
Forlorn Dreams

Aug 10th, 2014
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  1. >"Anon, please!"
  2. "Fuck off, bookhorse. We're done for today."
  3. >The small purple equine frantically trotted alongside you as you made your way to the door.
  4. >"But we've only gotten done with half of the scheduled experiments for tonight!"
  5. "Twilight, we've done |five hundred| spell tests. How you even |came up| with a thousand experiments, let alone expected to get them done in a single night, is beyond me."
  6. >Reaching the door, you turn and place a finger at the end of her nose, halting her movement.
  7. "Now I'm going home, and going to bed. Because I am a very tired human."
  8. >You open the door and step across the threshold.
  9. "Goodnight."
  10. >Before any further protesting could be done, you close the door on her pleading purple face.
  11. >God damn, you love that little thaumaturge to death, but sometimes she could just drive you right up the wall.
  12. >No matter, she'll calm down by tomorrow.
  13. >Speaking of, judging by the position of the moon, you better get home before tomorrow beats you to it.
  15. >Absentmindedly shed clothing forms a trail to your bed; the solace of many at the end of a stressful day.
  16. >You're down to boxers, an undershirt, and your tie (which was being a bastard again) by the time you reach the edge of the bed.
  17. >You have no choice but to leave it, for the second your shin touches the covers, you lose all motor control and collapse facefirst into its sweet downy embrace.
  18. >The world melts away to peaceful nothingness as your conscious mind signs off for the day.
  20. >The lights flick on.
  21. >"SURPRISE!!!"
  22. >What the fuck.
  23. >With great pain, you wrench your eyes open once more.
  24. >Your house is full of ponies.
  25. >All of them staring at you, grinning madly.
  26. >Is this how you die?
  27. >One of them, who your addled mind managed to piece together as Pinkie Pie, is holding a cake.
  28. >It reads "Happy Anniversary!" in fancy frosting letters.
  29. >You succinctly express your current emotional state.
  30. "What the fuck."
  31. >The pink horse of torment giggles.
  32. >"Not fuck, silly. Cake!"
  33. >Damn, you could go for some fuck.
  34. >Or some sleep.
  35. >Perhaps both?
  36. >Reluctantly, you sit up on the bed, and work on getting to the bottom of this.
  37. "What is this?"
  38. >Pink giggles again.
  39. >"It's your anniversary, silly!"
  40. "Anniversary of what?"
  41. >"Anniversary of the first day you came to Equestria, silly!"
  42. >You blink wearily.
  43. "I got here a week ago."
  44. >Twilight pops up from the crowd.
  45. >"The party is partially to celebrate your astonishing rate of adaptation. Pinkie wanted it to be super special, so I had us do all those experiments to give her time to prepare."
  46. >At least that explains why so many of them involved balancing things on your nose.
  47. >Your father was a seal.
  48. >Rarity says words.
  49. "Twilight is right, dear. Why, just look at your marvelous home! I think it's safe to say no normal pony could build such a place in such a short amount of time."
  50. >You reaffix your half-aware gaze on the horse of fancy.
  51. "My house came with me. Crushed the town hall. It's teetering precariously on top of the building's remains."
  52. >"Uh, speakin' of that", Applejack pipes up, "Should we really have this many ponies in here at once like this?"
  53. >Your house groans in protest of continuing this charade.
  54. "My house makes a very good point. You should all get out."
  55. >Pinkie looks as crushed as Mayor Mare, Celestia rest her soul.
  56. >"But I spent all night setting up the party! Don't you want to celebrate?"
  57. "No. Get out."
  58. >"Surely you won't turn down a slice of cake?"
  59. >She prods at your mouth with the confection.
  60. "I would. Get out."
  61. >"Pleeeease?"
  62. >She gives you those big sad puppy dog eyes.
  63. >You sigh.
  64. "Fine."
  65. >"Hooray!"
  66. >She does a flip.
  67. >The cake remains upright the entire time.
  68. >You stand, grab your pillow, and start to make your way through the sea of ponies you hardly even know to the other side of the room.
  69. >The house tilts a few degrees to that side.
  70. >"Wait, where are you going?" Twilight inquires inquisitively.
  71. "I'm getting out, since none of you will."
  72. >You open the door, and deftly climb back down the shattered remnants of the town hall, leaping from place to place with unconscious familiarity.
  73. >Your mother was a mountain goat.
  74. >How are you even human?
  75. >You set out on your quest to get some fucking sleep.
  76. >Surely there was some place you could get some sleep in this crazy town.
  78. "Hey, Rainbow! Wake up!"
  79. >After a moment, light floods out the window of the cloud house floating far above, and a spectral-maned blue head pokes out.
  80. >"Anon? What is it?"
  81. "Can I sleep here for the night? The rest of the town is being dumb again."
  82. >"Uhh, sure I guess."
  83. "Awesome."
  84. >Silence for a moment.
  85. >"So, are you going to come inside, or..."
  86. "I know we're both half asleep, but you know I can't fly, right?"
  87. >"Oh, yeah. That is a problem."
  88. >She thinks for a moment.
  89. >"Oh! I know."
  90. >Taking off from the window, she flies to the top of her house, and pushes it to the ground in front of you.
  91. "Thanks."
  92. >You walk through the closed door with a pliff, the clouds reforming behind you.
  93. >She opens the door before coming in like a common plebeian.
  94. >"I don't really have a guest bed, so you'll have to sleep on the floor."
  95. "I can deal."
  96. >You drop your pillow to the cumulus floor, which was probably by all means more comfortable than your actual bed.
  97. >Letting relief once again wash over you, you turn and fall to this empyrean vessel that would gently whisk you away to slumber.
  99. >You lay on the cold, hard ground immediately below Rainbow's house for a few moments.
  100. "This isn't working."
  101. >"I could have told you that before you came inside."
  102. "I'm sure you get plenty of chances."
  103. >Standing back up despite your body's every protest, you pick up your pillow and walk through the wall.
  105. >You inflict three sharp raps on the small wooden door.
  106. >After a moment, a much less blindingly colored pegasus answers, rubbing sleep from her eyes.
  107. >"Anon? It's very late, is something wrong?"
  108. "Yes, very much. I am dead tired and can't find a quiet place to sleep. Can I stay here the night?"
  109. >"Well, of course you can. Come on in, I'll get the couch ready."
  111. >You lay on the couch, eyes wide open.
  112. >Several macaws and toucans and other loud asshole birds are squawking incessantly.
  113. >The entire house smells like unwashed animals.
  114. >You think you stepped in something on the way in.
  115. >You are currently the small spoon to a large grizzly bear.
  116. "This isn't working."
  118. >Door, meet knuckles.
  119. >The door flees your powerful knocking.
  120. >A tiny yellow apple answers the door.
  121. >"Anon? I thought you was at that big party everypony was at, it bein' fer you an' all."
  122. "Party stupid. Need sleep. Bed?"
  123. >"Ya can sleep in the barn if ya like."
  125. >Holy shit, fuck hay.
  126. >You had no idea anything could be this itchy.
  127. >And you once rubbed ant pheromones all over your body in an attempt to gain super strength, or perhaps some extra arms.
  128. >Man, last Saturday was a trip.
  129. >Still not sure how that ended in horseworld.
  130. >No matter, you needed to find a more comfortable bedding.
  131. >Maybe there was some softer hay in the loft?
  132. >You take your pillow in your teeth and begin ascending the ladder.
  133. >Cresting the top, you come upon Big Mac, balls deep in a cow.
  134. >"Uh, ah can explain."
  135. >"Big Mac, why'd ya stop? Oh! Hello there!"
  136. "Thhs hssnt hhrkhng."
  138. >You drag your pillow behind you as you make your way across the darkened town, in search of your salvation.
  139. >Eventually, an energetic white unicorn bounces up beside you, regarding you from behind a pair of rose-tinted glasses.
  140. >"Hey Anon, didn't take you for a night owl. ...Whoa, you look terrible, is there anything I can do to help?"
  141. "Are you a bed?"
  142. >"No, but I have one."
  144. >The instant the door is opened, your hair is blown back by the force of the music emanating from within.
  145. >Vinyl has to shout over it to even be heard.
  146. >"Come on in! Bed's this way!"
  147. >You remain motionless.
  148. >Slowly, you reach over and close the door, caging the cacophonous beast once more.
  149. >For a moment you both stand in silence, staring at the door.
  150. "I have no idea what I was expecting."
  151. >"You know, I don't either."
  152. "How did she even get up into the hayloft anyway?"
  153. >"Beg pardon?"
  154. "Nothing."
  156. >You are basically out of options at this point.
  157. >Desperate for a reprieve, you make for your final hope.
  158. >The castle looms in the distance.
  160. >"Anonymous? What are you doing here? And why are you wearing so little clothing? Did you–"
  161. >You put a finger to the Princess of the night's lips, shushing her.
  162. "Luna, I just walked all the way from Ponyville in my underwear. Sleep has been abolished there, so I seek refuge. Can you accommodate me for the night?"
  163. >She looks apprehensive.
  164. >"We are sorry, Anonymous, but..."
  165. >The sun rises.
  166. >"...The night is over."
  167. >You blink, staring directly at the burning orb of day at the horizon.
  168. >You turn back to Luna, a deranged grin overtaking your disheveled face.
  169. "Nonsense. The night is right here."
  170. >"Excuse me? Wait, what are you–"
  171. >Grabbing hold of the princess' starry mane, you envelop yourself in it, climbing onto her back at the same time.
  172. >You quickly get comfortable, and at long last, drift away to sleep.
  174. >"Sister? Why is Anonymous sleeping in your mane?"
  175. >"Be quiet."
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