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Nov 28th, 2014
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  1. It has been over a week since I decided to stop being a vehement racist. It all started out as a bit of friendly, ethnic banter amongst online peers. But it slowly but surely escalated into something much more serious than that.
  3. An online associate of mine who will remain anonymouse introduced me to this wonderful and strange place on the internet that is now known to me as /new/, a sub-forum on an image-board that enlightened me to the concept of racial superiority. This induced a paradigm shift in my worldview, rendering my previously held beliefs obsolete. I specifically remember thinking to myself, "for how many years have I unknowingly been plugged into the system, with the check and balances being my own cognitive dissonance and bigotry?" Truly mind-opening was this experience I continued to lurk on the board soaking up all this fringe knowledge that had been demonstrated in world history for millennium with the fall and rise of great white empires. Up until the board was axxed from the site for reasons I still remain unware of. My online associate, however, spoke of how Moot was a "kike", a derogative racial term which I knew referred to a person of Jewish ethnicity. A little taken back by my associate's anti-sematic tirade, particularly in reference to Moot's Jewishness stemming from his mother's maiden name 'Cohen'. Yet he plunged further into the rabit hole, introducing me to the Jewish worldwide conspiracy that had been outlined and meticulously planned in their 'doctrine', "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" .
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