
Octoberfest with Babs

Jan 13th, 2015
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  1. >Be Anon.
  2. >Living in a small suburb outside of Manehatten is kind of boring.
  3. >Nothing much really happens except when fall rolls around.
  4. >That's when your small burg goes all out with its celebration of Octoberfest.
  5. >The town has a lot of old Germane (I'm sorry) stock from way back and so it's always been a point of pride for your community to hold the biggest, boldest, beer-iest Octoberfest in all of Equestria.
  6. >This year is no different.
  7. >Finishing the delivery of supplies to your parent's food stand, you decide to take in the sights.
  8. >It seems like every year the event gets bigger as more out-of-towners come for a good time.
  9. >You decide to stop for a drink at the Apple family's tent.
  10. >The Apples have been supplying your family's restaurant with alcohol for years and always runs a tent at the 'fest selling beer and other beverages.
  11. >While you've never really been a big beer fan, you know that they also keep hard cider on tap for those locals that know to ask for it.
  12. >And brother, it's some damn good cider.
  13. >You make your way through the packed tent and wait in line to order.
  14. >As with all the biergarten themed stands and pavilions, there are young women serving customers in traditional dirndls.
  15. >Honestly, the folksy dresses are one of your favorite parts of the festivities.
  16. >Seeing the cute girls all dressed up in their cute outfits, serving customers...
  17. >Shoot, their blouses don't even have to be that low cut to look good (though it helps).
  18. >After getting your cider you manage to find a spot to sit in the busy tent near one of the walls.
  19. >It's good stuff after a busy day.
  20. >Someone calls your name.
  21. >Hey, you know that voice!
  22. >Expecting to see your friend you turn your head.
  23. >Instead you find your entire field of vision filled with heaving cleavage.
  24. >Distracted, you again hear that familiar voice.
  25. >"Hey, knuckle head. Up here."
  26. >Glancing up, you see Babs Seed's smirking face.
  27. >Without thinking you ask her what she's up to.
  28. >"Eh, doin' a favor for my uncle Strudel. The cousins are short staffed this year so they roped me into servin'."
  29. >The tan girl turns to the side and plucks at her skirt.
  30. >"Whada'ya think? Does it look good on me?"
  31. >You're so used to seeing her in jeans and a t-shirt that for a moment your not sure how to respond.
  32. >Even through the flouncy green skirt you can see the flare of her wide hips.
  33. >The mid-section of her dress is cinched up tight with broad red laces giving her waist a pleasant hourglass shape.
  34. >The real draw, though, is her top.
  35. >Her white cotton blouse is cut so that it rests off her shoulders and exposes a fair amount of the Babs' bosom.
  36. >And buddy, the fraulein standing before you has a lot of bosom too expose.
  37. >Before you make a complete spaz out of yourself with your staring, you answer her question.
  38. "Why, mine little streusel! You look good enough to eat, ja?"
  39. >Babs rolls her eyes at your terrible Germane accent but chuckles all the same.
  40. >You always could get her to laugh at your corny jokes.
  41. >"So what're YOU doin' here?" she asks.
  42. >You explain that it's pretty much the same story and that you need to take over a shift cooking at your parent's booth in about an hour.
  43. >"That's cool. Hey, I just went on break. You wanna ditch this place and hang out somewheres quiet for a bit?"
  44. >After all the hustle and bustle that sounds like a good idea so you get up and follow your friend.
  45. >She leads you back behind a few of the cloth structures where some parked cargo trucks form a sort of natural back alley in the carnival's city of tents.
  46. >Finding some crates, you pull one over for Babs to sit on and then retrieve one for yourself.
  47. >Scooting it up beside her you sit down and relax for the first time since the day began.
  48. >You went to high school with Babs and hung out with her quite a bit since you had common friends.
  49. >But since you both graduated you've sort of drifted apart.
  50. >You work at your family's restaurant while saving up some money for school and she's gotten in with a shop learning how to fix cars.
  51. >She jokes that her unofficial apprenticeship at the garage is her idea of college.
  52. >For the next few minutes you simply catch up.
  53. >She's always been fun to talk to.
  54. >When you ask her about work today she tells you about all the drunk jackasses that have come through the Apple family's tent.
  55. >Then she recounts how one guy made a drunken pass at her relative Applebloom.
  56. >She starts giggling as she concludes the story with her country cousin punching the dude right in his face for getting fresh with her.
  57. >“He just goes down like a bag'a wet cement! ~Sniker~ His buddies wuz sooo embarassed, him gettin' laid out like that by this girl half his size. Hah ha hah haa!”
  58. >Both of you start laughing, but Babs is definitely more amused by the tale than you are.
  59. >You keep grinning as she guffaws for so long that she finally has to stop and take a breath.
  60. “You okay there?” you inquire good-naturedly.
  61. >“Heh, heh. Yeah. Just, ~huff~ gimme a ~huff~ second...” she pants.
  62. >As you wait for your buddy to calm down your eyes inadvertently drift downwards.
  63. >You don't mean to, but your eyes come to rest on her chest.
  64. >The fact that every gasp of air she takes causes her blouse to strain mightily doesn't help matters.
  65. >Catching yourself you tear your gaze away and look up.
  66. >Right into Babs' own eyes.
  67. >Damn! She caught you looking.
  68. >She doesn't look mad, to your surprise, but she does look a little tired.
  69. >“Yeah, they're kinda hard ta miss ain't they?” she says in a resigned tone.
  70. >Double damn!
  71. >“My stupid cousins are all, 'You gotta wear the dress or it's no good.' But I don't got a dress so they get me one my aunt's old ones. But she's, like, three sizes smaller than me, so I'm all, 'This ain't gonna work. My boobs are hangin' out'a this top!' And they're all, 'It's no different from goin' to the beach.' And fer sum reason I actually let 'em talk me into it!”
  72. >She pauses, again gasping for air.
  73. >You mutter a half hearted apology which she promptly brushes off.
  74. >“Nah, I don't blame ya. I've had guy's lookin' all day,” she says.
  75. >Her saying that is worse than if she had actually gotten mad.
  76. “No Babs, I really am sorry. I swear I wasn't tryin' to perv on you or anything. I don't want you to have to put up with more crap like that and especially not from me.”
  77. >You both pause.
  78. >She doesn't look at you for a few seconds and you try to radiate your sincerity to her.
  79. >Finally she returns your look and gives you a small smile.
  80. >“Thanks,” she mutters. “I know you wouldn't do that to me. It's just been a long day ya'know?”
  81. >You assure her that you do know and you both lapse back into silence.
  82. >Suddenly she pipes up.
  83. >“Besides, it's not like I'm ashamed of 'em or anything!”
  84. >Wha...?
  85. >She shimmies around on her seat so her torso is turned towards you a little more.
  86. >To your utter surprise she put her hands on either side of her chest and pushes her breasts together causing them to plump up out of the neckline of her blouse.
  87. >“Hell,” she continues, “I got the biggest tits in my whole family. Just cause I never show 'em off or nothin' doesn't mean they don't look good, right?”
  88. >She looks up at you and leans forward a bit.
  89. >Then, more softly, “Right?”
  90. >As you look into her eyes you can see that she's nervous, maybe even afraid.
  91. >And you see that she's expecting some kind of answer from you.
  92. >So you give her one.
  93. >Your lips make contact first and then your arms close around her shoulders.
  94. >She leans into your body and you feel that heavenly chest of hers collide against your side.
  95. >You open your mouth a little and again she surprises you by opening hers wider and grazing your teeth with her tongue.
  96. >Taking that as an invitation you push your own tongue forward and give her mouth a few gentle swipes.
  97. >You're barely conscious of your thoughts at this point as your head swims with sensation.
  98. >Breaking the kiss, you pull back a bit and look at the girl beside you.
  99. >She's blushing.
  100. >Hard-as-nails Babs Seed is blushing red as any apple and it's the most adorable thing you've ever seen.
  101. >She looks ready to continue but on a whim you decide to do something that you saw in a movie not too long ago.
  102. >Putting hands on each side of her lower torso you guide her up and over into your lap.
  103. >She seems a little surprised but goes along with it.
  104. >Then she realizes just what position she's in and gives you a sly look.
  105. >“Not bad.” she says. “But howz'about I make it better.”
  106. >As she says this she reaches up and, with a deft motion, slips the neckline of her blouse below her bustline and her breasts come tumbling out one after the other.
  107. >If you were surprised before now you're shocked into silence.
  108. >Even in the dim light you can see her tan flesh glistening with a light sheen of sweat.
  109. >They wobble gently with every small movement of her body and their fat elongated shapes swoops out gently from below her collar bone.
  110. >Your gaze travels from the base of each boob down the pendulous curves to their apex.
  111. >Her dark brown, almost wine colored nipples are surprisingly long and thick and surrounded by the small, equally dark circles of her areolas.
  112. >How she managed to hide them in that top without a bra is a pretty amazing, you think.
  113. >She stares at you, again silently seeking your approval.
  114. >You repeat your earlier words, this time without the goofy accent and in all seriousness.
  115. “Like I said, you look good enough to eat.”
  116. >Your buxom lover leans back a bit as you heft her right tit in your left hand, your right one supporting her back.
  117. >You knead it ever so gently, not sure how far to take your ministrations.
  118. >Your hand works it way down her teat until your fingers reach her swollen nipple.
  119. >When you pinch it lightly and the girl moans you feel like you've hit pay dirt.
  120. >Both your mouths envelope each other again and you continue to work over the ample flesh of her right tit.
  121. >You're new to this level of intimacy so the feeling is unlike anything you've ever experienced.
  122. >And you want more.
  123. >Breaking the kiss you look down at her bosom and start to duck your head down.
  124. >Figuring out what you are trying to do, Babs leans back a little more to give you easier access.
  125. >Stretching your neck a bit you open your mouth and reach for the same nipple that you were just fondling.
  126. >Just as your tongue is about to make contact with that fleshy peak...
  127. >“Yeah!” A gruff voice calls out from the next tent over. “Let me just unload this smoker and we'll get it goin'.”
  128. >You both jerk upright at the unexpected intrusion and glance around frantically.
  129. >Fortunately, it doesn't seem like anyone saw you.
  130. >Unfortunately, the mood is now irrevocably shattered, as evidenced by Babs quickly shoving her rack back into her top.
  131. >She stands up and starts to smooth her blouse and dress.
  132. >As you join her she gives you an apologetic smile.
  133. >“Sorry, I, uh, really should get back. But... I mean...” she sputters, searching for words.
  134. “Hey, it's cool.” you assure her with a warm smile.
  135. >She smiles back.
  136. >“Maybe we can hang out tomorrow. You workin' then?” she asks.
  137. “Just in the morning, then I got the afternoon off.”
  138. >“Sweet! Come and pick me up when ya do,” she starts to walk away.
  139. >Before she rounds the corner of one of the trucks she turns.
  140. >“I, uh, know a couple'a more 'quiet' places we can take a break tomorrow, if ya' want.”
  141. >You grin in response and she takes off.
  142. >You look down at your watch.
  143. >Time to start your shift.
  144. >You head back out into the noise and bustle of the crowd, looking forward to tomorrow.
  146. >It was an apfelbusen kind of day.
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