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Sep 13th, 2013
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  2. //
  3. // Driver for the Mesa SSI Encoder module.
  4. // It is expected that it will be expanded to cover BISS and Fanuc absolute
  5. // encoders in the future.
  6. //
  9. #include <linux/slab.h>
  11. #include "rtapi.h"
  12. #include "rtapi_app.h"
  13. #include "rtapi_string.h"
  14. #include "rtapi_math.h"
  15. #include "rtapi_math64.h"
  16. #include "hal.h"
  17. #include "hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/hostmot2.h"
  20. static void hm2_absenc_trigger(void *void_hm2, long period){
  21. hostmot2_t *hm2 = void_hm2;
  22. u32 buff = 0xFFFFFFFF;
  23. hm2->llio->write(hm2->llio,
  24. hm2->absenc.ssi_global_start_addr,
  25. &buff,
  26. sizeof(u32));
  27. }
  30. int hm2_absenc_parse_md(hostmot2_t *hm2, int md_index,
  31. char all_formats[][MAX_ABSENC_LEN]) {
  32. hm2_module_descriptor_t *md = &hm2->md[md_index];
  33. static int last_index = -1;
  34. static int last_format = 0;
  35. static int funct_flag = 0;
  36. int i, r = 0, f = 0;
  37. int index;
  39. rtapi_print("\nlast_index = %i\n", last_index);
  41. //
  42. // some standard sanity checks
  43. //
  44. if ( ! hm2_md_is_consistent_or_complain(hm2, md_index, 0, 4, 4, 0x03)) {
  45. HM2_ERR("inconsistent absenc Module Descriptor!\n");
  46. return -EINVAL;
  47. }
  48. /* This module is intended to handle more than just SSI, so re-entering is OK
  49. */
  50. for(i = 0; i < MAX_ABSENCS; i++){
  51. if (all_formats[i][0]){
  52. if ( i >= md->instances) {
  53. HM2_ERR( "config.num_absenc=%d, but only %d are available, not"
  54. " loading driver\n",
  55. hm2->config.num_absencs, md->instances );
  56. return -EINVAL;
  57. }
  58. hm2->absenc.num_chans = i + 1;
  59. }
  60. }
  61. if (hm2->absenc.num_chans == 0) {
  62. return 0;
  63. }
  65. //
  66. // looks good, start initializing
  67. //
  69. hm2->absenc.clock_frequency = md->clock_freq;
  70. index = last_index;
  72. for (f = 0; f < MAX_ABSENCS; f++){
  73. char name[HM2_SSERIAL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH+1] = "";
  74. char* format = all_formats[f];
  75. hm2_sserial_remote_t *chan;
  76. int bitcount = 0;
  77. if (*format){
  78. index++;
  79. hm2->absenc.chans = (hm2_sserial_remote_t *)krealloc(hm2->absenc.chans,
  80. (index + 1) * sizeof(hm2_sserial_remote_t),
  81. GFP_KERNEL);
  82. chan = &hm2->absenc.chans[index];
  83. chan->num_confs = 0;
  84. while(*format){
  85. if (*format == '%' && *name){
  86. int q = simple_strtol(++format, &format, 0);
  87. bitcount += q;
  88. if (q == 0){
  89. HM2_ERR("Invalid field length specification, you may "
  90. "not get the pins you expected\n");
  91. }
  92. else if (strchr("bBuUsSeEfFpPgG", *format)){
  93. hm2_sserial_data_t *conf;
  94. chan->num_confs++;
  95. chan->confs = (hm2_sserial_data_t *)
  96. krealloc(chan->confs,
  97. chan->num_confs * sizeof(hm2_sserial_data_t),
  98. GFP_KERNEL);
  100. conf = &chan->confs[chan->num_confs - 1];
  101. if (conf == NULL){ HM2_ERR("Oh dash and blast it\n") ; return -1;}
  102. conf->DataDir = LBP_IN;
  103. conf->DataLength = q;
  104. strcpy(conf->NameString, name);
  105. conf->RecordType = 0xA0;
  106. conf->ParmAddr = 0;
  107. strcpy(conf->UnitString, "none");
  109. switch(*format){
  110. case 'b':
  111. case 'B':
  112. conf->DataType = LBP_BITS;
  113. conf->ParmMax = 0;
  114. conf->ParmMin = 0;
  115. break;
  116. case 'u':
  117. case 'U':
  118. conf->DataType = LBP_UNSIGNED;
  119. conf->ParmMax = 0;
  120. conf->ParmMin = 0;
  121. break;
  122. case 's':
  123. case 'S':
  124. conf->DataType = LBP_SIGNED;
  125. conf->ParmMax = 0;
  126. conf->ParmMin = 0;
  127. break;
  128. case 'f':
  129. case 'F':
  130. conf->DataType = LBP_BOOLEAN;
  131. conf->ParmMax = 0;
  132. conf->ParmMin = 0;
  133. break;
  134. case 'p':
  135. case 'P':
  136. conf->DataType = LBP_PAD;
  137. conf->ParmMax = 0;
  138. conf->ParmMin = 0;
  139. break;
  140. case 'g':
  141. case 'G':
  142. strcpy(conf->UnitString, "gray");
  143. /* no break */
  144. case 'e':
  145. case 'E':
  146. conf->DataType = LBP_ENCODER;
  147. conf->ParmMax = 0;
  148. conf->ParmMin = 0;
  149. break;
  150. }
  151. }
  152. else
  153. {
  154. HM2_ERR("Unknown format specifer %s\n", format);
  155. }
  156. //Start a new name
  157. strcpy(name, "");
  158. //move to the next string
  159. format++;
  160. }
  161. else
  162. {
  163. strncat(name, format++, 1);
  164. }
  165. }
  167. switch (md->gtag){
  168. case HM2_GTAG_SSI:
  169. rtapi_snprintf(chan->name, sizeof(chan->name),
  170. "%s.ssi.%02d", hm2->llio->name, f);
  171. if ( hm2_sserial_create_pins(hm2, chan)) goto fail1;
  172. chan->params = hal_malloc(sizeof(hm2_sserial_params_t));
  173. hm2->absenc.clock_frequency = md->clock_freq;
  174. hm2->absenc.ssi_version = md->version;
  176. chan->reg_0_addr = md->base_address + (0 * md->register_stride);
  177. chan->reg_1_addr = md->base_address + (1 * md->register_stride);
  178. chan->reg_cs_addr = md->base_address + (2 * md->register_stride);
  179. chan->command_reg_addr = 0; // Just used as a handy 32-bit buffer
  180. if (hm2->absenc.ssi_global_start_addr == 0){
  181. hm2->absenc.ssi_global_start_addr = md->base_address + (3 * md->register_stride);
  182. }
  184. r = hm2_register_tram_read_region(hm2, chan->reg_cs_addr,
  185. sizeof(u32),
  186. &chan->reg_cs_read); // To check "busy"
  187. r += hm2_register_tram_read_region(hm2, chan->reg_0_addr,
  188. sizeof(u32),
  189. &chan->reg_0_read);
  190. r += hm2_register_tram_read_region(hm2, chan->reg_1_addr,
  191. sizeof(u32),
  192. &chan->reg_1_read);
  193. if (r < 0) {
  194. HM2_ERR("error registering tram read region for SSI encoder\n");
  195. goto fail1;
  196. }
  198. rtapi_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.ssi.%02d.frequency-khz",
  199. hm2->llio->name, f);
  200. r = hal_param_float_new(name, HAL_RW,
  201. &(chan->params->float_param ),
  202. hm2->llio->comp_id);
  203. if (r < 0) {
  204. HM2_ERR("error adding param '%s', aborting\n", name);
  205. goto fail1;
  206. }
  208. // export the absenc to HAL
  209. //Unlike most other Hostmot2 functions, this one needs to have a private
  210. // "trigger" function directly callable from HAL.
  211. if (! (funct_flag & 0x01)){
  212. rtapi_snprintf(name, sizeof(name),
  213. "%s.trigger-ssi-encoders", hm2->llio->name);
  214. hal_export_funct(name, hm2_absenc_trigger,
  215. hm2, 0, 0,hm2->llio->comp_id);
  216. funct_flag |= 0x01;
  217. }
  219. break;
  220. default:
  221. HM2_ERR("We don't handle BISS or Fanuc yet, sorry\n");
  222. }
  223. }
  224. }
  225. //Store the indexes for re-entry to handle other encoder styles
  226. //On balance I think we need one set of formats per encoder style
  227. //just because of how the mds are sent through.
  229. last_index = index;
  230. last_format = f;
  232. return hm2->absenc.num_chans;
  234. fail1:
  235. hm2_absenc_cleanup(hm2);
  237. hm2->absenc.num_chans = 0;
  238. return r;
  239. }
  242. void hm2_absenc_process_tram_read(hostmot2_t *hm2, long period) {
  243. int i;
  245. static int err_count = 0;
  246. if (hm2->absenc.num_chans <= 0) return;
  248. // process each absenc instance independently
  249. for (i = 0; i < hm2->absenc.num_chans; i ++) {
  250. hm2_sserial_remote_t *chan = &hm2->absenc.chans[i];
  251. // Check that the data is all in.
  252. if ((*chan->reg_cs_read & 0x80000000) && err_count < 10){
  253. err_count++;
  254. HM2_ERR("Data transmission not complete before encoder position \n"
  255. "read You may need to place the absenc_trigger function \n"
  256. "earlier in the thread (warning %i of 10)\n", err_count);
  257. }
  258. else
  259. {
  260. hm2_sserial_read_pins(chan);
  261. }
  262. }
  263. }
  265. void hm2_absenc_write(hostmot2_t *hm2){
  267. int i;
  268. u32 buff;
  269. if (hm2->absenc.num_chans <= 0) return;
  271. for (i = 0; i < hm2->absenc.num_chans; i ++) {
  272. for (i = 0; i < hm2->absenc.num_chans; i ++) {
  273. hm2_sserial_remote_t *chan = &hm2->absenc.chans[i];
  274. buff = ((u32)(0x10000 * (chan->params->float_param * 1000
  275. / hm2->absenc.clock_frequency))) << 16
  276. | 0x100 //enable global read
  277. | chan->num_read_bits;
  278. //This is NOT the command reg address, it is a re-purposed u32
  279. if (buff != chan->command_reg_addr ){
  280. rtapi_print("frequency %d bits %i buff%x\n", hm2->absenc.clock_frequency,chan->num_read_bits, buff );
  281. rtapi_print("address%x\n", chan->reg_cs_addr );
  282. hm2->llio->write(hm2->llio,
  283. chan->reg_cs_addr,
  284. &buff,
  285. sizeof(u32));
  286. chan->command_reg_addr = buff;
  287. }
  288. }
  289. }
  290. }
  292. void hm2_absenc_cleanup(hostmot2_t *hm2) {
  293. int i;
  294. rtapi_print("FIXME: !! Exiting without cleanup! \n");
  295. return;
  296. if (hm2->absenc.chans != NULL) {
  297. for (i = 0 ; i < hm2->absenc.num_chans ; i++){
  298. if (hm2->absenc.chans[i].confs != NULL){
  299. kfree(hm2->absenc.chans[i].confs);
  300. }
  301. }
  302. kfree(hm2->absenc.chans);
  303. }
  304. }
  307. void hm2_absenc_print_module(hostmot2_t *hm2) {
  308. int i;
  309. HM2_PRINT("absenc: %d\n", hm2->absenc.num_chans);
  310. if (hm2->absenc.num_chans <= 0) return;
  311. HM2_PRINT(" clock_frequency: %d Hz (%s MHz)\n",
  312. hm2->absenc.clock_frequency,
  313. hm2_hz_to_mhz(hm2->absenc.clock_frequency));
  314. HM2_PRINT(" ssi-version: %d\n", hm2->absenc.ssi_version);
  315. HM2_PRINT(" biss-version: %d\n", hm2->absenc.biss_version);
  316. HM2_PRINT(" fanuc-version: %d\n", hm2->absenc.fanuc_version);
  317. for (i = 0; i < hm2->absenc.num_chans; i ++) {
  318. HM2_PRINT(" instance %d:\n", i);
  319. HM2_PRINT(" hw:\n");
  320. HM2_PRINT(" command_addr: 0x%04X\n", hm2->absenc.chans[i].reg_cs_addr);
  321. HM2_PRINT(" data 0 addr: 0x%04X\n", hm2->absenc.chans[i].reg_0_addr);
  322. HM2_PRINT(" data 1 addr: 0x%04X\n", hm2->absenc.chans[i].reg_1_addr);
  323. HM2_PRINT(" data 2 addr: 0x%04X\n", hm2->absenc.chans[i].reg_2_addr);
  324. }
  325. }
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