
Nightmare Moon x Anon (Name pending, ongoing.)

Mar 21st, 2015
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  1. >Damn, you really couldn't sleep tonight, huh
  2. >It's been 15 minutes since you prepared yourself to get comfortable inside of your bed
  3. >But it was doing the exact opposite. You did your usual routine of rocking your body back and forth, switching sides until you would find a comfortable postion, but to no avail.
  4. >You decide to not go through with it and got off of your bed, your feet reconnecting with the ground once more.
  5. >Looking at your alarm clock on your right, it indicated that it was around 1AM.
  6. >Well damn, what are you going to do until dawn comes around?
  7. >You look around, attempting to find a good enough distraction for the night but again, that failed pretty quickly.
  8. >A rather large sigh came out of your system while you plant a palm around your forehead, surely out of annoyance
  9. >You attention was caught by a window you left open to let the small breeze pass by to make sure it didn't get too hot inside of your room.
  10. >Getting your ass off the bed, you make your way towards it.
  11. >You lean your body forward, placing yourself right to observe the night.
  12. >And up until now, you never realised how...inviting the night could be.
  13. >Bright stars were the only source of light provided for this dark atmosphere surrounding everything in sight.
  14. >It was quite calm, the only things that picked up in your ears were the wind and tree branches shaking from said wind.
  15. >Huh, maybe you could take a walk outside, after all.
  16. >You are Anonymous
  18. >Preparing yourself with getting a regular T-shirt and a pair of your jeans on you, you make your way downstairs to meet the door that disconnects you from the outside world.
  19. >You grab the doorknob until you realised you were about to forget your shoes
  20. >You chuckle at yourself, rethinking of your decision to go outside
  21. >And then you just said to yourself that screw it, you weren't going to waste the 5 minutes that it took to dress up.
  22. >Getting a grip at the doorknob, you twist it and it follows your action
  23. >It unlocks and a push on the door was given, slowly revealing a better view of what's in for you outside tonight.
  24. >It wasn't any different than what you saw previously with the view of the window, but at least there was a better income of light, even if it may be artificial
  25. >You have to say, Ponyville looks even better when the bright yellow disk isn't around
  26. >It's a shame that there isn't a single pony around to enjoy the view presented. Oh well, at least you can keep it to yourself.
  27. >Your first few steps were quite slow, mostly due to you observing the calm and soothing atmosphere more than anything else
  28. >The small dots about you were really an eye candy, they definetely popped out with the opposing contrast of the sky
  29. >But you had to stop to look at them eventually, otherwise you might plant your face into something
  32. >A few minutes fly by and you're walking around the fields of Ponyville, your eyes observes your surroundings and you caught a glimpse of Celestia's castle.
  33. >Just the overall dimension of the castle is astounding to you, how long did it even take to build this castle?
  34. >Those questions won't probably be answered though, unfortunately.
  35. >You decide to lay down on the soft grass that is expanded everywhere around you
  36. >Though the only excuse of doing such a thing is to not risk getting a neck strain for the next couple of days
  37. >Once again, minutes passes by.
  38. >You were a few seconds away to sleep peacefully, until...
  41. >The sudden sound of loud vocal chords echoing through the silence jolts up you immediately.
  42. "Woah what the fuck!?" You say as you get back onto your feet hyperventilating a little, trying to locate where the voice came from
  43. >It wasn't too difficult considering that the source was standing right in front of you, staring
  44. >How did you not notice that the pony was there in the first place!?
  45. >Out of fear and survival instinct, you run away to create some space between the two of you
  46. >Your legs feel weak for a good amount of time, the stress that she put into you in one sentence is ridiculous
  47. >You got the see her face, but her fur coat seems non-existant
  48. >Did it mix with the color of the night? all you could see is her bright, dark turquoise eyes and what appears to be her mane flowing with the wind. She was also coated with metal around her head.
  49. >She hasn't said a single word, she just continued to stare down at you, but for what purpose? Were you a prey?
  50. >Knowing that it's pretty much hopeless to run away at the moment, you begin to ask some questions to buy some time for your legs to get the strength they had previously
  51. "W-Who are you???"
  52. >She ignored your words and only started to trot closer to you
  54. >As she came closer, a smile that meant no good curled her lips
  55. >She abruptly stopped her walk, her mouth opening to says something
  56. >"What did you ask me?"
  57. >You didn't clearly understand what she let out of her mouth due to the velocity of it. But apparently, it only caused her to be angry at you when you repeated your question. This was evident by her grin turning into a malicious frown
  58. >"How DARE someone not know about the existance of Nightmare Moon!?" She exclaimed, stamping her hoof on the ground
  59. >Wait...was it really her? didn't Twilight and her friends get rid of her? How come she is standing in front of you?
  60. >But she can't be as bad as everyone makes her up to believe, right? I mean, this has happend to you in both universe your traveled in.
  61. >Maybe you should try to act it cool this time around, she doesn't seem like she wants to harm you. Yet.
  62. "Sorry but I really don't know who you are. None of my friends actually ever told me about you." That took you alot to say that without stuttering
  63. >The dark pony's emotion uplifted in her face, like if she was relieved for something.
  64. >Her voice became much more calm and gentle this time around, asking a question that you heard quite frequently in your lifetime
  65. >"I want to know your name."
  66. >Well, it wasn't exactly said the same way but you get the idea.
  68. "A-Anonymous." shit just that stutter could've cost you all of your credibility. She paid it no mind and proceeded like it was nothing.
  69. >"It is...a pleasure to meet you, Anonymous." She says with that calm tone of voice of hers, looking down a little, like if she was bowing in front of you.
  70. >But why would she do that? You are just a simple being with no power in your hands.
  71. >You wave your hand in dismissal, assuing her that she doesn't need to do this
  72. >She brings her head back up, apologizing.
  73. >Once again, you assure her that it is fine.
  74. >The sudden change of attitude made the situation much more relaxing, less intense than before. You felt your heart slowing down at a rapid rate, so at least this shows some positivity.
  75. "Just Anon is fine."
  76. >"Right...May I ask what you're doing out here, so late?" as she says in a curious manner, looking directly into your eyes.
  77. >You have to admit, those eyes were fantastic. They definetely gave a contrast with the colors surrounding her head, torso and hooves. And her dark toned fur only added more to your opinion.
  78. "Oh, sleep didn't catch me so I just went out."
  80. >"I see." As she says bluntly, never taking her gaze off of you
  81. >You start to look around again, with a curl on your face
  82. "And I have to say, this is pretty cool."
  83. >Nightmare Moon tilts her head in confusion, not understanding what you're saying
  84. >Going by her reaction, you decide to go a little bit deeper in your reasoning as to why you think this way
  85. "Well, first of all it's peaceful and quiet everywhere...just the overall atmosphere of the night is quite soothing."
  86. >Her cheeks start to enlighten with a pink shade. It's not that bright though, just enough to notice it.
  87. >"Well...I am glad that you appreciate the things I do for this land." she says lowering her down, maybe due to embarrassed to your comment.
  88. >Wait, wasn't it Luna who controlled the night?
  89. >Ah whatever, there isn't a point to question it, her name IS Nightmare Moon, after all.
  90. >Without saying another word, she slowly trots away and looking back at you after a few seconds
  91. >"Come, I want to show you something."
  92. >It didn't take you a single second to think about obliging, your make your way up to her and follow the steps she was making.
  93. >During the walk, questions were raised in your mind as to what she wanted to present to you.
  94. >Your thoughts fade away as she opens her mouth once more.
  95. >"What else do you like about the night, Anonymous?"
  96. >There wasn't that much to say, to be honest. It was quite calm, soothing and relaxing to see nopony around. Not that you minded the citizens of Ponyville, but they can get to your nerves sometimes. Especially a certain pink puffy pony that throws parties everywhere.
  97. >Nightmare Moon chuckled at your response as you gave examples of ponies that bothered you on a day to day basis
  98. >She let you talk, seemingly interested as to what you had to say.
  99. >You stopped at one point, then you noticed that she taking you up a cliff somewhere not that far from your hometown
  100. >What she had in mind is still unknown to you...
  101. >She turns around to look at you again, the curl around her slips at a pretty small size, it looked more like a relieved smile than anything
  102. >The dark pony indicates with her head to get close to her by the ledge, in which you oblige without a second thought
  103. >Taking a sitting position, she sat down and look at you like always, waiting for you to do the same
  104. >Again, no second thoughts made on this action
  105. >"This is my favorite place to look over my creation." She said looking in the distance
  106. >Your eyes stopped looking at her and instead looked the same way she did
  107. >And just doing that made you agree with her, the night looked even more gorgeous than ever
  108. >Everything seemed closer to you: the stars, the moon and even the clouds
  109. >This was truly pleasing to the eyes and you showed your satisfaction with a small smile
  110. "I can see why."
  112. >You nodded, gazing upon the dim light that the stars presented
  113. >Your eyes descended to see what were under your feet from at least a 3 digit distance
  114. >And it probably was even better than looking up.
  115. >Ponyville was caught by the light the moon presented and it gave it a completely different look and atmosphere.
  116. >Upon looking down, you felt something bump the side of your thigh slightly and you knew what it was already
  117. >It seemed Nightmare Moon wanted to get closer to her visitor.
  118. >You payed it no mind and continue to look down while giving the occasional view at her face
  119. >He mane was unmatched to anything you've seen around this equine land
  120. >Not even Celestia could even think about competiting with the elegance of Nightmare's mane
  121. >It didn't look like a mane at all, it ressembled to space dust additioned with tiny star bits.
  122. >It even was illuminating with the contrast of the night's light
  123. >And that's what made it so beautiful, so unique...
  124. >"Is there something wrong, Anonymous?" she asks, preventing you to prolong your train of thought
  125. >"No. Why would there be?"
  126. >"You grasped my curiousity with how your gaze is fixed at me."
  127. >"Well I can't really help it, you look like nothing I've seen."
  128. >She doesn't respond, twisting her neck to look the other way
  129. >Her head it tilted down, like if she was sad or an emotion similar to it
  130. >"You're alright, Nightmare?"
  131. >Her dark shaded eyes meet yours again
  132. >"Yes, don't worry."
  133. >After a while, your eyelids decided to weight a good amount of pounds, causing you to enter in the land of dreams shortly after.
  134. -----
  136. >Apparently, Celestia told you to wake up with how strong the sunlight was hitting your face
  137. >You hid your face inside of the covers, but to no avail.
  138. >Wait...covers?
  139. >Jolting awake, you check your surroundings and the conclusion is that you are in your room
  140. >But how did you end up here? You remember sleeping at that cli-
  141. >Nightmare...
  143. >Where was she, anyways? Your bet was that she just went back to where she normally rests over the day.
  144. >You rub the sleep from your eyes with your index and thumb
  145. >After completing said task, you come across a folded piece of paper laying on the drawing residing next to your bed, where your alarm clock was.
  146. >It had your name on it, written in a delicate and elegant style.
  147. >You got a hold of it and unfolded the paper to observe what was contained inside.
  148. >It read:
  150. "Dear Anonymous,
  151. It took me a moment to notice that you were asleep at our little encounter at the cliff, it was I who carried to your home. Consider this a thanks to keep my night entertaining. If you desire to meet me again, I will be at the same location as we met.
  153. -Nightmare Moon."
  155. >That was...awfully caring of her, there's no way tat you won't go back and there as a thanks.
  156. >Taking your first steps away from your bed, you immediately look back at the comfy cushion that you layed upon everyday of the week
  157. "...How about I rest for a little while longer..."
  158. >You get back underneath your blankets, unfolding your eyelids down to only observe darkness for a few minutes before finally being engulfed by your dreams.
  160. (Nightmare POV)
  162. >Why were you worring so much? What was the cause of it?
  163. >You know the cause of it, it was that human.
  164. >There wasn't a single second that he wasn't occupying your mind
  165. >Ever since he left your sight after you carried him to his residence, you were eager to see what he would do afterwards.
  166. >There even was a message that you left informing that would be delighted to meet him once more
  167. >But as with everything in the world, there was another side on that coin
  168. >The thought of him not accepting made it painful for you, it would only say that you were destined to be left alone.
  169. >Maybe...everything he did was a facade? was he genuine with everything he was saying?
  170. >You shake your head to dismiss everything that's been running through your mind at such a rapid speed
  171. >The only option available to you at the moment is hope that he does come back.
  173. (Anon POV)
  175. >After it seemed to be countless hours, the alarm clock placed on your drawer finally beeps to awake you.
  176. >You forcefully push your palm on it, it was a noise that despise to no end
  177. >Your knuckles meets your eye sockets to gently rub the sleep off of them with you yawning in the process.
  178. >Your eyes finally can observe the dim light that the moon presented for everypony sleeping under it.
  179. >It was midnight, just as you expected it to be.
  180. >Feet reconnect with the ground once again, leaving the soft cushion that they were resting on.
  181. >And after that you noticed how good you felt, it was indeed a long time ago that you ever felt that way.
  182. >But back on the main objective: Meeting Nightmare Moon.
  183. >You walk to your closet and seperate the two doors that hides your clothes to wear.
  184. >As always, you grabbed a T-shirt and the same blue jeans you wore the other night that you laying on the floor before sleeping.
  185. >The next task was to go downstairs and get your shoes
  186. >However, there was a call of hunger that catched your stomach.
  187. >For the sake of convenience, you always kept a bowl full of fruits in the kitchen
  188. >In no time, you grab an apple and you chomp the biggest bite possible
  189. >After shoving your feet in shoes, you were finally out.
  190. >The cold atmosphere and wind certainly did give you goosebumps all over your upper body, but it wasn't enough to go back inside and get a jacket.
  191. >Now it was all a matter to see if she actually will be there.
  193. >As you approached your destination, the wind became more fierce, to the point where you had to stabilize yourself
  194. >What was the cause of it, though? You continued to walk forward, although you had to push yourself forward to not get caught by the wind.
  195. >At a distance, there was a small group of ponies that consisted of 3, with one clearly having a height advantage over the others.
  196. >You approached the scene with caution, not wanting to be seen
  197. >The best bet was to hide behind a tree, which you did.
  198. >Stirred up with curiousity, you peeked your head out of the tree to see what was happening.
  199. >Due to the distance you were away from them, you couldn't really identify who they were.
  200. >But by the looks of it, of them did seem like an Alicorn.
  201. >By the way it was positioned, it was using a battle stance, ready to jump at its prey anytime, anywhere.
  202. >It was possible for you to hear what it was saying, but it came off quite faintly.
  203. >Additioned with the talk the Alicorn was giving, some cries and small screams were heard.
  204. >Damn, by the looks of it, these little ponies could be in mad trouble.
  206. >You questionned all the possibilities possible, most of them were negative.
  207. >You couldn't just leave them there! You had to do something.
  208. >Walking away from your hiding area, you took a few steps forward, attempting to catch the threat from the back.
  209. >But as you came closer and closer, the voice you were hearing became clearer and easier to determine who it was.
  210. >And the result shocked you, was it her?
  211. >Your walk accelerated, almost became a run at this point.
  212. >"And If I were to ever see you little useless fillies around here, be prepared for maximum punishement." As the Alicorn said in a cold, threatening tone.
  213. >It appears that one of the little kids noticed you, as it screamed for you to save them.
  214. >The Alicorn turned around and its face was covered in shock and nervousness.
  215. >The question was answered: it was Nightmare Moon.
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