

Nov 6th, 2017
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  1. I'm at 93 games finished this year out of my usual target of 100 and I've really run out of steam on it. I got to the part of Assassin's Creed Origins where you're supposed to adventure out of the first area and it's just too big. I can't deal with another game that size when I can still go back to BotW and find plenty to do there and Xenoblade 2 is looking to be way more interesting. Summon Night 6 has done nothing to hook me, South Park 2 feels disappointing and overly slow (and why does it have crafting), .hack remakes are neat but I'm not really up to replay all of those arena sections...
  3. I just need something to come out that keeps my interest or is at least isn't 40 hours of lootbox grind slog. Probably go back to my PC game list or random Switch indies or something. Sonic Forces looks bad but maybe it'll be hilariously bad and I hear it's short so that helps.
  5. Ramble ramble ramble I'll probably spend early 2018 playing more Saturn games
  7. I still plan to make a playlist of one of my fav songs from each of the 100 games I finish this year. I just have to actually reach 100 first.
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