
Faerzen's House Description

Mar 29th, 2015
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  1. Faerzen lives in Norway in the future. He lives on the outer fringes of town, so his house is within sight of other houses, but there's a lot of space between then and he has a pretty big yard. You see in the yard one particularly large tree with a very complicated, old-looking tree house. You also see a small vegetable garden in the corner and a couple archery targets set up in the back.
  3. You notice that the house appears very modular in structure, as was the common architectural style last decade. The house seems to be made of a number of "blocks" assembled together, and could theoretically be rearranged. Currently, the blocks are arranged in a sort of tower, but with a block missing in the middle so one of the rooms on the top floor haphazardly juts out over empty space. You see what appears to be a glass tube extending down from this room into the first floor.
  5. ((Picture The Burrow from Harry Potter, but white and futuristic with glass and stuff))
  7. Inside the house you see a wide variety of things. The first floor is split level with an ordinary living area with holo-fireplace. The split level up has a dining room and kitchen with the usual refrigeratifier, cookalizer, and burnificator that overlook the backyard, and the split level down is a large room that seems to be a sort of workshop. The glass tube from the top floor extends down into this room and you notice a fireman's pole down the middle of the tube connecting the two rooms.
  9. The workshop is well-stocked with a collection of chemicals, electrical components, and mechanical parts. There are posters on the walls with various blueprints, a periodic table, a calendar, and a holographic chalkboard. Everything seems very neatly arranged and packed on one side of the room, and you notice 3 open spaces in the room that have been marked off with rectangles of bright green tape. One appears to be labeled "PUNCHER", one "ALCHEMITER", and one "LATHE". Once you notice this tape, there also appears to be a captchalogue card outline in tape on the workbench with arrows pointing to it and another rectangle across the room labeled "CRUXTRUDER".
  11. The second floor seems pretty empty since that missing module removed a large chunk of that floor. There's a nice bedroom and bathroom decked out with lots of colorful angular art, but that's pretty much it. Further up the shining spiral stairs at the top are two more rooms: another bedroom and what looks like a storage module. The storage module is full of a great deal of boxes that look like they've been put there relatively recently.
  13. The other bedroom lies at the top of the fireman's pole, and sits rather precariously slanted towards the backyard given that there is no structural support underneath the room. There's a small balcony that has a cable fastened between it and the treehouse in the yard. Inside the room, the first two things you notice are a wall of the drawers covering one of the walls and a large green X in the middle of the floor.
  15. The room seems partitioned into two halves, with one half containing a bed with quite a few pillows, a bright green gecko with its own terrarium shelf, a wireless charging station, and the wall of drawers. The other half of the room has a desk with VR computer terminal, a drone docking station, and a great many sketches on the wall (some seem landscape scenes, others diagrams of the inner workings of devices or lists of equations). The clean room seems to have everything organized into the drawers on the wall, and everything has a place. It just aesthetically seems very..... right? You're not really sure what that means. Everything just seems to fit nicely.
  17. You notice the same tape has been put on the floor in the room to make a large X with "NOT HERE - PUT DEVICES IN BASEMENT WORKSHOP" spelled out next to it. You see a somewhat short boy with a collared shirt, plaid shorts, and slippers sitting on his bed, working with a couple of drones in his lap. He has a video feed of the workshop in the basement, the back yard, and the front porch holographically projected from a pair of e-glasses he's wearing, and his eyes flit back and forth between them and his work. You also notice that for some reason every single exterior window in the house except for the one in the young man's room are locked and opaquified, and that the exterior doors have several pieces of furniture moved in front of them. Nobody else seems to be home.
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