
Four Cannon Bestiary

Aug 4th, 2013
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  9. --- The Official Four Cannon Bestiary ---
  11. Welcome to the Bestiary, a GM's one stop guide to all things monster. Below is a collection of local fauna (and some flora), along with their SSS stats and some description. All monsters here are guaranteed canon and as such can be freely used within their environment without conflicting with lore (Of course, a GM still needs to not overdo it). The following stats are *suggestions*, the GM is free to modify their stats up or down in difficulty to scale with the needs of his adventure. There is a public gDoc to add monster stats for review and incorporation into this document, link pending.
  13. The stat blocks include HP, AC, any attacks the monster has, any special abilities, where they are found, a challenge rating and a description. Challenge rating describes how dangerous a single monster is to a single pony, and has the following categories: Nuisance, Low, Medium, Hard and Extreme. A monster rated 'Nuisance' poses no real risk to any player, an example would be a single bunny. A 'Low' rated foe can be taken on by a single pony, but not without injury,such as a lone cockroach. Any creature rated 'Medium' should not be engaged alone and will likely kill or severely maim a lone pony, the most prominent example being a Timberwolf. A 'Hard' enemy is DEADLY and can effectively take a typical adventuring group, examples include a Fungus Monstrosity or Necrotic Horror. Anything rated 'Extreme' is NOT to be engaged and will surely TPK even the best party, an example would be a Cave Troll.
  16. Without further adieu dive into the monster infested wilderness of this icy land:
  19. - Giant Cockroach -
  20. HP: 15
  21. AC: 10
  22. Attack: Once, 1d4 damage
  23. Special Abilities: None
  24. Environment: Underground, almost anywhere, common
  25. Challenge Rating: Low
  26. Description: A giant, horse sized cockroach. These disgusting bugs infest nearly all underground tunnels. They mostly eat carrion, but if hungry will gladly make more carrion, out of the PCs, if needed. They attack with their sharp and strong mandibles and often gang up on players. They are not intelligent enough to go for weakened players or such and normally attack at random or whoever struck them last. They do not flee.
  28. - Timberwolf -
  29. HP: 20
  30. AC: 10
  31. Attack: Once, 1d6 bite
  32. Special Abilities: Stench
  33. - Stench: The GM may allow the players to roll to detect the stench of Timberwolves before they actually attack. The GM may set the DC as he sees fit to account for wind and size of the group.
  34. Environment: Woods all around Four Cannon, common
  35. Challenge Rating: Medium
  36. Description: Timberwolves are cunning and nasty predators resembling normal wolves but made of animated twigs and leaves. They are extremely dangerous as they often attack in groups and gang up on lone ponies, not to mention their preferred hunting time is at night. They make traveling the woods and plains around Four Cannon extremely dangerous at night.
  38. - Cockatrice -
  39. HP: 20
  40. AC: 10
  41. Attack: Once, 1d3 peck
  42. Special Abilities: Petrifying Gaze
  43. - Petrifying Gaze: Anyone attacking a cockatrice must roll a standard roll or meet it's gaze, taking 1d4 of petrification damage. The cockatrice can also offensively use this, forcing a player to roll a standard roll or take 1d6 of petrification damage, this is an attack action. If somehow convinced, a cockatrice can also reverse this ability to heal any petrification damage at a rate of 1d6HP/round. A blindfold or similar protects against this ability but renders the PC blind. Closing one's eyes alone is not enough.
  44. Environment: Caves and forest, extremely rare(none currently known to live in the area)
  45. Challenge Rating: Medium
  46. Description: Strange hybrid creatures of dragon and chicken, cockatrices most fearsome ability is their petrifying gaze, turning a pony to stone in seconds. They are very dangerous to lone ponies, but luckily are loners and do not attack in groups. In reality, they don't turn a whole creature into stone but only it's outer layer, which is enough to kill it. They then break open the stone shell and feast on the fresh innards.
  48. - Skeleton Earth Pony -
  49. HP: 10
  50. AC: 10
  51. Attack: Once with +2 hit, 1d4 buck or weapon
  52. Special Abilities: Vulnerability to Bludgeoning (50% more damage), Resistance to Piercing (50% less damage), Undead
  53. -Undead: This creature is not alive. It does not need to eat, drink, breathe or be kept warm. It is immune to all forms of poison and disease.
  54. Environment: Around cursed objects and locations, uncommon
  55. Challenge Rating: Low
  56. Description: The bones of an Earth Pony reanimated with dark magic. While fearsome looking they aren't tougher than their living counterparts and are brittle, making them vulnerable to blunt attacks. They have no intelligence themselves and only blindly follow orders, or if they are uncontrolled, they randomly attack anything nearby that moves.
  58. - Skeleton Pegasus -
  59. HP: 10
  60. AC: 12
  61. Attack: Once, 1d4 buck or weapon
  62. Special Abilities: Vulnerability to Bludgeoning, Resistance to Piercing, Undead
  63. Environment: Around cursed objects and locations, uncommon
  64. Challenge Rating: Low
  65. Description: The necromantically reanimated bones of a Pegasus. It might seem spooky but is no tougher than a normal pony and has no intelligence to speak of.
  67. - Skeleton Unicorn -
  68. HP: 10
  69. AC: 10
  70. Attack: Once, 1d4 buck or weapon
  71. Special Abilities: Vulnerability to Bludgeoning, Resistance to Piercing, Undead, Spellcasting
  72. -Spellcasting: A Skeleton Unicorn is capable of casting three different spells. Each require a full turn of concentration and a d20 roll against a DC depending on the spell, if the skeleton rolls a nat 1, it's spell backfires tremendously for 1d8 self harm:
  73. --Necromantic Empowerment: This powerful burst of necromantic energy revitalizes nearby undead and disrupts living creature's life force. All nearby undead gain 5 HP, this *can* increase their HP beyond their normal maximum. All nearby living creatures must roll a d20 vs 8 or retch and vomit for 1d2 rounds. No undead can be affected by this spell more than once per day. DC: 12
  74. --Mindcontrol: This powerful spell infiltrates the mind of an enemy, making them follow the Skeleton's command. This basically is always 'kill all living creature's nearby'. Once cast, the victim resists with a d20 vs 11. This spell lasts for 1d4 rounds but the victim may reroll to break free each round before they act. The character's initiative order remains unchanged. DC: 14
  75. --Magic Missle: This is a basic ranged attack for 1d4 damage. DC: 10
  76. Environment: Around cursed objects and locations, very rare
  77. Challenge Rating: Medium (GM warning: They become *significantly* tougher if they have some way to keep the PCs at range or have allies)
  78. Description: This is a more powerful undead, retaining it's spellcasting abilities even after death.Most unicorn skeletons do not retain this ability, treat them as Earth Pony Skeletons without the +2 to hit. These fearsome magical foes retain a glimmer of cunning and as such know to keep enemies at distance and what spells to use against what foes. Normally, a unicorn skeleton begins combat by buffing it's allies if it has any and then trying to mindcontrol the most heavily armored foe. It then peppers it's enemies with magic fire and routinely recasts it's mindcontrol spell.
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