
Sam/Marika chat

Oct 3rd, 2015
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  1. [14:00] Arkalest Marika tends to hang out in her own room, tended by Marie and Cornelia.
  2. [14:01] Sam walks over to her room, supporting himself on the cane he had acquired. He knocks on her door.
  3. [14:01] Arkalest The alien-looking girl is trying to grasp a pen in her hands and write something on a sheet of paper as you enter her room- She's wearing hospital scrubs, and her unaturally grey, long limbs dangle from the chair.
  4. [14:01] Arkalest The door swishes open without any sort of help from you or her.
  5. [14:01] Arkalest "Oh, hey."
  6. [14:01] Sam "Hey."
  7. [14:03] Arkalest She drops the pencil on the wooden table. "So uhm."
  8. [14:03] Arkalest "Than..Thanks for s-saving me, I guess?"
  9. [14:03] Sam "Well from the sounds of it, it was more Yui and Irune then me, but you're welcome all the same."
  10. [14:04] Arkalest "Burghl, o-okay." She rubs her eyes with her thin hands. "S-so...."
  11. [14:04] Arkalest THe girl seems to be waiting for you to speak.
  12. [14:04] Sam "Sorry, I wanted to check up and see how you were doing."
  13. [14:09] Sam "It's good that we managed to get you out, but how are you doing?"
  14. [14:14] Arkalest "B.bad."
  15. [14:15] Arkalest She sighs- A flauted, high sound. "Hurts a-a lot sometimes. "
  16. [14:17] Sam "Oh." He frowns slightly "I'm sorry to hear that."
  17. [14:20] Arkalest "But...Better..Sometimes t-than always."
  18. [14:21] Sam "That's good, I'd. . . hate to have made your situation worse."
  19. [14:22] Arkalest "N-not..Sure h-how that could..Happen."
  20. [14:22] Sam "Let's not try and find out then."
  21. [14:23] Arkalest "S-so....You...Uhm..."
  22. [14:23] Arkalest "Your....Mmmh, the....Unit."
  23. [14:24] Sam "Ehehehe, yeah. . ." Sam clears his throat "It's a. . . sorta a. . . story."
  24. [14:26] Arkalest "Wh...Why is...She...Naked."
  25. [14:26] Arkalest Sam: |........................................... Ahem.|
  26. [14:26] Sam "Uhhhhhh. . . ."
  27. [14:28] Sam "You're. . . what do you mean by is naked, do you mean now, or back then?"
  28. [14:28] Arkalest "It is...N-not like the,....Mmmrgh, the..Muscular g-girl's...Unit. With...No bits.."
  29. [14:28] Arkalest "N-now. A-also back then."
  30. [14:28] Arkalest Sam: | Backpedal.|
  31. [14:28] Sam |Huh? What?|
  32. [14:28] Sam "I uhh. . . have no idea why Tiamat would be naked right now. . . .'
  33. [14:30] Arkalest |Because I...Never wore clothes?|
  34. [14:31] Sam "She doesn't wear clothing."
  35. [14:32] Arkalest "...........................Why?"
  36. [14:32] Arkalest |Because I do not need to?|
  37. [14:32] Sam "She doesn't need to."
  38. [14:32] Arkalest "Why?"
  39. [14:33] Arkalest |......Well this is more awkward than when Shula and you get it on.|
  40. [14:33] Sam |We only got it on once.|
  41. [14:33] Arkalest |Yes, and it was...|
  42. [14:34] Sam shrugs "Biomods, stuck in a unit, insulation. . . SHe just doesn't need them."
  43. [14:34] Arkalest |.................................................A very peculiar half a hour for me and my daughter.|
  44. [14:34] Arkalest There is a hint of awkward forcefulness about the daughter part, as if she is trying to get a point across.
  45. [14:34] Arkalest | But I digress.|
  46. [14:34] Arkalest "...A-ah."
  47. [14:37] Sam "Yeah. . . " Sam clears his throat "She's quite nice really. . . for a perverted old fish woman."
  48. [14:40] Sam speaks in a tone that clearly indicates he teasing Tiamat in a friendly fashion
  49. [14:42] Arkalest ".....That sounds...L-lewd."
  50. [14:44] Sam "Maybe. . . And thanks you for passing my message on to Shula, I. . . I really did appreciate that."
  51. [14:45] Arkalest "No...No problem." She tries to smile, and you notice the fact that her gums leave a /lot/ of teeth exposed.
  52. [14:46] Sam returns the smile, he's seen too much to be wierded out by a toothy grin.
  53. [14:54] Arkalest "Is...Well, I...Had not..Much to do."
  54. [14:57] Sam "I still appreciate it. . . So, what have you been doing of late anyways, if you don't mind me asking?"
  55. [14:58] Arkalest "T-trying to....This." She gestures at some books stacked. "Is...Reading..Is less..Efficient than..Memory."
  56. [14:59] Sam "It is, but it does work." Sam peers over to see what books she is reading.
  57. [15:00] Arkalest "Applied Metaphysical Biology On The Basis Of Cognitive Enhancement."
  58. [15:00] Sam "Ahh, you're a bit farther along in your studies than I am I see."
  59. [15:03] Arkalest "Had...M-more practice."
  60. [15:03] Sam "Aye, I'm quite used to playing catch up anyways. I'm more of a practical use sort of person really."
  61. [15:06] Arkalest "But...Mmm...D-do you have...questions?"
  62. [15:07] Sam "Not really, I just wanted to check in and say hi. Figured you might want a little bit of friendly company. If not I can give you some space."
  63. [15:07] Arkalest "N-no. People I...C-can actually t-touch are...Nice."
  64. [15:08] Sam nods "Well, I'm happy to stick around then."
  65. [15:17] Arkalest She nods. "Mmmh..."
  66. [15:18] Arkalest ".....D-do you r-remember y-your parents?"
  67. [15:18] Sam shakes his head
  68. [15:18] Sam "They died when I was still a baby."
  69. [15:21] Arkalest "M-mine...Are...It's...ALl hazy." She looks down, rubbing her hands. "All...Va-vague."
  70. [15:23] Arkalest Right then, you hear scratching at the door.
  71. [15:25] Sam goes over and pops the door open a crack.
  72. [15:25] Arkalest Sam: It's your doggy!
  73. [15:25] Arkalest And it's staring at you with her obscenely creepy doggy stare.
  74. [15:26] Sam "Nepthys!" Sam knees down and hugs the dog, unworried. "How you doing girl! I missed you!."
  75. [15:28] Sam "Marika, this is Nepthys my dog."
  76. [15:28] Sam "Jackal. . . thing. . . ."
  77. [15:30] Arkalest ".........................."
  78. [15:30] Arkalest The dog does something you never heard it do before.
  79. [15:30] Arkalest Something utterly alien and utterly creepy.
  80. [15:30] Arkalest It...
  81. [15:30] Arkalest Happily barks and wags her tail at Marika.
  82. [15:31] Arkalest Who happily bends over and pets her head.
  83. [15:31] Sam glances to Marika. "She likes you."
  84. [15:32] Arkalest "She s-smells like the death of old gods and the sky-temples, their golden sheen a mirror to the setting sun."
  85. [15:33] Sam nods
  86. [15:33] Sam "Aye, she was a. . . guardian of the dead I think? or . . hang on a moment."
  87. [15:36] Sam "Her kind was a guardian for the priests, and consumed the dead of fronter society from what I recall of Hansley telling me."
  88. [15:37] Arkalest "No. It was not consumption. IT was evolution. From simple living matter to the tissue of legends- To blood and flesh into song and words, the sublimation into our society."
  89. [15:41] Sam "How so?"
  90. [15:43] Arkalest "The moment they are eaten is the moment they become one with their creations- With the beings.."She ruffles the dog's neck. "That we forge. They feed them, and in doing so the creatures partake of their essence."
  91. [15:43] Arkalest "They return to us, in a way."
  92. [15:43] Arkalest She blinks. "S-sort of."
  93. [15:44] Sam "I think I understand somewhat. Thank you." He pats Nepthys on the head
  94. [15:45] Arkalest Sam: You can feel the happiness radiating from the dog..
  95. [15:45] Arkalest And as you touch it, a scene flashes into your head.
  96. [15:46] Arkalest The...Smell of death, lavender and embalming fluid and rotting flesh and the crypt's full of light, pouring from the glass ceiling and someone is..Someone is standing next to the alatar, a golden armor shaped like..
  97. [15:46] Arkalest Like Nephtys, a helmet that is a jackal's face- Hands held up, one fist clutching a sickle.
  98. [15:47] Arkalest In one corner, sitting on a stone dais- A creature that is to Nepthys what Eve is to a normal housecat- Wearing a golden mask.
  99. [15:48] Arkalest And then the scene's gone, and you are just left with an odd dog being petted by an even more odd girl.
  100. [15:49] Sam pets Nepthys |Hey girl, can you do me a favor? Can you help keep Marika company? Just come in and say hello to her now and again, I think she likes you.|
  101. [15:50] Arkalest The dog barks happily and rubs herself against the girl's leg, who gigles.
  102. [15:50] Sam "You two seem to like eachother."
  103. [15:53] Arkalest "...:Y-yes."
  104. [15:54] Sam "Well, feel free to visit Nephthys whenever you like Marika, the two of you seem to like eachother a great deal."
  105. [15:54] Sam "Or let her in if she is pawing at your door for that matter."
  106. [15:54] Arkalest The deathdog casually laps her legs with a forked tongue, panting happily. "I....I w-will."
  107. [15:58] Sam "Good to hear." Sam pats Nephthys again |Good girl Nephthys, thank you.|
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