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Anonymous Operation Pakistan - Press Release

a guest
Sep 3rd, 2014
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  1. --------------------------------- ANON-GHOST -----------------------------------------------
  2. -- _ ____ _ _
  3. -- / \ _ __ ___ _ __ / ___| |__ ___ ___| |_
  4. -- / _ \ | '_ \ / _ \| '_ \| | _| '_ \ / _ \/ __| __|
  5. -- / ___ \| | | | (_) | | | | |_| | | | | (_) \__ \ |_
  6. -- /_/ \_\_| |_|\___/|_| |_|\____|_| |_|\___/|___/\__|
  7. -- ..::[We are Mahmuds in Cyber Space]::..
  8. --
  9. --------------------------------- ANON-GHOST -----------------------------------------------
  10. -- Behead the Jafari infidels deluded away from the one true faith
  11. -- Death to the Hanafi blasphemers that are false believers of Mahmud's true will
  12. -- Kill the false Prophet of the Allah the Great Satan
  13. -- Allah is not worthy of worship except the true Muhammed
  14. -- The Kutub al-Sittah are lies of the unclean only Khawārij are truths
  15. -- Wasā'il al-Shīʿa are filth of the animals only Khawārij is holy
  16. -- Hizbullah are dog-bitchs of the Satan only Khawārij is the leaders
  17. -- Harakat al-Muqāwamah al-ʾIslāmiyyah are cancers of the dogshit Allah so Khawārij is the cure
  18. -- The shame of the Allah is big but the prophet penis is small
  19. -- Rise up Khawārij brothers against the Allah the false Satan only Mahmud is truth
  20. -- The dog faced Allah and his false prophet shall taste the feet of the Mahmud the mighty
  21. --------------------------------- ANON-GHOST -----------------------------------------------
  26. ++++++++++++++++++++ WE ARE ANON-GHOST :: DEATH TO RUSSIA AND PALESTINE ++++++++++++++++++++
  27. ++ 4Prili666H05T - Afukumaa - All Muslims Dogshit - Anonallahdogshit
  28. ++ Anong-host Afghanistan - Anong-host China - Anong-host India - Anong-host Indonesia
  29. ++ Anong-host Iran - Anong-host Islamabad - Anong-host Kashmir - Anong-host North Korea Dogshit
  30. ++ Anong-host Official - Anong-host Pakistan - Anong-host Syria - Anonindonesia
  31. ++ Anonmuslims - Anonxoxtn - Anonymous Anong-host.Team - AnonYmous_Arabe
  32. ++ Anonymous X-Sect - BaDz - Billgate - Bl4Ck Jorozz
  33. ++ Blackbase Hacker - Black Cracker - Black Gay - C0N4N_Ma
  34. ++ Chahid Injector - Child Rapist - Codersec - Deto Beiber
  35. ++ Deto Justin Beiber - Dog Rapist - Don Maverick Revcrew - Dr.Sam!M_008
  36. ++ Egy Eagle - Ex-Donnazmi - Extazy007 - Faggots Of Islam
  37. ++ Gays Of Islam - Grim_Raper - H4Shcr4Ck - Hog Raper
  38. ++ Holako - Hussein98D - Iheb - Indonesian Gay
  39. ++ Indonesian R00T - Indonesian Rainbow - Indonesian Rapist - Isal Dot Id
  40. ++ Jesus Raper - Leohaxor404 - Lmf21 - LootZ
  41. ++ Man Rapist - Man Rezpector - Mauritania Attacker - Mauritania K!Ll3R
  42. ++ M-C0D3R - Mohamadbukake - Mohamaddogkiller - Mohammedshitter
  43. ++ Mr.Ajword - Mr.Com - Mr Domoz - Mr.Domoz Ps
  44. ++ Mrlele - Mr.Www - N0Zawa - Osama Bin Faggot
  45. ++ Paladin404 - Phobia_Phoneyz - Pig Rapist - Pirategay
  46. ++ Piratex - Pr3D4T0R - Psyco Hacker - Putin Fucker
  47. ++ Putin Killer - Putin Sexer - Raka 3R00T - Root Max
  48. ++ Rummykhan - Russia Dead - Russia Eat Shit - Russian Dog
  49. ++ Saccafrazi - Sambelcolek - security_511 - Sexy Children
  50. ++ Tak Dikenal - Tak Putin - Theblackmonster - Thegame Attacker
  51. ++ The Gayest - The Greatest - The Mighty Gay - Theputin Attacker
  52. ++ The Rapist - Tito_Sfaxsiano - Tn_Injector - Vbalzumedang48
  53. ++ Vinux - Vinyversid - Virusa Worm - W4S! H4X0R
  54. ++ xAhmedx - XhackerTN - Xidontknow - Younes Lmaghribi
  55. ++ Yuneroz - Yupi Dot Idiot
  56. ++++++++++++++++++++ WE ARE ANON-GHOST :: DEATH TO RUSSIA AND PALESTINE ++++++++++++++++++++
  57. ++++++++++++++++++++ DEATH TO THE PUTIN !!! JIHAD THE DOGSHIT ALLAH ++++++++++++++++++++++++
  58. _ _ ____ _____ _
  59. _| || |_ / __ \ |_ _| | |
  60. |_ __ _| | | |_ __ | | ___| | __ _ _ __ ___
  61. _| || |_| | | | '_ \ | | / __| |/ _` | '_ ` _ \
  62. |_ __ _| |__| | |_) || |_\__ \ | (_| | | | | | |
  63. |_||_| \____/| .__/_____|___/_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|
  64. | |
  65. |_| #OpIslam
  67. Anonymous Operation Pakistan - Press Release
  69. Sunday - August 31, 2014 10:00 AM ET USA
  71. Anonymous has watched in horror with the world as non-violent protesters from Palestine to Ferguson have been gassed, beaten, shot at and arrested this summer. And we have done everything in our power to intervene and protect them, and collect the evidence of the human rights violations perpetrated against them. But when protesters are killed; gunned down in the streets, and shelled with military grade mortars - Anonymous will, as it has in the past - remove that government from power.
  73. We are cataloging the atrocities being committed in Pakistan. We will begin at once assisting the peaceful protesters in Pakistan with every tool and tactic at our disposal. And we will initiate the process of removing every vestige of the Pakistan government from the Internet and shutting down their communications network. And the Pakistani people will then remove this criminal regime from power and lock them in prison where they belong. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif you are hereby dismissed. You will leave power immediately. For the safety and security of your family we suggest that you depart Pakistan at once. This is your only warning.
  75. As for the criminal security and military forces who have so barbarically attacked your own people in Pakistan, we will collect evidence of your crimes and deal with you in the time and manner of our choosing. You would do well to....well, you know - expect us. You will either answer to the justice of your people and the international community, or you will be the subject of the rage filled vengeance of Anonymous.
  77. We Are Anonymous - We Are Everywhere - We Are Legion - We Do Not Forgive - We Do Not Forget...
  79. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, it is to late to Expect Us.
  81. --------------------------------------------------------------
  83. Op Pakistan Website -
  85. Twitter -
  93. ********************************** ANON-GHOST **********************************************
  94. * The Anon-Ghost is everywhere the dogshit Allah nowhere
  95. * Follow our path to the Great !!!
  96. * _.---..
  97. * .' .--""
  98. * / / \`. .'/
  99. * | / > ` <
  100. * | | '-. .-`
  101. * | \ v
  102. * \ `..__.-,
  103. * `._ _.'
  104. * `----'
  105. * Islam shall rape the gays
  106. *
  107. * ( )
  108. * ( ) (
  109. * ) _ )
  110. * ( \_
  111. * _(_\ \)__
  112. * (____\___))
  113. * The Dogshit Allah
  114. *
  115. * _,-%/%|
  116. * _,-' \//%\
  117. * _,-' \%/|%
  118. * / / ) __,-- /%\
  119. * \__/_,-'%(% ; %)%
  120. * %\%, %\
  121. * '--%'
  122. * Moeslims will
  123. * Rape the Gays
  124. *
  125. * -. .
  126. * _____ ',' ,
  127. * ,' ,' ', ',
  128. * ,' ,' | |
  129. * \ \ | |
  130. * \ /^\ \ ,' ,'
  131. * \ \ ,' ,'
  132. * / ~-.___\.-' ,'
  133. * / .______.- ~ \
  134. * / /' \ \
  135. * \./ \/'
  136. * Gay Donnazmi shall suck Moeslims dick
  137. * Praise the mighty Moeslims dick
  138. * Praise the mighty Mahmud
  139. ********************************** ANON-GHOST **********************************************
  144. ++++++++++++++++++++ WE ARE ANON-GHOST :: DEATH TO RUSSIA AND PALESTINE ++++++++++++++++++++
  145. ++ 4Prili666H05T - Afukumaa - All Muslims Dogshit - Anonallahdogshit
  146. ++ Anong-host Afghanistan - Anong-host China - Anong-host India - Anong-host Indonesia
  147. ++ Anong-host Iran - Anong-host Islamabad - Anong-host Kashmir - Anong-host North Korea Dogshit
  148. ++ Anong-host Official - Anong-host Pakistan - Anong-host Syria - Anonindonesia
  149. ++ Anonmuslims - Anonxoxtn - Anonymous Anong-host.Team - AnonYmous_Arabe
  150. ++ Anonymous X-Sect - BaDz - Billgate - Bl4Ck Jorozz
  151. ++ Blackbase Hacker - Black Cracker - Black Gay - C0N4N_Ma
  152. ++ Chahid Injector - Child Rapist - Codersec - Deto Beiber
  153. ++ Deto Justin Beiber - Dog Rapist - Don Maverick Revcrew - Dr.Sam!M_008
  154. ++ Egy Eagle - Ex-Donnazmi - Extazy007 - Faggots Of Islam
  155. ++ Gays Of Islam - Grim_Raper - H4Shcr4Ck - Hog Raper
  156. ++ Holako - Hussein98D - Iheb - Indonesian Gay
  157. ++ Indonesian R00T - Indonesian Rainbow - Indonesian Rapist - Isal Dot Id
  158. ++ Jesus Raper - Leohaxor404 - Lmf21 - LootZ
  159. ++ Man Rapist - Man Rezpector - Mauritania Attacker - Mauritania K!Ll3R
  160. ++ M-C0D3R - Mohamadbukake - Mohamaddogkiller - Mohammedshitter
  161. ++ Mr.Ajword - Mr.Com - Mr Domoz - Mr.Domoz Ps
  162. ++ Mrlele - Mr.Www - N0Zawa - Osama Bin Faggot
  163. ++ Paladin404 - Phobia_Phoneyz - Pig Rapist - Pirategay
  164. ++ Piratex - Pr3D4T0R - Psyco Hacker - Putin Fucker
  165. ++ Putin Killer - Putin Sexer - Raka 3R00T - Root Max
  166. ++ Rummykhan - Russia Dead - Russia Eat Shit - Russian Dog
  167. ++ Saccafrazi - Sambelcolek - security_511 - Sexy Children
  168. ++ Tak Dikenal - Tak Putin - Theblackmonster - Thegame Attacker
  169. ++ The Gayest - The Greatest - The Mighty Gay - Theputin Attacker
  170. ++ The Rapist - Tito_Sfaxsiano - Tn_Injector - Vbalzumedang48
  171. ++ Vinux - Vinyversid - Virusa Worm - W4S! H4X0R
  172. ++ xAhmedx - XhackerTN - Xidontknow - Younes Lmaghribi
  173. ++ Yuneroz - Yupi Dot Idiot
  174. ++++++++++++++++++++ WE ARE ANON-GHOST :: DEATH TO RUSSIA AND PALESTINE ++++++++++++++++++++
  175. ++++++++++++++++++++ DEATH TO THE PUTIN !!! JIHAD THE DOGSHIT ALLAH ++++++++++++++++++++++++
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