
Soulless dream 3: dream harder

Mar 25th, 2013
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  1. <Soulless> Roget
  2. <Soulless> You collect dreams right
  3. <Soulless> Or was that someone else
  4. <Roget> I do
  5. <AgentFlowers> Roget, Fish: old fashioned romance?
  6. <Roget> Yesh
  7. <Soulless> Roget: Last night I dreamt of a great calamity hitting our little village, and it was at night, but the skies were alight with fire
  8. <Roget> :o
  9. <Soulless> Roget: And so many of us had died, our crops were burnt to ash, and those who died had their bodies burned, we could not even have their bodies to bury for any closure
  10. <Jekeled> Wow
  11. <Jekeled> That sounds like the Republican National Convention all over again
  12. <Soulless> Roget: The moon was full, I remmeber because I would look to the moon and wish that I could be somewhere far away from this place where everyone I loved was dying
  13. <AgentFlowers> NPC in the vehicle garage, one of the mechanics... he meets Fish out on patrol and charms the BDUs off him
  14. <Soulless> Roget: Then, there came a man in armor, but it wasn't shining, it was dull and rusted and sliced up, he was called by the other surviving villagers as something like a god or something
  15. <Soulless> Roget: It was said that for every six seconds he spoke, a single miracle came to being, and it was said that for every movement of his fingers there was someone out there greatful to him
  16. <Soulless> Roget: And for every footprint he left on this earth, he cleared away hundreds more of evil
  17. <Soulless> Roget: And for every swipe of his sword he struck, his hands were used for hundreds more to hold the mourning and the lost
  18. <Soulless> Roget: And then when he spoke to me I realized that he was the Player and we were the NPCs
  19. Jekeled> Oh god this is Ron Paul isn't it
  20. <Roget> hush jekeled
  22. <Roget> :|
  23. <Roget> shhh
  24. <Soulless> Roget: I accused him of it, and he laughed and said that's not how the game is played and pinned me to the wall of a burning building, and laughed and told me if I wanted to knowhow the game was played
  25. <Roget> the grownups are talking
  26. * Gara ( has joined
  27. <Soulless> Roget: His teeth were chipped as they scraped against my neck, almost to the point of fangs
  28. * Gara has left
  29. <Soulless> Roget: I told him that I knew what he was, and that this game wasn't real, and he said that he knew, and that there was nowhere to wake up from, then he clutched my neck and started yelling at me to wake up, wake up damn you, wake up for all of us
  30. <Soulless> And then I woke up
  31. <Roget> saved
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