
Pinkamena The Maid (Full Story)

Jul 1st, 2013
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  1. >Well Shit.
  2. >You’ve inherited a lot from your parents over the years, like looks and smarts, but you didn’t expect their entire fortune.
  3. >Complete with a big ass house in the hills right outside Ponyville. Just walking into the place made you feel like a king! Except one problem…
  4. >It got dirty. Oh DAMN did it got dirty.
  5. >With all the people coming in and out to give their support and your stuff getting moved in and shit, the place got messed up quicker than the Punch chick in Celestia’s wine cellar.
  6. >With a highly sufficient reserve of money, and the family company that practically runs itself, you decide to hire a maid to help you with the place. No harm in that, right?
  7. >You talk with the company, and they say they’ll send one of the best maids they have for a week. You guess the week limit is in case you want to change your mind.
  8. > They said that she’ll be over first thing in the morning, at eight. You’ll crash on the couch to meet her on time then.
  10. >The First Day…
  12. >Morning…? Aw shit. What time is it? The clock on the cable box says….
  13. >9:30.
  14. “Shit!” you shout, hopping over the couch and falling over yourself to dash to the door and fling it open.
  15. >No one is there… Shit, did she go home?
  16. >You walk out onto the porch and look down. What you see makes your eyes widen and your heart beat a bit faster.
  17. >You see a woman with long pink hair sitting on the stairs, her soft skin glowing in the morning sun. She had her legs crossed, and an air of annoyance around her as she. She examined her maid outfit out of boredom, rubbing her finger on the frills and her garter. She suddenly turned and looked directly at you. You blink as two of the clearest blue eyes stared at you accompanied by a small frown. You feel ice run through you as she stands and walks toward you.
  18. >You stammer as she has her eyes locked onto yours and stops a foot away from you.
  19. “I…I-I, Uh… I’m s-“ You begin, but she bows and speaks before you.
  20. “It’s quite alright, sir. My name is Pinkamena, and I will be your maid for the week.” She says, in a soft, yet equally as cold voice.
  21. >She’s so… Professional. Yet the way she looks and wears that outfit suggests that she hasn’t been doing this long. A button undone there, a strap too tight there. You eye her a bit, admiring the aspects of her. She’s an average size for someone her age, and is about as tall as you are.
  22. >She straightens herself and waits for your instruction.
  23. >Which you don’t have.
  24. >Shit. Might as well just kind of walk around with her and show her the place.
  25. “Uh… C’mon, I’ll … show you around.” You piece together, turning away from her nearly freezing gaze and walking in.
  26. >You walk around and show her the areas: The living room, the kitchen, hallways and where they go, bathrooms, etc.
  27. >She nods at each piece of information you tell her, keeping that same stoic face. After you make your way back to the living room, you switch on the large flatscreen and look over at her.
  28. “Any questions, Pinkamena?” You ask, looking at her out of the corner of your eye.
  29. >You could’ve sworn she was just smiling as she eyed you.
  30. “Not much, sir. What would you like for dinner?” She asked, her lips curving into a smile.
  31. >You think briefly, and respond with a shrug.
  32. “I dunno. I guess anything’s fine, as long as this place starts shaping up.” You reply, the idea of her smiling a little… odd to you.
  33. >You hear her giggle as she walks off, presumably to start cleaning since it’s early.
  34. >Seriously, what is up with her? She was acting extremely cold before, and now she’s happy? You suppose she’s happy since she can get to work.
  35. >Still… Her sudden perkiness is a bit creepy. Oh well. Might as well relax until dinner.
  37. >Later…
  39. >You feel a hand on your shoulder as you travel through the hallway. You, in pure bitch fashion, yelp and turn around as fast as you can.
  40. >Pinkamena stands there with a clueless look on her face. She smiles and leads you to the dining room, speaking about what she did before she made dinner. You follow, keeping your eyes on her.
  41. >Keeping your eyes on her curvy figure.
  42. >Keeping your eyes on those beautiful legs of hers.
  43. >Keeping your eyes on the way her outfit hugs her body.
  44. >Suddenly, She turns and looks at you, her eyes piercing directly into yours.
  45. >She seems to be expecting an answer.
  46. >Oh shit. What was she saying? Uh…
  47. “Thanks. To be honest, I’m terrible with cleaning.” You answer, half-heartedly.
  48. “I see… still, your own room should be the easiest to straighten out, you know.” She replies, turning back around walking up to the table.
  49. >You sit, noticing a set of china ready. You turn to ask her a question, but she’s already headed off to the kitchen. Your eyes glide over her one last time before you sink in your chair and sigh.
  50. >It’s been a few hours and you’re already thinking of scoring with her. But can you blame yourself? With a woman like her serving you, you might as well enjoy the finer points of it.
  51. >You smell something delicious and you immediately open your eyes. You open them to a tray of wonderfully cooked food being carted in.
  52. >Pinkamena smiles as she piles steak, mashed potatoes and a biscuit onto your plate. She then stands by the tray as you dig in.
  53. >You pause briefly to praise her cooking, and she bows and thanks you, telling you she put a lot of love into it.
  54. >You finish dinner without a hitch and Pinkamena carts the dishes off to the kitchen. After a few minutes she returns, ready for another order.
  55. “You were absolutely wonderful today, Pinkamena. You can go home, now.” You say, dismissing her.
  56. >Pinkamena smiles and bows. Her voice seems a bit warmer, though it still has that edge to it. You could swear that she was eying you as she left, that small smile having intention behind it…
  57. >You shrug off your paranoia and go to bed, thinking of what you’ll do tomorrow.
  58. >Day One End…
  60. >Dawn of the Second Day…
  61. >You get up and rub your eyes. You look at your bedside clock for the time.
  62. >It’s 8:55. Oh shit.
  63. >You rocket out of your room, attempting to get dressed as you hurry to the door, making a mental note that you need get up earlier.
  64. >you pull your shirt on just as you hit the side of the couch and smash into the floor. Damn, that hurt your elbow!
  65. >You get up and shake it off, and open the door.
  66. >Pinkamena is leaning on the porch railing, chewing some gum. You take a moment to admire her bottom as she shifts and blows a bubble. Suddenly, she turns sees you. She stands up and walks over to you, a smile on her face.
  67. >Shit. Did she see? Doesn’t look like it.
  68. “Morning, sir. What needs to be done today?” she asks, a bit eager.
  69. >You think for a bit… realizing where you pulled your current clothes from, you decide.
  70. “I need some help with the laundry today. Think you could-“
  71. >You stop talking as she walks past you and in the direction of your room, humming.
  72. >Well, then. She doesn’t have a problem with it.
  73. >You decide to go and help her. Mostly since you have a shit-ton of laundry and you’d like to get to know her.
  74. >You head down the hallway to your room. You hear her humming coming from inside. You open your door and stand there, struck by the scene.
  75. >Pinkamena is bent over, her fine ass on display. She’s picking up some clothes from the side of your bed. She moves over slightly, causing it to jiggle just a bit.
  76. >You feel yourself getting excited at the sight of this, but you quickly clear your throat and walk in, causing her to stand and turn to face you.
  77. “Yes, sir?” She asks, her eyes locked onto you.
  78. >You turn, not wanting to show your face or your arousal.
  79. “I, Uh… I thought you’d like some help. Maybe we can talk while we work?” You suggest, scooping up some clothes and putting it in the large laundry basket.
  80. >You feel her eyes go over you for a second. Almost like… She knew.
  81. >But if she did, she didn’t say anything about it. Instead, you hear her continue to hum. She obviously doesn’t mind.
  82. >You pile the clothes into the basket and grab one side of it. Pinkamena grabs the other side. You both lift and carry it.
  83. >While you walk to the laundry room, you speak with her. You go back and forth about what you do all day. Which is basically nothing but float around. One question comes up: Jobs. You explain you don’t really have to work.
  84. “So… Pinkamena? What got you into the maid business?” You ask.
  85. >Her face suddenly goes blank, her smile disappearing. Her eyes flick over, and you feel that same feeling of ice from before…
  86. >Oh shit. You feel that you’ve just asked something that you shouldn’t have.
  87. >She looks like she’s struggling with the right words, or simply thrown off guard by it.
  88. >Suddenly, the freezing feeling intensifies as she speaks, her voice low and sad.
  89. “No one’s really asked me that before. I thought it was because it wasn’t important, but...”
  90. >She closes her eyes, and breathes deeply.
  91. “I’ll tell you.”
  92. >You remain silent, as you turn a corner and head down it to the laundry room. You’re tense, knowing that you’ve basically fucked up something fierce.
  93. > She pushes open the door to the laundry room and you both walk in.
  94. “I was accused of a crime that I didn’t commit. It was… god, how do I say it…Horrific.”
  95. >Her voice is on edge, and she’s tense. You both set the basket down, and you stand, looking at Pinkamena. She’s trembling, as if she’s reliving whatever trauma she had.
  96. >You speak up, hoping to calm her down a bit.
  97. “You know, Pinkamena, it’s alright. You don’t have to-“
  98. >She still hasn’t stood up. She’s knelt down near the clothes. She grips the basket and speaks.
  99. “I was accused… of killing my best friend. And the person who did it… she pretended to be me.”
  100. >Shit.
  101. “It caused a panic. Even though it wasn’t me, people kept freaking out around me… Saying that I was a killer… that I’d continue where SHE left off… Because of my emotional problems.”
  102. >Oh shit.
  103. >She slowly stands, leaning onto the washer, her body still trembling.
  104. “The Cakes fired me. I used to work for them. They wanted nothing to do with me after they heard that. Just like that. Out on the streets and on my own. I can’t even see the little ones…”
  105. >Her fists ball up tight and she exhales. She seems to be calming herself down.
  106. “My life was ruined. Because of an impostor. But I’ve began to rebuild it. I’m stable. I’m stable…” She whispers it again, looking unsure of it herself.
  107. >Her eyes snap to you, seemingly piercing through yours and into your heart. You stand there, stunned, looking at her. She straightens and bows.
  108. “I…I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have-“ You begin, but that ice cold voice interrupts.
  109. “If it’s alright with you, sir, I will do your laundry, and then work on dinner. “
  110. >You swallow and think hard. She’s already began to sort and pile the clothes to be washed. She does it with purpose, focusing on the task.
  111. >You’re still frozen with shock. She was accused and tried for a murder? Not only that, but her friend was the victim? Her reputation when to shit and she was left homeless?
  112. >Holy fucking shit. No wonder she wasn’t so open about it.
  113. >You can’t just let her continue on after hearing something like that and stressing her out… You pull yourself to your fullest height and breathe.
  114. “Ah… Er, Pinkamena?” You start.
  115. >She pauses and turns, her blue eyes seemingly duller and emptier than before.
  116. “You can go home after the laundry’s done. I’ll just order out.” You say, hoping that she won’t raise any objections.
  117. >She stares at you for a minute, but she nods and continues with the task. She seems indifferent to it.
  119. >Later, that night…
  121. >You crashed onto the couch after eating most of a pizza you ordered and drinking a ton of beer. Pinkamena ate a slice, but nothing else.
  122. >You spoke to her while you ate. You’re pretty sure you said sorry about 36 times. She just shrugged it off.
  123. >You also learned that she’s a great sweets maker, she likes to party now and then, and that she actually has a pet alligator, which blew your fucking mind.
  124. >Seriously. Pet. Fucking. ALLIGATOR.
  125. >After an animated back and forth, you got comfortable on the couch while Pinkamena got ready to leave.
  126. >You felt yourself dozing off already, but you wanted to see her off. You struggle to sit up, but a hand rests itself on your shoulder.
  127. “Sir, I’ll be fine. You need to rest, after all that food you ate.”
  128. >Pinkamena, standing above you on the other side of the couch.
  129. >You nod, reaching for the remote and proceeding to look for something to watch. Suddenly, you hear a whisper in your ear. It’s soft and low, and speaks in monotone.
  130. “Thank you, sir. I promise to be back in the morning.”
  131. >You turn your attention back to Pinkamena, but she’s already out the door.
  132. >Shit. She probably thinks you’re scared of her. Or worse: She thinks you’re going to fire her.
  133. >You’ll fix that in the morning. For now, dreamland and Cops await.
  134. >Dusk of the second day…
  137. >Day 3: Let’s Rock!
  138. >You roll off the couch and groan. Maybe you over did it last night. Oh well. You get up and check the clock.
  139. >7:30. Not bad.
  140. >You decide to get a change of clothes before she shows up. You wobble a bit on your way to your room, your head hurting a bit.
  141. >She cleaned it. Not only that, but your clothes are put way nicely and neatly. You pull a shirt and some jeans out and slip them on. You place a hand on your head and wince. Yep. Hangover.
  142. >You head to the door, gripping the walls and furniture to keep steady. You open the door and…
  143. >Sweet Celestia of Equestria, she’s trying to kill you! You cover your eyes and lean on the door, blinded a bit.
  144. >Pinkamena is heading up the stairs, and her pace quickens when she sees you.
  145. “Sir, are you alright?” She asks, her voice showing a small hint of concern.
  146. >You nod, smiling and shrugging off the sun goddess’s attempt to strike you down so early in the morning. You attempt to stand up, but that takes a bit of strength. You turn to go sit down when you feel two soft hands grip your arm.
  147. “Sir, you don’t look so well. Here, let me help.” Pinkamena says, her body suddenly close to yours.
  148. >You’re taken by surprise, but you nod slowly and let her lead you to the couch. You feel her warmth as she supports you with her body. You flop onto the couch and sigh.
  149. “I’ll start a pot of coffee. In the meantime, you should relax. Maybe a shower would help?” She suggests, standing in front of you.
  150. >You look up into those ever changing eyes of hers and nod.
  151. “Yeah. That sounds… good. Sounds great.” You reply, feeling your face get hot.
  152. >She bows and walks off in the direction of the kitchen. You sit there, staring straight ahead.
  153. >Damn. You let her see you in a frail-as-fuck state. And now she’s trying to take care of you. You can’t just let her tend to you. She needs a peaceful day at work. Just her job and nothing else.
  154. >You struggle to your feet and head for your room, your pace faster than before. Once you make it there, you take a moment to grab your robe and towels and head for the bathroom.
  155. >You hear the water running already. Damn, she moves fast. She’s already gotten the shower ready for you.
  156. >You knock on the door, and she opens it. Your eyes meet and she moves to the side.
  157. “Your shower’s ready, sir. I’ll be outside if you need anything.”
  158. >You shake your head quickly, and place your hand on her shoulder.
  159. “Nah, I’ll be fine. Just gotta get some water on me to shake it off. You just do what you feel needs to be done, alright?” You say, reassuring her.
  160. “The house is mostly clean, sir: You seem to need more attention than it does.” Her face shows a look of concern.
  161. >You on the other hand, blush and blink at her.
  162. “Um… Thanks, I guess?” You say, scratching the back of your head. “Just, ah… wait in the living room for me, alright?” You ask.
  163. >She gives one more look at you and nods. “Is it alright if I relax on the couch?”
  164. >You wave your hand and reply: “Of course, you don’t even need to ask that.”
  165. >She smiled at you as she walked out and shut the door, and you feel better already. Still, better hop into the shower.
  166. >You hop in the shower and stand under the torrent of hot water. Man, that feels amazing. You begin to wash up, feeling invigorated. You begin to sing, the sound of the water hopefully blocking out your voice. You swear you hear something else, but it’s not likely.
  167. >You turn off the water and begin to dry yourself off. As you dry your hair, you swear you hear the faint sound of heels clicking away.
  168. >Was that…? No way. She wouldn’t be peeking at you… would she? The thought of it actually makes you a bit antsy.
  169. >You throw on your robe and head to your room. After throwing on the clothes from earlier, you head to the living room.
  170. >Pinkamena is sitting on the couch, leaning slightly towards you. You’re not sure if she’s asleep or not, but the sight of her chest rising and falling hypnotizes you for a few seconds. They’re a modest C, from what you can guess.
  171. >She suddenly moves, reaching for a cup of coffee on the coffee table and sips it. You jump at the movement and she turns.
  172. “Ah. Feel any better, sir?” she asks, that small smile returning for a brief second.
  173. “Yeah. Feel a lot better. “ You say, making sure you keep a relaxed face.
  174. >You sit and talk about exactly how she became a maid.
  175. >She elaborates that she was looking for a job and she got a temporary one as a housesitter. She got bored frequently and she ended up cleaning and moving things around. When the person came back, they were impressed and sent a referral to be hired by the company. She’s been at it for a week now.
  176. >You nod, impressed. She’s done quite well for a week and a few days. You begin to ask her if she enjoys it when the phone rings. You reach for it, but she reflexively picks it up and hands it to you. You lift it to your ear.
  177. “Hello?” You answer, not sure who could possibly have your num-
  178. “Hiya, buddy. Heard you came in to Ma and Pa’s fortune. Lucky.” The voice on the line answers.
  179. >You visibly cringe. This… this was your douchebag of a brother.
  180. “Yeah. Why…? What’s the big deal?” You ask, not sure what he’s getting at.
  181. “Well? Aren’t you gonna invite everyone over for a party to celebrate?” He asks. You’re quite sure he has that shit-eating grin on his face.
  182. “That sounds like a good idea. I’ll consider it.” You reply, answering with a bit of malice in your voice. You know that it’s more than this.
  183. “Alright. Looking forward to it, buddy.” He hangs up.
  184. >You look at Pinkamena, who has a confused look on her face. You then realize that you’ve been frowning while talking to him. You relax your face and sigh.
  185. “Someone I don’t get along with.” You explain, and she nods. “Anyway, what’s for lunch?”
  186. She smiles and stands, ready to go to the kitchen. You decide to follow.
  188. >Later…
  190. >You smile as you scarf down a salad, chicken, and macaroni. Pinkamena is sitting across from you, eating slowly.
  191. >You asked how she knows how to cook so well, and she explains that she took a few culinary classes. And Food network. But mostly classes.
  192. >She waits until you’re finished to grab the plates. You gaze at her as she heads to the kitchen.
  193. >She couldnt’ve done it. She just couldn’t. She’s really beautiful and pretty., and her attitude is nice and calm. Her murdering someone seems surreal.
  194. >She returns and asks if there’s anything else. You shake your head, but then motion for her to wait.
  195. “Pinkamena, we have to go shopping tomorrow. You may want to wear something casual, alright?”
  196. “For what, if I may ask, sir?” She asks.
  197. “We need to prepare… for a party.”
  198. >Pinkamena lights up at the word party, but retains her calm composure.
  199. “Ah, a party. Alright, I’ll be here early in the morning.” She says, a smile on her face.
  200. >You walk her to the door and she waves goodbye as soon as she’s off the porch.
  201. >Maybe this whole “Party” thing won’t be so bad, after all…
  202. >Day 3, Slash!
  204. >The Wheel of Fate is Turning…
  205. >Day 4, Action!
  207. >You get up and stretch. Morning, already? Okay then. Time is…
  208. >6:00. Alright.
  209. >Wait, the fuck? 6:00? When the hell did you ever- Oh.
  210. >You see someone else is awake before you.
  211. >You can’t blame him, though. You were having the semi-best wet dream… And it was about her.
  212. >Pinkamena laying on the counter, nude, with fruit and whipped cream. She kept applying the whipped cream to everything. Including a banana.
  213. >God damn, that banana.
  214. >She fellated it, finishing the dream off with “I want YOUR banana, sir…” With those eyes and delectable lips…
  215. >You realize you’ve fallen hook, line and sinker for her. Damn.
  216. “Shit… I can’t be falling for her this fast… I mean, she’s only been here for three days and yet…” you try reasoning with yourself, but a healthy piece of evidence is staring you in the face.
  217. >Ah well. Fuck it. You decide to start early this morning. You get up and throw on your robe, and go the kitchen. You begin making coffee, when you notice a mark in the wall. A small, but noticeable slit.
  218. >You peer at it, and wonder what could have made it. A knife? …Why would she stab the wall? She couldn’t have just done it out of anger. She was fine!
  219. >You shrug and get ready to throw out the old filter when you see it.
  220. >A mouse corpse. With a small slit right in the middle of its head.
  221. >You shiver. Damn. There’s the reason. Maybe she did it reflexively? How the hell could she? These little fuckers are fast!
  222. >You shake it off and throw the coffee on. You’ll ask her about it when you get ready to leave. It’s … concerning. You feel that you should be bothered by it, but you’re not.
  223. >…Why?
  224. >You think hard, but can’t come up with a reason. Probably because it was a mouse. That’s all.
  225. >Hell, you killed a bug with a shoe. Does that make you a murderer, too?
  226. >You go through the rest of your routine, hopping in the shower and throwing on something. Today, you’re wearing a light jacket and a button up with some khakis.
  227. >You take the liberty to move some funds around. About a thousand should do, right? Might as well go regular shopping along with party shopping.
  228. >By that time, you hear the door. You smile, striding over to it and opening it up. Maybe she’ll be surprised that you’re up alrea-
  229. >Your jaw drops. Damn.
  230. >Damn.
  231. >DAMN.
  232. >Pinkamena is standing there in a sweater, a skirt with thigh-highs and knee-high boots. She’s wearing glasses too, and her usually long hair is done up in a French bun. Her hair is still long enough to be in bangs and cover the sides of her face a bit.
  233. >Not only this, but her curves came out. You can’t help but flick your eyes up and down. You thought she was a c before, but they look like Ds now! And those legs, heightened by the socks and boots.
  234. “Sir? Are you alright?”
  235. >She snaps you out of it. You look up at her face and she’s blushing. Oops.
  236. “Sorry… You look amazing, Pinkamena.” You say, blushing yourself.
  237. >You both smile and you decide to get some coffee while Pinkamena makes the list. She goes and sits in a recliner as you head for the kitchen.
  238. “How many people do you think will show up, sir?” she asks.
  239. >You peek your head out as she writes on a notepad that was on the coffee table. She has her legs one on top of the other and you swear you can see a sliver of hot pink.
  240. >Focus, damnit.
  241. “Ah… the family’s pretty large. Maybe 15… 20 people?” you guess, not sure.
  242. “Okay. I’ll add a few things.” She replies, and continues writing.
  243. >You grab the coffee and flick your eyes to the slit. Yeah. Ask her about it.
  244. >You bring the coffee to the table and set it down, taking the recliner across from her. You take a cup and sip.
  245. >Pinkamena looks up and seems surprised that you even thought of her. She reaches for her cup and takes a small sip before setting it back down. She continues writing. You take another sip and clear your throat.
  246. “So… Pinkamena?”
  247. >She pauses. Her eyes move to yours. She can see the inquiry already.
  248. “Yes, sir?”
  249. “I noted that there’s a slit in the wall. And a dead mouse. Care to elaborate?” You ask.
  250. >She stops writing for a second. Her eyes show a bit of remorse for it. She looks away and bites her lip.
  251. “It was an accident. I swear. It ran past and I moved on reflex. I didn’t mean to kill it… or put a hole in the wall. I cleaned the knife and everything.” She says it with a scared edge in her voice.
  252. >You wave your hand.
  253. “It’s fine… just wanted to know. Also… Yesterday… You didn’t sit down until after I got out of the shower, didn’t you?” You ask, leaning forward.
  254. >She bites her lip harder. This time she’s blushing. Oh boy.
  255. “I stood next to the door. I heard you singing, but I didn’t look in. I just stood there in case you needed help, that’s all…” She answers, bringing the notepad back up.
  256. “Fair enough. How’s the list coming?” You reply, glad that she was honest about it and ready to move on.
  257. >She began listing a bunch of different stuff, ranging from food to alcohol to party stuff. She really knows what she’s doing.
  258. >You nod, helping yourself to the presence of someone so beautiful. You stand, stretching a bit.
  259. “Alright. To the garage, and then, to the Megamall!” you declare, snatching some keys from a drawer.
  260. >You lead Pinkamena to the garage, where your father’s prized Pearl-white Cadillac waited. You look over at Pinkamena, who seems impressed.
  261. “Yeah, Dad had peculiar tastes. He was stylin’, though.” You compliment him, as you unlock the doors and hop in. “Hot damn. Still has that new car smell.”
  262. >Pinkamena gets in and she perceptibly relaxes. She turns to look at you while she fastens herself in. You do the same, making sure that she has the list.
  263. >After all preliminary safety measures were okay’d, you opened the garage door and were off as soon as it was lowered.
  264. >Later, that afternoon...
  265. >Holy hell. That thousand was right on the mark. Also, holy shit, you bought a lot, too.
  266. >Pinkamena was smiling most of the time, even asking you if you’d like to choose what she made for the party. You asked for whipped cream with a dazed look on your face. You felt awkward afterwards.
  267. >Pinkamena didn’t mind at all, though. She was talking about how she threw parties. She had a cute little spazzy moment. Her hair even poofed up. She left to get some ingredients for the cake and… her hair was flat again.
  268. >She said she saw the Cakes and she grabbed what she needed. Nothing more, nothing less.
  269. >She also had a deer-in-headlights moment with the knife isle… She was holding her shoulders and just staring. You tapped her on her shoulders and she just kept walking. You really didn’t want her to get angry or sad, so you left it alone.
  270. >And then there was that tall green-haired kid who somehow caused a wave of water in the next isle and soaked both your pants and Pinkamena’s sweater. You gave up your jacket for her, and she thanked you for it.
  271. >She still left the store smiling with all the streamers, decorations, and other stuff. You’d have to help her in the morning. She seems excited for this party. So much that that she suggested she stay the night. Which you secretly hoped she would, but she had to get her maid outfit.
  272. >Damn. Oh well. You decided to crash on the couch and get some rest. You had a lot of fun today, too. Picking out the alcohol, shopping for your own food, calling up everyone and inviting them (Excluding your jackass of a brother, inviting him was obligatory,) and…
  273. >Ogling Pinkamena every opportunity. Oh god, you couldn’t help yourself. She was absolutely mesmerizing. When she stretched for something, you got a good view of those bouncy twins of hers. When she bent to check out the produce, you confirmed your previous suspicion: Hot pink panties.
  275. >You got hard just remembering how she turned and asked you how did they look. She, of course, meant the fruit. You lick your lips as you reached for your zipper and freed yourself to the air, knowing Pinkamena was gone for the night.
  276. >You fantasies grew more and more lust-filled as you reached down and began to stroke yourself. Each fantasy brought you that much closer: Eating her out as she cooked, Her touching you while you showered, thrusting into her as she washed the windows… each one increased your speed until you were ready to explode.
  277. >Your last few strokes were the most satisfying as you moaned her name to yourself, picturing her licking your cock with a pleased expression.
  278. “Thank you, sir…”
  279. >You quickly unloaded, letting thick bursts of semen land on your pants and erection. You huffed and began to doze off, tired from your release.
  280. >Day 4, End!
  283. >The Time of Retribution is at Hand…
  284. >Day 5: Decide the Destiny.
  286. >You get up, groggy as fuck. Check the time and it is…
  287. >7:33.
  288. >Not bad. You quickly get up and start the daily routine, though. You take your clothes to the bathroom with you and hop in the shower. You wash up and dry yourself off, taking time to make sure before you throw on your clothes.
  289. >You head to the kitchen and put on coffee. Checking the garbage, you find that it’s been taken out. Lovely.
  290. >You head to the living room and decide to retrieve the bags of party stuff and set them on the couch. And not a moment too soon: Pinkamena is at the door. You open it and she strides in, a wide grin on her face. You’re taken aback by this, but you smile back and ask her if she’d like coffee before you two started.
  291. >She nods, heading to the kitchen. You feel those feelings from last night flood back into you, and you feel a pang of guilt over getting off on her. You say nothing and sit in the recliner.
  292. >She brings the coffee and sits along with you, silent. You can tell she’s giddy as she drinks her cup, though. You proceed to down yours as well, clapping your hands together after you both finish.
  293. “Alright. Let’s get to it.” You say, and begin taking things out of a bag.
  294. >Pinkamena wordlessly moves to your side and begins helping you with it. You smile at her enthusiasm as she carts off a bag and proceeds to begin. You take your respective bag and head off to do your side of the room.
  296. >Much Later…
  298. >You and Pinkamena wait for the guests to start arriving. You’ve changed into a formal suit for the occasion. Pinkamena took most of the afternoon to make the cake, the salad, the entrees. And the non-alcoholic drinks. She stands next to you with a relaxed look on her face.
  299. >You smile as your family begin pulling up and parking. They all get out and walk up to you. You greet them all and introduce them to Pinkamena. She bows to each of them, even the small ones.
  300. >Your smile shortens visibly as you see your brother steps out of his truck and heads toward you.
  301. “Hey bro.” You say, your smile fake and your eyes squinting at him.
  302. “Sup. Hey, who’s the cutie?” He says, looking Pinkamena up and down without shame.
  303. “This is my maid. Pinkamena.” You say, your voice going dead-near flat as you talk to him.
  304. >She bows to him and he smiles. You clench your teeth. Still putting on the fake smile, you ask him a question that snaps him out of his rampant fantasy.
  305. “So what did you need, bro?” You ask, your voice reminding you of Pinkamena’s when she was distressed.
  306. “Eh? Ah… we can talk about it later. For now, though, let’s party.
  307. >He smiles and parades on in, talking to other family members. You sigh as Pinkamena places her hand on your shoulder.
  308. “Sir? Is there a problem?” She asks, he voice low and concerned.
  309. >You shake your head, but look her in those beautiful blue eyes and usher a warning.
  310. “Watch out for him. He’s a jackass, a pervert, and above all else, he’s a criminal.”
  311. >She blinks but takes this to heart and nods. She then goes to start serving food and assisting the guests.
  312. >The night went on, well. Family members shared their thoughts with you and congratulated you, saying that I took a bit of work to get to the top. You talked with them and filled them in on everything.
  313. >The kids enjoyed the TV and games, all giggling and shouting loudly over “who won” and “Who’s cheating,” but nothing too serious to get involved in. You give them A friendly reminder to be careful with them.
  314. >You were keeping an eye out for HIM, though. Just as you thought: He was knocking things over and having Pinkamena clean them up, Ordering drinks to just take a sip and then set them down someplace, making lewd jokes and smart-mouthing people who were there… God damn, you hated his guts. After a bit, you let everyone dig in and pulled him to the side.
  315. >He looks at you while he stuffs his face with ribs. Ugh…
  316. “What is it that you came here for? I know it’s not to converse with family, since you hate us all…” You say plainly.
  317. >He swallows and pauses.
  318. “Yeah… I’ma need half the fortune.” He says, a half-glassy look in his eyes.
  319. >You stare at him. And then… you laugh.
  320. >Oh god do you laugh. Is this fucker serious? In fact, you ask him.
  321. “Are you serious?” you choke out.
  322. >He nods. He’s still got rib sauce all over his face and he’s drunken most of the alcohol everyone else hasn’t touched because it wasn’t mixed.
  323. >This doesn’t stop you from laughing harder, though. You finish laughing as he sets his plate down on a nearby table. Pinkamena wastes no time in getting it, shooting him a dirty look.
  324. >You straighten up and sigh. You’ll have to explain the plan to this asshole of a brother.
  325. “…You know you weren’t on the will, right? At all?” You ask.
  326. >His face contorts to horror. Then anger.
  327. “I…I wasn’t? Why the hell not? I deserve half of it! All the shit I’ve done-“
  328. >You take this opportunity to cut him off and state the truth.
  329. “”All the shit you’ve done is illegal. And our parents knew it. They knew you’d drive the family name into the ground faster than anyone. So they gave it over to someone who can handle it.” You motion around. “You see this? It’s the house, still intact and without drugs, alcohol, and weapons stashed all over the damn place. You fucked up way too many times… been to jail way too many times. They couldn’t possibly hand you any of it. I can’t either. This place is dear to me, and that’s how it’s going to stay.” You state, crossing your arms and standing there, defiant.
  330. >He grunts and grabs you by the collar with his still barbequed fingers and utters a low threat.
  331. “Give it to me, or I’ll make you sorry, you little shit! I’m entitled to it, and no one’ll say different!”
  332. >You hold you gaze with him and give him an equally threatening look.
  333. “We’re not kids anymore. And you have no power over me anymore. Enjoy the party.” You give him the option while shoving him back. “Or leave. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to clean this now that YOU’VE ruined it.”
  334. >You left him steaming, knowing that he’d do nothing to you with all these people around. You go to toss the suit jacket into the hamper and then check on things.
  335. >Everyone’s still having a good time. You don’t see your brother. He maybe left? You don’t see Pinkamena either. You decide to circle around and help her in the kitchen.
  336. >That when you hear it. The exchange that sets your very soul on fire.
  337. “Sir, are you okay? Do you need something?” Pinkamena. Her voice confused and a bit scared.
  338. “Yeah… I need something warm and soft… “HIS voice.
  339. >You push up against the back entrance to the kitchen, listening in with a focused look on your face. That bastard… What the hell does he think he’s doing?!
  340. “Uh? Sir, what do you mean, “warm and so-“ Hey! Sir, stop!” Pinkamena is pleading with him.
  341. “C’mon. It’s your job to serve me… And I’m hungry for some pussy. So give it to me, will ya?!”
  342. >You grit your teeth as your blood pressure rises. Son of a bitch! What to do?! You can’t just kick his ass and make a scene! But Pinkamena-
  343. “NO! Sir, stop please! I- Ahh!” You hear dishes clatter. They’re near the sink. Fuck. You slowly open the backdoor and crawl in, looking in their direction. You see them: Your drunken douchebag brother pushing on her while she pushes back, terrified.
  344. “It’s him, ain’t it? Don’t worry: He ain’t gonna do shit. He’s probably scared that I’ll kick his ass like I used to. So how about you stop the act and spread them?” Your brother pushes on her harder, his hand forcing its way between Pinkamena’s legs.
  345. >She squeals, and pushes with one arm as she tries to pull away with the other. She’s looking around for something, but that won’t be necessary. You’re going to stop this in a second. You rise and step out, your face much like a hellion’s of demonic lore.
  346. >You begin to swiftly approach him, a growl of hatred in your heart.
  347. “You low-down, pussy-ass, revolting-scumbag of a MOTHERFUCKER.” You shout, your stride alerting him.
  348. >You see Pinkamena’s face. It’s neither relief or fear. No…
  349. >It’s a smile.
  350. >A chaotic smile as her pupils focus and her grin grows. Your brother grows confused between your appearance and her face. You glance over and see the reason why.
  351. >It’s a frying pan. Before you can appropriately react, Pinkamena swings. *CLANG.*
  352. >Your brother falls to the ground like a stack of potatoes. She doesn’t stop though. That smile still present. His head, his hands, his stomach, his groin.
  354. >He’s getting busted up, but you don’t care. For what you know, he’s had this coming. She continues, her smile widening.
  355. >Holy shit. She’s… enjoying this?
  356. >Suddenly, she throws the pan down at his stomach and reaches back for another weapon, chuckling sadistically.
  357. “Does it hurt?! Huh? Does it?! Heh…heh heh… “She asks him, not even noticed you there. She finds something and she sneers at him, those usually calming blue eyes now bloodshot specks.
  358. “It better, because in a moment, you won’t feel a fucking thing!” She says, her voice cold and malicious.
  359. >You stand wide-eyed. She has a knife.
  360. >Fuck.
  361. >She rears back, not afraid to take his life. She grabs him by the color and he audibly whimpers in fear. Before she can deliver the killing blow you shout.
  363. >You see her face contort to a look of clear confusion. She looks at you and stammers, and then whimpers in realization of what she was going to do. You rush over and hug her tightly, tears flowing from your eyes.
  364. “No, Pinkamena… don’t… It’ll cost more than his life if you do it… It’ll be yours, as well. Please… please…” You reason, the tears coming hard and fast. “I can’t lose you, Pinkamena. I love you, you know? Please… for me…”
  365. >Pinkamena goes limp in your arms and she drops the knife, letting it clatter to the floor. She then grips you tightly.
  366. >”I…I…I felt… her…” She chokes out, and then.
  367. > She buries her face in your chest and cries. It takes a moment, but you see light from the dining room. You turn and look toward the door. One of your aunts has poked their head in. Shit. She disappears.
  368. >You hold her and whisper security to her. You turn again. This time, your uncles and cousins are at the door. Your aunts rush to her side and take her off you and begin to comfort her while they try and figure out what the hell happened.
  369. >You turn and stand over your brother. Out, but still conscious. He breathes and stares up at you, his face busted up and bleeding. You forcefully grab him by the collar and say a single word to your family members.
  370. “Move.”
  371. >They all move, and pass the word on to every other family member. You drag this sorry excuse for a blood brother to the porch and stand him up, your fist gripping his collar. You feel the entire family at your back, but you’re too pissed to even care.
  372. “Brother?” You ask, making sure he’s still awake to hear you.
  373. >He sputters a “Mhuwh?” his teeth chipped from the pan.
  374. “From this moment on, you’re no longer my brother. Just a sick piece of filth that’ll NEVER. NEVER. Touch this fortune.” You pause as you look him up and down. You say your final words to him.
  375. Now… Get the hell out of my house.”
  376. >You shove him, and he falls down the stairs, groaning as he hits the bottom. Your uncles declare the party to be over as they head to the bottom of the stairs and cart him to his truck. They place him in, but they don’t take him anywhere until the family is heading out.
  377. >You rush back inside. Pinkamena is standing there, crying. You quickly wrap your arms around her and rock her gently.
  378. “It’ll be alright, okay? It’ll be alright. I’m here… I’m here…”
  379. >You pick her up and cart her off to bed, instructing the last leaving family member to close the door. They look at you with respect as they close the door.
  380. >You carry her off to your bed and she doesn’t let go until she falls asleep. You work your way to the couch. Ever dependable. Ever stalwart.
  381. >You loosen your tie and lean back. You’ll clean everything up in the morning… You’re dead tired as is…
  382. >This party was a disaster… but there’ll be others… You’re sure. And you’re sure…
  383. >That you want Pinkamena to be there for them.
  384. > Fatal Day 5 End.
  386. >Recurring Day Effect…
  387. >Day 6: Divide!
  389. >You open your eyes… You snap upright immediately, last night’s events playing lividly in your mind.
  390. >Fuck. What was that nightmare…? You were standing there, just letting her beat him and then…
  391. >You pulled up a chair. You sat and clapped with that same smile as she began gutting your brother. You called her over and wrapped your hands with hers, still warm with blood.
  392. “Excellent work, Pinkamena.” You praised her for it.
  393. >She giggled. “Thank you, sir…”
  394. >You shudder as it fades. Pinkamena actually a killer? And you as her accomplice? Shit… too surreal…
  395. >You remember that smile and her will to kill him. That sadistic look as she found a knife. The look of sheer happiness… Stop.
  396. >It was more than justified. You were going to beat his ass, too. But not kill him. You just…
  397. >You hear the sound of heels walking down the hallway. You immediately jump up and enter the hallway, pointing a finger in their direction.
  398. “Hold it.”
  399. They stop. You look at Pinkamena’s face. She’s surprised from what you can tell. She gets ready to say something but you waggle your finger at her.
  400. “Nope. You turn around, get outta that maid outfit, put on some of my clothes and relax in that bed until I say so.”
  401. “What? Sir, I-“ She begins to protest, but you immediately tack three words onto it.
  402. “That’s an order.”
  403. >She bites her lips and nods. She immediately bows and retreats back to your room. You sigh and head into the living room.
  404. >God damn, is there stuff everywhere! This’ll take some time to clean… but you’ll clean it. Alone.
  405. >She deserves to rest. And relax. Especially after last night. Shit. You grab a broom and a garbage bag. You got work to do.
  407. >2 hours later…
  409. >God damn that was boring and took two dawn hours. You stretch and look around. Looks alright. You walk to your room, checking on Pinkamena.
  410. >She’s laying on the bed in one of your T-shirts. And her undies.
  411. >You blush and stammer.
  412. “I… I thought I told y-you to put on my clothes, Pinkamena!” You say, surprised.
  413. >She blushes and sits up, pulling her knees to her chest.
  414. “I tried, but… Your pants are too big for me. I couldn’t make them, fit, even with a belt… Sorry.” She apologizes, her eyes half-open. I
  415. >You guess you woke her up. You sit on the edge of the bed and sigh. You hear her move closer toward you. You look back and she’s looking away shyly.
  416. >You shrug and lean back onto the bed. To your surprise, she lays on your chest, placing a stand of hair in her mouth and nibbling it. Her eyes flick to you, a bit nervous. You raise your eyebrows. This is sudden.
  417. “Something bothering you…? I’m here.” You offer.
  418. >She sighs and mumbles a bit to herself. “I… I felt her.” She says finally. She looks disturbed. “I felt… the crazy woman. That... “Me,” I guess…”
  419. >You raise your eyebrows, this one authentic. Just what did that mean? You puzzle it over in your head. She felt the woman who impersonated her? What does that mean?
  420. “The woman who impersonated me is my… other half. Happier. Loonier. More spontaneous.” She says. “But that moment… I felt her joy at having power. At having the ability to cause such pain that it handicapped the offender…” She bites back into her hair. “Sorry about your brother.”
  421. >You give her an incredulous look. Was she serious? No wait, really:
  422. “Are you serious? Fuck him! I was going to beat the bones out of his body and make them dance! You had every right to! You don’t have to be sorry, for him.” You say, placing your hand on her back.
  423. “I know you hated him… I hated him too. He kept flirting with me and making me clean up… Not even the kids were that messy. And I swear I could feel his eyes all over me… Ugh. I feel a lot better knowing that if I didn’t, you were.” She bites her lip and blushes. “You looked kinda… I dunno… amazing… when you were angry. I can’t explain that feeling about it…”
  424. >She scoots up and looks you in the eyes. She seems to want to know something…
  425. “When you stopped me… you made me feel… better. And you said…”
  426. >She blinks, her eyes suddenly a bit watery. She breathes slowly, as if bracing for a response she didn’t like.
  427. “You said you loved me. Was that… true? I mean… I…feel that way about you… sir. I know it’s …sudden… but I feel happier when I’m with you… and I feel like we get along well… so…is it? Sir?” She asks, her eyes hopeful as she stares into your eyes.
  428. >She said “sir” with such a adorable voice you swore you were going to hug the hell outta her. Aw, fuck it.
  429. >You wrap both of your arms around her and hold her close. She freezes, and then does the same. She smiles a bit, knowing the answer already.
  430. “Of course I love you, Pinkamena. I can’t see anything in my life ever feeling right without you…” You whisper, and hold her tighter.
  431. >You feel your heartbeat happily as you tell her how you feel. You go on and on about how you’ve admired her and how she made you feel more inclined to head the family affairs as their successor.
  432. >You watch as she cries silent tears of joy as she snuggles into your chest. You smile, knowing that come next morning, you’ll know exactly how to show her how much she means to you. She suddenly taps you and raises herself into a sitting position.
  433. >You raise yourself, unsure why she sat up so fast.
  434. “Pinkamena, are yo-“ You’re cut off as she leans in close and kisses you full on the lips.
  435. >You’re surprised, but you react by kissing her back, placing your hands on her back and head. You feel her tongue slide in your mouth and you viciously attack it, reveling in the passion of the moment. You feel her hands grip onto your shirt as she leans into the kiss, obviously trying to be the dominant one.
  436. >You lean back and let her, your hands roaming her body. She moans as you go over her thighs and up to her behind, playing with the sides of her panties. She breaks the kiss to look you in the eyes.
  437. “Sir… I-“ She begins, but you hush her with a finger.
  438. “It’s Anon, honey.” You state, your fingers tracing the edges of both pairs of her lips.
  439. >She nods and whispers to you.
  440. “Anon… I love you… “ She whispers, sliding her hands under your shirt and kissing you on the neck.
  441. “I love you too, Pinkamena.” You reply, sliding your hands under her shirt as well.
  442. >You place a hand on her breast and knead it, causing a moan. Taking it as a sign of arousal, you take both hands and begin to fondle her breasts lightly. She gasps and places her hands on your shirt, tugging it off of you. You lift yourself up, allowing her to take it off and toss it to the side of the bed.
  443. >She kisses your neck, and then trails the kisses down to your chest. You take the liberty to take her shirt off and toss it on the ground. You stare at her body, allured by the subtle curves she hides so well. You bring yourself to rest on your elbows as Pinkamena kisses your stomach. You blink as she stops right above your crotch and looks deep into your eyes.
  444. “May I, Anon?” She asks, her hand on the button already. She blushes as she feels your excitement through your pants, it twitching in response to her.
  445. >You nod, your eyes wide as she quickly undoes the button. She pulls down the zipper slowly, and your member promptly pitches a tent. She gasps as it happens, not expecting it.
  446. “Oh… Wow. Anon, it… it’s… big.” She says, and wraps her hand around it.
  447. >You sigh at the contact. She looks nervous as she begins to rub it, not sure if she should remove the boxers. You enjoy the sensations, though, as can’t wait to pay her back for this.
  448. >You suddenly feel warmth around your shaft and let out a small gasp. You look down and Pinkamena has freed your erection to the afternoon air. She begins stroking you lightly, causing you to moan a bit. You lean back, enjoying the contact. You feel the air around your cock get warmer as Pinkamena leans in close, breathing.
  449. >You look down and let out a groan as you feel- and see- Pinkamena’s tongue lick around your head, tasting you. You grip the sheets as she wraps her lips around your erection and pauses, looking up at you for a reaction. You’re busy trying to hang on for her, and not explode too early.
  450. >That plan, however, is thrown out of the window she begins to bob her head, taking in the head and bit of your shaft. You feel her tongue work non-stop as she sucks, lapping at your opening. You ball your fists tighter as she begins taking more into her mouth, letting out a grunt as you feel yourself getting close.
  451. “Ah! Oh damn… P-Pinkamena… that feels so fucking good…” You whisper, your voice heavy and exhausted. You suddenly feel her pull off slowly, licking your cock as she does. You sigh in relief. That was close…
  452. >You suddenly feel extreme softness and warmth as she squeezes your dick with her breasts. You moan in surprise as she begins lifting and dropping her tits around your shaft, her tongue tracing circles around your head.
  453. >You feel yourself get close to the edge and try to warn her.
  454. “P-Pink… Pinkamena…! I’m gonn-“ You lose the ability to speak, however, as she sucks on the head as she titfucks you, making audible slurping noises.
  455. >You immediately cum, your hips jerking upwards and your erection shooting thick ropes of cum right into her mouth. You hear her surprise and look down to say sorry, but she’s already swallowing it.
  456. >Fuck, that was… amazing. You feel all the strength and energy leave you for a moment, but you’re reminded that you need to return the favor when you feel her hand rubbing your now-flaccid erection.
  457. >You sit up and tell her to lay down on the bed. She obeys, her blue eyes shining with trust and expectation. You place your fingers on both sides of her panties and pull them off of her. A line of fluid connects the undies to her dripping slit. You lick your lips as Pinkamena spreads her legs, her breathing fast and tense.
  458. >You lean in, inhaling her scent and sighing. You begin licking her, causing her to gasp and bite her lip. You enjoy her taste, wrapping your arms around her thighs and eating her out. You bury you tongue inside of her, trying to find her sweet spot. When you do, you don’t let up on it.
  459. >Pinkamena moans as she places her hands on your hand and pushes you into her pussy, moaning and whimpering.
  460. “More, Anon! More… Mmh… Please!” She groans, playing with her own breasts.
  461. >You decide to finish her off, wrapping your lips around her clit and sucking furiously. Her legs lock around your head and she arches her back, a scream of pleasure escaping her lips as she orgasms. You lap up all of her cum, licking her clean afterwards. She shivers as you withdraw, your face still wet with her juices.
  462. >You’re ready and raring to go again, and she sees it. She looks you in the eyes as you position yourself at her entrance. You pause and ask her.
  463. “Pinkamena...? You sure you want me to…?” You ask, resting your head on her opening.
  464. >She nods, whispering back to you.
  465. “I’m sure… more sure than anything I’ve ever done before. Please, Anon…”
  466. >You thrust inside of her, feeling her gripping you as you attempt to slide more in. You kiss her as you pull out and thrust deeper, hitting deep inside her. She yelps, surprised at the contact.
  467. “Ah! Wh-whoa… That was…” She moans, confirming your suspicions: That was her womb.
  468. >You promise to stop if she wants, and you begin driving yourself in and out of her, kissing her and moaning as her wet pussy wraps around your cock. You begin to find a rhythm, slapping into her thighs as she moans into your mouth. You feel yourself getting close, and you whisper your concern in her ear.
  469. “Ah… Ah shit… I feel it coming, honey…” You warn her, giving it a few pumps before pulling out.
  470. >To your surprise, Pinkamena repositions herself on her hands and knees. She wiggles her shapely ass at you, begging you on.
  471. “It’s alright… I want you to. Go ahead, Anon… Let me serve you like this.” She spoke, looking back and spreading her legs.
  472. >You lean in and give her a rough lick before sliding yourself back inside of her. You hump her, causing her to grip the sheets and scream your name. You grab onto her breasts, teasing her nipples as you thrust into her faster and harder, producing slap after slap and her juices to flow all over your erection.
  473. >You feel yourself getting close as Pinkamena’s body tenses under you for the third time in a row. You moan into her ear as you give her one last thrust and empty yourself into her, shooting your load deep in her pussy. Her pussy tightens and milks every last drop, causing her to moan as well as she orgasms again.
  474. >You both collapse and bask in the afterglow, panting heavily and wrapping your arms around each other.
  475. “Hahh… Well… I’m going to have to fix the bed…” Pinkamena quips, smiling.
  476. >You chuckle and kiss her on the forehead.
  477. “Nah… You can go throw on something to eat later, though.”
  478. “Hahaha. Yes, sir.” She replies, sticking her tongue out as she closes her eyes.
  479. >You smile, drifting off.
  480. >Life just got even better… And you know why, this time.
  481. >Because you have the one you love right here with you.
  482. >Day 6, BREAKDOWN!
  484. >Stand By, Angel…
  485. >Day 7, Go!
  487. >God damn it’s a nice day.
  488. >You roll over to face Pinkamena-
  489. >And come into contact with the floor. You then try to rise, but you hit your head on the coffee table.
  490. >Wha? Coffee table? What the?
  491. >You rub your head and think… Oh yeah…
  493. >Last night…
  494. >After the intimate moment, you both threw on something and wandered out to the Living room. As promised, Pinkamena went to the kitchen. You peeked in after her and saw her chopping a bunch of vegetables a lightning speed.
  495. >You whistled and joked that she’d made cubes outta your brother at the rate. She cracked a smile and shook her head. You nodded and backed out.
  496. >Speaking of which… You received a phone call last night, too.
  497. >It was from your uncle. He said that the family turned your brother in and that he’s in jail. This made you feel… something. Pity, maybe. But you’re glad to hear it, either way.
  498. >He also asks when the next party will be. You reply with sometime next month. That shit’s costly in both time and money, yo.
  499. >You also call the maid company. You secretly speak with the representative. They mention that tomorrow is the last day.
  500. >You reply with “Not quite.” Which confuses the hell out of the rep.
  501. “What? Most people feel a week with that particular maid is enough… What are you suggesting, sir?”
  502. >You say the words “lifetime” and the woman on the phone gasps. You hear her whisper excitedly to people out of distance.
  503. “You’re serious, sir?! I mean, that’s a high honor to both the company and the maid! You do realize the expenses of-“
  504. >You state that money’s not an issue and that you’ll take her. The Rep swoons and says she’ll surprise her the next morning. You finish with a long list of requirements and her pay, which you don’t bat an eye at.
  505. >You’ve been spending chump change. One very important purchase didn’t hurt your folks. It won’t hurt you.
  506. > You remember her walking out of the kitchen a freshly made pizza. Which you couldn’t believe. Hot damn does she know how to cook.
  507. >You brought out the beers and drunk a bit. Not too much, since Pinkamena voiced her concern about you and drinking.
  508. >You two chow down, getting comfortable and watching a movie. Pinkamena eventually dozed off and laid on your lap. You decided to rest your eyes for a second and… You feel asleep.
  509. >Well, judging by the ease in which you kissed the floor, you assume that Pinkamena went home. You stretch and check the clock.
  510. >It’s 8:55. Holy. Shit.
  511. >You have a repeat of the very first day, dashing to the door and flinging it open. What greets you is a surprise.
  512. >Pinkamena with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. Her hair seems to shine and her eyes are like crystals. You note that she’s wearing an entirely new maid outfit: Her sleeves were adorned with blue and yellow ribbons, and her maid outfit was more flowing, more like an elegant dress. You note the light gray, silver and gold trimmings on it, and the heels that she was wearing. It almost looked like a wedding gown. You smile at the insignia emblazoned on the chest: Three golden balloons.
  513. >Well. You have her as a “Platinum service” maid, now. The outfit definitely reflects that.
  514. >She doesn’t say a word. Instead, she walks right up to you and kisses you on the lips. You return the favor, it being a soft one to celebrate. You smile wide as you pull away.
  515. “Sir. Thank you so much for this… I promise to be the very best I possibly can be, and serve you without question, Sir.” She says, her voice bordering on tears.
  516. “How was the surprise party?” You ask, taking her hands and looking into her eyes.
  517. >A flash of joy. She was excited, and you could tell.
  518. “It was amazing. Everyone tied my ribbons for me and they congratulated me and gave me an award and everything… I still can’t believe it. My new outfit… my insignia… I had a blast, really.”
  519. You see her well up again and you hug her.
  520. “I’m glad you did, Pinkamena. But you know, it’s not going to end there. “ You say, scooping her up and kicking the door closed.
  521. “It’s not? What do you mean? I’m Platinum-ranked, now. What else is there?” She asked, wrapping her arms around your neck.
  522. “You’re going to love it here. It’ll be a breeze, you doing what you do, and me… making sure my perfect maid has all she needs.” You say, reaching over for the phone and dialing up a number.
  523. “What? Who’re you-“ She begins to ask, but you hush her with a finger as the phone rings.
  524. “Hello? Anon? Ya called back real soon. What’s up?” Your uncle, of course.
  525. “You know what, Uncle? You’re right. I think we should do that real soon… how’s tomorrow sound?”
  526. “Hot damn, Anon! You’re shaping out to be just like your dad! Atta boy, son! Atta boy! I’ll spread the word like wildfire: There’s a party going on!” Your uncle shouts and immediately hangs up the phone.
  527. >You look at Pinkamena. She’s covering her mouth.
  528. “Did… Did he say… Party?!” She said, her hair poofing just a little.
  529. “Yeah… this time, It’ll be a real party. We’ll go all out this time: Games, a DJ, taking the party outside… all in celebration of your promotion, Pinkamena.”
  530. >That did it. She sprung up, bouncing in place and squeeing.
  531. “Oh my gosh! Oh Celestia! We’re going to party this place into the ground, Anon!” She says, her hair still long, but frizzed up.
  532. >You laugh and hug her tightly.
  533. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, Pinkamena. Not any other way.”
  534. >Day 7, Down!
  536. >Fin...
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