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Sep 29th, 2016
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  1. When two people love each other there are steps they can take to make their love more solidified. Whether it be for financial reasons, religious reasons, or wanting to have it recorded as a real, official entity.
  3. In the 1980’s homosexuality was viewed as a prosecutable offense. For just having sex with someone of the same gender as you, in the privacy of your own home you could go to jail. Isn’t that incredible to think about? Unfortunately, a lot of government, and older population grew up in those times. With that being true, a lot of bias was left with those people in their old age. Religion also plays a large part in this issue, with Christianity on a decline in current years, leaving the older generations stuck in their ways.
  5. Christian views on homosexuality have been negative with passages such as: “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.” (The book of Leviticus, Chapter 20 verse 13) Harsh words like those left Christians to perceive homosexuality as sin. Fortunately, we were not executing homosexuals in the 1900’s.
  7. A child, mentally, is a clean slate. Free of all hatred and bias. These are learned through their environment, whether it is their parents, friends, or media. As we grow we start discovering our own preferences in every sense. We choose what food we like, what music we like, and what genders we prefer sexually. If we had not been pushed in a certain direction, such as viewing homosexuality negatively, why would we dislike homosexuality? A child will love everyone equally with no care of color, or homosexuality.
  9. We are black, white, young, old, Christian, atheist, homosexual, or straight. In the end, we are all human. There are different preferences, but does that make anyone else less than you? Homosexuality is human and in the end it is nobody’s business what you prefer, you should be loved equally to everyone else. It is always important to think about respect. There is a baseline of respect you give to each person. The more bias and hate towards certain things you have, the less respect you will have towards those people by default. Why should we be subject to your bias?
  11. Gay couples should be able to marry, because they are no different than you. Us, as humans, need to stop being afraid of things we do not understand, but instead need to learn more about those things.
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