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- [myra@gandalf ../repos/extra-x86_64]:pacsu
- :: Starting full system upgrade...
- warning: freetds: local (0.91-1) is newer than extra (0.82-5)
- warning: gnumeric: local (1.10.17-1) is newer than extra (1.10.15-2)
- warning: pacman: local (4.0.0rc1-1) is newer than core (3.5.4-4)
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/python2-gobject2? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/python2-gtkhtml2? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/python2-gtkspell? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/python2-httplib2? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/python2-libgnome? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/python2-nose? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/python2-numpy? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/python2-pip? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/python2-pyopenssl? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/python2-pyqt? [Y/n] yy
- \:: Replace pygobject with extra/python2-qscintilla? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/python2-sip? [Y/n] \y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/python2-virtualenv? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/python2-zope-interface? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/pywebkitgtk? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/pyxdg? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/pyxml? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qalculate-gtk? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qalculate-kde? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qca? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qca-gnupg? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qca-ossl? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qemu? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qemu-kvm? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qhull? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qimageblitz? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qiv? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qjackctl? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qjson? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qrencode? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qscintilla? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qsynth? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qt? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qt-assistant-compat? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qt-doc? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qt-private-headers? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qt3? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qt3-doc? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qtcurve-gtk2? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qtcurve-kde3? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qtcurve-kde4? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qtiplot? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qtscriptgenerator? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/quodlibet? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/quodlibet-plugins? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/quota-tools? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qwt? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/qwtplot3d? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/r? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/r128-dri? [Y/n] y]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/racket? [Y/n] y]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/randrproto? [Y/n] y]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/raptor? [Y/n] y]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/raptor1? [Y/n] y]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/rarian? [Y/n] y]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/rasqal? [Y/n] y]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ratpoison? [Y/n] y]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/razor? [Y/n] y]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/rcs? [Y/n] y]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/rdesktop? [Y/n] y]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/re-alpine? [Y/n] y]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/re2c? [Y/n] y]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/recode? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/recordproto? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/redland? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/redland-storage-mysql? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/redland-storage-postgresql? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/redland-storage-sqlite? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/redland-storage-virtuoso? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/renderproto? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/resourceproto? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/rest? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/rhino? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/rhythmbox? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ristretto? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/rosegarden? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/rox? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/rpmextract? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/rrdtool? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/rssh? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/rsvg2-sharp? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/rsync? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/rtkit? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/rtmpdump? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/rubberband? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ruby? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ruby-docs? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/rxvt-unicode? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/samba? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sane? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sane-frontends? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/savage-dri? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/saxon? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sbcl? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/schedtool? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/schroedinger? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/scim? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/scim-anthy? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/scim-chewing? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/scim-hangul? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/scim-m17n? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/scim-pinyin? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/scim-tables? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/scim-uim? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/scons? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/screen? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/scribus? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/scrnsaverproto? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/scrot? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/scummvm? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sdl? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sdl_gfx? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sdl_image? [Y/n] y
- \:: Replace pygobject with extra/sdl_mixer? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sdl_net? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sdl_pango? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sdl_sound? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sdl_ttf? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/seahorse? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/seamonkey? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/seed? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/setserial? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sg3_utils? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/shared-desktop-ontologies? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/shared-mime-info? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sharutils? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/silc-toolkit? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sip? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sis-dri? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/skanlite? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/slang? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/slib? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/slim? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/slim-themes? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/slv2? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/smartmontools? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/smb4k? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/smbclient? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/smpeg? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/smplayer? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/smplayer-themes? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/snarf? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/snd? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/socat? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sofia-sip? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sonata? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/soprano? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sound-juicer? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sound-theme-freedesktop? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/soundtouch? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/source-highlight? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sox? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/spamassassin? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/spassgen? [Y/n] y
- \:: Replace pygobject with extra/speech-dispatcher? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/speedtouch? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/speex? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/squid? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/squirrelmail? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/srcpac? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/srm? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sshfs? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ssmtp? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/stardict? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/startup-notification? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/stellarium? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/storage-fixup? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/strace? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/streamripper? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/streamtuner? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/strigi? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/subversion? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sweep? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/swh-plugins? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/swig? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/swt? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/sysklogd? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/system-config-printer-common? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/system-config-printer-gnome? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/t1lib? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/taglib? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/taglib-extras? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/taglib-sharp? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/talloc? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/tamu-anova? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/tango-icon-theme? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/tcl? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/tcpdump? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/tdb? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/tdfx-dri? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/telepathy-butterfly? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/telepathy-farsight? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/telepathy-gabble? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/telepathy-glib? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/telepathy-haze? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/telepathy-idle? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/telepathy-kde-accounts-kcm? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/telepathy-kde-accounts-kcm-plugins? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/telepathy-kde-approver? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/telepathy-kde-contact-list? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/telepathy-kde-filetransfer-handler? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/telepathy-kde-presence-applet? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/telepathy-kde-presence-dataengine? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/telepathy-kde-send-file? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/telepathy-kde-text-ui? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/telepathy-logger? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/telepathy-mission-control? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/telepathy-qt4? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/telepathy-salut? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/telepathy-sofiasip? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/terminal? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/testdisk? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texi2html? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texlive-bibtexextra? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texlive-bin? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texlive-core? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texlive-fontsextra? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texlive-formatsextra? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texlive-games? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texlive-genericextra? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texlive-htmlxml? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texlive-humanities? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texlive-langcjk? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texlive-langcyrillic? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texlive-langextra? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texlive-langgreek? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texlive-latexextra? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texlive-music? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texlive-pictures? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texlive-plainextra? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texlive-pstricks? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texlive-publishers? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texlive-science? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/texmacs? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/tftp-hpa? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thinkfinger? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunar? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunar-archive-plugin? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunar-media-tags-plugin? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunar-volman? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-ar? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-be? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-bn-bd? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-br? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-ca? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-cs? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-da? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-de? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-el? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-en-gb? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-es? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-es-ar? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-et? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-eu? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-fi? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-fr? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-fy-nl? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-ga? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-gd? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-gl? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-he? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-hu? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-id? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-is? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-it? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-ja? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-ko? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-lt? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-nb? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-nl? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-nn? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-pl? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-pt? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-pt-br? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-rm? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-ru? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-si? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-sk? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-sl? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-sq? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-sv? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-ta-lk? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-tr? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-uk? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-vi? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-zh-cn? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/thunderbird-i18n-zh-tw? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/tidyhtml? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/tightvnc? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/time? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/timidity++? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/tk? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/tomboy? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/tomcat? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/tomcat-native? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/tomcat6? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/tomcat7? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/totem? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/totem-plparser? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/totem-plugin? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/transcode? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/transfig? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/translate-toolkit? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/transmission-cli? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/transmission-gtk? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/transmission-qt? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/trayer? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/tree? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/truecrypt? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/tsocks? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ttf-arphic-ukai? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ttf-arphic-uming? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ttf-baekmuk? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ttf-bitstream-vera? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ttf-cheapskate? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ttf-dejavu? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ttf-fireflysung? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ttf-freebanglafont? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ttf-freefont? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ttf-hannom? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ttf-indic-otf? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ttf-junicode? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ttf-khmer? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ttf-linux-libertine? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ttf-mph-2b-damase? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ttf-sazanami? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ttf-thai? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ttf-tibetan-machine? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ttf-ubraille? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/tumbler? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/tunepimp? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/tuxpuck? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/twisted? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/udisks? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/uim? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/umfpack? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/unichrome-dri? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/unison? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/unixodbc? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/unrar? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/unzip? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/upower? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/usbmuxd? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/usbview? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/usermin? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/v4l-utils? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/v86d? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vala? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/valgrind? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vamp-plugin-sdk? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vcdimager? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vde2? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vdpau-video? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vice? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/videoproto? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vigra? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-buftabs? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-runtime? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-af? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-am? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-bg? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-br? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-ca? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-cs? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-cy? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-da? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-de? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-el? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-en? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-eo? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-es? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-fo? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-fr? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-ga? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-gd? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-gl? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-he? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-hr? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-hu? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-id? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-it? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-ku? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-la? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-lt? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-lv? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-mg? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-mi? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-ms? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-nb? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-nl? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-nn? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-ny? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-pl? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-pt? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-ro? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-ru? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-rw? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-sk? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-sl? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-sv? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-sw? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-tet? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-th? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-tl? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-tn? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-uk? [Y/n] y
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-yi? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vim-spell-zu? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vinagre? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vino? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/virtuoso? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vlc? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vorbis-tools? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vpnc? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vsftpd? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vte? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vte-common? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vte-sharp? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/vte3? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/w3c-mathml2? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/w3m? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/watchdog? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/wavpack? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/webkit-sharp? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/webmin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/weechat? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/wesnoth? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/wesnoth-data? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/whois? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/wicd? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/wicd-gtk? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/windowmaker? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/windowmaker-crm-git? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/windowmaker-extra? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/wipe? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/wireshark-cli? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/wireshark-gtk? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/wnck-sharp? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/wpa_supplicant_gui? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/wv? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/wv2? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/wxgtk? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/wxmaxima? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/wxpython? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/x11vnc? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/x264? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/x2x? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xalan-java? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xaos? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xarchiver? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xaw3d? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xawtv? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xbill? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xbitmaps? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xcb-proto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xcb-util? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xchat? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xchm? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xclip? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xcmiscproto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xcompmgr? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xcursor-themes? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xdelta? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xdelta3? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xdg-utils? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xerces2-java? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xextproto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-input-acecad? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-input-aiptek? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-input-evdev? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-input-joystick? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-input-keyboard? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-input-mouse? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-input-synaptics? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-input-vmmouse? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-input-void? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-input-wacom? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-apm? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-ark? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-ast? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-ati? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-chips? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-cirrus? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-dummy? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-fbdev? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-glint? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-i128? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-i740? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-intel? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-mach64? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-mga? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-neomagic? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-nouveau? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-nv? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-openchrome? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-r128? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-rendition? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-s3? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-s3virge? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-savage? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-siliconmotion? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-sis? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-sisusb? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-tdfx? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-trident? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-tseng? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-unichrome? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-v4l? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-vesa? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-vmware? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-voodoo? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-xgi? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86-video-xgixp? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86dgaproto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86driproto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xf86vidmodeproto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfburn? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce-utils? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-appfinder? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-artwork? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-battery-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-clipman-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-cpufreq-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-cpugraph-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-datetime-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-dev-tools? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-dict? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-diskperf-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-eyes-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-fsguard-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-genmon-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-mailwatch-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-mixer? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-mount-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-mpc-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-netload-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-notes-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-notifyd? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-panel? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-power-manager? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-screenshooter? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-sensors-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-session? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-settings? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-systemload-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-taskmanager? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-time-out-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-timer-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-verve-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-wavelan-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-weather-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfce4-xkb-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfconf? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfdesktop? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfig? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfwm4? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xfwm4-themes? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xine-lib? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xine-ui? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xineramaproto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xkeyboard-config? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xmahjongg? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xmlsec? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xmlto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xmms? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-appres? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-bdftopcf? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-docs? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-font-util? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-font-utils? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-fonts-100dpi? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-fonts-75dpi? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-fonts-alias? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-fonts-cyrillic? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-fonts-encodings? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-fonts-misc? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-fonts-type1? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-iceauth? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-luit? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-mkfontdir? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-mkfontscale? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-oclock? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-server? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-server-common? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-server-devel? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-server-utils? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-server-xdmx? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-server-xephyr? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-server-xnest? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-server-xvfb? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-sessreg? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-setxkbmap? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-smproxy? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-twm? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-util-macros? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-utils? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-x11perf? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xauth? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xbacklight? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xbiff? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xcalc? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xclipboard? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xclock? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xcmsdb? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xconsole? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xcursorgen? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xdm? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xdpyinfo? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xdriinfo? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xedit? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xev? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xeyes? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xfd? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xfontsel? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xfs? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xgamma? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xhost? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xinit? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xinput? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xkb-utils? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xkbcomp? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xkbevd? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xkbutils? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xkill? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xload? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xlogo? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xlsatoms? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xlsclients? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xlsfonts? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xmag? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xman? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xmessage? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xmodmap? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xpr? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xprop? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xrandr? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xrdb? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xrefresh? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xset? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xsetroot? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xvidtune? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xvinfo? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xwd? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xwininfo? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xorg-xwud? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xournal? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xpdf? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xpdf-arabic? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xpdf-chinese-simplified? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xpdf-chinese-traditional? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xpdf-cyrillic? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xpdf-greek? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xpdf-hebrew? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xpdf-japanese? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xpdf-korean? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xpdf-latin2? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xpdf-thai? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xpdf-turkish? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xproto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xsane? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xsane-gimp? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xscreensaver? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xsnow? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xsp? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xterm? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xtrans? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xulrunner? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/xvidcore? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/yakuake? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/yasm? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/yelp? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/yelp-xsl? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/yp-tools? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ypbind-mt? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/ypserv? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/zenity? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/zile? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/zip? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/zsh? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/zvbi? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject with extra/zziplib? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/pygobject2-devel? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/pygtk? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/pygtksourceview2? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/pylint? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/pymad? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/pyopenssl? [Y/n] ]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/pyorbit? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/pypgsql? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/pyqt? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/pyrex? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/pysmbc? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-antlr2? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-beaker? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-bugbuddy? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-cairo? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-chardet? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-distribute? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-egenix-mx-base? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-evolution? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-feedparser? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-formencode? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-fpconst? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-gdata? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-geoip? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-gnomedesktop? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-gnomekeyring? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-gnomeprint? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-gobject2? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-gtop? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-httplib2? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-imaging? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-iwscan? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-logilab-astng? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-logilab-common? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-lxml? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-m2crypto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-mako? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-markupsafe? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-metacity? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-mpd? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-nose? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-notify? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-numpy? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-opengl? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-pip? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-pycurl? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-pygame? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-pyspi? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-pysqlite? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-qscintilla? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-rsvg? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-sgmllib? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-soappy? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-telepathy? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-totem-plparser? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-urwid? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-virtualenv? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-wnck? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-wpactrl? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python-zope-interface? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-bonobo? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-cairo? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-chardet? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-distribute? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-egg? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-feedparser? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-gconf? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-gda? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-gksu2? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-gnomecanvas? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-gnomevfs? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-gobject2? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-gtkhtml2? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-gtkspell? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-httplib2? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-libgnome? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-nose? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-numpy? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-pip? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-pyopenssl? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-pyqt? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-qscintilla? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-sip? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-virtualenv? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/python2-zope-interface? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/pywebkitgtk? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/pyxdg? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/pyxml? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qalculate-gtk? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qalculate-kde? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qca? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qca-gnupg? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qca-ossl? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qemu? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qemu-kvm? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qhull? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qimageblitz? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qiv? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qjackctl? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qjson? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qrencode? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qscintilla? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qsynth? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qt? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qt-assistant-compat? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qt-doc? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qt-private-headers? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qt3? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qt3-doc? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qtcurve-gtk2? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qtcurve-kde3? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qtcurve-kde4? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qtiplot? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qtscriptgenerator? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/quodlibet? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/quodlibet-plugins? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/quota-tools? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qwt? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/qwtplot3d? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/r? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/r128-dri? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/racket? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/randrproto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/raptor? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/raptor1? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/rarian? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/rasqal? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ratpoison? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/razor? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/rcs? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/rdesktop? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/re-alpine? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/re2c? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/recode? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/recordproto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/redland? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/redland-storage-mysql? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/redland-storage-postgresql? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/redland-storage-sqlite? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/redland-storage-virtuoso? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/renderproto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/resourceproto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/rest? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/rhino? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/rhythmbox? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ristretto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/rosegarden? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/rox? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/rpmextract? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/rrdtool? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/rssh? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/rsvg2-sharp? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/rsync? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/rtkit? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/rtmpdump? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/rubberband? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ruby? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ruby-docs? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/rxvt-unicode? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/samba? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sane? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sane-frontends? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/savage-dri? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/saxon? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sbcl? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/schedtool? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/schroedinger? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/scim? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/scim-anthy? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/scim-chewing? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/scim-hangul? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/scim-m17n? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/scim-pinyin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/scim-tables? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/scim-uim? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/scons? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/screen? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/scribus? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/scrnsaverproto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/scrot? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/scummvm? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sdl? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sdl_gfx? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sdl_image? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sdl_mixer? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sdl_net? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sdl_pango? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sdl_sound? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sdl_ttf? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/seahorse? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/seamonkey? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/seed? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/setserial? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sg3_utils? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/shared-desktop-ontologies? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/shared-mime-info? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sharutils? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/silc-toolkit? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sip? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sis-dri? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/skanlite? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/slang? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/slib? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/slim? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/slim-themes? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/slv2? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/smartmontools? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/smb4k? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/smbclient? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/smpeg? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/smplayer? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/smplayer-themes? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/snarf? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/snd? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/socat? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sofia-sip? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sonata? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/soprano? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sound-juicer? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sound-theme-freedesktop? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/soundtouch? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/source-highlight? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sox? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/spamassassin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/spassgen? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/speech-dispatcher? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/speedtouch? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/speex? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/squid? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/squirrelmail? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/srcpac? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/srm? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sshfs? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ssmtp? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/stardict? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/startup-notification? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/stellarium? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/storage-fixup? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/strace? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/streamripper? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/streamtuner? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/strigi? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/subversion? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sweep? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/swh-plugins? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/swig? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/swt? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/sysklogd? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/system-config-printer-common? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/system-config-printer-gnome? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/t1lib? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/taglib? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/taglib-extras? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/taglib-sharp? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/talloc? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/tamu-anova? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/tango-icon-theme? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/tcl? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/tcpdump? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/tdb? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/tdfx-dri? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/telepathy-butterfly? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/telepathy-farsight? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/telepathy-gabble? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/telepathy-glib? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/telepathy-haze? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/telepathy-idle? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/telepathy-kde-accounts-kcm? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/telepathy-kde-accounts-kcm-plugins? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/telepathy-kde-approver? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/telepathy-kde-contact-list? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/telepathy-kde-filetransfer-handler? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/telepathy-kde-presence-applet? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/telepathy-kde-presence-dataengine? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/telepathy-kde-send-file? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/telepathy-kde-text-ui? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/telepathy-logger? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/telepathy-mission-control? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/telepathy-qt4? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/telepathy-salut? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/telepathy-sofiasip? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/terminal? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/testdisk? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texi2html? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texlive-bibtexextra? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texlive-bin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texlive-core? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texlive-fontsextra? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texlive-formatsextra? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texlive-games? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texlive-genericextra? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texlive-htmlxml? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texlive-humanities? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texlive-langcjk? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texlive-langcyrillic? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texlive-langextra? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texlive-langgreek? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texlive-latexextra? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texlive-music? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texlive-pictures? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texlive-plainextra? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texlive-pstricks? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texlive-publishers? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texlive-science? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/texmacs? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/tftp-hpa? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thinkfinger? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunar? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunar-archive-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunar-media-tags-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunar-volman? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-ar? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-be? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-bn-bd? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-br? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-ca? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-cs? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-da? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-de? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-el? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-en-gb? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-es? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-es-ar? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-et? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-eu? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-fi? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-fr? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-fy-nl? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-ga? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-gd? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-gl? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-he? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-hu? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-id? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-is? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-it? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-ja? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-ko? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-lt? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-nb? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-nl? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-nn? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-pl? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-pt? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-pt-br? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-rm? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-ru? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-si? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-sk? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-sl? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-sq? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-sv? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-ta-lk? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-tr? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-uk? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-vi? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-zh-cn? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/thunderbird-i18n-zh-tw? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/tidyhtml? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/tightvnc? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/time? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/timidity++? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/tk? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/tomboy? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/tomcat? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/tomcat-native? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/tomcat6? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/tomcat7? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/totem? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/totem-plparser? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/totem-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/transcode? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/transfig? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/translate-toolkit? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/transmission-cli? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/transmission-gtk? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/transmission-qt? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/trayer? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/tree? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/truecrypt? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/tsocks? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ttf-arphic-ukai? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ttf-arphic-uming? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ttf-baekmuk? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ttf-bitstream-vera? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ttf-cheapskate? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ttf-dejavu? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ttf-fireflysung? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ttf-freebanglafont? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ttf-freefont? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ttf-hannom? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ttf-indic-otf? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ttf-junicode? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ttf-khmer? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ttf-linux-libertine? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ttf-mph-2b-damase? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ttf-sazanami? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ttf-thai? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ttf-tibetan-machine? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ttf-ubraille? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/tumbler? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/tunepimp? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/tuxpuck? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/twisted? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/udisks? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/uim? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/umfpack? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/unichrome-dri? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/unison? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/unixodbc? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/unrar? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/unzip? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/upower? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/usbmuxd? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/usbview? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/usermin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/v4l-utils? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/v86d? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vala? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/valgrind? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vamp-plugin-sdk? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vcdimager? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vde2? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vdpau-video? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vice? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/videoproto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vigra? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-buftabs? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-runtime? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-af? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-am? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-bg? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-br? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-ca? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-cs? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-cy? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-da? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-de? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-el? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-en? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-eo? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-es? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-fo? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-fr? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-ga? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-gd? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-gl? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-he? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-hr? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-hu? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-id? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-it? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-ku? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-la? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-lt? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-lv? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-mg? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-mi? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-ms? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-nb? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-nl? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-nn? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-ny? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-pl? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-pt? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-ro? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-ru? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-rw? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-sk? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-sl? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-sv? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-sw? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-tet? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-th? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-tl? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-tn? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-uk? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-yi? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vim-spell-zu? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vinagre? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vino? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/virtuoso? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vlc? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vorbis-tools? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vpnc? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vsftpd? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vte? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vte-common? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vte-sharp? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/vte3? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/w3c-mathml2? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/w3m? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/watchdog? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/wavpack? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/webkit-sharp? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/webmin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/weechat? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/wesnoth? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/wesnoth-data? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/whois? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/wicd? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/wicd-gtk? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/windowmaker? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/windowmaker-crm-git? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/windowmaker-extra? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/wipe? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/wireshark-cli? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/wireshark-gtk? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/wnck-sharp? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/wpa_supplicant_gui? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/wv? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/wv2? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/wxgtk? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/wxmaxima? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/wxpython? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/x11vnc? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/x264? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/x2x? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xalan-java? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xaos? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xarchiver? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xaw3d? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xawtv? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xbill? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xbitmaps? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xcb-proto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xcb-util? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xchat? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xchm? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xclip? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xcmiscproto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xcompmgr? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xcursor-themes? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xdelta? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xdelta3? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xdg-utils? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xerces2-java? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xextproto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-input-acecad? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-input-aiptek? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-input-evdev? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-input-joystick? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-input-keyboard? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-input-mouse? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-input-synaptics? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-input-vmmouse? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-input-void? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-input-wacom? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-apm? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-ark? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-ast? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-ati? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-chips? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-cirrus? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-dummy? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-fbdev? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-glint? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-i128? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-i740? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-intel? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-mach64? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-mga? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-neomagic? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-nouveau? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-nv? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-openchrome? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-r128? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-rendition? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-s3? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-s3virge? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-savage? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-siliconmotion? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-sis? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-sisusb? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-tdfx? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-trident? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-tseng? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-unichrome? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-v4l? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-vesa? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-vmware? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-voodoo? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-xgi? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86-video-xgixp? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86dgaproto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86driproto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xf86vidmodeproto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfburn? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce-utils? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-appfinder? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-artwork? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-battery-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-clipman-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-cpufreq-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-cpugraph-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-datetime-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-dev-tools? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-dict? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-diskperf-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-eyes-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-fsguard-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-genmon-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-mailwatch-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-mixer? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-mount-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-mpc-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-netload-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-notes-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-notifyd? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-panel? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-power-manager? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-screenshooter? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-sensors-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-session? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-settings? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-systemload-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-taskmanager? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-time-out-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-timer-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-verve-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-wavelan-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-weather-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfce4-xkb-plugin? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfconf? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfdesktop? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfig? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfwm4? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xfwm4-themes? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xine-lib? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xine-ui? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xineramaproto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xkeyboard-config? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xmahjongg? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xmlsec? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xmlto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xmms? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-appres? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-bdftopcf? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-docs? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-font-util? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-font-utils? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-fonts-100dpi? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-fonts-75dpi? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-fonts-alias? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-fonts-cyrillic? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-fonts-encodings? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-fonts-misc? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-fonts-type1? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-iceauth? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-luit? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-mkfontdir? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-mkfontscale? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-oclock? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-server? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-server-common? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-server-devel? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-server-utils? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-server-xdmx? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-server-xephyr? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-server-xnest? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-server-xvfb? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-sessreg? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-setxkbmap? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-smproxy? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-twm? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-util-macros? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-utils? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-x11perf? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xauth? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xbacklight? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xbiff? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xcalc? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xclipboard? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xclock? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xcmsdb? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xconsole? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xcursorgen? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xdm? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xdpyinfo? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xdriinfo? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xedit? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xev? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xeyes? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xfd? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xfontsel? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xfs? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xgamma? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xhost? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xinit? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xinput? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xkb-utils? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xkbcomp? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xkbevd? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xkbutils? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xkill? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xload? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xlogo? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xlsatoms? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xlsclients? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xlsfonts? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xmag? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xman? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xmessage? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xmodmap? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xpr? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xprop? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xrandr? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xrdb? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xrefresh? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xset? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xsetroot? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xvidtune? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xvinfo? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xwd? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xwininfo? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xorg-xwud? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xournal? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xpdf? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xpdf-arabic? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xpdf-chinese-simplified? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xpdf-chinese-traditional? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xpdf-cyrillic? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xpdf-greek? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xpdf-hebrew? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xpdf-japanese? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xpdf-korean? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xpdf-latin2? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xpdf-thai? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xpdf-turkish? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xproto? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xsane? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xsane-gimp? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xscreensaver? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xsnow? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xsp? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xterm? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xtrans? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xulrunner? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/xvidcore? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/yakuake? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/yasm? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/yelp? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/yelp-xsl? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/yp-tools? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ypbind-mt? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/ypserv? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/zenity? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/zile? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/zip? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/zsh? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/zvbi? [Y/n]
- :: Replace pygobject-devel with extra/zziplib? [Y/n]
- resolving dependencies...
- looking for inter-conflicts...
- error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
- error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
- :: python2-nose and python-nose are in conflict
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