

Jun 15th, 2015
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  1. Backstage, Vince and the Power Trip were looking at WWF's HBO contract, with Vince holding the paper aloft for all to see.
  3. "Yes, gentlemen, this is the contract that has been the thorn in my side for these many weeks. The contract that gave the Box Office Bossman first right of refusal on any segments to be shown on the Home Box Office. But that will soon be at an end, won't it, Hunter?"
  5. Hunter stood up, dressed in a very smart suit, quite professional.
  7. "Indeed it will, Mr. Mac-Mahon," Hunter bellowed, over-pronouncing each syllable in Vince's surname as he affected an officious, stentorian manner. "For in this document, there is a clause. Very fine print, very obtuse legalese, but it is indeed there. And what does it say? Well, I shall let our honored chairman read it aloud. Hit it, honcho!"
  9. Vince cleared his throat loudly before beginning to read. "'In the event that all active and official titles within the jurisdiction of the World Wrestling Federation board of officials come to be held in the position of one group or faction of individuals, said group or faction will have final say on all content produced by the World Wrestling Federation.' To put it into layman's terms..."
  11. Hunter interrupted, bursting with enthusiasm. "He who has the gold, calls the shots! And guess what genius got that in there? Yes, it's your own legal expert Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Junior Legal Assistant for the World Wrestling Federation!"
  13. Austin guffawed, leaning back in his chair. "Well, god damn, Hunter, you've done it again! Once I win that WWF title, you win that shiny IC Belt, Joanna wins that Pan-American championship, and Pillman and Joanna win those tag straps, we'll be as good as gods!"
  15. Pillman timidly interjected, a look of confusion on his face. "I, uh, I was actually planning to team up with Shaw-"
  17. Austin popped out of his seat, shaking his finger in the air as he made his way next to the Heartbreak Kid. "No, no, no, I'm afraid Heartbreak is gonna be busy that night, taking care of a little business." He sat next to HBK, wrapping one massive arm around Heartbreak's neck in a gesture half friendly and half frightening. "See, what Shawn here is gonna do is he's gonna get himself an apron, a broom, a mop, one of them big old economy packs of sponges, some of them little gimmicks you see on the X-Files when that hot little number Gillian Anderson is doing an autopsy, and she pulls 'em on her hands real slow like and then she snaps each little finger like SNAP-SNAP-SNAP-SNAP-SSSSSSNAP!" Austin punctuated each snap by snapping his fingers in front of the Heartbreak Kid's face. "You know them little gimmicks, Hunter?"
  19. "Latex gloves!"
  21. "That's them! Anyways, you're gonna get all that, you're gonna get some of that shit you see in the ads where people go into a room and it smells real nice and it's because this sassy little lady, real spitfire, just got done mopping the whole place clean so it's more fuckin spotless than Jimmy Carter's boxers, and she goes, 'That's the power of...' Hunter, wanna give me a little help on this one?"
  23. "You're thinking of Pine-Sol there, Stone Cold!"
  25. "Thanks, good buddy! Anyways, you get your Pine-Sol, you get your latex gloves, you get your little fuckin' sponge gimmicks and you go out to that ring..." Austin leaned in even closer to HBK's ear. "Because listen to me, little buddy, you listen up real fuckin' close, because you made a real big fuckin' mess when you brought in that little Canadian shit for brains, and if anyone's gonna put him the fuck down and show him and aaaaaaaaaall his little Trailblazer buddies that you do not--DO NOT--fuck with the Power Trip, it's gonna be the hapless, witless, shitless motherfucker who took him by the hand, brought him in here like it's fuckin' Take Your Kid To Work Day, and had the unmitigated motherfucking gall to tell Stone Cold Steve Fucking Austin who is and who is not cool with the Power Trip. Okay?" Austin tightened his grip just a little bit further as HBK stammered out an answer.
  27. "O-okay, Stone Cold. I'll take out Jericho."
  29. "And you make fuckin' sure it's for good."
  31. "I will."
  33. Austin patted HBK on the back as he led Pillman, Joanna, and Hunter out of the room.
  35. "Let's go, boys, we got hell to raise."
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