
Stella x Vines

Sep 4th, 2016
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  1. A vine lashes at Sky out of nowhere, sending the pick flying across the nearby chasm, landing in a bush hanging precariously-close to the edge. Sky with her eyes widened backs away slowly from the now-sentient plant mass, taking care not to make any sudden movements.
  2. “We need those gems…” Sky whispered to Stella, pointing to the glowing green veins that resided inside of the living being. Stella looked at the plant, numerous vines coming to life and beginning to take notice of the heroes’ presence. She suddenly gained a smirk, and took a step towards the writhing vines.
  3. “I’ve got this.” She confidently said as she neared one of the larger vines. It lashed out blindingly quick at Stella, but was stopped midair as Stella reached out her toned arm, gently caressing the tip of the vine with her grizzled hoof. The sensation appears to overtake the vine as it shudders in apparent arousal, the shivering movements progressing upwards through the singular vine’s length, sending the entire mass into a small convulsion. The plant relaxes for only a moment, until it suddenly lashes out with all its appendages.
  4. “Shit! Okay, hold on I can just-“
  5. “Nnnnng-no, just get the gems already!” Stella groaned out as she was held up by each of her appendages, rendering her body quite helpless. As the larger vines were occupied with the weight, the smaller ones came in to return the favor given to them tenfold. Stella felt goosebumps as the vines wriggled themselves all over her body, beginning to secrete a rather slippery substance from the tips. It wasn’t until they had completely covered every crevice of the earth pony’s now-gooey body that they began to use the lubricant for its true purpose.
  6. “Where the hell is it!?” Sky exasperated as she rifled through the large overgrowth on the other side of the chasm, trying to find the bush containing the pick. She looked back at Stella, whose expression could only be described as one of confliction. The vines were playfully prodding at the entrance to almost every one of Stella’s orifices. Each slight twirl of the tip made her run wild with anticipation, which she verily hated herself for. Soon enough, the vines tired of simply teasing, and began to go in deeper, much deeper.
  7. “HHMPH!” Stella let out a muffled cry as a thick vine trespassed into her mouth, pressing down her tongue as it made its way further in, causing Stella to uncontrollably-drool; her lower body was spared nothing as one long vine penetrated her anal cavity, while what felt like ten near-microscopic tendrils made their way into her dripping marehood. What was most unnerving, however, was the more dexterious vines having their way with her head. She felt lubricant mix with mucus as two vines lightly wriggled into her nose, filling her brain with the extraordinarily-strong scent of dirt and grass. Her ear too were spared nothing as two other vines entered her ears ever so gently, not going nearly as far to harm her, but just enough to sensually massage Stella in places she never knew she had feeling in.
  8. “Got it!” Sky announced as she found the pick hidden under the overgrowth of leaves and branches, flying over the crevice to begin extracting the green gems. The foreign objects within Stella stiffened once they noticed the pick driving into their main body, but were too preoccupied with violating Stella to care. Each swing of the pick inspired the vines to fuck harder, faster, deeper, leaving Stella reeling from both the excruciating pain and the blinding pleasure. With one last fall of the pick, the gems were released from their holdings, sending the vines into overdrive.
  9. “MMMMMNGF!” Stella yelled out as Sky could only watch as the base of each vine swelled, slowly moving upwards towards the ends. Stella took notice and desperately tried to escape, but the plants maintained their iron grip. The loads reached their destinations at the same time, exploding creamy, white sap everywhere in Stella’s wholly unvirgin body. The vines immediately released their grip on Stella, who fell to the grassy cave floor with a *thud*, and retracted back into their original positions.
  10. “Uh, are you alright?” Sky asked as she neared Stella’s recovering body. Plant semen was running profusely out of vagina, while a mixture of cum and waste was slowly leaking out of her twat. Stella began to cough, spitting out whatever she hadn’t already swallowed, as both her nose and ears leaked fluids, mixed with their respective matter of snot and earwax.
  11. “T-the *cough* things I do for you…” Stella sputtered out as she got up to her feet, beginning to saunter her way out of the large opening, trying hard to forget what had happened here today.
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