

Jul 18th, 2014
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  1. LotW Basics Pastebin
  3. If weapon stat bonuses overlap, you can replace one with a +5 to a different stat.
  5. Starting Location: Luzhou, the Oasis City. Founded originally surrounding an oasis to control desert land trade, a seaport was later opened and added to the city to more quickly move goods from the desert to places that actually matter, at least in the eyes of the powers that be. With the collapse of central authority and the loss of the Mandate of Heaven, however, it has been little more than a footnote in the eyes of rival warlords...until now. The lords of Luzhou and its neighboring castle, Shaqiu, have taken a side in the ongoing struggle...and have been prompty invaded for their trouble by their mountainous southern neighbor, Gaofeng Province. With so little to sustain invading armies, they have taken to brutalizing the small towns in the province. The people cry out for a hero, but a villain could do quite well for himself too...
  7. The essentials of the game are this. Base setting, but with some tweaks. Game will involve a LARGE BACKGROUND EVENT in some way, depending on party composition. This event is a dynastic collapse and subsequent civil war/invasion/whatever. Specifics will be given once I have a better read on the party composition, so there are few to no setting/character mismatches.
  9. A few things I would like input on:
  11. Wuxia is a fairly diverse setting in how it's portrayed, so to make sure that i'm not having a gigantic clash with other peoples' favorite kinds of wuxia, answer to following questions.
  13. 1. Moral Ambiguity-
  14. A. Cackling, goateed villain caricatures. Punch them in the face for being jerks and never doubt for a moment that you're in the right. Alternately, be a cackling, goateed caricature. It's a free country.
  16. B. Shades of Gray. Is the thing you just did right? Who the fuck knows, maybe historians centuries from now. Maybe.
  18. 2. State of the World. Pick a number and a letter.
  19. A. There are heroes left in man.
  20. B. There are no heroes left in man.
  21. 1. Things are kinda bad, but at least nobody is actively making things worse.
  22. 2. Things are bad and people are actively making it worse.
  24. (The numbers will be modified slightly by which stage of the dynasty collapse it's currently in)
  26. More to come as I think of them.
  28. The chosen setting so far is:
  30. Moral ambiguity, there are heroes left in man, things are bad and people are actively making it worse. Nice good vs evil backdrop, OR IS IT?
  32. The Background:
  34. "The realm, united, must divide. The realm, divided, must unite."
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