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Dec 11th, 2013
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  1. Server started; please wait for map to refresh.
  2. Davos Finn: Howdy
  3. Rolepgeek has connected.
  4. Shonus has connected.
  5. RAM has connected.
  6. Rolepgeek: Run between which worlds, again?
  7. Rolepgeek: C- something?
  8. RAM: Imperial Remnant?
  9. Shonus: Ketaris was your last stop. It is a trading hub
  10. Shonus: It's a late-era map.
  11. Shonus: Just ignore that, if you would
  12. Shonus: I'm afraid I still have to finish your ships.
  13. Shonus: That should not take too long.
  14. Rolepgeek: Can we get info on their stats?
  15. RAM: probably, once they have stats...
  16. Shonus: They're from the rulebook. 4 Y-wings sans Torpedo launchers and Ion Cannon, and 1 sans missile tube. I believe that the latter is in the Rebellion Era campaign guide, but that wiki page should cover most of what you need.
  17. Shonus:
  18. Rolepgeek: But it does hav Laser Cannons/
  19. Rolepgeek: ?
  20. Shonus: Yes. 2 turrets.
  21. Davos Finn: Not that you're flying them. I think you're still in the freighter.
  22. Rolepgeek: If I am using pilot through a Computer Jack
  23. Rolepgeek: Can I use my Intelligence bonus instead of Dexterity?
  24. Rolepgeek: Same with firing weapons through a computer interface?
  25. Shonus: That sounds fair, although your inhibitors will currently disallow the altter.
  26. Davos Finn: Hm.
  27. Rolepgeek: Hey
  28. Rolepgeek: It forbids harming organic life
  29. Davos Finn: Ships contain organic life.
  30. Rolepgeek: If I don't know that there is organic life on the enemy ship/under their full body armor
  31. Rolepgeek: I'll be fine
  32. Davos Finn: :|
  33. Rolepgeek: I will find ways around those damned inhibitors at some point
  34. Davos Finn: :|
  35. Rolepgeek: Where's Ketaris?
  36. You whisper to Shonus: testing
  37. Player "things" is not connected.
  38. Shonus: Don't think it's on this map, actually. It's near the end of the Brazant Run hyper lane
  39. Shonus whispers: Finn Yes?
  40. You whisper to Shonus: Just making sure I remembered how whisper worked.
  41. Shonus: *Braxant
  42. Rolepgeek: Near Bastion?
  43. Shonus: Somewhere around there
  44. Rolepgeek: Alright
  45. Rolepgeek: Are Hyper Lanes actually faster ways to travel, just safer, or what? I never found out/understood
  46. You whisper to Shonus: That said, watch Rolep closely. He has... odd plans, and one sort of gets the feeling he's trying to minmax his character to take ALL THE ROLES.
  47. Shonus: Safer, so they're easier to compute.
  48. Shonus: Also fairly optimized paths to travel.
  49. RAM: As I said in the thread, all organic life dies, so killing them doesn't change the amount of harm that they incur. Indeed, prolonged life only allows them to recover from harm, allowing them to be harmed over and over again. It really is your duty to prevent sentient life from coming to harm by preventing its continued existence...
  50. Davos Finn: You could get there faster.
  51. Davos Finn: By going offroute.
  52. Shonus whispers: Finn If I need to, I can feed him to Jawas
  53. Davos Finn: It's just more likely to get you killed.
  54. Shonus: The point of the lanes is that they are known to be free of gravity wells. Going off-route makes running into those many times more likely.
  55. Davos Finn: Lessee... Y-wings are gargantuan, so I suffer a -5 penalty to pilot...
  56. Davos Finn: But I get +4 from the y-wing dex.
  57. Davos Finn: So I get a -1 from this ship in total.
  58. Davos Finn: Leaving me at... +12 pilot.
  59. RAM: Also, hyper lanes are somewhat patrolled, there really shouldn't be any uncharted black holes randomly travelling through them.
  60. Shonus: Precisely
  61. RAM: From memory, gravity-wells prevent hypoerspace travel, but otherwise, hyperspace travel is pretty much separate from reality. So pirates can only really attack folk who are near gravity wells...
  62. Davos Finn: Unless they have one of those weapons which create a gravity well.
  63. RAM: Of course, there are artificial gravity wells..
  64. Davos Finn: I vaguely remember those existing.
  65. RAM: They do in the expanded universe at least
  66. Shonus: Interdictor cruisers and the like.
  67. Rolepgeek: I remember them existing quite easily
  68. Rolepgeek: Interdictors, indeed, which I know from a Rebel vs. Empire Strategy Game
  69. Shonus: Gravity wells, especially unexpected ones, are a much bigger hazard to civilian ships than they are military ones.
  70. Rolepgeek: Empire at war
  71. Rolepgeek: That's what it is
  72. Rolepgeek: Empire At War
  73. Rolepgeek: I also had a gold expansion so you play as pirates
  74. Rolepgeek: *have*
  75. RAM: What was starting gold? We rolling?
  76. Rolepgeek: Credits
  77. Shonus: Roll
  78. Rolepgeek: And I already rolled and purchased fear
  79. RAM: *credits....
  80. Rolepgeek: gear*
  81. Shonus: QUite the purchase that.
  82. * RAM rolls: 3d4*400 => 6 * 400 = 2400
  83. RAM: Well when mindwipes are not only legal, but standard practise in much of the world, there is a lot to be fearful of...
  84. Davos Finn: That reminds me. I assume Rolep is property of the company?
  85. RAM: Is high galactic a useful language?
  86. tryrar has connected.
  87. tryrar: hihi
  88. tryrar: still having issue with the launch application not recognizing the jar file
  89. Shonus: Yep
  90. RAM: greetings mortal!
  91. RAM: uggggg, we all need tokens...
  92. tryrar: anyone know a fix for that?
  93. tryrar: hmmm...
  94. RAM: ummm, have you tried reinstalling Java?
  95. tryrar: oh, it launches fine directly from the jar...
  96. tryrar: but I can't adjust memery usage, which makes things load slow
  97. Davos Finn: Yeah, it doesn't work for me either, Try.
  98. Davos Finn: I just launch it directly from the jar
  99. tryrar: also, I'll be gone for a bit while I rustle up a token
  100. Shonus: No biggie. It's not scheduled for another half-hour.
  101. Shonus: You should all have PMs from me in the IRC. I'd like to use those instead of whispering here. I find the whisper system somewhat clunky
  102. RAM: Will we be using a hex grid?
  103. Shonus: For space combat
  104. Shonus: and possibly vehicles
  105. tryrar: cool
  106. Davos Finn: Oh hey it's that guy from fringe.
  107. Davos Finn: i guess i'll use him
  108. tryrar: doh, been so long since I used tokentool, I forgot how to create the token once I got what I wanted
  109. Rolepgeek: You have to click on the .jar, Tryar
  110. Rolepgeek: tryrar*
  111. tryrar: ...I'm using the program right now, jusft forgot how to create a finished token once I've loaded an image
  112. Rolepgeek: Ah
  113. Rolepgeek: I never knew in the first place
  114. Rolepgeek: So
  115. RAM: Try file->save
  116. Davos Finn: WOOP WOOP WOOP
  117. Rolepgeek: Add resource to library?
  118. tryrar: already found that. Me moron
  119. RAM: oh yes, I recommend making a special directory for token
  120. RAM: s
  121. Rolepgeek: Uhhh
  122. Rolepgeek: I can't even figure out how to find tokens at all
  123. Shonus: I'll have your freighter ready in a minute.
  124. RAM: Can we have a map for token storage?
  125. Shonus: The freighter will serve for that, I think.
  126. tryrar: I got my token ^_^
  127. Shonus: Oops. I forgot to draw the outline
  128. Shonus: Still, this look OK?
  129. tryrar: I think so...
  130. Rolepgeek: Hmmmm
  131. Rolepgeek: I can;t
  132. Rolepgeek: I can't find a suitable image
  133. tryrar: searh droid
  134. Rolepgeek: I want one that's like a combination of HK-35 and a battle droid
  135. tryrar: *search
  136. Rolepgeek: I did, tryrar. >.>
  137. tryrar: ...I don't thnik you're gonna find something THAT specific rogue...
  138. tryrar: might wanna go with something more general
  139. Rolepgeek: HK-47 I mean
  140. RAM: do you mean a b-1 battle droid?
  141. Shonus: Go ahead and put your tokens on the freigther "map"
  142. Rolepgeek: Aye. A combination of HK-47 and a B1 battle droid.
  143. Rolepgeek: Like, his face style, but lengthened
  144. Davos Finn: ...Aren't you a medical droid, though?
  145. tryrar: like my token? ^_^
  146. Rolepgeek: Yes.
  147. tryrar: .......
  148. Davos Finn: They designed a medical droid to look like a battle droid?
  149. Rolepgeek: That doesn't mean this medical droid design wouldn't look like that.
  150. Rolepgeek: >.>
  151. Rolepgeek: No.
  152. Rolepgeek: It just happens to.
  153. Shonus: It works
  154. Rolepgeek: I personally want it to look like a combination of the two.
  155. Rolepgeek: The company didn't try to do that on purpose
  156. RAM: BX is similar to a cross between a B-1 and H-K 47...
  157. RAM:
  158. Rolepgeek: Eh...
  159. Rolepgeek: It's not quite what I want. I wanted the HK-47 style of face and such, the way the lines are, but slightly longer and deeper, so to speak.
  160. Rolepgeek: I have an image in my head of what an E4 droid looks like, is all.
  161. Rolepgeek: It almost looks like it's reclining, because of the way the wheels are 'placed'
  162. Trandoshan00: Testing
  163. Shonus: You might wnat to name that.
  164. Rolepgeek: Ooh
  165. Rolepgeek: I like this one
  166. Rolepgeek:
  167. Rolepgeek: What do you guys think?
  168. Shonus: Looks like it is holding a beer
  169. Jenrik: test
  170. Davos Finn: Seems to work fine.
  171. Davos Finn: Rolepgeek:
  172. Jenrik: Ok, so last I heard storywise, once we discover Alderaan was gone, we strike out as independent traders correct?
  173. Davos Finn: Well, I wouldn't want it as my doctor, but should work.
  174. Davos Finn: Depends, Jenrik.
  175. Shonus: That's up to you.
  176. * Davos Finn nods
  177. Shonus: Lucius, the pilots mentioned in your backstory are supposed to be your current wingmen, right?
  178. Rolepgeek: I would just use the face, Davos/Lucus
  179. Davos Finn: Yes.
  180. Shonus: In that case, why don't you go ahead and make pogs for them
  181. Davos Finn: Yessir.
  182. Davos Finn: Give me a minute.
  183. Davos Finn: GOOD ENOUGH
  184. Shonus: Good enough.
  185. Davos Finn: So!
  186. Davos Finn: Shall we begin?
  187. Rolepgeek: Soon
  188. Jenrik: rogue still doesn't have a token...
  189. Davos Finn: Also, can you send me what you have so far on vehicle rules?
  190. Davos Finn: Who?
  191. Rolepgeek: Wh do you keep calling me Rogue?
  192. Jenrik: .....
  193. Jenrik: ROLE
  194. Jenrik: brainfart
  195. Shonus: I don't have much written down, I'm afraid.
  196. Shonus: I'll codify much of this after they get tried out.
  197. Rolepgeek: It's just a matter of wading through all the artwork and such of stuff I don't want, for images that might be just right
  198. Shonus: Also, there's now a "fighter Wing" map for your fighter pilots. I'm sorry, the fighter map is rather utilitarian at the moment.
  199. Jenrik: you can just crop an image and use just the face you know
  200. Rolepgeek: I know
  201. Rolepgeek: I'm trying to find the perfect face
  202. Davos Finn: What do all the words mean? I assume BRDG is "bridge."
  203. Davos Finn: Cargo is obvious.
  204. Davos Finn: The others?
  205. Rolepgeek: Hull
  206. Rolepgeek: Ion
  207. Rolepgeek: Shields are obvious
  208. Jenrik: also, your token doesn't have to look anything like what you really look like, juast so kong as it's a droid
  209. Trandoshan00: They are probably all damage-counters
  210. Rolepgeek: LS is probably Laser Something
  211. Shonus: Bridge is Cockpit. LS is the laser cannon. ION is the ENgine
  212. Shonus: Cargo is cargo,
  213. Trandoshan00: Ion damage is probably tracked separately because it disables rather than destroying
  214. Shonus: FA is the laser firing arc
  215. Trandoshan00: oh, mahbad
  216. Davos Finn: Ah, ion was the engine. That makes sense.
  217. Rolepgeek: FA?
  218. Trandoshan00: FA is on the fighters
  219. Shonus: On the fighter sheet. Stands for "Forward Arc". The laser cannon on the ship are 360 degree turrets
  220. Rolepgeek:
  221. Shonus: On the ship, HULL means crew quarters, recreational areas, and other non-essentials.
  222. Rolepgeek: Which one should I use?
  223. Rolepgeek: Bleh
  224. Rolepgeek:
  225. Rolepgeek:
  226. Rolepgeek:
  227. Rolepgeek:
  228. Rolepgeek: Or the old one
  229. Rolepgeek:
  230. Shonus: Frankly, my dear droid, I don't give a damn
  231. Jenrik: me neither. Just pick one
  232. Shonus: (( does anyone remember what the furry aliens from the Corellian system were called? ))
  233. Jenrik:, but I DO have an extensive EU collection, so I might be able to find the relevant book...
  234. Jenrik: or, check the wiki!
  235. Rolepgeek: Wonat
  236. Rolepgeek: Maybe
  237. Davos Finn: "Otherkin" perhaps.
  238. Trandoshan00:
  239. Trandoshan00: ?
  240. Shonus: Selonians
  241. Shonus: All right, everyone ready to start?
  242. Davos Finn: Absolutely.
  243. Jenrik: yup
  244. Trandoshan00: We have destinies?
  245. Rolepgeek: Got it
  246. Davos Finn: (( I didn't give myself one. ))
  247. Rolepgeek: I have the token
  248. Shonus: I suppose you could
  249. Davos Finn: (( Didn't see the point. ))
  250. Rolepgeek: I don't know how to use it
  251. Davos Finn: (( Want the character to develop a bit before I did so. ))
  252. Jenrik: (( I didn't give myself a destiny either ))
  253. Rolepgeek: Well I know what my Destiny will be at first
  254. Rolepgeek: I just don't know when the oppurtunity will come to be 'granted' it.
  255. Trandoshan00: (( was looking at an endless cycle of corruption and redemption for myself... ))
  256. Davos Finn: (( Probably best to see where the story goes for a bit before picking a destiny. ))
  257. Shonus: Alright, Finn is a fighter pilot. WHat are the rest of you doing on the ship? Specifically, is anyone manning the guns or flying the ship?
  258. Davos Finn: (( ANYWAY! Can we start? ))
  259. Davos Finn: (( No one should probably be manning the guns, yet. Unless by "manning" you mean "playing poker next to." ))
  260. Jenrik: I'm flying the ship(that WAS the point of my char after all!)
  261. Rolepgeek: How do I upload token?
  262. Rolepgeek: .
  263. Shonus: Drag it onto the map
  264. Rolepgeek: I cannot make >
  265. Rolepgeek: The other one
  266. Davos Finn: (( File -> Add resource to library. ))
  267. Rolepgeek:
  268. Rolepgeek: It doesn't show it
  269. Davos Finn: (( you have to upload entire folders. ))
  270. Rolepgeek: Alright, well I uploaded the folder with the token in it
  271. Zessaan: I probably do not have a role in flying, just security, monitoring the cargo, sleeping, that sort of thing...
  272. Jenrik: (( click on the folder in the upper left corner, and drag your token onto the ship ))
  273. Zessaan: If you want a separate portrait...
  274. Zessaan: Right-click on the token, go to the right-most tab, click on the little green button on the portrait...
  275. Jenrik: ??????????
  276. Shonus: NPC crew
  277. Jenrik: (( did someone turn on the cloning tanks again? ))
  278. Jenrik: ah
  279. * Vithas Moore is a human female from Alderaan
  280. Vithas Moore: We
  281. Jenrik: (( good to know ))
  282. Vithas Moore: 'll be coming out of hyper in ten minutes. Please prepare for normal space
  283. Rolepgeek: ((There we are))
  284. Jenrik: "Roger, preparing for resumption of normal space"
  285. Rolepgeek: ((I would probably be assisting in piloting, if nothing else))
  286. Davos Finn: "Got it, Moore. Preparing to disengage hyperdrive."
  287. * Malan Antilles is a Human male from Alderaan He is the cargomaster
  288. Malan Antilles: Make it gentle so these metal plates don't shift. The last thing we need is for some to go throught the hull again.
  289. Shonus: Remaining crew:
  290. Shonus: Tem Isoustr - Human Male Chance Besondd - Human Male Waturs Way - Twi'lek Male Spatog Shearn - Gamorrean Female Lyontir Cometgold - Selonian Female
  291. Davos Finn: "Maybe if you tried tying them down properly there'd be less of a problem."
  292. Shonus: All security guards
  293. * Davos Finn jokes.
  294. Shonus: The ship, along with it's escorts, drops into normal space without a hitch.
  295. Davos Finn: "Normal space. Should be entering into the Alderaan system, and..."
  296. Jenrik: "Hyperdrive disingaging...NOW!"
  297. * Davos Finn frowns.
  298. Jenrik: "..... did you plot the course wrong? I don't see Alderaan?"
  299. Vithas Moore: No, the course is right.
  300. Vithas Moore: There's just an asteroid field.
  301. Jenrik: "Then we should logically be at Alderaan, but there's nothing!"
  302. E4-T1: "Statement: Beginning scan of asteroid debris."
  303. Vithas Moore: And four TIE fighters coming in from behind.
  304. Davos Finn: "There's no asteroid field in this system."
  305. Jenrik: ".........What the hell is going on?!"
  306. Davos Finn: "TIEs? Open hailing frequencies."
  307. E4-T1: "Statement: Openning hail."
  308. Shonus: (( Did we name the ship? ))
  309. E4-T1: ((No. We should))
  310. Davos Finn: (( It's obviously Serenity. ))
  311. Jenrik: (( ummmmmmm ))
  312. Jenrik: (( oh yeah, we agreed ion that! ))
  313. Zessaan: (( or we could call it the liberator... ))
  314. Davos Finn: (( Too fancy for a freighter. ))
  315. Jenrik: (( I prefer Serenity, just for the in-joke ))
  316. Zessaan: In-joke?
  317. Zessaan: (( */ooc ))
  318. Jenrik: (( from the chat ))
  319. Rolepgeek: ((I think we should go with the Scarlet Interim))
  320. Zessaan: (( I like Cow-fish ))
  321. TIE pilot #45843: Alderaanian freighter. You are currently in restricted space. Power down your shields and weapons and prepare to be boarded.
  322. Davos Finn: (( Damnit Jenrik, watch Firefly. ))
  323. Davos Finn: "Do as he says."
  324. Rolepgeek: "Query: Do you wish for me to comply, meatbags?"
  325. Jenrik: "Since when Is this area restriced space?!"
  326. Davos Finn: "Jenrik, shut up. That's an order."
  327. * Jenrik powers down the engines
  328. * Rolepgeek powers down the shields and weapons.
  329. * Davos Finn to the pilot.
  330. Davos Finn: "This is Flight Captain Davos Finn, retired. What's going on here, pilot?"
  331. Rolepgeek: ((question: What are the fighters for, if the weapons have been removed?))
  332. TIE pilot #45843: Prepare to be boarded. Any resistance will be met with instant destruction
  333. TIE pilot #45843: (( They still have their twin laser cannon ))
  334. Zessaan: (( the fighters probably have lasers ))
  335. Zessaan: (( and they would mostly be a distraction... ))
  336. * Jenrik turns to Vithas. "what in the name of the Maw is going on?!"
  337. TIE pilot #45843: (( they're for fending off pirates and such. Not meant to stand against anything else. ))
  338. Vithas Moore: I don't know, but I'm afraid.
  339. Zessaan: "Why have the engines stopped?"
  340. Zessaan: (( Oh, wait, why is E-T handling communications from the Hull? ))
  341. Shonus: You hear a heavy clunk as an assault shuttle docks with your ship.
  342. Shonus: (( I assumed that would be in the medbay, as he's a medical droud. ))
  343. Rolepgeek: ((Because I'm a droid))
  344. Rolepgeek: ((I am not a medical droid))
  345. Shonus: (( That is what the company bought you for. You were on sale. ))
  346. Rolepgeek: ((I may be 1st degree, medical or scientific, but my skill set is technical/scientefici))
  347. Rolepgeek: ((I have no Treat Injury skill))
  348. Davos Finn: (( Practically gave him away. ))
  349. Rolepgeek: ((For the record))
  350. Davos Finn: (( Seemed quite glad to be rid of him, to be honest. ))
  351. Stormtrooper: (( That's why you were on sale ))
  352. * Zessaan eyes the Stormtroopers warily and takes note of the state of the cargo.
  353. Rolepgeek: ((Nobody likes E4 models.))
  354. Stormtrooper: This vessel was using a transpoder code matching the Alderaan-registered freighter Serenity. Is this correct?
  355. Zessaan: Vox-Box: Yes
  356. Stormtrooper: What is your cargo and mission?
  357. Stormtrooper: Do you have any droids aboard?
  358. Zessaan: (( what is our cargo and mission? ))
  359. * Davos Finn has since returned to the ship to deal with the imperial troops, leaving his wingmen still flying alongside.
  360. Rolepgeek: ((Ore to Alderaan))
  361. Davos Finn: "We were flying durasteel plates back to alderaan."
  362. Rolepgeek: ((Damnit I still need a unique color))
  363. Rolepgeek: ((this should do))
  364. Davos Finn: "As for droids, yes. Just one. E4 model."
  365. Davos Finn: "Not counting the astromechs in our y-wings."
  366. * Stormtrooper gestures to his troops
  367. Stormtrooper: Secure the droid on this ship. Impound the fighters and confiscate their droids.
  368. Stormtrooper: THe rest of you, search the computer.
  369. Zessaan: *growls quietly*
  370. Davos Finn: "Hold it. What's going on here, soldier?"
  371. Stormtrooper: I'll ask the questions here.
  372. Davos Finn: "Will you? What's your rank, soldier?"
  373. Stormtrooper: I am a captain, civilian.
  374. * Davos Finn blinks.
  375. Davos Finn: "Huh. Higher than I expected. Nevermind."
  376. Rolepgeek: "Greeting: Hello, meatbags. Query: Do you requre medical treatment?"
  377. Zessaan: (( ... ))
  378. Stormtrooper 6: Captain, there's no chance that this is the droid we're looking for. This piece of junk couldn't have made it off that dirtball planet.
  379. Davos Finn: (( He means "do you want your organs cut out with a surgical laser." ))
  380. Stormtrooper 9: The plans are not in the main computer.
  381. Davos Finn: "Like I said. Legitimate."
  382. Rolepgeek: "Objection: I am in perfect condition."
  383. Rolepgeek: ((Note)
  384. TIE pilot #45843: Sweep complete. None of the droids have any restricted Imperial data onboard.
  385. Rolepgeek: ((Note: He has several nonstandard appendages))
  386. Davos Finn: (( But he still LOOKS like a hunk of junk. ))
  387. Rolepgeek: ((Other note: He has an electroshock probe. For sedating patients. Yes.))
  388. Rolepgeek: ((He looks like- ehh, yeah, probably does.))
  389. Stormtrooper 1: Cargo bay inspection complete. Nothing but metal plating, just like the manifest says.
  390. Stormtrooper: Alright, civilians. Do you have liscences for those weapons?
  391. * Davos Finn shows him his license.
  392. * Jenrik shows his license as well
  393. * Stormtrooper inspects the papers
  394. Stormtrooper: Your papers seem to be in order.
  395. Stormtrooper: Leave this system immediately, and do not return.
  396. Davos Finn: "Hold up. We had a job to do. I don't intend to back out until the plates are delivered."
  397. Rolepgeek: ((Who are Benn and Corine?))
  398. Davos Finn: (( wingmen. ))
  399. Rolepgeek: ((ah))
  400. Stormtrooper: You had best check your scanners, and consider the consequences of disobeying the Empire. Or haven't you noticed yet?
  401. Davos Finn: "..."
  402. * Jenrik turns to Vithas. "Did...did he imply what I THINK he just implied?!"
  403. Rolepgeek: "Statement: The meatbag is correct, Masters."
  404. Davos Finn: "That's not possible. Alderaan was a loyal planet. You're mistaken."
  405. Stormtrooper: The planet was a driving force in the Rebel Alliance and full of traitors.
  406. Davos Finn: "Billions of civilians lived there."
  407. Stormtrooper: And now trillions will know the price of disloyalty
  408. * Stormtrooper leaves
  409. Davos Finn: "..."
  410. Davos Finn: "*%#@!"
  411. Shonus: You feel a vibration as the shuttle detatches.
  412. * Jenrik is gripping te console REALLY hard in an effort to not pull out his vibroblade and do somethign stupid
  413. Rolepgeek: "Suggestion: You should probably cease speaking, master."
  414. Rolepgeek: ((bit late, and I keep forgetting to impersonate))
  415. Davos Finn: "He's gone, E4. Everyone, back to your stations."
  416. Davos Finn: "We're getting the hell out of here."
  417. Jenrik: "What the hells do we do now?!"
  418. * Jenrik powers up the engines
  419. Shonus: (( you can just leave Impersonate up ))
  420. E4-T1: ((alright))
  421. E4-T1: ((knowledge check time))
  422. Jenrik: "...Vithas, plot a course out of here. I don't care where the hell, but anywhere but here."
  423. Davos Finn: "Abregado-rae. We can move the durasteel plates there. Sit down, plot something out."
  424. E4-T1: ((I got the whole 'hyperdrive course' thing down, just, how do I make a macro again?"
  425. Zessaan: "We do something about this, but we don't do it now..."
  426. Shonus: (( where is that? ))
  427. * Rolepgeek rolls: 1d20+9 => 13 + 9 = 22
  428. Davos Finn: (( Abregado-rae? ))
  429. Shonus: (( yeah, on the map ))
  430. Davos Finn: (( ))
  431. E4-T1: ((Galactic Lore check. Where's a good place to sell them?))
  432. Shonus: (( found it ))
  433. Jenrik: " good a place as any."
  434. Shonus: You manage to plot a course that will take 96 hours.
  435. Jenrik: "Engage Hyperdrive"
  436. Shonus: The five ships dissappear smoothly into hyperspace
  437. Jenrik: .me gets up from the pilot's chair.
  438. * Davos Finn is disturbingly silent.
  439. Jenrik: "So, this is how the Empire punishes traitors. You know, I never paid much attention to the Rebellion, but now..."
  440. E4-T1: ((quick question))
  441. E4-T1: ((Which of you technically owns E4?))
  442. Jenrik: (( thats... a good question actually, what with the company being dust and all... ))
  443. Zessaan: (( probably all of us, as company employees ))
  444. Shonus: (( the company does. Did. As the highest ranking company man, the cargomaster is now in control of all remaining assets ))
  445. Zessaan: (( What is the standard protocol for sudden dispossession? ))
  446. E4-T1: (testing))
  447. E4-T1: « roll 1d20+9 = 0 » « b = 2 »E4-T1 searches his memory banks for data on the subject.« /b = Invalid expression: /b. »
  448. Zessaan: (( what weapons are we provided with? ))
  449. Davos Finn: (( You get a vibroblade and a blaster pistol. ))
  450. Jenrik: (( same with me ))
  451. Shonus: (( there's also two heavy repeating blasers on the ship ))
  452. E4-T1: ((I get an electro-shock probe and a medical kit for free instead, right?))
  453. E4-T1: ((Why didn't it work...))
  454. Rolepgeek: ((gah))
  455. Zessaan: (( how expensive is a grenade liscence? ))
  456. Davos Finn: (( Type /ooc before whatever it is you're typing ))
  457. Shonus: (( works for me ))
  458. E4-T1: (( Wait. The Trandoshan knows Basic. Why does he need a Vox-Box? ))
  459. Zessaan: (( For stuff... ))
  460. E4-T1: (( What does LS stand for, again? ))
  461. Shonus: (( depends on the grenade ))
  462. Zessaan: (( why does the the droid need 15 appendages? ))
  463. Jenrik: (( testing ))
  464. Shonus: (( LaSer ))
  465. Jenrik: Jenrik frantically works the controls! (pilot check « 1d2-+8 = 2 - 8 = -6 »)
  466. Davos Finn: (( :| ))
  467. Jenrik: (( oops ))
  468. E4-T1: (( So he doesn't need to carry around all the tools, they can just be part of him. ))
  469. E4-T1: « /roll 1d20+9 = Invalid expression: /roll 1d20+9. » E4-T1 searches his memory banks for data on the subject.
  470. Jenrik: (( took out that minus ))
  471. Davos Finn: (( That reminds me. Your pilot check is modified by the size and dex of the ship. ))
  472. Davos Finn: (( Since it's colossal, you get a -10 penalty on pilot checks. + whatever the ship's dex bonus is. ))
  473. Jenrik: (( good to know, What is the size and dex mod of this ship? ))
  474. E4-T1: (( How do I do rolls in macros again? ))
  475. Davos Finn: (( It should be colossal. As for dex, since it's a freighter, probably... 16 or something? ))
  476. Davos Finn: (( Maybe? ))
  477. Davos Finn: (( *is guessing* ))
  478. Vithas Moore: I don't know how long the Rebellion will last, with whatever they used on my home running around.
  479. Jenrik: (( enclose the roll in brackets. Example {1d20+1{, substituting regular brackets for the braces ))
  480. Vithas Moore: (( Collosal (Frigate) size, dex 16 ))
  481. Davos Finn: "Rebellion's all over the place. They'll lbe cleaning out cells for the next century, unless they just decide to blow every planet with a presence."
  482. E4-T1: (( testing ))
  483. E4-T1: 11 (knowledge check) E4-T1 searches his memory banks for data on the subject.
  484. Jenrik: "I don't know either, but what the hell else are we supposed to do?! I cannot-CANNOT sit by and let an Empire like this murder billions of citizens just to make a point!"
  485. Davos Finn: (( You should probably roll normally rather than using macros. ))
  486. E4-T1: (( Hmmm. ))
  487. Davos Finn: (( try /roll 1d20+whatever ))
  488. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+12 => 4 + 12 = 16
  489. Zessaan: (( macros are Evil? ))
  490. Davos Finn: (( Yeah, macros are evil. ))
  491. E4-T1: "Query: Why are you unable to sit by, reptilian meatbag?"
  492. Zessaan: (( 18 How are macros Evil? ))
  493. Davos Finn: "Empire didn't do this. Some assholes in the Empire did."
  494. Davos Finn: "These aren't the people I know."
  495. Vithas Moore: (( I have a real hard time figuring this out. How long was it between Alderaan and the Battle of Yavin? ))
  496. Davos Finn: (( I'm... not sure. ))
  497. Davos Finn: (( a few months? ))
  498. Vithas Moore: That's right. You were a pilot for the Empire, weren't you
  499. E4-T1: "Statement: Billions of organic life forms die every day of natural causes. Query: What is it that makes this form of death less acceptable?"
  500. Shonus: brb
  501. Davos Finn: "I was. Served four tours and left. Didn't much care for flying around in unshielded, mass produced hunks of trash."
  502. Jenrik: "I'm....not sure how to explain that to a droid."
  503. Shonus: The pilot console beeps.
  504. E4-T1: "Commentary: I have an IQ far in excess of any that a meatbag might be capable of. Any failure to explain would be a failure of your organic make-up, not droid intelligence circuits."
  505. * Jenrik turns to the console
  506. * E4-T1 plugs his computer interface probe into the ship's computer.
  507. Vithas Moore: We're coming up on our first realspace drop.
  508. Jenrik: "Acknowledged."
  509. Vithas Moore: Stand by for transition
  510. Davos Finn: "Got it. Prepare to drop into normal space, boys. Corine."
  511. Jenrik: "Disengaging hyperdrive on mark."
  512. Shonus: The ship drops into realspace without a hitch.
  513. Jenrik: (( a short synopsis of our surroundings, please ))
  514. Vithas Moore: We're picking up Uglies!
  515. Davos Finn: (( Five dollars says "Pira-" ))
  516. Davos Finn: (( Oh hey, five dollars ))
  517. Jenrik: "What? Stand by to repel attackers!"
  518. Vithas Moore: (( you're in Humbarine to change hyper lanes ))
  519. * E4-T1 immediately enters into the computer's interface lanes
  520. Davos Finn: "Great. Just what I needed. Evasive action!"
  521. Jenrik: Jenrik frantically works the controls! (pilot check « 1d2+8 = 1 + 8 = 9 »)
  522. Jenrik: (( no evasive action for me ))
  523. Vithas Moore: I'm picking up sixteen fighters. Tenative identification: DYE-Wing
  524. Davos Finn: (( You rolled a 1d2. ))
  525. Davos Finn: (( Reroll. You need a 1d20 ))
  526. * E4-T1 attempts to increase the capability of the engines and shields, as well as taking control of one of the laser turrets.
  527. Jenrik: Jenrik frantically works the controls! (pilot check « 1d20+8 = 7 + 8 = 15 »)
  528. * Zessaan checks that the cargo is secure
  529. Jenrik: (( works a BIT better rolling the correct die ))
  530. E4-T1: (( That's an Aid Another to Pilot, right? ))
  531. Davos Finn: "Great. Outnumbered. JUST what I needed. SHIELDS UP! TARGETING SYSTEMS ACTIVE! SPREAD OUT, ZETA SEVEN!"
  532. Jenrik: (( quick qestion, is there any pilot operated guns on this ship? ))
  533. Vithas Moore: (( no ))
  534. * Zessaan attempts to reach communications
  535. E4-T1: "Justification: It is currently unknown to us in a definitive matter as to whether or not there may be fleshy organic life-forms piloting those ships. Not assisting in their destruction would assuredly cause injury to the meatbags aboard this ship."
  536. Davos Finn: (( lessee. Y-wing reflex save is... always 16. ))
  537. Davos Finn: (( int is 16, so +3 attack, + my own attack bonus... which is 0, so just +3. ))
  538. Shonus: Your transport has a speed of 3 and can turn every three hexes. The Y-wings can turn every hex, and have a speed of 4.
  539. Davos Finn: (( four squares? ))
  540. Jenrik: (( shonus, what is the dex of this ship? I need to know for proper pilot checks ))
  541. Shonus: (( I already told you. 16. ))
  542. Jenrik: (( oops missed that ))
  543. Davos Finn: (( I seem to be suffering major lag right now. ))
  544. Jenrik: (( so total pilot check of +1 then ))
  545. Shonus: Roll initiative
  546. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+12 => 8 + 12 = 20
  547. Jenrik: (( ship init is my bonus + ship bonus right? ))
  548. Shonus: « 1d20+10 = 18 + 10 = 28 »
  549. Shonus: (( sounds right ))
  550. Davos Finn: (( Shit. They outlevel us, probably. ))
  551. Davos Finn: (( unless they have skill focus. ))
  552. Davos Finn: (( which is just as bad. ))
  553. Jenrik: (( oh yeah, I can make a pilot check for init! ))
  554. Davos Finn: (( uh. Wait. ))
  555. Jenrik: Jenrik frantically works the controls! (pilot check « 1d20+8 = 9 + 8 = 17 »)
  556. Davos Finn: (( shonus, did you grab the DYE-fighter straight from the book? ))
  557. Davos Finn: (( because I'm pretty sure they are higher than us in level by a significant margin. ))
  558. Shonus: (( Somewhat, but modified. ))
  559. Davos Finn: (( New plan, retreat. ))
  560. Vithas Moore: We've got one minute until the hyperdrive cycles. Keep them off us until then.
  561. Jenrik: "I'll try, but this baby doesn't turn on a dime you know!"
  562. Davos Finn: (( Where are DYE-fighters statted, anyway? ))
  563. Davos Finn: (( I don't see them in starships of the galaxy. ))
  564. Shonus: (( Starships of the Galaxy, under the Junker template ))
  565. Shonus: Fighter group is up
  566. E4-T1: (( Real quick ))
  567. E4-T1: Since it says you gain a bonus to hit equal to the intelligence of the computer
  568. Zessaan: (( if they blow up after a single hit, and we can take a dozen hits, then we can afford to be a bit slower than they are... ))
  569. E4-T1: (( can I use mine instead/can they use mine instead? ))
  570. Zessaan: (( you probably are not optimised for ship-based battle-calculations... ))
  571. Davos Finn: (( That's fair, but the thing in Starships is significantly BETTER than I am. ))
  572. Shonus: (( you can, but you'll have to make an intelligence check each time you fire. ))
  573. Shonus: (( I've modified things a fair bit. ))
  574. E4-T1: (( How difficult? I may not be optimised for it, but I'm also a genius by most definitions of the word. ))
  575. Shonus: (( if you pass it, you can't shoot. You see through your own justifications ))
  576. E4-T1: ((What.))
  577. E4-T1: ((These inhibitors are being removed ASAP))
  578. E4-T1: ((Anyway))
  579. E4-T1: (( Well apparently Waturs is commanding the Laser Cannon anyway, so I can just work with the computer to give you all a bonus to everything I can. ))
  580. Jenrik: (( anyways, take seven off that pilot check for init. I forgot to subtract the total penalty for size+dex mod of the ship ))
  581. Zessaan: (( had we a droid without inhibitors when those stormtroopers searched the ship, we likjely would have been in a deal of trouble, and the droid likely would have been in a deal more trouble than that... ))
  582. Shonus: Fighter group is up
  583. E4-T1: (( It's in his programming and circuitry; it's not a little device attached to them. ))
  584. Davos Finn: (( Can we START, please? ))
  585. E4-T1: (( Indeed. ))
  586. Zessaan: (( They searched the astromech droid's memories... ))
  587. Davos Finn: (( Guys, quiet. ))
  588. Davos Finn: (( Shonus, you're up. ))
  589. Shonus: Already moved. YOUR fighter group is up.
  590. Davos Finn: (( Okay, this is a bad idea. ))
  591. Davos Finn: (( I can't see where I'm moving. ))
  592. E4-T1: (( Wait ))
  593. E4-T1: TYE wing
  594. E4-T1: (( Or DYE Wing? ))
  595. Shonus: (( same thing ))
  596. Davos Finn: (( Shonus, I literally can't see where I'm moving. ))
  597. Davos Finn: (( this map won't let me. ))
  598. Shonus: (( ok ))
  599. E4-T1: (( Can you set the grid color to white? ))
  600. E4-T1: (( Or something so we can see the grid? ))
  601. Davos Finn: (( I mean I can't even see where my cursor is on this thing. ))
  602. Davos Finn: (( maybe it's a problem with the hex map? ))
  603. Shonus: Better?
  604. Davos Finn: (( I don't know. ))
  605. Davos Finn: (( we changed to the galaxy map. ))
  606. E4-T1: (( Go to Cartefuol or whatever ))
  607. Zessaan: (( button on the top-right ))
  608. Davos Finn: (( ...what. ))
  609. E4-T1: (( He made the background...something else. ))
  610. Davos Finn: (( It doesn't help. ))
  611. Davos Finn: (( I can't see the cursor when I click. ))
  612. Zessaan: (( I do not have that problem ))
  613. E4-T1: (( So wait. ))
  614. Davos Finn: (( Wait, now I can for some reason. ))
  615. Jenrik: sounds like an issue on your end
  616. E4-T1: (( We're 140 hexes away ))
  617. Davos Finn: (( But my computer keeps freezing. ))
  618. Shonus: (( I'm not having any trouble ))
  619. E4-T1: (( But Laser Cannons and such have a max Range of 10 ))
  620. Zessaan: (( oh, once the ship is selcted you can drag it around, I lose my cursor then ))
  621. Shonus: (( ahd? ))
  622. E4-T1: (( are we seriously going to just be moving for the next eight rounds until we're close enought o take potshots? ))
  623. Davos Finn: (( Yes, apparently. ))
  624. Shonus: (( happy now? ))
  625. Shonus: (( note your facing ))
  626. Davos Finn: (( Okay. I'm going to retreat slightly, force THEM to come into range. ))
  627. E4-T1: (( I am more happy, yes. ))
  628. E4-T1: (( Oh wait ))
  629. Davos Finn: (( They're still out of it for me. ))
  630. E4-T1: It's counting in intervals of five
  631. E4-T1: We're now 19 squares away
  632. E4-T1: (( So yeah, better ))
  633. Davos Finn: (( okay, done. ))
  634. Shonus: (( note your facing arrow, lucius. ))
  635. Davos Finn: (( my what now? ))
  636. E4-T1: (( any way to change the intervals to 1 instead of five? ))
  637. Shonus: (( you can make a 60 degree turn each hex of movement. ))
  638. E4-T1: (( Sorry, 16 squares away. ))
  639. Davos Finn: (( Okay, whatever. Can we move on now? This is frustrating. ))
  640. E4-T1: (( Thank you, Shonus. ))
  641. Shonus: Transport is up
  642. E4-T1: (( I suggest we move minimum movement required. ))
  643. Jenrik: (( one sec ))
  644. Davos Finn: (( We're in space. NO movement is required. ))
  645. E4-T1: "Suggestion: Should we attempt to engage the pirates?
  646. Davos Finn: "Yes, with the frieghter. That's a brilliant plan."
  647. Zessaan: (( starwars seems to operate with a high-density void... ))
  648. Jenrik: "I'm trying to get us turned around before the cut us off"
  649. E4-T1: "Query: Do you expect to outrun them?"
  650. Jenrik: "Just long enough to get into hyperspace!
  651. Davos Finn: (( okay, he moved. Shonus. ))
  652. Vithas Moore: As long as we can last another 45 seconds, we'll be OK
  653. Jenrik: (( yup, sorry, done ))
  654. E4-T1: "Resigned Statement: I will begin plotting a new hyperspace course."
  655. Shonus: Fighters are up
  656. Davos Finn: (( okay, firing on one. ))
  657. Davos Finn: (( I guess I only have a laser cannon, so... ))
  658. Shonus: (( two, which you can fire seperate or linked ))
  659. Davos Finn: (( I do not know how that works. ))
  660. E4-T1: (( Quick question ))
  661. Shonus: (( either make two seperate rolls, or one that does more damage ))
  662. E4-T1: (( We have current data for astrogation, right? ))
  663. Shonus: (( yeah ))
  664. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 17 + 3 = 20
  665. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 3 + 3 = 6
  666. E4-T1: (( We have a nav computer, right? ))
  667. Davos Finn: (( one hit. ))
  668. Davos Finn: (( Well, if we didn't, we'd have a bit trouble getting anywhere. ))
  669. Shonus: roll damage, which is d4 instead of d10x2
  670. Davos Finn: (( What's the damage on these thin- ))
  671. Davos Finn: (( wow. ))
  672. Davos Finn: (( that... that much of a reduction? ))
  673. E4-T1: (( What is the ships intelligence bonus? ))
  674. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d4 => 3
  675. Shonus: (( all damage and HP is reduced by 1/6th ))
  676. Shonus: (( should be 5d4. I think ))
  677. * Davos Finn rolls: 5d4 => 16
  678. Shonus: « 2d6 = 4 »
  679. E4-T1: (( Shonus, can I get a link to Starships of the Galaxy or whatever please? ))
  680. Shonus: Your shot blasts away a laser cannon and the starboard engine, sending the fighter spinning off into space
  681. Davos Finn: (( Okay. Guess I'll move the others now. ))
  682. Davos Finn: (( targetting 11. ))
  683. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 5 + 3 = 8
  684. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 3 + 3 = 6
  685. Davos Finn: (( both miss. ))
  686. E4-T1: (( Uhhh...not that it matters for that one... ))
  687. Davos Finn: (( targetting 10 ))
  688. E4-T1: (( But don't laser Cannons have a max range of 10? ))
  689. Shonus: (( out of range, bro ))
  690. Davos Finn: (( ...yes, and it's in range. ))
  691. Shonus: your right.
  692. E4-T1: ((4 to 10? Or 3 to 10?))
  693. Shonus: (( measured wrong ))
  694. Davos Finn: (( Both. ))
  695. E4-T1: ((Oh right, don't measure ship to ship))
  696. Davos Finn: (( Er. 4 to 11. ))
  697. E4-T1: ((Speaking of which))
  698. Davos Finn: (( 3 to 10 ))
  699. E4-T1: The Freighter is close enough to fire as well
  700. Davos Finn: (( ATTACKING. ))
  701. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 8 + 3 = 11
  702. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 13 + 3 = 16
  703. Davos Finn: (( HIT. ))
  704. * Davos Finn rolls: 5d4 => 16
  705. Shonus: « 2d6 = 7 »
  706. Shonus: Your shot blasts the fighter into bits
  707. Jenrik: (( umm, you are blocking my move i think ))
  708. Davos Finn: (( last one targeting 11. ))
  709. Davos Finn: (( ...we are in space. ))
  710. Shonus: (( Space is 3d ))
  711. Davos Finn: (( it is three dimensional ))
  712. Jenrik: (( lol ))
  713. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 6 + 3 = 9
  714. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 16 + 3 = 19
  715. Davos Finn: (( HIT ))
  716. Shonus: Hit
  717. * Davos Finn rolls: 5d4 => 14
  718. E4-T1: (( I would be the Engineer, Systems Operator, and Co-Pilot, correcT? ))
  719. Shonus: « 2d6 = 6 »
  720. Shonus: You snap off both nacelles. The fighter drifts powerlessly.
  721. Shonus: Freighter is up
  722. E4-T1: WAIT
  723. Jenrik: what?
  724. E4-T1: ((Oh wait
  725. E4-T1: Sorry
  726. E4-T1: Nvm
  727. E4-T1: Now we are in range to fire
  728. Zessaan: "Incoming craft, withdraw or be destroyed!"
  729. Jenrik: (( any guns in range target 3 ))
  730. Shonus: « 1d20+3 = 19 + 3 = 22 »
  731. Shonus: « 1d20+3 = 16 + 3 = 19 »
  732. Shonus: Two hits
  733. Shonus: « 5d4 = 6 » « 5d4 = 14 »
  734. Shonus: The fighter explodes
  735. E4-T1: (( We not using range penalties then? ))
  736. Davos Finn: (( Future reference, Shonus. Don't do battles unless they advance the plot. ))
  737. Jenrik: (( i think he's scrap ))
  738. Shonus: (( I do what I want ))
  739. Davos Finn: (( :T ))
  740. Davos Finn: (( Well, you are the DM. ))
  741. Zessaan: (( too much plot ruins the surprise ))
  742. Davos Finn: (( But personally I just don't /care/ about random battles. ))
  743. Shonus: Fighters are up
  744. E4-T1: (( I ask because at Long range you get a -10 to hit... ))
  745. Davos Finn: (( But yeah, it's up to you, not me. ))
  746. Shonus: (( these fighters are easy to hit ))
  747. E4-T1: (( Okay. ))
  748. * TYE-Wing 6 fires on Serenity
  749. Jenrik: "Shit incoming fire, brace yourselves!"
  750. Zessaan: (( if everything that happens is significant to the primary storyline, then you know that everything has some significance to the primary storyline... ))
  751. TYE-Wing 6: « 1d20+3 = 6 + 3 = 9 »
  752. * TYE-Wing 6 fires on Serenity
  753. TYE-Wing 6: « 1d20+3 = 1 + 3 = 4 »
  754. Zessaan: (( then you live in a world devoid of anyone who doesn't have a personal connection to you ))
  755. Davos Finn: (( Okay, but if you have a random battle--a /tedious/ random battle, as they so often are--ever game it just gets /boring. ))
  756. Shonus: Fighters are up
  757. Zessaan: (( and even if this is just a random group of pirates, we could decide to find out who they are and hunt them all down... ))
  758. Davos Finn: (( Best IRC game I've ever been in plays every saturday, has gone on for eight months, and has exactly two battles. ))
  759. Jenrik: "Davos think you can take a few more out? We might be able to scare them off!"
  760. Davos Finn: (( *has had ))
  761. E4-T1: E4 would like that, Zessaan))
  762. E4-T1: (( Lucus, it also depends on the people playing ))
  763. Davos Finn: (( *shrugs* ))
  764. Vithas Moore: Fifteen Seconds
  765. E4-T1: ((Oh, are rounds 15 seconds?))
  766. Davos Finn: (( I suppose so. But I don't really care for sitting around and watching people roll for over an hour. ))
  767. E4-T1: ((This has taken like 30 minutes at most))
  768. E4-T1: ((The trick is to do what we aren't doing))
  769. Vithas Moore: (( six ))
  770. E4-T1: ((That is, make it RP and such))
  771. Vithas Moore: (( been two rounds ))
  772. E4-T1: ((yeah...but he said 45 seconds two rounds ago))
  773. Vithas Moore: (( whatever ))
  774. * Davos Finn fires on 6.
  775. E4-T1: Just asking. Can we use Mibbit for OOC so this isn't cluttered up even more?
  776. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 17 + 3 = 20
  777. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 19 + 3 = 22
  778. Davos Finn: (( Both hit. ))
  779. Vithas Moore: Could
  780. * Davos Finn rolls: 10d4 => 29
  781. * TYE-Wing 6 explodes
  782. Davos Finn: (( five. ))
  783. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 18 + 3 = 21
  784. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 3 + 3 = 6
  785. * Davos Finn rolls: 5d4 => 14
  786. TYE-Wing 6: « 2d6 = 9 »
  787. Shonus: Your shot destroyes the right engine. THe fighter begins to decellerate
  788. Davos Finn: (( 7 ))
  789. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 2 + 3 = 5
  790. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 4 + 3 = 7
  791. Davos Finn: (( Both miss. ))
  792. E4-T1: "Observation: These fighters are not very difficult to destroy."
  793. Davos Finn: (( 7 again. ))
  794. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 8 + 3 = 11
  795. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 18 + 3 = 21
  796. Davos Finn: (( did the first hit? ))
  797. Shonus: no
  798. * Davos Finn rolls: 5d4 => 14
  799. Vithas Moore: DYE-Wings never are
  800. Vithas Moore: « 2d6 = 4 »
  801. * TYE-Wing 7 loses an engine and a cannon
  802. Davos Finn: (( Freighter. ))
  803. Davos Finn: "Keep at it, kids. Like swatting flies out of the air."
  804. Jenrik: (( shonus, can the crew fire BEFORE I move? ))
  805. Shonus: (( sure ))
  806. E4-T1: "Suggestion: I believe that we may be able to enhance the vehicle's capacity for speed, master meatbag."
  807. Jenrik: (( targeting 4 ))
  808. * Rolepgeek rolls: 1d20+9 Use Computer => 17 + 9 = 26
  809. E4-T1: ((Aiding another))
  810. Jenrik: (( ummm, shonus, I think you're the one who controls the crew ))
  811. Shonus: (( right ))
  812. Shonus: « 1d20+6 = 5 + 6 = 11 »
  813. Shonus: « 1d20+6 = 7 + 6 = 13 »
  814. Shonus: One hit
  815. Shonus: « 5d4 = 14 »
  816. Shonus: « 2d5 = 7 »
  817. Shonus: « 2d6 = 6 »
  818. Shonus: The figher loses both engines
  819. Jenrik: "Keep it up, boys! We're almost clear!"
  820. Jenrik: (( done moving ))
  821. * TYE-Wing 18 fires on fighter 2
  822. TYE-Wing 18: « 1d20+3 = 6 + 3 = 9 » « 1d20+3 = 2 + 3 = 5 »
  823. Davos Finn: (( lolnope. ))
  824. * TYE-Wing 12 fires on fighter 1
  825. TYE-Wing 12: « 1d20+3 = 1 + 3 = 4 » « 1d20+3 = 5 + 3 = 8 »
  826. * TYE-Wing 13 fires on fighter 1
  827. TYE-Wing 13: « 1d20+3 = 9 + 3 = 12 » « 1d20+3 = 18 + 3 = 21 »
  828. TYE-Wing 13: should be one hit
  829. Jenrik: (( crap ))
  830. TYE-Wing 13: « 5d4 = 13 »
  831. Davos Finn: (( which ship is it targeting? ))
  832. TYE-Wing 13: (1)
  833. Davos Finn: (( also, that doesn't get past the shields. ))
  834. Davos Finn: (( I think. ))
  835. TYE-Wing 13: (( nope, 2 points left ))
  836. TYE-Wing 13: (( shields are now ablative, and can regenerate at a rate of 5 per turn ))
  837. Davos Finn: (( Honestly, I don't really know how shields work. ))
  838. Davos Finn: (( at least in normal game. ))
  839. E4-T1: (( Wait ))
  840. TYE-Wing 13: You can concentrate them to use both shields against front or rear
  841. E4-T1: (( So what does the Recharge Shields thing do? ))
  842. Davos Finn: (( presumably provides a boost. ))
  843. TYE-Wing 13: (( you can recharge them faster ))
  844. E4-T1: (( Also, Jenik ))
  845. Davos Finn: (( anyway. ))
  846. E4-T1: (( You should make a DC20 Piloting Check ))
  847. Davos Finn: (( Is it my turn? ))
  848. TYE-Wing 13: (( yeah ))
  849. E4-T1: (( with a +2 from my Aid Another, to boost the Freighter's speed ))
  850. Jenrik: (( ok ))
  851. * tryrar rolls: 1d20+3 => 8 + 3 = 11
  852. Davos Finn: (( targeting 13 ))
  853. Jenrik: (( nope ))
  854. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 13 + 3 = 16
  855. E4-T1: (( Uhhh ))
  856. Davos Finn: (( and using the second to target 12 ))
  857. E4-T1: (( Don't you have a bigger bonus??? ))
  858. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 13 + 3 = 16
  859. Davos Finn: (( you take a penalty based on ship size. ))
  860. Jenrik: (( taking -7 from size mod of the ship ))
  861. Davos Finn: (( well, he's taking -10. ))
  862. Davos Finn: (( but he gets a +3 bonus from dex ))
  863. Davos Finn: (( ANYWAY! ))
  864. Davos Finn: (( hits on 13 and 12. ))
  865. * Davos Finn rolls: 4d5 => 8
  866. * Davos Finn rolls: 4d5 => 14
  867. Shonus: « 2d6 = 7 »
  868. Shonus: « 2d6 = 10 »
  869. E4-T1: (( Ouch. Well. I'll repair it next turn. Hopefully. ))
  870. * TYE-Wing 13 loses the right engine
  871. E4-T1: (( Do all out movement. We can move 4x base speed, and we're out of range anyway ))
  872. * TYE-Wing 12 loses an engine and a cannon
  873. Davos Finn: (( Attacking 13... ))
  874. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 16 + 3 = 19
  875. Davos Finn: (( AAAAND attacking 19 ))
  876. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 9 + 3 = 12
  877. Davos Finn: (( that one hit? ))
  878. Shonus: no
  879. E4-T1: "Query: Shall I begin rerouting power to engines, Master?"
  880. * Davos Finn rolls: 5d4 => 13
  881. Davos Finn: (( on 13 ))
  882. Shonus: « 2d6 = 7 »
  883. * TYE-Wing 13 explodes
  884. Jenrik: "Throw all the power you can spare into them, we're pointed in the right direction now!"
  885. * Davos Finn attacks 19 and 18
  886. E4-T1: (( From now on I'll be using %s as brackets to indicate when he's speaking in Binary. ))
  887. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 16 + 3 = 19
  888. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 8 + 3 = 11
  889. * Davos Finn rolls: 5d4 => 12
  890. Shonus: « 2d6 = 7 »
  891. E4-T1: %Statement: Rerouting power to engines. Observation: Engine output has increased by 289.4 percent.%
  892. Shonus: You destroy both cannon and exploed the fighter
  893. * Davos Finn attacks 18 and 14
  894. Jenrik: (( save 18 for me! ))
  895. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 20 + 3 = 23
  896. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 10 + 3 = 13
  897. Shonus: (( first one crit ))
  898. Davos Finn: (( okay, rolling to confirm crit for the first ))
  899. E4-T1: ((can you attack two at once?))
  900. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+3 => 19 + 3 = 22
  901. Shonus: (( as long as in arc ))
  902. Shonus: confirmed
  903. * Davos Finn rolls: 10d4 => 26
  904. * Davos Finn rolls: 5d4 => 13
  905. Davos Finn: (( 26 on 18, 13 on 14 ))
  906. * TYE-Wing 18 is destroyed
  907. Shonus: « 2d6 = 5 »
  908. * TYE-Wing 14 loses both engines
  909. Davos Finn: (( aaaaand freighter. ))
  910. Vithas Moore: Hyperdrive's up. Punch it!
  911. Davos Finn: "Get going. We'll clean up here and follow you along."
  912. E4-T1: "Statement: Engaging hyperdrive."
  913. Jenrik: "Davos, I'm hitting the hyperdrive, get clear!"
  914. * Jenrik fratically operates the hyperdrive
  915. E4-T1: "Suggestion: All meatbags should take hold of a fixed object or restrain themselves to avoid injury to soft watery organs."
  916. Davos Finn: "Relax, kid. It's a lever, not a... whatever you're doing."
  917. * Mobq_med_trans vanishes into hyper
  918. E4-T1: (( Also, Astrogation is use Computer. Not pilote ))
  919. E4-T1: :3
  920. Jenrik: (( got it ))
  921. Davos Finn: (( Well, you can get a talent to make it pilot. ))
  922. Davos Finn: (( forget where, though. ))
  923. Davos Finn: (( ANYWAY! ))
  924. Davos Finn: (( enemy up. ))
  925. Shonus: first
  926. E4-T1: ((The enemy turns around and runs))
  927. Jenrik: (( think they'll get the message and bug out? ))
  928. E4-T1: Because they aren't complete idiots
  929. E4-T1: Even if they are suicidal
  930. Jenrik: (( you sure role? ))
  931. * TYE-Wing 15 fires at fighter 1
  932. Davos Finn: (( seems they're complete idiots. ))
  933. TYE-Wing 15: (( too clumsy to evade, easier to break through ))
  934. E4-T1: (( Why are they so stupid, Mister God Of Droids? ))
  935. TYE-Wing 15: « 1d20+3 = 19 + 3 = 22 » « 1d20+3 = 9 + 3 = 12 »
  936. Davos Finn: (( First hits. ))
  937. TYE-Wing 15: one hit
  938. E4-T1: (( Actually, they should probably surrender ))
  939. Davos Finn: (( using Vehicular evasion. ))
  940. TYE-Wing 15: « 5d4 = 12 »
  941. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+12 => 14 + 12 = 26
  942. E4-T1: (( Since over 75% of them just died ))
  943. Davos Finn: (( NOPE. ))
  944. Davos Finn: (( you miss. ))
  945. E4-T1: ((uhhh
  946. E4-T1: You counting penalties and all?))
  947. Davos Finn: (( Yes. ))
  948. Davos Finn: (( I have skill focus. ))
  949. Davos Finn: (( and y-wings have less of a penalty ))
  950. * TYE-Wing 17 fires at fighter 3
  951. E4-T1: ((Yeah...are you saying your fighter only has a -1?))
  952. TYE-Wing 17: « 1d20+3 = 1 + 3 = 4 »
  953. Davos Finn: (( Yes. ))
  954. TYE-Wing 17: « 1d20+3 = 13 + 3 = 16 »
  955. TYE-Wing 17: (( that one hit? ))
  956. Davos Finn: (( -5 size penalty, +4 dex bonus. ))
  957. Davos Finn: (( Uhhh... No. ))
  958. TYE-Wing 17: you up
  959. Davos Finn: (( 360 degree turrets, so... ))
  960. E4-T1: I think we can safely assume they kill the rest
  961. E4-T1: So could we move on? Not impatient, just being honest.
  962. Shonus: Sure
  963. Davos Finn: (( Yeah, I agree with E4. ))
  964. Shonus: The remaining fighters are easily dispatched
  965. E4-T1: ((OH
  966. E4-T1: I now understand how shields work
  967. E4-T1: They don't need to be ablative, Shonus
  968. * Davos Finn breaks through with his wing in a cloud of debris.
  969. Shonus: (( they are in my rewrite ))
  970. Davos Finn: "Well, let's get going. Need to catch up with serenity.
  971. E4-T1: As long as they don't do more damage than the shield rating in a single round, the shields aren't actually damaged
  972. Shonus: (( I hate that "Shields as DR nonsense" ))
  973. Jenrik: (( back to freighter map? ))
  974. * Davos Finn lets the R2 plot the astrogation course, and heads off.
  975. E4-T1: Are they ablative for droids too, then?
  976. Shonus: The Y-wings have slightly faster hyperdrives, and meet up with the freighter at their next dropout
  977. Shonus: (( yeah, but at higher than normal rating ))
  978. E4-T1: ((alright. My droid army is not too badly impeded.
  979. E4-T1: Now wut?
  980. Jenrik: "Well, one thing after another, eh?"
  981. Davos Finn: "We keep flying. I want to drop all this off."
  982. Davos Finn: "THen... then we figure out what to do."
  983. Jenrik: "Right. E4, get ready for our next jump."
  984. Shonus: After a few more jumps, you reach the planet you are heading for.
  985. E4-T1: "Commentary: I believe we will be hailed at any time, master."
  986. Shonus: The system is packed with traffic. Much more than normal, in fact.
  987. Jenrik: "Is there a party going on, and we weren't invited? I didn't think this planet saw this much traffic...."
  988. * Zessaan checks the cargo
  989. Vithas Moore: Incoming hail
  990. Jenrik: "Put in on."
  991. System Control: Freighter Serenity, this is Abregado-rae system control. You do not have a flight plan on file. Please state your purpose.
  992. Jenrik: "We are late of the Alderaan system. Needless to say, we aren't able to file a plight plan from there..."
  993. Jenrik: "We are carrying cargo for sale"
  994. System Control: Specify nature of cargo, please
  995. Davos Finn: "Durasteel plates."
  996. System Control: Quantity?
  997. Davos Finn: (( What IS the quantity? ))
  998. Davos Finn: (( like, ten tons? ))
  999. System Control: (( your ship has a 700 ton cargo hold, and there are 5 tons per fighter ))
  1000. Davos Finn: (( okay. ))
  1001. Davos Finn: (( we'll assume... 300 ton, max. ))
  1002. Davos Finn: "Three hundred tons. All in excellent condition."
  1003. Shonus: (( I assumed you were full. ))
  1004. Davos Finn: (( the fighters wouldn't likely carry it. ))
  1005. Shonus: (( true ))
  1006. Davos Finn: (( and we'd have assorted other cargo. ))
  1007. System Control: Roger that. Landing fee will be 100 credits.
  1008. Davos Finn: (( not to mention most wouldn't travel at full capacity. ))
  1009. Davos Finn: (( Not usually, anyway. ))
  1010. Davos Finn: (( maybe 400 tons would be more reasonable. ))
  1011. Jenrik: "Ackowledged system control, cna you give us a flight path?"
  1012. System Control: Transmitting now
  1013. Jenrik: "Roger Sytem Control, flight path recieved, commencing on flight path now."
  1014. * Jenrik brings the ship into the specified orbit
  1015. Shonus: THe flight time is over an hour with the amount of traffic
  1016. Jenrik: "Well, this is...unusual. Davos, you have any idea what all these people are here for?"
  1017. Davos Finn: "Three guesses. Hint, it begins with 'Ald' and ends with 'an.'"
  1018. Davos Finn: "They're here for the same reason we are."
  1019. Jenrik: ".......oh"
  1020. Jenrik: (( ...sorry" ))
  1021. Davos Finn: "Most likely, anyway."
  1022. Davos Finn: "Could be another reason."
  1023. Vithas Moore: We were among the richest of the Core worlds. That was a lot of traffic that no longer has any place to be.
  1024. Jenrik: "When one suffers, another profits, or something like that?"
  1025. E4-T1: "Exclamation: Master! I am very proud of you! Explanation: This is the first time I've heard a meatbag such as yourself say something of worth, philosophically."
  1026. Davos Finn: "Tell the droid to shut it."
  1027. * Jenrik shakes his head and turns to Vothas. "Why does his approval fill me with shame?"
  1028. Jenrik: *vithas
  1029. Davos Finn: "Now, listen, plenty of buyers down there. Durasteel is going to be in high demand right about now."
  1030. Davos Finn: "Hell, I'd advise keeping some of the plates for ourself, see if we can't jury rig a bit of extra armor for Serenity."
  1031. Jenrik: "...not a bad idea at that, Davos."
  1032. Shonus: You fly past an astounding variety of ships, from tiny personal transports to massive Corellian city-ships.
  1033. Jenrik: (( anything of particular note?" ))
  1034. Shonus: Nothing in particular.
  1035. Davos Finn: (( Other than ships carrying entire cities? ))
  1036. Zessaan: (( well the variety has already been noted... ))
  1037. E4-T1: "Query: Shall I begin calculating the required amount and possible benefit of armoring the Serenity?"
  1038. Jenrik: "Go ahead, E4"
  1039. Davos Finn: (( Yeah, but that's just telling them 'what we have.' ))
  1040. Davos Finn: (( Not 'what we're going to sell." ))
  1041. * Zessaan attempts to acquire a news feed
  1042. Vithas Moore: We might want to look into something heavier in the way of weapons. QUietly, of course
  1043. Jenrik: "That might require going to the black market. I sure don't have any contacts there...."
  1044. Davos Finn: "It's abregado-rae. It's about the closest the Core has to Nar-Shaddah."
  1045. Shonus: You pick up an Imperial brodcast proclaiming that the destruction of Alderaan was a "Death Knell to the treasonous Rebels." It goes on to warn that all those who plot treason will suffer the same fate.
  1046. Davos Finn: "Don't worry about it."
  1047. E4-T1: (( Shonus, armor possibilities info? ))
  1048. Jenrik: (( nar-shaddah? ))
  1049. Shonus: (( Hutt homeworld ))
  1050. Jenrik: (( ah ))
  1051. Davos Finn: (( Well, /moon/ of the hutt homeworld. ))
  1052. Shonus: Make a mechanics roll
  1053. Davos Finn: (( also known as the "Smuggler's Moon." ))
  1054. Davos Finn: (( there is a reason for this ))
  1055. Zessaan: (( ))
  1056. Shonus: THe ship is directed to a somewhat run-down spaceport at the edge of the capital. A customs official makes a brief check of your cargo bay and collects your docking fee.
  1057. Zessaan: (( do we have access to company funds? ))
  1058. Shonus: (( the only surviving company assets are in this ship. ))
  1059. Jenrik: "So, which market?"
  1060. Shonus: There was, however, a small amount of money for fees
  1061. Davos Finn: The fighter craft landed in a dock nearby, paying their own fee off before the pilots met the rest of the crew at theirs.
  1062. * Zessaan adopts their arms, a menacing grimace, and prepares the cargo for transport.
  1063. * Davos Finn glanced at Jenrik, considering. "Probably want a shipyard or manufacturer. Either works fine."
  1064. Jenrik: "I say shipyard. Might be able to get parts there."
  1065. * Rolepgeek rolls: 1d20+9 Mechanics => 8 + 9 = 17
  1066. Davos Finn: "Shipyard's probably the easiest bet. Ask the customs official. I have other things to do."
  1067. Shonus: You can spend 100 tons of metal, and sacrifice 100 tons of cargo space, to add 20 points of ablative armor to your ship
  1068. Jenrik: (( hmmm, not sure that's worth it ))
  1069. E4-T1: ((We're using up internal cargo space?))
  1070. Shonus: (( effectively ))
  1071. E4-T1: (( We can't just put it on the outside of the ship? ))
  1072. Shonus: It still takes up mass and such
  1073. Davos Finn: (( Could sacrifice speed for it, I suppose. ))
  1074. Jenrik: (( I don't think that'd be a good idea unless we got better engines first ))
  1075. E4-T1: ((I can improve our engines))
  1076. E4-T1: (( What's the cost of the ship? ))
  1077. Shonus: 750,000
  1078. Davos Finn: (( I don't think we have the money for it. ))
  1079. E4-T1: (( Alright It may be a bit out of price range right now. ))
  1080. Jenrik: (( a little ))
  1081. E4-T1: (( Although ))
  1082. Jenrik: (( anyways ))
  1083. E4-T1: (( I don't see why armoring the ship would mean we'd go slower than having the same stuff in the cargo hold ))
  1084. * Jenrik attempts to get in contact with a shipyard looking to buy durasteel
  1085. * Zessaan accompanies Jenrik
  1086. Jenrik: (( lets leave armoring for later, when we have more resources ))
  1087. Davos Finn: (( In space, it probably wouldn't. ))
  1088. Zessaan: (( Starwars physics can not be guaranteed to be familiar... ))
  1089. Shonus: It doesn't take long to find a buyer.
  1090. * Davos Finn splits from the group, a blaster on his hip as he moves through the streets of Abregado-Rae, glancing up suspiciously as he passed glowing signs for all manner of businesses. Eventually, he notices a cantina whose name seems familiar. He nods his head slowly, and slips inside.
  1091. Shipyard owner: SO you have some metal, do you?
  1092. Jenrik: "That's right, sir, 300 tons of Durasteel, all high quality. You interested?"
  1093. Shipyard owner: I'll give you 1500 credits a ton.
  1094. Jenrik: (( anyone know if he's trying to rip us off? ))
  1095. E4-T1: (( HAGGLE ))
  1096. E4-T1: (( HAGGLE DAMN YOU ))
  1097. Jenrik: (( no worries ))
  1098. E4-T1: (( Of course he's trying to rip us off! ))
  1099. E4-T1: (( It's pseudo-Nar-Shaddah! ))
  1100. Davos Finn: (( RAM, you're up. ))
  1101. Jenrik: (( oh yeah, he's the face ))
  1102. Zessaan: (( I was just going to act intimidating while Jenrik made suggestions... ))
  1103. Jenrik: (( or that works ))
  1104. Zessaan: (( how much were we expecting to sell this for at alderaan? ))
  1105. Shipyard owner: (( around 2500 ))
  1106. E4-T1: (( Ask for 3500 ))
  1107. Jenrik: (( ok, I know what to work with then ))
  1108. E4-T1: (( Talk about how it's high quality, how could you expect us to sell for anything less, etc. ))
  1109. E4-T1: (( Haggling can be fun, but there's a rhythm to it ))
  1110. * Zessaan makes scoffing sounds at 1500
  1111. Jenrik: "Sir, when I said they were high quality, I didn't mean what you'd find in an alley! 3500 credits."
  1112. Jenrik: (( ...shonus? ))
  1113. Shipyard owner: Look, I buy from you once, then what? I expect you to come back? Of course not. You've got stuck with these somehow and need to shovel them off. 2000
  1114. Shipyard owner: (( Thought RAm was going to say something. ))
  1115. Jenrik: (( oh ))
  1116. * Zessaan growls as the suggestion
  1117. Jenrik: (( where did we pick these up? I'm gonna work that in ))
  1118. Zessaan: persuade 86
  1119. Zessaan: tsk
  1120. Zessaan: (( 14 ))
  1121. Shipyard owner: (( you picked them up at a transshipment port. ))
  1122. Jenrik: (( ah never mind ))
  1123. Jenrik: "Sir, I assure you you will not regret your purchase. You won't find better plates than from us. 3000 credits"
  1124. Shipyard owner: 2500, or I just buy from the next ragamuffin to come down the pike.
  1125. E4-T1: (( 2800 ))
  1126. Jenrik: (( hold on a sec ))
  1127. Jenrik: (( shonus, can my char tell how firm he is on that using perception? ))
  1128. Zessaan: Vox-Box: "Maybe"
  1129. Shipyard owner: (( sure ))
  1130. * Zessaan eyes Jenrik dubiously
  1131. * tryrar rolls: 1d20+5 => 4 + 5 = 9
  1132. Jenrik: (( well, never mind then! ))
  1133. Shipyard owner: (( he seems pretty firm to you ))
  1134. Jenrik: "Well, I suppose I could let them go at that price. You have a deal, 2500 credits!"
  1135. Jenrik: (( per ton of course! ))
  1136. Shipyard owner: (( of course ))
  1137. Shipyard owner: « 2500d1*300 = 2500 * 300 = 750000 »
  1138. * Shipyard owner gives you 750000 credits
  1139. * Shipyard owner sends some droids to unload your ship
  1140. * Jenrik carefully stows the credits, goves them to Zessan for safekeeping, and heads back to supervise the droids uloading the cargo
  1141. E4-T1: (( Alright ))
  1142. E4-T1: (( I think we should buy 550-650K worth of cargo for another run ))
  1143. Jenrik: (( that should be enough for a few ship upgrades, as well as cargo for the next area ))
  1144. * Zessaan goes to the cargo hold and moniteors the work.
  1145. E4-T1: (( and use the rest to improve the ship and as an emergency cash fund ))
  1146. Jenrik: (( agreed ))
  1147. Jenrik: (( first upgrade, tossup between engines and better lasers ))
  1148. E4-T1: Engines
  1149. E4-T1: (( Engines for sure ))
  1150. Jenrik: (( yeah, sounds about right ))
  1151. Davos Finn: (( you might want to find what people WANT first. ))
  1152. Jenrik: (( good point ))
  1153. * Jenrik tries to pull up a market feed to figure out what cargo to buy
  1154. Shonus: The data indicates that this is an advanced industrial world. It makes all manner of technological things.
  1155. Jenrik: (( ok then, water porcessors to tatooine? ))
  1156. Jenrik: *processors
  1157. Jenrik: (( or whatever you guys wanna do ))
  1158. Shonus: What's FInn up to?
  1159. Davos Finn: (( I told you on IRC. ))
  1160. Shonus: Right, right. I was too busy looking at your other conversation
  1161. E4-T1: (( Would I be able to make a Use Computer check to assist my Knowledge check to find the best profit margin for time trade routes available starting from here? ))
  1162. Shonus: I suppose you could
  1163. Shonus: But you'll have to define the parameters first
  1164. E4-T1: ((Research and such?))
  1165. * Davos Finn rolls: 1d20+1 => 16 + 1 = 17
  1166. * Zessaan checks the news feed for reports of pirate activity
  1167. E4-T1: ((How do I need to define parameters? Just the stuff I said or what?))
  1168. Shonus: (( as in, what sort of goods. Legal, illegal, weapons, tools, shiny rocks. THat sort of hting ))
  1169. E4-T1: (( Legal; Raw materials, Food, Components, or Equipment; Moderate available quantity ))
  1170. E4-T1: (( I doubt we want to be smugglers yet. ))
  1171. Jenrik: (( nice idea, role! ))
  1172. E4-T1: (( Though i will also launch an inquiry into Illegal; High-value small-size; available quantity irrelevant ))
  1173. E4-T1: (( Cross reference that with the legal one, we can store it in the Y-Wings ))
  1174. E4-T1: (( Top ten results, if you will, once roll. ))
  1175. * Rolepgeek rolls: 1d20+9 Computer Use => 5 + 9 = 14
  1176. * Rolepgeek rolls: 1d20+9 Knowledge (Galactic Lore) => 19 + 9 = 28
  1177. Jenrik: (( ))
  1178. E4-T1: (( He found out something, that's for damn sure. ))
  1179. E4-T1: (( I may even get an Additional +2 from the Use Computer ))
  1180. Shonus: On the legal end, Thyferra has suffered a major terrorist strike on the main datacenter of one of their two main cartels. The need for replacement computer equipment is high.
  1181. Shonus: On the illegal end, you manage to find out that there is a demand for thermall detonators on Thyferra.
  1182. Jenrik: (( lol ))
  1183. Davos Finn: (( I WONDER WHY. ))
  1184. E4-T1: (( Just gimme a list of ten places, the trade goods, and profit margin? Or that. That works too. ))
  1185. E4-T1: "Suggestion: I believe our next move should be to aid those in Thyferra, Master."
  1186. Davos Finn: (( "aid." ))
  1187. Jenrik: "that so, E4? You have a list of things they need?"
  1188. E4-T1: "My inquiries have found that the meatbags there have a need for computer equipment thanks to a terrorist attack."
  1189. E4-T1: "Answer: There are additional needs of course, but that is the one with the greatest potential for profit."
  1190. Jenrik: "Good catch, but I do like options. Are ther other avenues we can pursue?"
  1191. E4-T1: "Commentary: As well, there is also a high demand for thermal detonators there, for which we could obtain a large profit margin; additionally, the Y-wings adjustments make them suitable for smuggling."
  1192. E4-T1: (( Other places, Shonus? ))
  1193. E4-T1: (( This is why it's good to have a list of ten possibilities ))
  1194. Jenrik: (( regardless, we all need to be here for te decision. ))
  1195. Jenrik: "Actually, hold that thought, E4. We need to gather the crew for this."
  1196. * Jenrik attempts to contact Davos
  1197. Shonus: (( FOndor is in great need of engine parts. ))
  1198. * Davos Finn raises his comlink to his ear. "Talk to me."
  1199. Jenrik: "We got the durasteel sold, and E4 has a line on a few opportinuties. I was thinking we should all get together and decide what our next course of action should be"
  1200. E4-T1: (( That it? Just make shit up, if you need to. Most likely we'll go to Thyferra anyway, since it's probably best for creds and Plot ))
  1201. E4-T1: "Statement: Additionally, I feel it would be prudent to purchase a pair of Labor Droids, for transporting of cargo and general work on the ship."
  1202. Shonus: Also, Devaron needs personal electronics and luxury goods of all kinds
  1203. Davos Finn: "Probably for the best. I've some things I need to say in person, as well."
  1204. E4-T1: "Suggestion: I would also advise purchasing additional security equipment, and/or training the crew in their use."
  1205. E4-T1: "Statement: If you wish, I may begin inquiries into this subject for purchase, Master."
  1206. Davos Finn: "Don't bother. I've already got a guy."
  1207. * Davos Finn is standing behind E4.
  1208. Jenrik: "Hold on until everyone gets here, E4."
  1209. Davos Finn: "Didn't have to go that far, really."
  1210. E4-T1: (( For weapons and droids? ))
  1211. E4-T1: (( The same guy??? ))
  1212. Davos Finn: (( Yep. ))
  1213. Davos Finn: (( Well, dunno about labor droids.. ))
  1214. Davos Finn: (( But other stuff, sure. ))
  1215. E4-T1: "Observation: That is very impressive, meatbag, for you to have done so so quickly."
  1216. Davos Finn: (( labor droids should be pretty easy to get, though. ))
  1217. Zessaan: (( so at some point Davos Finn left the ship and has been galavanting across the countryside? ))
  1218. Jenrik: (( yup ))
  1219. Davos Finn: "I'm just that good, E4."
  1220. Davos Finn: (( he was in a different ship, after all. ))
  1221. Jenrik: "Impressive, Davos. I guess this is a story I gotta hear..."
  1222. Davos Finn: "No, I don't think it is."
  1223. E4-T1: "Statement: In the future, I will make it clear when I am using sarcasm. I did not realize meatbags were so poor at recognizing it's use.
  1224. * Davos Finn sounds rather cool.
  1225. Jenrik: "...well anyways, lets all hear what E4's pulled up...then we decide where we stand."
  1226. * Jenrik pulls up the list of jobs that E4 discovered
  1227. E4-T1: (( The list is in my head ))
  1228. E4-T1: (( And if you try to pull me up you will find yourself 'sedated' ))
  1229. Jenrik: (( oh, thought you downloaded it to the comp ))
  1230. E4-T1: (( Shonus, just a list of five, legal and/or illegal? ))
  1231. * Davos Finn glances at the list, noting both legal and illegal goods.
  1232. E4-T1: (( Preferably ten or so, but I can see you didn't expect that... ))
  1233. Davos Finn: "How long would it take to get us to any of these places?"
  1234. Shonus: (( those are the only unusual markets. Most systems will take techonlogical goods at a tolerable profit ))
  1235. * E4-T1 wheels over to the computer and plugs in for approximately four seconds. A list of times appeared next to each entry, as well as a Profit/Time entry.
  1236. E4-T1: (( What is the highest Profit/Time? ))
  1237. Davos Finn: (( go ahead and list the three places mentioned, the likely profit, and the time required to reach the destination. ))
  1238. E4-T1: "Statement: I will begin inquiries into possibilities for continued trade routes from each destination."
  1239. E4-T1: (( Should I do another check? ))
  1240. Shonus: Fondor would be about half a day away, but the return would be fairly low. Thyferra would be high-return, and about a day each way. Devaron is five days, and moderate return.
  1241. Jenrik: (( soulds like Thyferra is a winner ))
  1242. E4-T1: "Observation: Thyferra is the most likely to be highly profitable for the time required."
  1243. Jenrik: "What do you think Davos? I agree with him, but you're the guy who's in charge now."
  1244. Davos Finn: "I agree. Thyferra looks like the best bet."
  1245. E4-T1: (( I may get booted for a few minutes ))
  1246. * Davos Finn takes out a datapad, glances at it, and puts it away again.
  1247. E4-T1: (( My internet may shut down for a bit ))
  1248. Shonus: To be honest, now would be a very good time to end this. It is getting late.
  1249. Jenrik: "Ok, E4, see if you can find the cheapest quality computer parts."
  1250. Jenrik: (( or that. Works for me ))
  1251. Davos Finn: Agreed.
  1252. Shonus: (( you can continue this in the thread if you like. Also, I give bonus XP for IC journals. ))
  1253. E4-T1: (( Memory banks are a go, then. ))
  1254. Davos Finn: (( speaking of, exp for today? ))
  1255. Jenrik: (( ok. That was a fun first session ))
  1256. Shonus: In the meantime, 800 xp for all
  1257. Jenrik: (( done. GG guys, I'll catch you later ))
  1258. tryrar is disconnected.
  1259. Shonus: You have the campaign saved, Lucius?
  1260. RAM is disconnected.
  1261. Davos Finn: Yep
  1262. E4-T1: It was Abrogadae-Rae, right?
  1263. Davos Finn: Abrogado-Rae
  1264. Shonus: Where we are? yes
  1265. Rolepgeek: Also, can i run some checks by you for various actions?
  1266. Davos Finn: *abregado-rae
  1267. Rolepgeek: Such as improving ship, acquiring things, etc.
  1268. Shonus: That seems like a thread thing.
  1269. Rolepgeek: Also, are skill packages single use and/or can I produce them?
  1270. Rolepgeek: ALSO, is there/will there be a way to get rid of those bloody inhibitors?
  1271. Davos Finn: Skill packages?
  1272. Rolepgeek: Needed for reprogramming myself.
  1273. Rolepgeek: You need a skill package for new skills, feat/talent packages for new feat/talents
  1274. Rolepgeek: Skill packages cost 100 credits each, feat/talents 1000. I'm hoping they're multi-use and that I can produce them
  1275. Rolepgeek: That way I can pop between skillsets with enough preparation
  1276. Shonus: I'd say that they are multi-use, but can't be mass-produced.
  1277. Rolepgeek: I can accept that
  1278. Rolepgeek: But can I produce skill packages for the skills I already have?
  1279. Rolepgeek: For when I want to switch back?
  1280. Rolepgeek: Or would I need to purchase them?
  1281. Shonus: I'm going ot go with no.
  1282. Shonus: You'll have to purchesa
  1283. Rolepgeek: Alright.
  1284. Rolepgeek: Not that big a deal, just curious
  1285. Rolepgeek: I may change physical sciences to Beauracracy
  1286. Rolepgeek: Since getting a license is cheaper and safer than black market.
  1287. Rolepgeek: Oh yes
  1288. Rolepgeek: At some point, can I get a map of the interior of the ship?
  1289. Rolepgeek: Not overly complex, since I read the description too, just 'corridors here, entry ways here, protected alcoves here' type a thing
  1290. Shonus: That's going to be ... hard.
  1291. Rolepgeek: ? Whyfor?
  1292. Shonus: However, if you want to make one based on the ship sheet, you can try.
  1293. Shonus: I'm a DM, not an artist.
  1294. Rolepgeek: I suppose I could do that.
  1295. Rolepgeek: I just meant use graph paper.
  1296. Rolepgeek: Since we'll probably need a map if we get boarded anyway.
  1297. Rolepgeek: But al'ight
  1298. Rolepgeek: I can handle making my own defensive fortr-I mean cargo bay.
  1299. Dwarmin has connected.
  1300. Shonus is disconnected.
  1301. Davos Finn: You have missed it.
  1302. Dwarmin: ((Hey hey))
  1303. Rolepgeek: XD
  1304. Rolepgeek: You're so late man
  1305. Rolepgeek: SOOOO late
  1306. Dwarmin: ((Nooooo))
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