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Melissa argues

a guest
Jun 27th, 2012
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  1. _Melissa_> guys i can still be watching main chat u never know so watch your manner please
  2. _Melissa_> hi Jimbly
  3. Jimbly> snogggs Mel
  4. flowergirl615> wait wut
  5. flowergirl615> thought went snoozin' or sumthin
  6. _Melissa_> doesn't matter if i am or not still respect our rules in here if no hosts or Sir Gemini's is around
  7. flowergirl615> it's cool though
  8. _Melissa_> we will know about it one way or another so please mind your lanuage and manner
  9. flowergirl615> we understand each other
  10. flowergirl615> these are my brothers
  11. _Melissa_> it does matter
  12. Headphones_Kidd> dont argue with her lol
  13. Headphones_Kidd> youll losrt
  14. flowergirl615> it's the only time she'll respond to me
  15. _Melissa_> when u are swearing it isn't tolerated in here u can do it in whispers or go to another world place but not on main ground zero
  16. flowergirl615> i didn't swear
  17. _Melissa_> flowergirl615> /mu/ is tight if you can just ignore the shitpost
  18. _Melissa_> just please keep it clean this is a pg chat that is all we are asking
  19. _Melissa_> ty
  20. flowergirl615> that word isn't filtered so i thought it was cool
  21. flowergirl615> my b
  22. _Melissa_> have fun
  23. _Melissa_> ok why would u want to even do that if u can't see it
  24. _Melissa_> but we can
  25. flowergirl615> wut?
  26. _Melissa_> so i am just asking just be nicer and cleaner when chatting in main ground zero
  27. flowergirl615> alright
  28. Headphones_Kidd> Melissa
  29. flowergirl615> chill
  30. Headphones_Kidd> stop lol
  31. flowergirl615> i'm cool
  32. Headphones_Kidd> you start so much crap mel
  33. _Melissa_> well that is your opinion
  34. Headphones_Kidd> my opinion is right
  35. _Melissa_> and those i just help for a couple of hours seemed to think i am ok
  36. Headphones_Kidd> therefore you are wrong
  37. _Melissa_> and did i not just try to help u earlier?
  38. flowergirl615> who me?
  39. _Melissa_> and even told u to ask Sir Gemini or Jimbly's when they are around
  40. Headphones_Kidd> no me
  41. Headphones_Kidd> hue
  42. Headphones_Kidd> I already did ask.
  43. _Melissa_> so u mad cause i didn't help u or u just don't like me which is fine
  44. _Melissa_> but like i said just keep main ground zero clean *smile*
  45. Headphones_Kidd> I dislike you, deal with it.
  46. flowergirl615> lel
  47. _Melissa_> its ok i am not likes by anyone that is fine not going to lose any sleep over it
  48. _Melissa_> and i am sure u won't either
  49. flowergirl615> i'd like you mel if you ever answered my questions or even respond to me when i'm trying to get to know you
  50. _Melissa_> i have answered several questions u have asked
  51. flowergirl615> with vague nothingness
  52. _Melissa_> and even someone told u that i was looking for doom's world so they knew i was busy and seen what i have said
  53. _Melissa_> and understood
  54. flowergirl615> it's cool, baby
  55. _Melissa_> if u don't like what i have said to your questions don't ask me anymore
  56. flowergirl615> i understand
  57. _Melissa_> and don't call me baby it is Melissa ty and i won't call u anything that isn't your name ty
  58. flowergirl615> all i did was ask how many users there are and you freaked out
  59. _Melissa_> and i said to u what does that matter? and no need to be concerned and people comes and goes
  60. Jimbly> if your looking for certain worlds just go to travel room at beach GZ
  61. _Melissa_> u said ok
  62. flowergirl615> yea, i know
  63. _Melissa_> so why keep asking the same question when i have answered u time and time again
  64. Headphones_Kidd> mel go to bed
  65. flowergirl615> you answered with nothing
  66. flowergirl615> it's a simple questions for somebody interested in a game
  67. _Melissa_> what does it matter to u how many are on ?? aren't u meeting people?? yes???
  68. flowergirl615> idk why you couldn't just tell me
  69. _Melissa_> and like i said let the staff worry about how many people are here not anyone concerned as long as u all are having a good time in which people were
  70. Headphones_Kidd> mel is having bad times
  71. flowergirl615> cass told me
  72. flowergirl615> cause he's cool
  73. _Melissa_> i am not going to sit here all morning and argue with u, i have said what i needed to say, i am just trying to get a few people to be alot nicer in main ground zero
  74. flowergirl615> and i bet you will sit here all morning
  75. flowergirl615> and talk with me
  76. Headphones_Kidd> ground zero reminds me of 9/11
  77. Headphones_Kidd> what a bad name
  78. flowergirl615> rip in peace ;_;
  79. flowergirl615> pour one out for the homies
  80. _Melissa_> i don't care what u or anyone think of me i know i am not liked by many people but i am going to keep looking out for worlds to the best of
  81. Zesael> welp
  82. flowergirl615> you have fun too
  83. flowergirl615> stalking chat
  84. flowergirl615> *smile*
  85. _Melissa_> and another thing if u keep up being a trouble maker in here u will be gone
  86. Zesael> it has come...the great jimmie rustling of our time...
  87. ededdneddy> huh
  88. _Melissa_> so if i was u i wouldn't put me or anyone else down cause u don't like them or gotten your questions answered the way u like them to
  89. _Melissa_> sorry guys i am not usually this verbal but those who just came in hi and have a good time
  90. _Melissa_> i am done
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