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a guest
Oct 25th, 2016
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  1. options:
  2. prefix: &8[&9Atlas&8]&7
  4. command /startuhc <int> <int>:
  5. description: Start the UHC
  6. permission: skript.op
  7. permission message: &9You do not have permission.
  8. usage: /startuhc <Time until PvP in seconds> <Time until Meetup in seconds>
  9. executable by: players and console
  10. trigger:
  11. if arg 1 is less than 0:
  12. message "{@prefix} Times cannot be negative!" to the player
  13. stop trigger
  14. if arg 2 is less than 0:
  15. message "{@prefix} Times cannot be negative!" to the player
  16. stop trigger
  17. execute console command "/pvpoff"
  18. execute console command "/heal -a"
  19. execute console command "/feed -a"
  20. execute player command "/gamerule doMobSpawning false"
  21. execute player command "/butcher"
  22. execute console command "/clearxp -a"
  23. execute console command "/dk on"
  24. execute console command "/tm bc &9The UHC will begin in 10 seconds."
  25. wait 10 seconds
  26. execute console command "/freeze"
  27. execute console command "/tm bc &9The UHC has begun."
  28. make player execute command "/gamerule doDaylightCycle true"
  29. make player execute command "/time set 0"
  30. make player execute command "/kb on"
  31. execute console command "/timer:timer %arg-1% &9PVP is enabled in &8»&7"
  32. wait 5 seconds
  33. execute console command "/tm bc &9Final heal in 10 seconds&7."
  34. wait 10 seconds
  35. execute console command "/heal -a"
  36. execute console command "/feed -a"
  37. execute console command "/tm bc &9Final heal has now been given&7."
  38. execute player command "gamerule doMobSpawning true"
  39. execute player command "butcher"
  40. wait arg-1 seconds
  41. execute console command "/tm bc &9PVP has been enabled&7."
  42. execute console command "/pvpon"
  43. execute console command "/timer:timer %arg-2% &9Meetup is in &8»&7"
  44. wait arg-2 seconds
  45. execute console command "/tm bc &9Meetup has begun, head to &70,0."
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