilentAnswer ???
  956. 20:25 steeledProtagonist duke he is creepy but harmless
  957. 20:25 steeledProtagonist mostly
  958. 20:25 pastdreamsilentAnswer !!!
  959. 20:25 pastdreamsilentAnswer ?!?!
  960. 20:25 unrecognisedCognition ...
  961. 20:25 stanzicApparati Oh, hell him.
  962. 20:25 steeledProtagonist sigh
  963. 20:25 vsOther001 Who are you?
  964. 20:25 stanzicApparati And dude, everyone has a heart.
  965. 20:25 soulHooks me?
  966. 20:25 soulHooks i'm zephyr!
  967. 20:25 soulHooks who're you?
  968. 20:25 vsOther001 Yes
  969. 20:26 vsOther001 I am the Valiant Skies
  970. 20:26 stanzicApparati But yes, Hooks is /creepy/.
  971. 20:26 *** psintegratedFermentation joined #ultimatereward
  972. 20:26 stanzicApparati We think he's avoiding his maturity quests.
  973. 20:26 soulHooks man, i am, like, right here, you know.
  974. 20:26 pastdreamsilentAnswer just like the cat hat guy
  975. 20:26 pastdreamsilentAnswer right?
  976. 20:26 psintegratedFermentation has connected to the memo
  977. 20:26 steeledProtagonist hello
  978. 20:26 steeledProtagonist ok so
  979. 20:26 unrecognisedCognition Hey
  980. 20:26 vsOther001 More people more so many
  981. 20:26 *** cattishHatrack quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  982. 20:27 pastdreamsilentAnswer I think it's my turn
  983. 20:27 steeledProtagonist yeah
  984. 20:27 pastdreamsilentAnswer Never ever have I ever
  985. 20:27 pastdreamsilentAnswer uhh
  986. 20:27 pastdreamsilentAnswer uhh
  987. 20:27 psintegratedFermentation has disconnected from the memo
  988. 20:27 *** psintegratedFermentation quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  989. 20:27 pastdreamsilentAnswer beaten the game?
  990. 20:27 steeledProtagonist uh
  991. 20:28 pastdreamsilentAnswer I'm kinda playing it safe on this one
  992. 20:28 vsOther001 Haven't
  993. 20:28 stanzicApparati Define.
  994. 20:28 steeledProtagonist hahaha
  995. 20:28 ballisticSpectacle Define "beaten".
  996. 20:28 pastdreamsilentAnswer You know if you've beaten it silly
  997. 20:28 steeledProtagonist you mean, killed the final boss
  998. 20:28 steeledProtagonist or won
  999. 20:28 pastdreamsilentAnswer it's when you make the frog and kill the boss and get to the dor
  1000. 20:28 steeledProtagonist ok then
  1001. 20:28 unrecognisedCognition drinks.
  1002. 20:28 steeledProtagonist drinks
  1003. 20:28 ballisticSpectacle drinks
  1004. 20:28 stanzicApparati Still in my first session.
  1005. 20:29 stanzicApparati We're gearing up for it, though. Still a bit of a ways off, but...not much left that needs doing.
  1006. 20:29 pastdreamsilentAnswer ok
  1007. 20:29 pastdreamsilentAnswer at least ONE of mine got as many people as I expected it to
  1008. 20:29 ballisticSpectacle Next!
  1009. 20:29 steeledProtagonist sh
  1010. 20:30 steeledProtagonist your turn now
  1011. 20:30 steeledProtagonist if you want to play
  1012. 20:30 steeledProtagonist ...
  1013. 20:30 *** soulHooks quit (Ping timeout)
  1014. 20:30 steeledProtagonist if not then it is sa turn
  1015. 20:30 steeledProtagonist :T
  1016. 20:30 unrecognisedCognition I don't think he wants to play.
  1017. 20:30 stanzicApparati Heh.
  1018. 20:30 steeledProtagonist you insulted him duke
  1019. 20:30 unrecognisedCognition He terrifies me.
  1020. 20:30 stanzicApparati Hm, okay...something decent and not morbid...
  1021. 20:30 steeledProtagonist him and his mad soul twisting cred
  1022. 20:31 steeledProtagonist it is understandable
  1023. 20:31 unrecognisedCognition You saw what that other one was saying.
  1024. 20:31 steeledProtagonist he is resistant to my toothy grin
  1025. 20:31 steeledProtagonist that is something
  1026. 20:31 stanzicApparati He can't see your toothy grin.
  1027. 20:31 steeledProtagonist even through webcam?
  1028. 20:32 unrecognisedCognition You got webcam?
  1029. 20:32 unrecognisedCognition Get over here.
  1030. 20:32 *** taxonomicallyTempestuous quit (Ping timeout)
  1031. 20:32 steeledProtagonist built in the husktop
  1032. 20:32 *** Alana joined #ultimatereward
  1033. 20:32 *** Alana is now known as soulHooks
  1034. 20:33 vsOther001 What is yours
  1035. 20:33 stanzicApparati Also, never have I ever...done anything more intimate than snuggling and hugging.
  1036. 20:33 soulHooks joined the memo
  1037. 20:33 ballisticSpectacle ...Nope.
  1038. 20:33 stanzicApparati 'Though that's pretty intimate, I know.
  1039. 20:33 soulHooks ah, welp!
  1040. 20:33 vsOther001 What kind of intimate?
  1041. 20:33 steeledProtagonist drinks
  1042. 20:33 soulHooks can i join the game?
  1043. 20:33 pastdreamsilentAnswer Umm
  1044. 20:33 stanzicApparati Only if you promise not to creep everyone out.
  1045. 20:33 steeledProtagonist yeah
  1046. 20:33 steeledProtagonist sa shoosh
  1047. 20:33 vsOther001 Pale red ashen black?
  1048. 20:33 pastdreamsilentAnswer isn't that the same as the kissing one
  1049. 20:33 soulHooks ... :b
  1050. 20:33 steeledProtagonist dont be nasty and he wont be nasty
  1051. 20:34 pastdreamsilentAnswer except even more general?
  1052. 20:34 pastdreamsilentAnswer so /me drinks
  1053. 20:34 pastdreamsilentAnswer except that didn't work
  1054. 20:34 pastdreamsilentAnswer drinks
  1055. 20:34 stanzicApparati Any of the above, Valiant.
  1056. 20:34 unrecognisedCognition I don't think I ever even /snuggled/
  1057. 20:34 vsOther001 Both parties participating?
  1058. 20:34 soulHooks also drinks a soda
  1059. 20:34 stanzicApparati Yes.
  1060. 20:34 steeledProtagonist you hugged us all
  1061. 20:34 vsOther001 Unknown
  1062. 20:34 steeledProtagonist but that doesnt count
  1063. 20:34 unrecognisedCognition You gave nice hugs.
  1064. 20:34 steeledProtagonist i am made to do hugs
  1065. 20:34 steeledProtagonist :3
  1066. 20:34 vsOther001 Unknown sorry sorry
  1067. 20:35 unrecognisedCognition Haha, you are.
  1068. 20:35 stanzicApparati hugs Valiant.
  1069. 20:35 stanzicApparati Shoosh, not your fault.
  1070. 20:35 pastdreamsilentAnswer So
  1071. 20:35 stanzicApparati Like I said - you'll make new memories. And you'll get to do all kinds of things now.
  1072. 20:35 pastdreamsilentAnswer whose turn is it?
  1073. 20:35 steeledProtagonist shs now
  1074. 20:35 pastdreamsilentAnswer oh boy
  1075. 20:35 ballisticSpectacle sP's.
  1076. 20:35 steeledProtagonist oh right
  1077. 20:36 steeledProtagonist ummm
  1078. 20:36 steeledProtagonist never i have ever...
  1079. 20:36 *** tenaciousTheseus joined #ultimatereward
  1080. 20:36 steeledProtagonist got my neck broken
  1081. 20:36 soulHooks aww, damn.
  1082. 20:36 tenaciousTheseus began responding to the memo
  1083. 20:37 soulHooks takes a drink!
  1084. 20:37 ballisticSpectacle Nope.
  1085. 20:37 vsOther001 Unknown but unlikely
  1086. 20:37 steeledProtagonist you know, death is not permament in this game
  1087. 20:37 tenaciousTheseus Oh hey, I had my neck broken
  1088. 20:37 steeledProtagonist ...
  1089. 20:37 pastdreamsilentAnswer Wow no
  1090. 20:37 stanzicApparati drinks
  1091. 20:37 unrecognisedCognition You nearly did that earlier, Nick.
  1092. 20:37 tenaciousTheseus drink
  1093. 20:37 ballisticSpectacle Well, wait.
  1094. 20:37 stanzicApparati Yep, we know.
  1095. 20:37 ballisticSpectacle Does throat slitting count in that?
  1096. 20:37 steeledProtagonist nearly
  1097. 20:37 steeledProtagonist it may count
  1098. 20:37 pastdreamsilentAnswer Seriously tht many of you?
  1099. 20:37 tenaciousTheseus You'd be surprised
  1100. 20:37 tenaciousTheseus You'd be surprised
  1101. 20:37 soulHooks i probably deserved it, too. :b
  1102. 20:37 pastdreamsilentAnswer I just said I am
  1103. 20:37 stanzicApparati Once you 'tier, it doesn't stick unless it's Heroic or Just.
  1104. 20:38 stanzicApparati Splatting into the ground really fast just counts as 'stupid'.
  1105. 20:38 pastdreamsilentAnswer I see
  1106. 20:38 soulHooks hehehehehe.
  1107. 20:38 tenaciousTheseus And getting ambushed doesn't count either
  1108. 20:38 tenaciousTheseus Killed before you know what hits you
  1109. 20:38 soulHooks i wasn't even tiered! i just pissed off a troll.
  1110. 20:38 steeledProtagonist wow
  1111. 20:39 steeledProtagonist sorry to hear that dude
  1112. 20:39 soulHooks i was being a shit, though.
  1113. 20:39 soulHooks it's a thing i do.
  1114. 20:39 pastdreamsilentAnswer a creepy one?
  1115. 20:39 pastdreamsilentAnswer actually
  1116. 20:39 tenaciousTheseus Heh
  1117. 20:39 pastdreamsilentAnswer I haven't seen him do anything creepy yet
  1118. 20:39 pastdreamsilentAnswer I think
  1119. 20:39 steeledProtagonist ok so now it is tts turn
  1120. 20:39 soulHooks you'll have to ask the troll!
  1121. 20:39 tenaciousTheseus Oh it is
  1122. 20:39 tenaciousTheseus Hmm
  1123. 20:40 tenaciousTheseus Never have I ever felt black feelings for someone
  1124. 20:40 stanzicApparati drinks
  1125. 20:40 steeledProtagonist yep
  1126. 20:40 vsOther001 drinks
  1127. 20:40 vsOther001 Long ago
  1128. 20:40 soulHooks were they worth it, valiant?
  1129. 20:40 vsOther001 But I was fixed
  1130. 20:40 steeledProtagonist i learned about this black thing hours ago
  1131. 20:40 steeledProtagonist so nope
  1132. 20:40 ballisticSpectacle Nope.
  1133. 20:40 tenaciousTheseus Heh
  1134. 20:41 steeledProtagonist and probably never would
  1135. 20:41 tenaciousTheseus UCs turn
  1136. 20:41 ballisticSpectacle Humans don't do Black.
  1137. 20:41 vsOther001 I was fixed it won't happen again it won't I swear
  1138. 20:41 stanzicApparati Pff, wait 'till you meet my kis, stepro.
  1139. 20:41 unrecognisedCognition Never have I ever sung karaoke.
  1140. 20:41 pastdreamsilentAnswer what are black feelings
  1141. 20:41 stanzicApparati hugs Valiant
  1142. 20:41 vsOther001 Unknown
  1143. 20:41 stanzicApparati It's okay to feel black for someone.
  1144. 20:41 ballisticSpectacle drinks
  1145. 20:41 soulHooks romantic hatefucking.
  1146. 20:41 unrecognisedCognition Jen did it once on prospit. I'm sorry, Nick.
  1147. 20:41 tenaciousTheseus If you have to ask, you don't need to drink
  1148. 20:41 steeledProtagonist drinks
  1149. 20:41 pastdreamsilentAnswer Umm
  1150. 20:41 unrecognisedCognition Jen can't sing at all.
  1151. 20:41 pastdreamsilentAnswer is that really the answer?
  1152. 20:41 tenaciousTheseus Nope
  1153. 20:41 steeledProtagonist not proud
  1154. 20:42 soulHooks yes!
  1155. 20:42 tenaciousTheseus No Karaoke
  1156. 20:42 soulHooks it's a troll thing.
  1157. 20:42 steeledProtagonist neither can i
  1158. 20:42 stanzicApparati I dream Derse right now - so, uh.
  1159. 20:42 soulHooks also,
  1160. 20:42 soulHooks drinks
  1161. 20:42 unrecognisedCognition You'd be a wonderful duet.
  1162. 20:42 tenaciousTheseus He's simplifying to the point of being wron
  1163. 20:42 stanzicApparati Yeah, no kareoke over...wait, no.
  1164. 20:42 tenaciousTheseus *wrong
  1165. 20:42 steeledProtagonist yes obviously
  1166. 20:42 soulHooks before and after the game.
  1167. 20:42 stanzicApparati Frig, I forgot about the thing Toni did for my birthday party.
  1168. 20:42 stanzicApparati drinks
  1169. 20:42 pastdreamsilentAnswer I don't even want to know do I?
  1170. 20:42 tenaciousTheseus Heh
  1171. 20:42 tenaciousTheseus Nah
  1172. 20:42 tenaciousTheseus Doesn't matter too much
  1173. 20:43 tenaciousTheseus VS's turn?
  1174. 20:43 ballisticSpectacle Save tonight, and fight the break of dawn! Come tomorrow, tomorrow we'll be gone!
  1175. 20:43 vsOther001 Thinking
  1176. 20:44 soulHooks oh man, that song rocks!
  1177. 20:44 vsOther001 Never have I ever spaced someone
  1178. 20:44 tenaciousTheseus Space cadet, born and bred
  1179. 20:44 stanzicApparati Haven't done that.
  1180. 20:44 tenaciousTheseus drinks
  1181. 20:44 pastdreamsilentAnswer Spaced as in
  1182. 20:44 pastdreamsilentAnswer like
  1183. 20:44 pastdreamsilentAnswer pushed into space?
  1184. 20:44 soulHooks pushed out an airlock, right?
  1185. 20:44 tenaciousTheseus Used Space abilities on
  1186. 20:44 tenaciousTheseus Or
  1187. 20:44 vsOther001 Without life-support equipment
  1188. 20:45 tenaciousTheseus Oh
  1189. 20:45 steeledProtagonist drinks
  1190. 20:45 --- schoolSpeedrunner is away (Auto away)
  1191. 20:45 tenaciousTheseus ...
  1192. 20:45 ballisticSpectacle Ah. THen I'm good there.
  1193. 20:45 tenaciousTheseus No, I think I did that
  1194. 20:45 soulHooks ... do monsters count?
  1195. 20:45 steeledProtagonist i was rage not space
  1196. 20:45 tenaciousTheseus Threw DD into the Ring
  1197. 20:45 vsOther001 Not abilities no
  1198. 20:45 soulHooks and carapaces?
  1199. 20:45 pastdreamsilentAnswer I couldn't have ever done that if I tried
  1200. 20:45 vsOther001 Into cold vacuum
  1201. 20:45 soulHooks JN, for me.
  1202. 20:45 tenaciousTheseus Does the Ring count?
  1203. 20:45 soulHooks out of a ship.
  1204. 20:45 soulHooks he was piiiiiissed.
  1205. 20:45 soulHooks drinks
  1206. 20:45 vsOther001 Is the Ring a vacuum?
  1207. 20:45 steeledProtagonist but i did launch jn into ring
  1208. 20:46 stanzicApparati Yeah, he would be.
  1209. 20:46 *** lunarLungfish joined #ultimatereward
  1210. 20:46 soulHooks hehehe.
  1211. 20:46 +++ ChanServ has given op to lunarLungfish
  1212. 20:46 steeledProtagonist with my fist 3:
  1213. 20:46 unrecognisedCognition So that's what happened to him.
  1214. 20:46 soulHooks i bet he tried to stab the others. x3
  1215. 20:46 lunarLungfish has connected to the memo
  1216. 20:46 tenaciousTheseus He's Jack Noir
  1217. 20:46 tenaciousTheseus Of course he did
  1218. 20:46 tenaciousTheseus Hiya
  1219. 20:46 lunarLungfish Hiiiiiiii, everyone!
  1220. 20:46 pastdreamsilentAnswer You must've been really strong
  1221. 20:46 lunarLungfish Hihi!
  1222. 20:46 pastdreamsilentAnswer Jack's really tough
  1223. 20:46 stanzicApparati Hey, Toni! : )
  1224. 20:46 soulHooks hiiiiiii, lungfish!
  1225. 20:46 vsOther001 There is confusion
  1226. 20:46 unrecognisedCognition I remember he tried giving Jen trouble before that. She had teleported away.
  1227. 20:46 steeledProtagonist ...
  1228. 20:47 vsOther001 Definition: to force someone to leave through an airlock into the vacuum of space without the assistance of a life-support suit
  1229. 20:47 steeledProtagonist ok now i dont feel guilty about it :3
  1230. 20:47 unrecognisedCognition Why do you think I told you to go with her.
  1231. 20:47 pastdreamsilentAnswer Ugh
  1232. 20:47 pastdreamsilentAnswer Someone just go already
  1233. 20:47 tenaciousTheseus Lunlun
  1234. 20:47 lunarLungfish Go?
  1235. 20:47 steeledProtagonist hello ll
  1236. 20:47 unrecognisedCognition Hello.
  1237. 20:47 lunarLungfish Yes! What is it, TT?
  1238. 20:47 stanzicApparati We're playing Never Have I Ever.
  1239. 20:48 tenaciousTheseus Yeah, it's your turn, I think
  1240. 20:48 lunarLungfish Heeeee!
  1241. 20:48 stanzicApparati Say a thing you haven't ever done, then anyone who has done it has to take a drink.
  1242. 20:48 lunarLungfish That's a fun game!
  1243. 20:48 lunarLungfish Never have I ever...
  1244. 20:48 pastdreamsilentAnswer (except some of us aren't really drinking)
  1245. 20:48 lunarLungfish kept an imp as a pet!
  1246. 20:48 ballisticSpectacle Who's turn is it?
  1247. 20:48 stanzicApparati Seriously?
  1248. 20:48 tenaciousTheseus Nah
  1249. 20:48 soulHooks drinks!!!
  1250. 20:48 ballisticSpectacle Ah. No, never done that.
  1251. 20:48 pastdreamsilentAnswer Not me
  1252. 20:48 soulHooks just this session!
  1253. 20:48 stanzicApparati I'm sure you -- wait, no, I'm remembering something else.
  1254. 20:48 pastdreamsilentAnswer I bet Danny would try it though
  1255. 20:48 steeledProtagonist hmm
  1256. 20:48 soulHooks then i used him as a bullet sponge.
  1257. 20:48 vsOther001 Haven't
  1258. 20:48 steeledProtagonist nah
  1259. 20:48 lunarLungfish Not as a pet, no!
  1260. 20:49 lunarLungfish They're nasty.
  1261. 20:49 stanzicApparati They are.
  1262. 20:49 soulHooks they are, i had to shiny him pretty bad.
  1263. 20:49 lunarLungfish You whated him?
  1264. 20:49 stanzicApparati Never stop being creepy, Hooks.
  1265. 20:49 pastdreamsilentAnswer Ok now I agree you're creepy again
  1266. 20:49 lunarLungfish ...
  1267. 20:49 lunarLungfish you're a Heart player, aren't you?
  1268. 20:49 tenaciousTheseus Yup
  1269. 20:50 unrecognisedCognition PMs steeledProtagonist ( How is he so causal about soultwisting? )
  1270. 20:50 stanzicApparati He is.
  1271. 20:50 tenaciousTheseus BS
  1272. 20:50 tenaciousTheseus Your turn
  1273. 20:50 lunarLungfish Never have I ever been a huge heartless Heart jerk!
  1274. 20:50 unrecognisedCognition (( casual* ))
  1275. 20:50 ballisticSpectacle Okay.
  1276. 20:50 stanzicApparati He's not allowed within a hundred yards of my Shiny.
  1277. 20:50 lunarLungfish Drink, jerk.
  1278. 20:50 stanzicApparati hugs Toni
  1279. 20:50 ballisticSpectacle Never have I ever...
  1280. 20:50 soulHooks ...
  1281. 20:50 stanzicApparati Shoosh.
  1282. 20:50 stanzicApparati Not your turn, Toni.
  1283. 20:50 lunarLungfish =P
  1284. 20:50 lunarLungfish Fiiiiine~
  1285. 20:50 vsOther001 Something is happening must go must go
  1286. 20:50 soulHooks rude, man!
  1287. 20:50 stanzicApparati hugs Toni!
  1288. 20:50 unrecognisedCognition Look after yourself.
  1289. 20:50 pastdreamsilentAnswer wait
  1290. 20:50 tenaciousTheseus Bye, then
  1291. 20:50 *** vsOther001 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1292. 20:50 soulHooks :b
  1293. 20:50 stanzicApparati also platoni-hugs Valiant
  1294. 20:50 pastdreamsilentAnswer how is it his turn?
  1295. 20:50 lunarLungfish hugs Cyma!
  1296. 20:50 soulHooks i have a heart!
  1297. 20:50 pastdreamsilentAnswer we just had ll's turn
  1298. 20:51 pastdreamsilentAnswer I think we skipped me too
  1299. 20:51 tenaciousTheseus Yeah, look at the list
  1300. 20:51 stanzicApparati We're going in list-order.
  1301. 20:51 tenaciousTheseus It's BSs turn
  1302. 20:51 pastdreamsilentAnswer I thought it was alphabet order
  1303. 20:51 ballisticSpectacle Um.
  1304. 20:51 pastdreamsilentAnswer You mean I was wrong the whole time?
  1305. 20:51 stanzicApparati List usually does alphabetize.
  1306. 20:51 unrecognisedCognition It mostly is apart from her....
  1307. 20:51 ballisticSpectacle We're going by order in the chat list.
  1308. 20:51 ballisticSpectacle lL is before me.
  1309. 20:51 *** jayneCobb is now known as tandemCrucifix
  1310. 20:51 ballisticSpectacle Um....
  1311. 20:52 ballisticSpectacle Never have I ever thrown a pie at someone.
  1312. 20:52 unrecognisedCognition drinks.
  1313. 20:52 tenaciousTheseus Heh
  1314. 20:52 tenaciousTheseus drinks
  1315. 20:52 lunarLungfish drinks
  1316. 20:52 soulHooks drinks
  1317. 20:52 pastdreamsilentAnswer drinks
  1318. 20:52 unrecognisedCognition Look on his face was priceless.
  1319. 20:52 soulHooks try it sometime!
  1320. 20:52 soulHooks not a hot one, though.
  1321. 20:52 steeledProtagonist PMs unrecognisedCognition : ( he is causal cause he lacks empathy )
  1322. 20:52 steeledProtagonist ...
  1323. 20:52 steeledProtagonist :3
  1324. 20:52 soulHooks that's just asking for burns.
  1325. 20:52 steeledProtagonist i never did that
  1326. 20:52 steeledProtagonist but still funny
  1327. 20:52 --- amaranthineSwell is back
  1328. 20:53 soulHooks ... i mean, unless you want to splatter someone with burning hot filling.
  1329. 20:53 stanzicApparati drinks
  1330. 20:53 soulHooks that could be a pretty sweet specibus, actually!
  1331. 20:53 pastdreamsilentAnswer You're missing out then bS
  1332. 20:53 tenaciousTheseus Haha you are not as funny as you think you are
  1333. 20:53 pastdreamsilentAnswer This many people can't be wrong
  1334. 20:53 soulHooks hehe, get it?
  1335. 20:53 soulHooks sweet?
  1336. 20:53 pastdreamsilentAnswer You should totally do it
  1337. 20:53 soulHooks eheheehehe.
  1338. 20:54 ballisticSpectacle I dunno.
  1339. 20:54 ballisticSpectacle Kinda a waste of a pie.
  1340. 20:54 unrecognisedCognition I still say it was worth it.
  1341. 20:54 pastdreamsilentAnswer Go away creepy person
  1342. 20:54 steeledProtagonist shh
  1343. 20:54 pastdreamsilentAnswer (actually I still don't think he's as creepy as the other guy)
  1344. 20:54 steeledProtagonist what
  1345. 20:54 lunarLungfish soulHooks, you are a creepy creeper who creeps!
  1346. 20:54 steeledProtagonist who
  1347. 20:55 steeledProtagonist me
  1348. 20:55 soulHooks ow. who's the other guy?
  1349. 20:55 steeledProtagonist or duke
  1350. 20:55 pastdreamsilentAnswer the guy from before
  1351. 20:55 pastdreamsilentAnswer who was rhyming
  1352. 20:55 stanzicApparati You're not creepy, stepro.
  1353. 20:55 steeledProtagonist ah that one
  1354. 20:55 pastdreamsilentAnswer and said he was related to you-know-who
  1355. 20:55 ballisticSpectacle Cathat?
  1356. 20:55 steeledProtagonist .,..
  1357. 20:55 steeledProtagonist seuss?
  1358. 20:55 stanzicApparati Yeah, cathat is...kind of weird.
  1359. 20:55 pastdreamsilentAnswer that guy
  1360. 20:55 steeledProtagonist he wrote children boods
  1361. 20:55 unrecognisedCognition What's wrong with Seuss?
  1362. 20:55 steeledProtagonist *ks
  1363. 20:55 steeledProtagonist :?
  1364. 20:55 steeledProtagonist wtf
  1365. 20:55 unrecognisedCognition I liked those books.
  1366. 20:56 steeledProtagonist they were quite allright
  1367. 20:56 stanzicApparati Seuss' stuff gets all ichor-y once you enter the Medium.
  1368. 20:56 stanzicApparati No one's really sure why.
  1369. 20:56 steeledProtagonist :3
  1370. 20:56 steeledProtagonist 3:
  1371. 20:56 steeledProtagonist i
  1372. 20:56 pastdreamsilentAnswer It's because he was evil
  1373. 20:56 pastdreamsilentAnswer Really really evil
  1374. 20:56 steeledProtagonist that is really really dumb
  1375. 20:56 stanzicApparati Maybe.
  1376. 20:56 unrecognisedCognition what
  1377. 20:56 stanzicApparati Also, a lot of universes seem to have a Seuss who was a horrible person.
  1378. 20:56 lunarLungfish Yeah, there's some weeeeeeird stuff that goes on with the Seuss.
  1379. 20:57 tenaciousTheseus In some universes
  1380. 20:57 tenaciousTheseus Mine was normal Seuss
  1381. 20:57 unrecognisedCognition My childhood has been further ruined. Great.
  1382. 20:57 tenaciousTheseus Or not-evil Seuss
  1383. 20:57 steeledProtagonist *hug*
  1384. 20:57 lunarLungfish If you even put a hat on a cat, it starts to get all shadowy on the edges.
  1385. 20:57 steeledProtagonist our seuss was ok
  1386. 20:57 steeledProtagonist haters to the left
  1387. 20:57 stanzicApparati Sorry, dude.
  1388. 20:57 unrecognisedCognition *hug*
  1389. 20:57 pastdreamsilentAnswer Hmm
  1390. 20:57 stanzicApparati And when were you putting hats on cats?
  1391. 20:57 soulHooks any hat on any cat?
  1392. 20:57 pastdreamsilentAnswer is there anyone else like that?
  1393. 20:57 stanzicApparati Why were you putting hats on cats?
  1394. 20:57 pastdreamsilentAnswer Who's different in everybody's universe
  1395. 20:57 soulHooks can you put a party hat upon a cat?
  1396. 20:57 lunarLungfish I was having a party!
  1397. 20:58 ballisticSpectacle Fortunately, it doesn't work with dogs.
  1398. 20:58 steeledProtagonist ok
  1399. 20:58 lunarLungfish Or hamsters, either.
  1400. 20:58 soulHooks oh, well, then it's okay.
  1401. 20:58 steeledProtagonist pdsa your turn
  1402. 20:58 stanzicApparati Without me? : (
  1403. 20:58 lunarLungfish Hamsters are fine.
  1404. 20:58 lunarLungfish It was just a tea party.
  1405. 20:58 soulHooks as long as we can put silly hats on other animals.
  1406. 20:58 pastdreamsilentAnswer Oh it's my turn?
  1407. 20:58 pastdreamsilentAnswer I kinda forgot to think of one
  1408. 20:58 lunarLungfish And a future-you showed up and told me NOT to disturb you because you were busy not-killing somoene.
  1409. 20:58 stanzicApparati Ah.
  1410. 20:58 stanzicApparati Okay, that explains it then.
  1411. 20:59 pastdreamsilentAnswer Never ever have I prototyped something bigger than me
  1412. 20:59 stanzicApparati Also, remind me to let everyone know at the group meeting that we have to make sure Razi doesn't die. :\
  1413. 20:59 soulHooks drinks!
  1414. 20:59 steeledProtagonist drinks
  1415. 20:59 ballisticSpectacle Nioe.
  1416. 20:59 ballisticSpectacle Nope*
  1417. 20:59 stanzicApparati I prototyped direwolfmom.
  1418. 20:59 steeledProtagonist post entry
  1419. 20:59 steeledProtagonist my dad
  1420. 20:59 stanzicApparati drinks
  1421. 21:00 pastdreamsilentAnswer your mom was a wolf?
  1422. 21:00 soulHooks sucks, bro.
  1423. 21:00 pastdreamsilentAnswer Cool!
  1424. 21:00 stanzicApparati Direwolf!
  1425. 21:00 unrecognisedCognition I panicked and threw a peacock feather in.
  1426. 21:00 lunarLungfish Cyma, what did I prototype, again?
  1427. 21:00 pastdreamsilentAnswer How does that work though?
  1428. 21:00 steeledProtagonist it ended well
  1429. 21:00 soulHooks life-sized carboard cutout of sephiroth.
  1430. 21:00 pastdreamsilentAnswer Are you a wolf?
  1431. 21:00 soulHooks *cardboard
  1432. 21:00 steeledProtagonist you had most harmless prototyping of us all
  1433. 21:00 unrecognisedCognition I still don't even know how that got accepted.
  1434. 21:00 soulHooks my first session.
  1435. 21:01 steeledProtagonist well, enemies got some pretty tails
  1436. 21:01 steeledProtagonist that is all?
  1437. 21:01 pastdreamsilentAnswer stop
  1438. 21:01 pastdreamsilentAnswer I don't want to hear what you used
  1439. 21:01 pastdreamsilentAnswer soulHooks
  1440. 21:01 unrecognisedCognition The black king looked fabulous.
  1441. 21:01 soulHooks ... i already said, though?
  1442. 21:01 stanzicApparati I'm not a wolf, no.
  1443. 21:01 stanzicApparati I'm a troll!
  1444. 21:01 steeledProtagonist yes
  1445. 21:01 soulHooks cardboard cutout of a video game character!
  1446. 21:01 pastdreamsilentAnswer h wait you did
  1447. 21:01 steeledProtagonist black king was fab
  1448. 21:02 soulHooks :?
  1449. 21:02 pastdreamsilentAnswer and it's not creepy at all
  1450. 21:02 soulHooks anyway, i'm next, right?
  1451. 21:02 unrecognisedCognition White queen was pretty fancy too to be fair.
  1452. 21:02 pastdreamsilentAnswer Don't do anything too creepy
  1453. 21:02 pastdreamsilentAnswer But yes it's you
  1454. 21:02 soulHooks never have i ever baked a pastry that didn't look like something died in the oven.
  1455. 21:02 soulHooks :b
  1456. 21:02 lunarLungfish drinks
  1457. 21:03 lunarLungfish drinks a LOT
  1458. 21:03 --- amaranthineSwell is away (Away)
  1459. 21:03 steeledProtagonist i have never baked things
  1460. 21:03 steeledProtagonist so well
  1461. 21:03 steeledProtagonist nah
  1462. 21:03 pastdreamsilentAnswer drinks
  1463. 21:03 pastdreamsilentAnswer but I had help
  1464. 21:03 unrecognisedCognition You never liked my cooking so I stopped trying.
  1465. 21:03 steeledProtagonist your cooking was awful :3
  1466. 21:03 ballisticSpectacle drinks
  1467. 21:03 steeledProtagonist but made with love so that counts
  1468. 21:04 ballisticSpectacle Plus a squid cupcake.
  1469. 21:04 steeledProtagonist ...
  1470. 21:04 steeledProtagonist what
  1471. 21:04 unrecognisedCognition ...
  1472. 21:04 unrecognisedCognition oh god what
  1473. 21:04 pastdreamsilentAnswer a squid cupcake?
  1474. 21:04 lunarLungfish Squidcake?
  1475. 21:04 pastdreamsilentAnswer Hmm
  1476. 21:04 pastdreamsilentAnswer Umm
  1477. 21:04 pastdreamsilentAnswer I think I have to go soon
  1478. 21:04 ballisticSpectacle It was all gross and Other-y.
  1479. 21:04 ballisticSpectacle You wouldn't want it.
  1480. 21:04 pastdreamsilentAnswer Awake me is gonna want her brain back
  1481. 21:05 stanzicApparati drinks
  1482. 21:05 soulHooks ... my thing was if you HAVEN'T failed at a pastry, not if you have
  1483. 21:05 pastdreamsilentAnswer So yeah
  1484. 21:05 ballisticSpectacle Yeah, and I drank.
  1485. 21:05 pastdreamsilentAnswer I gotta go
  1486. 21:05 pastdreamsilentAnswer If you see awake me
  1487. 21:05 pastdreamsilentAnswer DON"T TELL HER I WAS HERE
  1488. 21:05 steeledProtagonist take care
  1489. 21:05 pastdreamsilentAnswer Pretend I was doing dream quests and stuff
  1490. 21:05 steeledProtagonist also ok
  1491. 21:05 soulHooks okay, cool! x3
  1492. 21:05 unrecognisedCognition See you.
  1493. 21:05 soulHooks and bye!
  1494. 21:05 soulHooks woogie woogy creepy shit.
  1495. 21:06 pastdreamsilentAnswer
  1496. 21:06 soulHooks ;3
  1497. 21:06 steeledProtagonist snerk
  1498. 21:06 pastdreamsilentAnswer has left the memo
  1499. 21:06 lunarLungfish Oh
  1500. 21:06 steeledProtagonist ok now it is sas turn
  1501. 21:06 *** pastdreamsilentAnswer is now known as silentAnswer
  1502. 21:06 silentAnswer has joined the memo
  1503. 21:06 silentAnswer Hi everyone
  1504. 21:07 stanzicApparati Hey.
  1505. 21:07 lunarLungfish Well, I never made pastries that looked like something died in the oven other than abject failures?
  1506. 21:07 stanzicApparati Hm, my turn.
  1507. 21:07 ballisticSpectacle Yep.
  1508. 21:07 ballisticSpectacle Hang on. I need more milkshake.
  1509. 21:07 steeledProtagonist hello
  1510. 21:07 unrecognisedCognition Hello.
  1511. 21:07 soulHooks ehehe.
  1512. 21:07 soulHooks yeah, my pastries look like this:
  1513. 21:07 silentAnswer So i"ve been trying to get on
  1514. 21:07 soulHooks
  1515. 21:07 silentAnswer But it was blocking me
  1516. 21:07 silentAnswer I guess another me was on?
  1517. 21:08 soulHooks past dream you.
  1518. 21:08 silentAnswer what?
  1519. 21:08 silentAnswer really?
  1520. 21:08 silentAnswer oh no
  1521. 21:08 soulHooks yep!
  1522. 21:08 silentAnswer This is that memo isn't it
  1523. 21:08 silentAnswer The memo with the game
  1524. 21:08 soulHooks never have i ever!
  1525. 21:08 steeledProtagonist you promised to not tell
  1526. 21:08 steeledProtagonist 3:
  1527. 21:09 silentAnswer I am going to teleport over to Derse somehow
  1528. 21:09 silentAnswer And smash every computer my dreamself owns
  1529. 21:09 soulHooks ... wow, i totally forgot.
  1530. 21:09 soulHooks dude, don't!
  1531. 21:09 stanzicApparati danced with any of the Prospitian agents!
  1532. 21:09 soulHooks you're cool.
  1533. 21:09 unrecognisedCognition ...
  1534. 21:09 soulHooks drinks!
  1535. 21:09 unrecognisedCognition drinks.
  1536. 21:09 lunarLungfish drinks!
  1537. 21:09 ballisticSpectacle Um.
  1538. 21:09 steeledProtagonist 3:
  1539. 21:09 lunarLungfish They are the best dancers~!
  1540. 21:09 unrecognisedCognition Don't judge me, Nick.
  1541. 21:09 ballisticSpectacle Now, when you say "danced"...
  1542. 21:09 silentAnswer Fine
  1543. 21:09 soulHooks batsui counts.
  1544. 21:09 soulHooks ;3
  1545. 21:09 unrecognisedCognition Time to go past the creepy broken masks.
  1546. 21:10 silentAnswer I WAS going to tell everyone about the status of my apparent recovery from corruption
  1547. 21:10 tenaciousTheseus Oh wait lets see
  1548. 21:10 tenaciousTheseus drinks
  1549. 21:10 silentAnswer But I doubt anyone actually cares
  1550. 21:10 silentAnswer Since you're having fun
  1551. 21:10 silentAnswer So bye
  1552. 21:10 soulHooks no, that's great!
  1553. 21:10 silentAnswer has left the memo
  1554. 21:10 unrecognisedCognition Wait, she was corrupt?
  1555. 21:10 soulHooks ... :\
  1556. 21:10 unrecognisedCognition Okay yeah I am going to do that now.
  1557. 21:10 --- amaranthineSwell is back
  1558. 21:10 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (hey, you okay?)
  1559. 21:11 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (feathers or tentacles?)
  1560. 21:11 silentAnswer PMs soulHooks: I'm surprised you of all people actually care
  1561. 21:11 steeledProtagonist oh shit
  1562. 21:11 silentAnswer PMs soulHooks: But it was tentacles and I'm fine
  1563. 21:12 steeledProtagonist 3:
  1564. 21:12 steeledProtagonist well
  1565. 21:12 steeledProtagonist hmm
  1566. 21:12 steeledProtagonist my turn
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