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a guest
Sep 5th, 2015
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  1. {
  2. "Tabs": [
  3. {
  4. "Name": "<color=#0099FF>Euphoria</color>",
  5. "Pages": [
  6. {
  7. "TextLines": [
  8. "Welcome to Euphoria official server. Here you can find all of the server information, rules and more."
  9. ]
  10. }
  11. ],
  12. "HeaderAnchor": 0,
  13. "HeaderFontSize": 32,
  14. "TextFontSize": 16,
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  16. "OxideGroup": "player"
  17. },
  18. {
  19. "Name": "<color=#0099FF>Features</color>",
  20. "Pages": [
  21. {
  22. "TextLines": [
  23. "20x Gathering Rate for All Resources",
  24. "Teleportation System",
  25. "Clans",
  26. "Economy",
  27. "Ingame GUI Shops",
  28. "Instant Crafting Time",
  29. "Smelting Rate 5x",
  30. "Private Messaging System",
  31. "Kits",
  32. " "
  33. ]
  34. }
  35. ],
  36. "HeaderAnchor": 0,
  37. "HeaderFontSize": 32,
  38. "TextFontSize": 16,
  39. "TextAnchor": 3,
  40. "OxideGroup": "player"
  41. },
  42. {
  43. "Name": "<color=#0099FF>Rules</color>",
  44. "Pages": [
  45. {
  46. "TextLines": [
  47. "1. No Hacking.",
  48. "2. No Bug Exploitation",
  49. "3. No Advertising.",
  50. "4. Do Not Spam Chat.",
  51. "5. Do Not Impersonate Staff.",
  52. "6. Do Not Ask Staff For Items, Currency or BluePrints."
  53. ]
  54. }
  55. ],
  56. "HeaderAnchor": 0,
  57. "HeaderFontSize": 32,
  58. "TextFontSize": 16,
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  61. },
  62. {
  63. "Name": "<color=#0099FF>Voting</color>",
  64. "Pages": [
  65. {
  66. "TextLines": [
  67. "loading..."
  68. ]
  69. }
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  76. },
  77. {
  78. "Name": "<color=#0099FF>Recruitment</color>",
  79. "Pages": [
  80. {
  81. "TextLines": [
  82. " ",
  83. "This page will show any and all information you need to know about when we're recruiting, what ",
  84. "positions are available, what we look for in staff and more."
  85. ]
  86. }
  87. ],
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  94. {
  95. "Name": "<color=#0099FF>Staff</color>",
  96. "Pages": [
  97. {
  98. "TextLines": [
  99. " ",
  100. "There are currently <color=#DF3A01>[2] Owners [0] Administrators [0] Moderators</color>. Please do not ask for",
  101. "a staff position, it will be made clear with server announcements and on the 'Recruitment' page as",
  102. "to when we need more staff for the server.",
  103. " ",
  104. "<size=32><color=#0099FF>Owners:</color></size>",
  105. " ",
  106. " ",
  107. "Buzz",
  108. "ManiK",
  109. " ",
  110. "<size=32><color=#0099FF>Administrators:</color></size>",
  111. " ",
  112. " ",
  113. "<size=32><color=#0099FF>Moderators:</color></size>",
  114. " "
  115. ]
  116. }
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  120. "TextFontSize": 16,
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  123. },
  124. {
  125. "Name": "<color=#0099FF>Plugins</color>",
  126. "Pages": [
  127. {
  128. "TextLines": [
  129. " ",
  130. "loading..."
  131. ]
  132. }
  133. ],
  134. "HeaderAnchor": 0,
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  136. "TextFontSize": 16,
  137. "TextAnchor": 3,
  138. "OxideGroup": "player"
  139. },
  140. {
  141. "Name": "<color=#DF3A01>Mod Commands</color>",
  142. "Pages": [
  143. {
  144. "TextLines": [
  145. " ",
  146. "loading..."
  147. ]
  148. }
  149. ],
  150. "HeaderAnchor": 0,
  151. "HeaderFontSize": 32,
  152. "TextFontSize": 16,
  153. "TextAnchor": 3,
  154. "OxideGroup": "moderator"
  155. },
  156. {
  157. "Name": "<color=#DF3A01>Admin Commands</color>",
  158. "Pages": [
  159. {
  160. "TextLines": [
  161. " ",
  162. "loading..."
  163. ]
  164. }
  165. ],
  166. "HeaderAnchor": 0,
  167. "HeaderFontSize": 32,
  168. "TextFontSize": 16,
  169. "TextAnchor": 3,
  170. "OxideGroup": "admin"
  171. },
  172. {
  173. "Name": "<color=#DF3A01>Owner Commands</color>",
  174. "Pages": [
  175. {
  176. "TextLines": [
  177. "Airdrop Controller",
  178. " ",
  179. "aire.drop - drops to random pos, using DropLocation settings from data file.",
  180. "aire.topos x z or x,z or x;z- drops to specified location",
  181. "aire.toplayer <player name/steam_id> - drops to specified player",
  182. "aire.tome - works only from chat! drops to player, who's calling",
  183. "aire.load <setttings_name> - loads settings file with specified name. Important note: plugin saves settings file to /data folder.",
  184. "It uses naming convention: airdropExtended_<settings_name>.json If you need to load settings file airdropExtended_goodloot.json type aire.load goodloot.",
  185. "aire.reload <settings_name> - reload current settings from file.",
  186. " [settings_name] - save current settings to settings_name or to current settings.",
  187. "aire.generate <settings_name> - generates new settings file with all items from game, using standard presets. Should work with new game updates."
  188. ]
  189. },
  190. {
  191. "TextLines": [
  192. "AuthLevel:",
  193. " ",
  194. "/authlevel player authlevel",
  195. "Sets the auth level for player. Valid levels are 0 (player), 1 (moderator), and 2 (owner).",
  196. "Ex. /authlevel Wulf 2",
  197. " ",
  198. "Finder:",
  199. " ",
  200. "- /FindPlayers NAME/STEAMID - returns all players AND sleepers that partially or fully match the",
  201. "name, or returns the player that has the specific steamid (or partial steamid)",
  202. "- /FindDoors NAME/STEAMID - returns all doors owned by a specific player",
  203. "- /FindSleepingBag NAME/STEAMID - returns all sleeping bags owned by a specific player",
  204. "- /FindPrivileges NAME/STEAMID returns all cupboards where the target player is whitelisted.",
  205. "- /FindTP ID - teleport to any of your previous results.",
  206. "- /FindItem ''Full name or Shortname'' ''optional:Minimum amount'' - this will look everywhere on your server",
  207. "to find the items that match the name and the amount."
  208. ]
  209. },
  210. {
  211. "TextLines": [
  212. "Admin Protection:",
  213. " ",
  214. "/ap - Enables AP in mormal mode.",
  215. "/ap s - Enables AP in complete silent mode with no messages to attacker or admin",
  216. "/ap m - Enables AP with no messages to player",
  217. "/ap p ''PLAYERNAME'' m/s - Enables AP for ANOTHER player with selected mode (m or s)",
  218. "/ap id ''STEAMID'' m/s - Same as /ap p, but with steamID usade;",
  219. "/aplist - List of currently active admin protections.",
  220. "/ap - in any mods enabled will disable it.",
  221. "/ap p ''PLAYERNAME'' - will disable if for player if it was enabled.",
  222. "/ap id ''STEAMID'' - same as /ap p but with steam id"
  223. ]
  224. },
  225. {
  226. "TextLines": [
  227. "Give:",
  228. " ",
  229. "- /give ''player'' ''item/kit'' ''optional:amount'' - give to a player",
  230. "- /giveme ''item/kit'' ''optional:amount''",
  231. "- inv.give ''item/kit'' ''optional:amount'' - give to self an item",
  232. "- inv.giveplayer ''player/steamid'' ''item/kit'' ''optional:amount'' - give to a player an item",
  233. "- inv.giveall ''item'' ''optional:amount'' - give item to all players",
  234. "add '' BP'' at the end of an item to transform it as a blueprint.",
  235. "- /give ''Reneb'' ''Thompson BP'' 1 - will give me 1 blueprint",
  236. "And again don't forget the '' ''",
  237. "- /giveme ''Thompson BP'' - will give me 1 blueprint",
  238. "- inv.giveplayer ''Mughisi'' ''kit'' - will show me the list of all avaible kits",
  239. "- inv.giveplayer ''Mughisi'' ''kit'' ''starter'' - will give Mughisi a kit starter"
  240. ]
  241. },
  242. {
  243. "TextLines": [
  244. "Build:",
  245. " ",
  246. "/buildhelp -> To show you the full commands list",
  247. "- /build foundation -> To build a foundation where you are looking at (has an AI and will try to align to other structures, see the howto)",
  248. "- /spawn foundation -> To build a foundation where you are looking at (has NO AI)",
  249. "- /build ''structure'' ''Optional:HeightAdjustment'' ''Optional:Grade'' ''Optional:Health'' -> To build the structure with AI",
  250. "- /buildup ''structure'' ''Optional:HeightAdjustment'' -> To build the structure on top of another one. default heightadjustment is 3 (1 level), you may set is negative to build down",
  251. "- /buildrotate - to do a rotation of the structure (rust rotations)",
  252. "- /buildrotate XX - to do your own rotation of a structure"
  253. ]
  254. },
  255. {
  256. "TextLines": [
  257. "Name Change:",
  258. " ",
  259. "/rename player name",
  260. "Changes player's name to new name.",
  261. "/rename player reset",
  262. "Resets player's name to original name.",
  263. " ",
  264. "Sign Artist:",
  265. "/sil <URL>",
  266. " ",
  267. "Tear it up!:",
  268. "/tearup lookup (name) to search the servers item list. Then /tearup (name of bp)",
  269. "trackitemcount - Will give you the total amount in game of certain items, example ",
  270. "( /trackitemcount ''timed explosive charge'' - There is X timed explosive charges in game).",
  271. "trackitem - Will track every container, player or both and print the location and amount."
  272. ]
  273. },
  274. {
  275. "TextLines": [
  276. "Zone Manager:",
  277. " ",
  278. "- /zone_add - Add a zone",
  279. "- /zone_edit XXXX - Edit a zone",
  280. "- /zone option1 value1 option2 value2 option3 value3 etc - set the zone as you want it.",
  281. "- /zone_list - Gets the list of all current zones",
  282. "- /zone_remove XXXX- deletes a specific zone",
  283. "- /zone_reset - resets all zones",
  284. " ",
  285. "autolights true/false - autolights on or off depending on the time of the day (settable in the configs)",
  286. "eject true/false - all players will be kicked out of the zone when trying to enter it (1)",
  287. "enter_message ''XXXXX''/false - set a message that will be sent to players when they enter the zone",
  288. "leave_message ''XXXXXX''/false- set a message that will be sent to players when they leave the zone",
  289. "pvpgod true/false - all players have PVP god mode in the zone",
  290. "pvegod true/false - all players have PVE god mode in the zone"
  291. ]
  292. },
  293. {
  294. "TextLines": [
  295. "sleepgod true/false - all sleepers have god mode in the zone",
  296. "undestr true/false - all buildings can't be destroyed in the zone",
  297. "name XXX - set a name for the zone",
  298. "radius XXX - set the radius of the zone (default is 20)",
  299. "nochat true/false - prevent players from chatting in this zone",
  300. "nobleed true/false - prevent players from taking damage from bleeding",
  301. "nobuild true/false - no buildings can be built in the zone (2)",
  302. "noboxloot true/false - prevent players from looting boxes",
  303. "nodecay true/false - remove decay from all buildings and deployables in the area",
  304. "nodeploy true/false - items will not be allowed to be deployed (3)",
  305. "nocorpse true/false - remove players corpse if they die in this zone",
  306. "nogather true/false - prevent people from gathering in this zone"
  307. ]
  308. },
  309. {
  310. "TextLines": [
  311. "noplayerloot true/false - prevent players from looting other players or sleepers",
  312. "nopve true/false - animals will be invulnerable",
  313. "noremove true/false - block players from using the remover tool in here. default is set to true.",
  314. "nosuicide true/false - can't write ''kill'' in the console, to commit suicide",
  315. "nowounded true/false - when a player is supposed to die, he dies, doesn't go by the wounded state",
  316. "npcfreeze true/false - freeze the NPC (animals won't move any more in the zone)",
  317. "killsleepers true/false - all sleepers will be killed when they go to sleep here",
  318. "radiation XX/false - add radiation to the zone",
  319. "notp true/false - no teleportation commands can be used to get in or out of the zone (m-Teleportation)",
  320. "nokits true/false - no kits can be requested inside the zone (Kits plugin)"
  321. ]
  322. },
  323. {
  324. "TextLines": [
  325. "Weather Controller:",
  326. " ",
  327. "/weather {weather_type} {on/off} {Optional: Duration in seconds}",
  328. "Weather Types are: rain, clouds, fog, wind, mild, average, heavy and max. (Max turns everything on)",
  329. "/weather off (Disables all weather)",
  330. "/weather auto (Allows the weather to go back to automatic, so rust will control weather)",
  331. " ",
  332. "Inv Cleaner:",
  333. "/invcleanall - Cleans everyones inventory [NEEDS PERMISSION].",
  334. "/invcleanme - Clean your inventory.",
  335. "/invclean ''player'' - Cleans the target's inventory [NEEDS PERMISSION]."
  336. ]
  337. },
  338. {
  339. "TextLines": [
  340. "Finder:",
  341. " ",
  342. "- /FindPlayers NAME/STEAMID - returns all players AND sleepers that partially or fully match the",
  343. "name, or returns the player that has the specific steamid (or partial steamid)",
  344. "- /FindDoors NAME/STEAMID - returns all doors owned by a specific player",
  345. "- /FindSleepingBag NAME/STEAMID - returns all sleeping bags owned by a specific player",
  346. "- /FindPrivileges NAME/STEAMID - returns all cupboards where the target player is whitelisted.",
  347. "- /FindTP ID - teleport to any of your previous results.",
  348. "- /FindItem ''Full name or Shortname'' ''optional:Minimum amount'' - this will look everywhere on",
  349. "your server to find the items that match the name and the amount."
  350. ]
  351. },
  352. {
  353. "TextLines": [
  354. "EasyAirdrop:",
  355. " ",
  356. "/massdrop [amount] - spawns [amount] airdrops at once... -> At least 2!",
  357. "/airdrop [player] - spawns an airdrop directly onto [player] (Plugin AirdropControl needed!)",
  358. "/airdrop - spawns an airdrop at a random location",
  359. "/airdrop [x] [y] [z] - spawns an airdrop to a specified location (Plugin AirdropControl needed!)",
  360. " ",
  361. "Easy Mute:",
  362. " ",
  363. "/mute <PlayerName> <Time in format:#D#H#M> <Reson:Optional> - mute selected player",
  364. "/unmute <PlayerName> - unmute player",
  365. "/mutelist - list of all active mutes",
  366. "/mutesave - force save for data",
  367. " ",
  368. "BuildingGrades:",
  369. " ",
  370. "/up"
  371. ]
  372. }
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  384. "MinX": 0.15,
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