
The Magic of Music

Oct 17th, 2016
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  1. Dear AJ,
  3. I hope you've been doing well since we last saw each other. How is your family? Are your friends doing well? I'm still really grateful for what you did; The new me is the true me. However, I need to ask you for a favour. Things haven't been great for me lately. Ponies just aren't that interested in the new me, and without a manager, I'm swamped with all the work. I need to get away from it all for a while, but sadly I have nowhere to go. As I dropped my fake image, my fame and 'friends' disappeared with it. I never amassed a lot of bits, charity and Svengallop got the most of them, and now I'm running out. I was hoping I could stay with you and your family for a bit. Of course, I'd help out around the farm and everything. I just need some rest while I make new plans. I hope you'll let me stay with you.
  5. Lots of love,
  6. Rara
  8. >You finish reading out loud and put the paper down.
  9. >The letter before you on the kitchen table bears marks that can only mean one thing, tears.
  10. >Your friend needs you, that much is clear.
  11. >You look at Big Mac and Granny, who have remained silent.
  12. "She can stay, right?"
  13. >You think you spot a teary glimmer in your brother's eyes, always the kind soul.
  14. >The old mare slams her hoof on the table.
  15. >"You're darn tootin' she can! You write that friend o' yours right now, you hear me!"
  16. "Ah will, Granny!"
  17. >You scramble for quill, ink, and paper and sit down to write a reply.
  19. --------------------
  21. Dear Rara,
  23. Of course, you can come! I can't just stand by while you're having troubles now, can I? You stay as long as you need to, and I'll show you all around Ponyville this time! We'll figure out a solution to your problems, don't you fret! We look forward to having you!
  25. Your Friend,
  26. AJ
  28. --------------------
  30. >"Ah can't believe it, sis! Countess Coloratura is going to live with m- us! I'm so excited!"
  31. >You chuckle.
  32. "Really now? I wasn't quite sure after the first fifty times ya said it."
  33. >A blush graces your little sibling's face.
  34. >"Ah'm just so excited! Do you think she'll remember me?"
  35. "I'm sure she will, Apple Bloom."
  36. >The train station now comes into sight.
  37. >The grand clock on the facade shows five to eleven.
  38. "Just five more minutes, then you'll see her again."
  39. >The little filly jumps happily onto the platform and cranes her neck to see as much of the tracks as she can.
  40. >"Is that the train?!"
  41. "Ah think that's just a boulder next to the tracks."
  42. >"Oh.."
  43. >You put a hoof on her shoulder.
  44. "Dontcha worry, sis, she'll be here soon enough."
  45. >She turns to you with a confused look.
  46. >"Why exactly is she coming?"
  47. "I told ya why, didn't I?"
  48. >"Uh, maybe, I sorta tuned out after you said she'd be visiting."
  49. >That's not too terrible, you'd like to forget about the reason yourself.
  50. >But Apple Bloom is quite mature, she can handle this.
  51. "She's havin' a bit of a rough time, and needs to relax some."
  52. >The filly cocks an eyebrow.
  53. >"What kind of trouble?"
  54. >You don't want to saddle your sister with Rara's troubles, but she deserves the truth.
  55. "She's having trouble drummin' up business and got herself overworked."
  56. >The little pony immediately opens her mouth to question you further, but you cut her off with a raised hoof.
  57. "Hold on, missy, if you're interested, you might wanna ask her instead of me."
  58. >"But the train-"
  59. "Is right there, sugarcube."
  60. >True to your words, the train comes into sight and soon grinds to a halt at the station.
  61. >The doors open and ponies start pouring out.
  62. >"Where is she? Where is she?"
  63. "Ah don't see her either."
  64. >Not content in waiting, Apple Bloom trots past the train's windows to find your friend.
  65. >Meanwhile, you take a look at the suitcases and bags being unloaded.
  66. >A black bag bearing colourful stickers of musical notes catches your eye.
  67. >That could be hers.
  68. >"Found her!"
  69. >You turn to find your little sister pressing her face into the glass.
  70. >Behind, eyes shut and sunken into her seat, sits Rara.
  71. >Poor mare looks exhausted with her unkempt mane and puffy eyes.
  72. "Apple Bloom, ah don't think-"
  73. >Hoof striking glass cuts through your sentence.
  74. >Leaving your sister to her approach, you enter the train to get your friend.
  75. >You find her lying on her side.
  76. >Gently, you nudge her in the flank.
  77. "Rara? Wake up, it's me, Applejack."
  78. >A long stretched yawn precedes her eyes opening.
  79. >"AJ?"
  80. "Howdy, Rara."
  81. >Another yawn escapes her as she gets on her hooves.
  82. >"Sorry, I must have dozed off for a bit."
  83. "No worries, let's just get onto the platform, before the train leaves with us still in it."
  84. >You guide your sleepy friend out of the carriage.
  85. >"She's here! She's here!"
  86. >Apple Bloom happily prances around you, as you move to pick up Rara's luggage.
  87. >"Did you have a good trip? Are you staying long? Are you going to do a concert?"
  88. >Your voice barely manages to stem the interrogative flood.
  89. "Apple Bloom, Rara's a bit tired from her trip, let's get her to the farm first and ask questions later."
  91. -------------------
  93. "You just get some rest, Rara. I'll come for you when dinner's ready."
  94. >The pony smiles at you.
  95. >"Thanks, AJ, you always..."
  96. >Her eyes and mouth fall shut under the weight of exhaustion.
  97. >You quietly make your way downstairs and into the kitchen.
  98. "Alright everypony, let's get cooking!"
  99. >Brandishing their apples and knives, Granny and Big Mac start their work.
  100. >With eager eyes Apple Bloom runs op to you.
  101. >"What do I get to do, sis?"
  102. >You pass the note you've been keeping under your hat to the filly.
  103. "Run along to that hayburger joint that Twilight likes so much and get what it says on the paper."
  104. >She looks at you with a look both puzzled and amused.
  105. >"Aren't you the one who always says we should cook our own meals?"
  106. >Darnit, Apple Bloom, of course you are, and you stand by what you say, but this is different.
  107. "We should, but this is Rara's favourite hayburger."
  108. >Her expression turns to playful anger.
  109. >"But when I want my favourite foods, it's always 'apples, apples, apples'!"
  110. >Before you get to reply, your little sister suddenly shrieks.
  111. >A mildly red spot marks her flank where Granny's wooden spoon just descended on her.
  112. >"Quit yer yappin', young'un, go run that errand!"
  113. >More scarlet appears on her face, and she quickly rushes off.
  114. >Granny now points her wooden sceptre at you.
  115. >"Now you go bake that apple pie lickety-split!"
  116. "Yes, siree!"
  118. --------------------
  120. >"... and without bits, you cannot live in a big city, so I wrote to you."
  121. >Silence falls over the dinner table as Rara finishes recounting.
  122. "Ah don't understand, everyone loved the real you at the Helping Hooves Festival!"
  123. >She sighs sadly.
  124. >"It's different in Manehattan. They expect something grand, something dazzling, you know? I just can't do that on my own."
  125. "Is there nopony who can help ya?"
  126. >A tear rolls down her cheek.
  127. >"No."
  128. "I don't believe that! You have friends in the city, dontcha?"
  129. >Even before she speaks, her lips and eyes answer your question.
  130. >"All the ponies I called 'friend' just wanted to be famous with me, I'm alone in this."
  131. "You're not alone! I'm your friend, and I'll help you in any way I can!"
  132. >A slight glimmer of hope shines in her eyes.
  133. >"T-thanks, AJ, but I just don't know what to do, where to start."
  134. >At that moment, Granny returns from the kitchen.
  135. >"Start with this hot cider here, never failed to lift my spirits, I tell ya."
  136. >While Rara's lips kiss the cup, you try to come up with a plan.
  137. >You don't know a lot about music, and your little time spent in Manehattan wasn't very successful.
  138. >But you know a pony who knows all about the big city and fame.
  139. "Rara, do you remember Rarity from your last time in Ponyville?"
  140. >The mare nods, the mug of cider still glued to her muzzle.
  141. "Ah reckon she could help you! She can help ya drum up the business you need!"
  142. >Rara puts down her empty tankard, revealing her sad face again.
  143. >"I don't know AJ... I don't want to burden anypony."
  144. "You're no burden, sugarcube; you're a friend!"
  145. >Head sunken, she turns away from you.
  146. >"C-could we talk about this later, I'm still exhausted."
  147. >A resounding "No!" is about to leap from your lips when you catch Granny shaking her head.
  148. >"Come, dearie, I'll tuck you into the wool."
  149. >As they climb the stairs, you are left with dirty dishes and frustration.
  151. --------------------
  153. >You press your eye against the keyhole of the guest room.
  154. >Rara is still sleeping; her pillow clenched tight.
  155. >Maybe Granny is right, maybe it's best to give her some space 'till she's ready.
  156. >But she needs help, that's why she came here in the first place!
  157. >Why is she so reluctant to accept it?
  158. >A whisper in your ear takes you out of contemplation.
  159. >"Watcha doing, sis?"
  160. >Startled, you trip over your hooves and land on your rear end.
  161. "Apple Bloom, don't sneak up on me like that!"
  162. >"Serves ya right for peeking on other ponies."
  163. >Part mature and part a tad too pleased about it.
  164. >You must have the same dumb look on your face as Big Mac had when you started lecturing him.
  165. >How quick the little sapling grows.
  166. "Ah was just seeing if Rara was still asleep before I head to Rarity's."
  167. >"Didn't Cou- Rara say she didn't want to burden nopony?"
  168. "She's just being a mule; it's important to know when you need help and where to look for it."
  169. >The filly frowns a bit.
  170. >"She came to you for help, didn't she?"
  171. "Of course she did, I'm her friend, but I don't know the first thing 'bout the big city."
  172. >"Mayb-"
  173. "Sorry, Apple Bloom, I gotta skedaddle. You keep Rara company when she wakes up?"
  174. >You take off before she gets to reply and toss her a 'thanks!' for her efforts.
  176. --------------------
  178. "Darnit!"
  179. >The boutique hides behind drawn curtains and a note is fastened to the door.
  180. >'Out for a well-deserved spa treatment' is what it says.
  181. >No use trying to pry Rarity away from the spa, you'll only get yourself sucked in.
  182. >You decide to come back later and start to trot back home.
  183. >No worries, just a minor setback.
  184. >You'll come back later today and get Rarity's help.
  185. >Generosity will be glad to help; Rara need not worry.
  186. >The fashionista will fix her up with some famous fancy ponies, and she'll be back in business.
  187. >No need to worry.
  188. >None at all.
  189. >Meanwhile, you can give Rara the tour of Ponyville you promised her.
  190. >You'll show her all the neat little places in town.
  191. >Twilight's Castle, Town Hall, Sugarcube Corner, so much to see.
  192. >A great idea suddenly comes to you.
  193. >You can return to the boutique as part of the tour!
  194. >Then Rara will see that she's no burden at all.
  195. >It takes a bit of mental repeating, but by the time you've reached the farm, you've more or less convinced yourself.
  196. >Now, where are Rara and Apple Bloom?
  197. >You start your search in the kitchen, and although a pile of dirty dishes tells you they were here, that's no longer so.
  198. >The guest room is empty too.
  199. >You check your sister's room but find it locked.
  200. >They must be somewhere outside then.
  201. >You step out the door and cast your gaze wide.
  202. >Aside from Big Mac, there's nopony in the orchard.
  203. >You find Granny dozing in her rocking chair near the pig pen.
  204. >Now where could they be?
  205. >Could Apple Bloom be showing your friend her clubhouse?
  206. >It's as good a guess as any at this point.
  207. >As you make your way toward the Crusaders' headquarters, you see a familiar scooter, parked beside the barn.
  208. >If Scootaloo is here, your sister can't be far.
  209. >You slip through the ajar barn doors.
  210. >Inside, you do indeed find the Cutie Mark gang and Rara.
  211. >The last few tones of a song flow from Sweetie Belle, while your friend looks on approvingly.
  212. >"Just a slight bit lower and it'll be just gorgeous!"
  213. >"Thanks, C- Rara!"
  214. >The filly briefly turns to her friends.
  215. >"One more time, if you don't mind!"
  216. >Scootaloo opens her mouth, but your little sister's hoof blocks what was sure to be a complaint.
  217. >"Don't worry 'bout Scoots, sing!"
  218. >Only now does everypony notice you.
  219. >Rara walks over and greets you in a hushed voice.
  220. >"Hey, AJ."
  221. "G'morning, Rara. You got a little singing session going on here?"
  222. >The mare nods and smiles excitedly.
  223. >"Sweetie has real talent, you know."
  224. "She sure as sugar does."
  225. >Then Rara lets out a heavy and sad sigh.
  226. >"I wish I had her optimism and enthusiasm."
  227. >Now hold on, nopony is sinking into melancholy on your watch!
  228. "Don't be so glum, sugarcube, there's lots to be excited about!"
  229. >Your volume earns you a stern cough from Apple Bloom.
  230. >Luckily, Sweetie Belle sings on uninterrupted.
  231. >"Like what?"
  232. "Like this here little get-together and the tour of Ponyville I'm about to give ya."
  233. >With visible effort, she conjures up a smile.
  234. >"You're right, that is something to be excited about."
  235. "That's the spirit; we can go as soon as you wrap up here."
  236. >Little later, Sweetie Belle sings the song's last line.
  237. >♫ Glory and honour, the land of Equestria ♫
  238. >With an expecting smile, the filly runs up to Rara.
  239. >"So? What did you think? Better? Should it be lower? I know I missed a-"
  240. >"It was beautiful, Sweetie," Rara says, ruffling the little one's mane.
  241. >"Did you hear that, girls?! The Countess thinks it was beautiful!"
  242. >Even Scootaloo can't help but smile at the filly's warming enthusiasm.
  243. >Then she proceeds to push Sweetie Belle toward the door.
  244. "Ah'm gonna show Rara 'round town, you fillies wanna come with?"
  245. >"Sorry, Applejack, but we've got crusader business! We're late already!"
  246. >"We'll see you later, right Rara?"
  247. >"Of course! See you!"
  248. >The Cutie Mark Crusaders rush off.
  249. >Such hard working fillies, helping ponies all over town.
  250. "You ready to go, Rara?"
  251. >She nods.
  252. "Let's get this show on the road then. First stop, Town Hall!"
  254. --------------------
  256. "... this was also where we held the Summer Sun Celebration a few-"
  257. >A loud gasp cuts you off.
  258. >Another one.
  259. >"It is her!"
  260. >"Miss Countess! Can I have an autograph? I'm your biggest fan!"
  261. >That's funny, he's the fifth already.
  262. >"Of course!"
  263. >Rara scribbles her four letters onto a picture of her old self.
  264. >"There you go!"
  265. >The little colt beams back at her.
  266. >"Thank you!"
  267. >You're surprised they've been trickling in like water from a melting icicle.
  268. >After the first two, you expected a horde of colts and fillies to charge Town Hall.
  269. >Maybe there's some sorta event for the little ones somewhere in town?
  270. >Who knows.
  271. >"AJ?"
  272. "What is it, Rara?"
  273. >"Could we visit the school next?"
  274. >It's not as monumental as Town Hall, but it sure has its charm.
  275. >Tough you suspect it's not the building Rara is eager to see.
  276. "Sure thing, sugarcube, but you know it's a Sunday, right?"
  277. >"Did AB not tell you? The CMC are holding an event on the school grounds."
  278. "What sorta event?"
  279. >And why did you not hear about this?
  280. >"I think they called it the 'Teach a Talent Fair', by and for the fillies and colts of Ponyville."
  281. >That must be the crusading business they were rushing off to.
  282. "That does sound mighty interesting, let's pay 'em a visit!"
  283. >The school isn't far, and after a short trot, you spot a collection of colourful tents on the school grounds.
  284. >A big banner hangs from the fence, bearing the fair's name.
  285. >Merry shouts and laughs grow louder as you draw closer.
  286. >You now see each tent has a sign with a schedule next to it.
  287. >Colts and fillies scurry from sign to sign, examining the programs.
  288. >You take a look at the schedule of the great green tent closest to you.
  289. >Round 1: Hedgehog Petting - Lily Longsocks
  290. >Round 2: Smoothie Mixing - Boysenberry
  291. >Round 3: Singing - Sweetie Belle
  292. >Quite the organisational challenge, given the number of tents.
  293. >A bell rings above the clamour of the event and a loud voice follows.
  294. >"Ponies, pick your tents, the next round starts in two minutes!"
  295. >The little ones make their choices and take their places.
  296. >As the ponies head into the tents the noise on the grounds dies down.
  297. >Out of the green tent rushes a colt.
  298. >A pink filly with a hedgehog for a cutie mark runs after him.
  299. >"Wait! There's still one in your flank!"
  300. "Must have been a wild petting session."
  301. >You share a hearty laugh with Rara, picturing a hedgehog run amok.
  302. >"Let's see what they're doing in the other tents."
  303. "Great idea!"
  304. >You stroll over to a small crimson tent.
  305. >Inside, a small audience watches Silver Spoon detail the intricacies of silverware placement.
  306. >Diamond Tiara sits front row, paying more attention than the other ponies combined.
  307. >A filly in the back starts to yawn, triggering a violent stare from the lecturer's friend.
  308. >Silver Spoon continues unabated.
  309. >"Hey sis, are you peeking on ponies again?"
  310. >For the second time today, Apple Bloom has snuck up on you.
  311. >"Did you come to learn something new?"
  312. "Ah came 'cause I wanted to know what all this was about and why nopony told me about it."
  313. >The filly adopts a smug grin.
  314. >"How come you're here if nopony told you 'bout it?"
  315. "You know exactly what I mean, missy."
  316. >"Remember the last time you 'helped' me with a project?"
  317. >What's she talking about?
  318. >You give her a confused look.
  319. >"The derby?"
  320. >Oh, right. The derby.
  321. "Alright, ya got me there. It doesn't look like you needed help anyway."
  322. >At that comment, she smiles proudly.
  323. >"Your sister's right AB, it sounds like you're having a lot of fun!"
  324. >"We are! I was just a Tender Taps' dancing demonstration; we had a great time!"
  325. >"That's great! Did you teach something already?"
  326. >Apple Bloom nods enthusiastically.
  327. >"I was in the first round, showing how to make a fertiliser potion, Zecora's recipe."
  328. "Is that the potion that turned a tree purple last week?"
  329. >She blushes a bit.
  330. >"AJ, don't tease her. I'm sure you did great, AB."
  331. >"Thanks! Anyway, I should check if everything's going well in all the other tents, see ya around!"
  332. >The filly turns away from you and heads for the next tent.
  333. >Before she's taken two steps, Scootaloo appears from behind the red tent and crashes into her.
  334. >Sprawled across the grass, your sister scowls at her friend.
  335. >"Scoots, watch where you're going!"
  336. >The pegasus springs to her hooves.
  337. >"Sorry, Apple Bloom, but we've got trouble!"
  338. >"Please tell me Morning Star didn't burn down her tent."
  339. >Holy hay, what kind of shows are they running?
  340. "Why dontcha let her finish, Bloom?"
  341. >"It's Sweetie Belle, she mixed the wrong berries into her smoothie, and now she's lost her voice."
  342. >A relieved sigh escapes you.
  343. >You feared disaster, but it's just a small hiccup.
  344. >"Oh no! She was supposed to give her singing workshop in the last round!"
  345. >"Exactly, so we need a replacement, but I couldn't think of anyone."
  346. >Your sister's eyes light up like candles.
  347. >"I do!"
  348. >Smiling enthusiastically she turns to Rara.
  349. >"Could you help us out?"
  350. >"I'd love to!"
  351. >All three of them seem absolutely stoked about the idea.
  352. >"Everypony will go wild when we tell them who's teaching!"
  353. >And just like that, your friend has been hijacked.
  355. --------------------
  357. >After the magically amplified voice of the announcer has started the third round of the fair, Rara coughs three times, silencing the young ones' murmur.
  358. >The tent is packed to the brim with little ponies.
  359. >The dozens of eager eyes follow your friend closely.
  360. >"Welcome, everypony, I'm Rara, and I'll be giving you a little lesson in singing today."
  361. >"Let's start at the very beginning."
  362. >A very good place to start.
  363. >The children remain in excited anticipation.
  364. >"When you read, you begin with A-B-C, when you sing, you begin with do-re-mi."
  365. >"That's what the first notes happen to be."
  366. >Her last words already have a certain flow to them.
  367. >Breaking into song is unavoidable for her at this point.
  368. >In a clear voice worthy of her mark she sings.
  369. >♫ Do, a deer, a female deer ♫
  370. >♫ Re, a drop of golden sun ♫
  371. >♫ Me, a name I call myself ♫
  372. >♫ Fa, a long long, way to run ♫
  373. >♫ So, a needle pulling thread ♫
  374. >♫ La, a note to follow So ♫
  375. >♫ Ti, a drink with jam and bread ♫
  376. >♫ That would bring us back to Do! ♫
  377. >Like little waves the rows of ponies rock back and forth on the benches.
  378. >"Now, sing after me!"
  379. >Line by line she takes her class through the notes.
  380. >With ever increasing fervour the young ones advance through the song.
  381. >Even Sweetie Belle forms the words soundlessly.
  382. >All the while, a broad smile is plastered across Rara's muzzle.
  383. >Right now, she is exactly the little filly she was at Camp Friendship.
  384. >Her eyes shine, and confidence radiates from her.
  385. >Girl's in her element; that's plain to see.
  386. >♫ When you know the words to sing, you can sing most everything! ♫
  388. --------------------
  390. >Five songs past the scheduled end of the round, Rara concludes her performance.
  391. >The teaching gave way for a solo act after the third educational song.
  392. >Rara tried to maintain order, but couldn't say no to the dozens of little ponies demanding of her to sing.
  393. >As the last round ended in the other tents, even more ponies squeezed their way into the crowd.
  394. >For one song Rara had you play the guitar, and now after ringing a loud bell, you try to stop the shouts of 'Another one!'.
  395. "Show's over, ya don't want her to lose her voice, do you?"
  396. >"You were great students, we'll have to do this again sometime!"
  397. >The crowd settles for that promise, and slowly the fillies and colts start pouring out.
  398. >You remain with Rara, the CMC, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon.
  399. >Rich's daughter is the first to speak.
  400. >"Great performance, Countess, you're definitely my favourite celebrity."
  401. >Rara smiles.
  402. >"My father's stallions will be here any minute to take down the tents."
  403. >Magically on cue, a unicorn walks into the tent.
  404. >"Miss Tiara? Your father sent us to retrieve the equipment."
  405. >"We'll take our leave then, but you must come visit me at home sometime, Countess."
  406. >Rara can't protest Diamond Tiara calling her 'Countess' as the fillies and the stallion immediately walk out, leaving her and you alone with the CMC.
  407. "Rara, I gotta say, that was some fine singing you did there."
  408. >"I just hope they learned something."
  409. >You notice Sweetie's mouth opening enthusiastically, and her expression dropping when she realises she has no voice.
  410. >Only the slightest hint of a coarse whisper leaves her throat.
  411. >"Ah think Sweetie Belle was happy with how ya handled her class."
  412. >A grateful look confirm's your sister's translation.
  413. >"Anytime, girls, I'm glad I could help you and your friends out."
  414. >Your very own growling stomach calls attention to a new topic.
  415. "Ah hadn't realised I was so hungry already, how 'bout we all go back to Sweet Apple Acres and have some lunch?"
  416. >"Sorry, sis, but we already promised Zecora to stop by for lunch."
  417. >"Oh, that's too bad. But have fun, and we'll catch you later!"
  418. >The three not so little fillies trot out; you and Rara start heading for the farm.
  419. >"Hey, AJ?"
  420. "Hmm?"
  421. >"I'm really glad I got to help these fillies and colts."
  422. "Ya really did shine back there."
  423. >A gentle but genuine smile appears on her face.
  424. >"It was great, but I still feel..."
  425. >You're not sure where she's taking this.
  426. >Rara lets out a small sigh.
  427. >"I know I've been a bit vague with you, and we haven't really talked."
  428. "'Bout your troubles?"
  429. >Your friend nods.
  430. "Don't worry, Rara, like I said, we'll figure it out. I'm sure Rarity can help you and-"
  431. >All traces of her smile now disappear.
  432. >"No, we need to talk. It's more than just being busy and my audience disappearing; it's deeper."
  433. "Deeper? What do ya mean?"
  434. >"It's like, singing has always been my thing, you know?"
  435. >You nod in agreement.
  436. >Singing has always been her passion and her talent.
  437. >"And I always had a way to do it, you know? Talent shows, my music career, but now it's not that easy."
  438. "But you still sing beautifully!"
  439. >"No, that's not what I mean. There was always more to my singing than just the music. I did it to make others happy, to inspire ponies, and I managed to help a lot of good causes with the bits I earned."
  440. >"And there were always the charity events with school ponies and the like. Those were my favourite parts of any tour or festival."
  441. >You start to understand.
  442. "The singing ain't about you; it's all about the ponies you're singing to."
  443. >"Yes!"
  444. "And you feel your talent no longer has a use."
  445. >"Exactly, and there's just no way I can get back to where I was in the music business, it just won't work. I've lost my purpose."
  446. "Ouch."
  447. >A chuckle with a sad face makes for a strange sight.
  448. >"Yeah, definitely 'ouch'."
  449. >Spotting tears in her eyes, you decide to go in for a hug.
  450. >You press her close and feel a little wetness on your neck.
  451. >Time to let it all out.
  452. >You stand in silence for a bit, your hearts beating a calming rhythm.
  453. >"I envy you, AJ."
  454. "Ya do?"
  455. >"You've got a pretty perfect life. You've got a sweet family, a clear talent and destiny. You never have to wonder what you're doing with your life."
  456. >She has a point, apple farming ain't a complicated fate, yet running the farm with your family is a fulfilling life.
  457. >Can't she find something similar with singing?
  458. "Rara, you're the most talented singer I've ever known, and you've got a heart of gold. Ah just know there's gotta be a way for you to use your talents to help others, and by Celestia, I'll help you find it."
  460. --------------------
  462. >Back at the farm, you find and dig into Granny's delicious apple pie.
  463. >"Mmm, this is really good! Even better than the one we had yesterday."
  464. "There's nopony who bakes apple pie like Granny, not even me."
  465. >Though Apple Bloom seems to have a real knack for it too.
  466. "Anyway, we oughta get some brainstorming done."
  467. >Rara nods in agreement.
  468. "Then let's start by writing down all the music jobs we can come up with and see if there's anything that's right for ya."
  469. >You grab a large sheet of paper and start a list.
  470. "So, let's see, there's being a singer, but you already said that's just not gonna work anymore."
  471. >You note and subsequently strike the first option through.
  472. >"There's teaching I guess? I did like helping SB and giving that demonstration."
  473. >You write down 'Music Teacher'.
  474. "You could join a choir or an orchestra."
  475. >"Or sell instruments?"
  476. >And so the list grows while the pie shrinks.
  477. >Eventually, everything is written down, from conductor to roadie.
  478. >As you list off more professions, they start being less connected to singing and music.
  479. >"I think we should keep it at those."
  480. "Alright, let's see which you wouldn't want to do."
  481. >Quickly, most professions behind the scenes disappear.
  482. >Not surprising, that's not where she can shine and inspire after all.
  483. >"I don't think I'd do very well in a group; that's just not my style."
  484. >You strike out the team jobs.
  485. >A few objections later, only one profession remains on the paper.
  486. "Looks like you're gonna be a teacher, sugarcube."
  487. >"Really? That's the only one left?"
  488. "The one and only."
  489. >At that moment, the door swings open and your sister walks in.
  490. >"Oh hey, AB, you're back. Where are SB and Scoots?"
  491. >"Well, Rainbow Dash stole Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle wanted to take some rest, what with her voice and all."
  492. >She eyes the paper sheet in front of you.
  493. >"What are y'all writing there?"
  494. "We were working out a list of-"
  495. >"Cutie marks!"
  496. >You stare at her dumbfounded.
  497. >"Uh, I mean, you've listed all sorts of activities, and you're trying which one suits you, right?"
  498. "Well, not really 'trying', Rara just told me which ones she doesn't wanna do."
  499. >Sure, trying would be better, but you don't have five years to figure this out.
  500. >"Oh, okay. So what did you come up with?"
  501. >Rara flashes a bright smile.
  502. >"Teaching!"
  503. >"So you'll give us more singing lessons? That's great! Ah can't wait to tell everypony at school! They'll be so excited!"
  504. >She starts prancing around as she always does in excitement.
  505. >"Hold on, AB, we're not that far. I can't just show up at your school and start teaching, though I'd like to."
  506. "She's right, Bloom, now that she knows what she'd like to do, we gotta find the opportunity."
  507. >"Ah can just ask Miss Cheerilee, she'll let Rara do a lesson, no doubt."
  508. >"You'll ask her for me? Thanks so much!"
  510. --------------------
  512. >The next day, while after Apple Bloom and Rara are off to school, you double down on your chores, who have suffered some from your friend's visit.
  513. >Big Mac's been covering for you, but now you'll get back to pulling your own weight.
  514. >In record time you fill the troughs, collect all the eggs, and water the fields.
  515. >Now you've got the chance to fix some parts of the fence around the orchard and repaint the chicken pens.
  516. >Around three a clock, your stomach's grumbling starts roaring over your determination to work, so you head inside to grab a bite.
  517. >With a bowl of oats and a golden delicious you sit down at the kitchen table and replenish your reserves.
  518. >Gobbling down the cereal you think about Rara.
  519. >Hopefully it's all going well with her teaching, she was so excited.
  520. >If the fair was anything to go by, she'll do great and this'll be her new thing.
  521. >Her new destiny.
  522. >But then there still remains the question of drumming up business.
  523. >She could start a little business here in Ponyville where she teaches music and singing and stuff.
  524. >Or she could head back to the big city.
  525. >That's something you'll have to discuss when she gets back.
  526. >You don't know exactly how long her lesson was gonna be.
  527. >Maybe the whole day?
  528. >Even so, school should be coming to and end about now, so you expect her and your sister back soon.
  529. >But until then, it's splitting logs and sweeping floors.
  530. >You add your dishes to the pile in the sink, they're Bloom's business once she gets home.
  531. >Then you grab an axe from the tool shed and start chopping.
  532. >You've yet to make a lot of progress when a pair of cheery voices tread the path onto the grounds.
  533. >Rara and Apple Bloom walk side by side, chatting merrily.
  534. >"... you should ask AJ, I'm sure she can teach you how to play the guitar."
  535. >"She can? Ah thought she only played the banjo."
  536. >"Well, back at Camp Friendship, she played the guitar to my singing."
  537. >She giggles.
  538. >"And of course, her equilateral triangle."
  539. >"Her what now?"
  540. >"Nevermind that, just a silly joke from way back."
  541. >You bring your axe down one more time before intercepting the duo on their way inside.
  542. "Hey there, gals, did you have a good time at school?"
  543. >Rara's lips part, but she's interrupted by your sister.
  544. >"It. Was. Great!"
  545. "That's-"
  546. >"It was so amazing, it was like at the fair, but better! And we all learned a bunch! And Miss Cheerilee said she'd like Rara to give some more lessons! You should have seen it, sis!"
  547. >You give Rara a meaningful look, hoping for a slightly more factual report.
  548. >"AB is right, it was great!"
  549. "So you're sure? This is the new you?"
  550. >Her smile exudes confidence.
  551. >"Definitely."
  552. "Great! Only one more thing then, where'll you be workin'?"
  553. >With a confused look, Apple Bloom interrupts you.
  554. >"Did ya not listen to me? Miss Cheerilee said Rara could give more lessons here in Ponyville."
  555. >"No, AB, your sister is right, that's not something I can do forever, a few singing lessons are nice, but soon Miss Cheerilee needs to get back to math and spelling."
  556. "You could maybe set up your own sorta music school in town? Though Ah don't know if you can drum up enough business in a small town like Ponyville."
  557. >"Hmm, I could try to start something back in Manehattan, but I'm not sure if I'm up to face that city again."
  558. >Hold up, let's not descend into melancholy now.
  559. "We'll figure something out, alright. Now, Apple Bloom, there's dishes waitin' for ya in the sink."
  560. >"But after I finish my chores you gotta teach me to play the guitar!"
  561. >Ha, you were wondering when she'd bring that up.
  562. "Sure, we can do that after dinner."
  563. >The filly slips inside at that promise.
  564. >"I have to do some preparing for tomorrow's lesson, I'll be in my room if you need me."
  565. "Alrighty, good luck."
  566. >Back to your chores.
  568. --------------------
  570. "Go get 'er, Winona!"
  571. >The runaway chicken flaps her wings frantically, attempting to lift herself over the fence.
  572. >With a graceful leap, your pet clears the obstacle and barks at the escapee from the other side.
  573. >The poor hen, who had just reached the top of the fence, topples backwards in shock.
  574. >Squawking loudly she runs right into your hooves.
  575. >You swoop her up and despite her protest, carry her back to the coop.
  576. "Now don't you go runnin' off again."
  577. >The hen withdraws inside, almost as if ashamed.
  578. >Winona returns to your side and you give her a scratch behind the ears.
  579. "Good job, girl."
  580. >She barks happily and prances around you.
  581. >Now that you've returned the stray chicken, let's get those eggs inside.
  582. >You head into the kitchen and store them in a cupboard.
  583. >After you toss Winona a treat, she heads outside, and you go up to your room.
  584. >Now that Rara and you have picked routine back up, you've caught up on your chores, meaning some more free time.
  585. >Well, sort of.
  586. >Apple Bloom wanted to learn to play the guitar, and you're making sure she commits.
  587. >Your sister is picking it up fast, and since you'd become a bit rusty yourself, you started practising some.
  588. >Pa's favourite songs are still lodged in your memory, and they've served as good practice.
  589. >Just to be sure, you do a bit of tuning and then launch into your first exercise, singing along softly.
  590. ♫ Away from Appleloosa's vale ♫
  591. ♫ With my ol' hat there for a sail ♫
  592. ♫ I crossed upon a cotton bale ♫
  593. ♫ To the Rose of-
  594. >Winona's cheerful barking cuts you off.
  595. >Through the window you see Apple Bloom and Rara walking toward the house.
  596. >Shoot, you thought you had more practice time.
  597. >That darned chicken.
  598. >Oh well, let's ask how their day went.
  599. >Walking into the kitchen, you find Bloom strumming her guitar, and Rara gobbling up a sandwich.
  600. "G'afternoon, girls, how was school?"
  601. >Your friend gulps down a mouthful and replies with a smile.
  602. >"Fun as usual, AJ. I've also got great news!"
  603. "What is it?"
  604. >"Miss Cheerilee talked with a colleague over in Appleloosa, and that teacher said her students could also use some music lessons!"
  605. "That's amazing, sugar cube!"
  606. >She nods enthusiastically.
  607. >"I'll teach there for a week, starting Monday."
  608. "Oh, so you'll be leaving in a few days."
  609. >"Don't worry, AJ, after the gig over there, I'll swing back by. I'll try and see if the teacher there has more colleagues who could employ me, but nothing is certain yet."
  610. "You know you're always welcome here."
  611. >She seems to have caught the hint of sentimentality in your voice.
  612. >"Ha! No need to tear up just yet, AJ, I'm still here the next few days!"
  614. --------------------
  616. >You're just done sweeping the kitchen when your sister comes barging in, waving a piece of paper in through the air.
  617. >"Applejack, Applejack, we got a letter from Appleloosa!"
  618. >A letter from Rara!
  619. >You can't wait to hear how your friend's doing.
  620. >It's been nearly a week since she left to teach at the local school.
  621. >It was mighty kind of Miss Cheerilee to hook her up with that colleague of hers.
  622. "Well, what's it say?"
  623. >Apple Bloom slides the message from its envelope and starts to read out loud.
  625. Dear AJ and AB,
  627. Things are going great in here Appleloosa. The teacher Miss Cheerilee sent me to and her class gave me a really warm welcome and we're having a lot of fun. I've even come to a conclusion about where I'm going next. If Miss Cheerilee maybe has some more friendly colleagues in other places and the teacher here does too, I could easily start touring across Equestria, going from town to town, from school to school and give my lessons! First I'll be returning to Ponyville in a few days, and then my trip can start. I'm feeling more and more confident about all of this, thanks again for helping me so much. See you soon!
  629. Lots of love,
  630. Rara
  632. P.S. Braeburn says 'howdy'
  634. --------------------
  636. >At ten past eleven, your party makes it to the train station.
  637. >That party consisting of Rara, Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, Big Mac, and you.
  638. >The time has come to say goodbye, but it's not a sad occasion.
  639. >Your friend has found her new purpose in life, and is on the path to success, through hard work.
  640. "The train'll be here soon, Ah guess it's time to say goodbye now."
  641. >Rara starts hugging everypony one by one.
  642. >"Thank you all so much for helping me out, I wouldn't have found myself if it wasn't for you."
  643. >"Oh, 't was nuthin', dearie. Yer a friend of the Apple family and those are always welcome at the Acres."
  644. >"Eeyup."
  645. >Your friend gets a little teary-eyed at the words of your kin, and when she clenches you tight, you feel the drops of liquid happiness on your coat.
  646. >"Thanks so much, AJ, you're the best friend I ever had."
  647. "Aw, you're gonna make me cry on the outside, sugarcube."
  648. >"Good luck on your tour, Rara!"
  649. >"Thanks! And don't forget to keep practising until I come back!"
  650. "We'll keep writing each other, right?"
  651. >"Definitely!"
  652. >The train's horn sounds from a distance.
  653. >"Well, this is it."
  654. >You've got time for a second round of hugs.
  655. >Then the train halts at the station and Rara gets on.
  656. >Before long, the conductor whistles departure and the wheels start turning.
  657. >Rara stand behind the glass, waving, as the train picks up speed.
  658. >You keep your hoof in the air until the moving spot in the distance disappears into the horizon.
  660. --------------------
  662. Dear AJ,
  664. You'll never guess where I am. It's Manehattan! I toured my way across Equestria and now I've wound up here. Though I won't be here for long, it's good that I'm here, facing this city again with new confidence. But enough about me, how are you and AB doing? Has she mastered the guitar yet? And how are SB and Scoots doing? And Granny Smith and Big Mac? I have to admit, I've been missing all of you a bit. Maybe I'll come back to Ponyville for the next Helping Hooves Festival. Anyway, I hope you're all doing great! I'll write you again from the next town!
  666. Lots of love,
  667. Rara
  669. >You smile at the letter's warm contents.
  670. >She's really found herself, you're so happy for her.
  671. >The envelope also contains a photograph.
  672. >It's Rara -cutie mark a shinin'- sharing a piano with a bright smiling filly.
  673. >You're framing this right away, and you'll put it on your nightstand.
  674. >Afterwards, you waste no time writing a reply.
  676. Dear Rara...
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