
Rebels in Equestria 5 - Redux

Jun 27th, 2012
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  1. Chapter 5 - Redux Updated July 3rd, 2013
  4. > Autumn’s cool breeze blows through the library’s windows.
  5. > The room is still save for a dancing candlelight above.
  6. > Slowly, but surely your telekinetic binds along your body begin to release.
  7. > The pressure along your chest dissipates, and you take a deep breath.
  9. > Twilight releases her grasp and trots over to you.
  10. > She extends one of her hoofs out to you.
  11. > “Ah-na-ny-mous?” she asks.
  12. > Despite the language barrier, she’s able to pronounce it well enough.
  13. > You grasp her hoof in a handshake.
  15. > It’s a strange sensation.
  16. > Her hoof, it’s firm yet plush at the same time.
  17. > Almost like a bag of sand.
  19. “Yes. Anonymous.” You respond.
  20. > However Twilight seems to have ignored you all together.
  21. > Instead she seems completely mesmerized by your hand.,
  22. > She holds your hand in awe and continues to admire it well after you finish the hand shake.
  23. > Twilight waves for the rest of the ponies to see for themselves.
  24. > They follow suit, timidly.
  26. > With her telekinesis, she brings a scroll of paper and a pencil over to you.
  27. > She eagerly hands the paper to you.
  28. > “Ah-no-ny-mous?” she asks, while whisking the pencil at the paper.
  30. > You’re probably as new a sight to them as they are to you.
  31. > And judging from what you’ve seen so far, they probably never had the luxury of opposable appendages like those of a human.
  32. > Instead, they rely heavily on that telekinetic force of their to manipulate the world around them.
  34. > You decide to humor them.
  36. > You remove your thick leather gloves.
  37. > And as you do, you can feel their eyes widen in awe.
  38. > With your calloused and worn hands you firmly grasp the pen and paper.
  40. > You carefully write out the letters “A-N-O-N-Y-M-O-U-S” as neatly as you can.
  41. > Pointing to the paper, you repeat your name a few times.
  42. > Eventually, Twilight seems to catch on.
  44. > She snatches the paper and shows it to the rest of the ponies.
  45. > Judging by the tone of her voice, you can tell she sounds surprised or impressed even.
  47. > She smiles briefly before turning to the rest of the ponies.
  48. > You can hear your name mention a few times within the conversation.
  50. > Their language is so strange.
  51. > It doesn’t sound like anything you’ve ever heard before.
  53. > You sit patiently, finishing your apple.
  54. > It’s sweet flavor is almost too good to be true.
  55. > The yellow Pegasus fetches you another when she notices you’ve come close to finishing it.
  56. > You give her a nod and a warm smile.
  57. “Thank you.”
  58. > And although you don’t speak the same language, she smiles, nods her head and responds with what you assume to be “You’re welcome.”
  60. > Twilight returns to your side, this time carrying a tall stack of scrolls.
  61. > She pulls one from the pile and stretches it across the table.
  62. > It’s a map that seems to have been hand drawn from a skilled cartographer.
  63. > It’s covered in various landmarks, rives and towns.
  65. > Twilight points to a small spot on the middle of the map before pointing to herself.
  66. > She then points to you.
  68. “Where I’m from?”
  70. > You study the map, hoping to find a familiar land mark.
  71. > …
  72. > But you cant find anything.
  73. > You shake your head in disagreement.
  75. “My bag.”
  76. > You point to the white pony, still carrying your belongings. You wave her over to you.
  77. “Bring it to me.”
  79. > She does so [spoiler]hesitantly[/spoiler]
  81. “Thanks.”
  82. > You dig through your bag and produce a mess of crumbled papers.
  83. > A small laminated document catches your eye.
  84. “Got it.”
  86. > You unfold it on the table before you.
  87. > It’s a detailed map of your home nation.
  88. > And although it’s covered in scribbles and scrawls, it’s still very much legible.
  89. > You point to a small dot on the south coast, then to yourself.
  90. “I lived here.”
  92. > The ponies circle around the map in awe.
  93. > Curiosity and awe gleams in their eyes,
  94. > Twilight pulls up a scroll and starts jotting down various notes on the scroll.
  95. > You dig through your bag some more and pull out an old pre-war post card.
  96. > It’s a postcard of your hometown, and it has dozens of sky scrapers lined up along the city scape.
  97. > You hand it to Twilight.
  99. > And just as you do, you hear a hard knock coming from the door.
  100. > The room goes silent for moment before the knocking starts up again.
  102. > Twilight makes her way to the door, her hooves just faintly echoing in the silence.
  103. > She cracks the door open.
  104. > All the meanwhile, you hear the other ponies whispering.
  105. > They sound bothered, worried even.
  107. > Before she knew it, Twilight was knocked aside from the door.
  108. > Several white stallions forced their way into the library.
  109. > Instantly Twilight starts asking questions, but they are all too quick to ignore her.
  111. > They are dressed head to toe in golden clad armor.
  112. > Some are armed with swords, shields and bows.
  113. > Soldiers. Akin to your own.
  114. > Their eyes widen in shock when they see you.
  115. > One of them starts barking orders to the others.
  117. > The stallions draw their weapons and start to surround you.
  118. “Hey! Hey! Hey!” you shout, stumbling back.
  119. > You can hear the white stallions shouting at the top of their lungs.
  120. > Twilight and the others argue with the soldiers as well.
  121. > One of the stallions readies his bow and arrow.
  122. > The sound of the string being tightened brings chills down your spine.
  124. > You make a dash for your bag, knocking aside the white unicorn.
  125. > You pull up your pistol and aim it the archer.
  126. “Drop it! I’ll shoot! Drop it right now!”
  128. > He doesn’t comply.
  129. > Instead, he only pulls farther back on the string.
  130. > A few of the other soldiers surround you with swords and shields.
  132. > They’re hesitant.
  133. > You tower over them all.
  135. “I’ll blow your fucking head off! I swear to god! Drop it! Drop it right now!”
  136. > Your voice booms throughout the library.
  137. > But they don’t heed to your warning.
  138. > You aim for the archer’s head, and pull back the hammer on the revolver.
  140. > You could hear Twilight shouting your name.
  141. > Over and over again.
  142. > Asking you to stop.
  143. >…
  144. > No.
  145. > She’s begging you.
  147. > You imagine yourself pulling the trigger.
  148. > The cold ‘pop’ of your weapon followed by the kickback.
  149. > You imagine the archer’s head disintegrating into a puff of pink mist and gore.
  151. > Your arms tremble and your visions clouds.
  152. > [spoiler]Is this what you really want?[/spoiler]
  153. > [spoiler]Is this how you want them to know you as?[/spoiler]
  154. > [spoiler]A murderer? [/spoiler]
  156. “No.”
  157. > You lower your sidearm.
  159. > And no sooner, a stallion tackles you to the ground.
  160. “Fuck!” you shout, as he slams against a table.
  161. > The rest of them close in on you and hold you at knife point.
  163. > They tie heavy metal chains to your arms and legs.
  164. “Get off! Get the fuck off!”
  165. > You try your hardest to resist, struggling and thrashing about.
  166. > You flail your legs, and feel your foot make contact with something.
  167. > Hard.
  169. > One of the soldiers stands back with a bloodied lip.
  170. > He shouts an order to the rest of them.
  171. > And just for a split second, you feel a hard crack alongside the back of your head before passing out.
  173. ---
  175. > There's gunshots outside.
  176. > The sounds of men screaming fill your ears and send a cold shiver down your spine.
  177. > This operation was a bust.
  179. > Fearing for your life, you rush up a set of stairs.
  180. > The hallways have been long emptied and deserted.
  182. > The cold winter air ravages through the buildings various wholes and cracks.
  183. > Warm blood trickles down your shoulder.
  185. “Just stay with me. J-Just stay with me!” you shout.
  187. > Walking is somewhat difficult.
  188. > On account of the man you're carrying over your shoulder.
  189. > He's been shot, and it looks like bad.
  190. > You feel his warm blood trickle down your arms and down your neck.
  191. > It soaks your clothing.
  192. > He's losing blood.
  193. > Fast.
  195. > You drag yourself down the apartment's halls.
  196. > Each side, lined with doors.
  198. > You pick one at random and shove your body against it.
  199. > The hallway door flies right off it's hinges.
  201. > “Arrrgh! Anooon! Please!”
  202. “Just stay with me, man! You're doing alright!”
  204. > You shuffle into the apartment.
  205. > There's a small kitchenette to your left.
  206. > There you find a small table and lie your friend across the table.
  208. > He screams in pain with every motion you make.
  209. > “A-Anon! I-I don't wanna die!”
  210. “Just with me! Just stay with me! You're gonna be okay!”
  212. > You start searching through the kitchen's cabinets.
  213. > You've got no medical supplies.
  214. > And right now, the situation is critical.
  216. > You run off into the bath room and dig through their medicine cabinets.
  217. > But you find nothing.
  218. > No first aid.
  219. > No medicine.
  220. > Nothing.
  222. > Like most of these parts, any and all useable supplies has already been scavenged.
  224. > You grab a dirty towel from the floor and try to run it under cold water.
  225. > No dice.
  226. > The enemy has cut the water supplies to this side of town
  228. > “Anooon!”
  229. > His cries become more agonizing by the minute.
  230. “Just- Fuck! Just give me a minute!”
  231. > You take the lid off the toilet tank and dip the towel inside.
  233. > “Anon! P-Please!”
  235. > You rush back into the kitchen.
  236. > He's still on the table, thrashing about.
  237. > You do your best as to clean the wounds. Removing as much debris and shrapnel as you can.
  238. > As you press down down on the wound, blood seeps out of his body like a sponge.
  240. “Look at me! You're alright! You hear? Just stay with me!”
  241. > He just screams in agony.
  242. > The bleeding doesn't stop.
  243. > You press the towel down and apply more pressure to the wound.
  244. > He gags on his own blood and he struggles to breath.
  246. > He starts crying.
  247. > He's begging for his life.
  249. > “A-A-A-Anon.”
  250. > His body enters shock and trembles constantly.
  251. “It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. J-Just relax!”
  252. > You pull him close to your body
  253. “It's gonna be okay! You're gonna be fine!”
  255. > You feel his body convulse.
  256. > His breathing slows.
  257. > You squeeze him harder.
  258. > Consoling him in his dying moments.
  260. > “I-I I wanna go home.”
  261. > His pulse drops.
  262. > And finally, you feel the last bit of life leave his body.
  265. “No..”
  266. “No!”
  267. “No! No! No!”
  269. > You wipe your face from tears.
  271. > You dig through his blood soaked jacket.
  272. > Most of it is torn up by shrapnel.
  274. > You find his wallet.
  275. > You look inside.
  276. > There isn't much.
  277. > A few dollars bills. A bank card, a driver's lisence and a few crumbled up photos of him with his family.
  279. > He had a wife and two little girls.
  281. > You take the photo's, along with the rest of his gear.
  283. > You turn back to his body and take one last good look at him.
  284. > His eyes are still wide open.
  285. > Forever stricken with fear.
  286. > You close his eyes, and lay him to rest.
  288. “I'm sorry.”
  290. > You leave the apartment and start to make your way out the building.
  291. > You swing the doors to the building open and make your way into the frigid night.
  292. > The wind picks up and a blizzard makes it impossible to see anything.
  293. > You venture into the darkness before losing track of time.
  295. ---
  297. > You awake to the sounds of Twilight arguing with the solders.
  298. > The voices of the rest of the ponies are present too.
  299. > For the most part, they sounds upset or discouraged.
  301. > You reach towards the sounds of her voice, but find your arm shackled down.
  302. “Twilight?” you call out.
  303. > Your voice is coarse and dried.
  305. > Heavy handcuffs run chained downed your body.
  306. > The rusty metal has already started to irritate the skin around your ankles and wrists.
  308. > Your eyes adjust, and you find yourself in a new local.
  309. > You feel cold wind whipping against your face.
  310. > The air is thin, and difficult to breath.
  311. > You find yourself in the cabin of a small airborne chariot.
  312. > It's pulled by a fleet of pegasus ponies.
  313. > The constant swaying motion of the cabin makes you sick to your stomach.
  314. > But you manage.
  316. > The seat you were chained to was small and uncomfortable.
  317. > Two soldiers sat at your side, each one of them carrying their sword at the ready.
  319. > Twilight sat across from you.
  320. “Twilight?” you ask. “Where are you taking me?”
  321. > She looks at you.
  322. > She gives you a warm smile as if to say “Don't worry.”
  324. > You feel the chariot begin to descend at an alarming rate.
  325. > The chariot felt as if it were in free fall.
  326. > You grit your teeth and hold on tightly to the arm rests.
  328. > It breaks through the cloud line, revealing the land below.
  329. > You look out the windows and take the landscape in awe.
  330. > Rolling planes stretch out as far as the eye can see.
  332. > A small mountain range comes into view.
  333. > A beautiful city rests on the peak of a mountainside.
  334. > Hundreds of small buildings becomes nestled within each other.
  335. > They give way to small water canals that run along the length of the city, and empty in valley below.
  336. > And at the top of it all, you spot a castle that overshadows the rest of the city.
  338. > It's white walls gleamed against the black mountainside.
  339. > As the chariot descends, the castle becomes ore distinct.
  341. > Acres of green land surround the castle.
  342. > The grounds are painted rich with colors thanks to the flower gardens.
  343. > There are several statues and villas set around the grounds.
  345. > The chariot makes a hard landing.
  346. > The soft smell of flowers wafts into your nose.
  347. > Atop this mountainside-castle, a gentle breeze brushes against your skin.
  348. > It's soothing.
  350. > But the experience is short lived.
  352. > You're forced from your seat and pushed out of the chariot.
  353. > You stumble out of the chariot and fall onto the lawn.
  355. > The soldier shouts something at you.
  356. > His voice is coarse and demanding.
  357. > It sounds all too familiar.
  358. > You glance over to the solider.
  359. > A stallion a snow white coat and deep blue hair.
  360. > His golden clad armor is just slightly different than the rest of the gaurds.
  361. > He must be the ranking officer.
  363. > You look him in the eye.
  364. > His stare is cold and soul-less.
  365. > His expression is grim, and his disgust of you is more than apparent.
  367. > His cold stare reminds you much of the enemy.
  368. > Those Stovie bastards that ruined your life.
  369. > He barks another order at you.
  370. > You clench you fists.
  371. > What you wouldn't do to give this bastard a piece of your mind.
  373. > Twilight comes to your side and helps you to your feet.
  374. “Thanks.” you whisper.
  376. > She tugs at your clothes and leads you to the castle's main door.
  377. > They swing open.
  378. > You feel a sharp prod against your back as the solder leads you in.
  379. > His sword is sharp, but he doesn't puncture your skin.
  381. > The chains on your legs are short, leaving you to take baby steps.
  382. > A soft dragging sound echos throughout the castle as the rusty chains scrape along the polished marble floors.
  384. > You take note on how magnificent this castle truly is.
  385. > It looks like it was taken straight out of a fairytale story book.
  386. > As you're led down the castle halls, it becomes apparent the castle was built and maintained by only the finest artisans.
  388. > Marble statues are lined along every hallway.
  389. > Beautiful paintings stretch as far as the eye can see.
  390. > And almost every window you come across is a stained glass piece.
  392. > Your watch beeps twice.
  393. > Noon.
  394. > The sun has risen high over the horizon, and the colored light from the stained glass shines on the floors and walls.
  396. > They catch your eye.
  397. > Each one of them depicts some sort of ponies in several scenes.
  398. > You notice one thing in common among several windows.
  400. > The windows all feature ponies who have an uncanny resemblance to Twilight and her friends.
  402. > [spoiler] Is it really her? [/spoiler]
  403. > You slow down your stride as to get a better view.
  404. > You notice the identical tattoos across their flanks.
  406. > The soldier shouts something before prodding you with his sword, urging you to hurry.
  407. > But you're sure of it.
  408. > It's definitely Twilight.
  410. > Your mind races with thoughts and speculation.
  411. > Is she royalty?
  412. > Maybe she's a figurehead of power?
  413. > Or perhaps they're deities?
  415. > Where have they taken you?
  416. > And why are the guards so hostile?
  418. > Your mind wanders even more as you traverse through the castle.
  419. > Eventually your party stops.
  420. > You note the increased hostility at this point.
  421. > Before you sits a large pair of doors.
  422. > They are masterfully carved with a sun and moon insignia across each door.
  424. > The doors become enveloped in a rich white aura before swinging open.
  425. > Twilight tugs at your clothes and irks you ahead.
  426. > The rest of her friends step inside.
  428. > You enter a huge hall adorned with various statues, flags and tapestries.
  429. > There are dozens of support beams running across the walls in a Roman style.
  431. > Each one of them gives way for another masterfully crafted stained glass window.
  433. > Your attention is drawn to the center of the room.
  434. > Two large thrones are placed adjacent to each other.
  435. > One is a bright white and has a sun insignia on it.
  436. > The other is a deep blue with a crescent moon.
  438. > A large white horse is seated on the white throne.
  439. > Upon your entry, her eyes open in awe.
  440. > You can feel her gaze travel across every inch of your body.
  441. > You study her as she does you.
  443. > Her coat is as white as snow.
  444. > Her mane wafts effortlessly throughout the air.
  445. > All while displaying an ever changing array of colors.
  446. > The way her mane flows reminds you of the northern lights.
  447. > It's beautiful.
  449. > As you exchange glances, you begin to notice more about her.
  450. > She dons a regal golden crown. Along with matching gauntlets and a nacklace.
  451. > It doesn't take you long to realize she's royalty around here.
  453. > She stands from her throne.
  454. > And as she does, every other pony in the room takes an immidiate bow.
  457. > You feel a sharp whip across your knee.
  458. > The solider whips the blunt edge of his sword across your legs once more, forcing you to take a knee.
  459. > He barks an order at you, and thrusts his hoof into your side.
  460. > You grunt in pain as you stumble to the floor.
  462. > e grabs you by the collar and pulls you close to his face.
  463. > He shouts so loud, it leaves your ears ringing.
  464. > You glance at him.
  466. > Everything about him angers you.
  467. > His attitude.
  468. > His stupid face.
  469. > His smug grin.
  470. > [spoiler] You should have killed him when you had the chance. [/spoiler]
  472. > You spit in his face.
  473. > He drops you and steps back in disgust.
  474. > He wipes his face and draws his sword.
  476. > You hear the distinct 'whoosh' as his sword cuts through the air.
  477. > You clench your teeth and shit your eyes for the incoming blow.
  478. > This is it.
  480. > …
  481. > …
  483. > You open your eyes, only to see the blade a few inches from your face.
  484. > It's enveloped in a rich white aura coming from the royal pony's horn.
  486. > She points to the doors, and dismisses the guards.
  487. > Her voice, is soft and echoes throughout the hall.
  488. > It's almost soothing.
  489. > The soldier gives you a look of disgust and hate as he exits the room.
  491. > Twilight finally steps forward to speak with the royal pony.
  492. > Her friends join in the conversation as well.
  493. > You hear your name mentioned a few times.
  495. > The royal simply stares at you the entire time.
  497. > She steps forward and pulls you up to your feet.
  498. > And for the first time, you see her eye to eye.
  500. > She looks deep into your eyes as you do to her.
  501. > Finding compassion and empathy within.
  503. > Her horn glows with a rich white aura as she undoes your shackles.
  504. > They fall to the ground with a heavy 'thud'.
  506. “Thank you.”
  507. > Your first instinct is to express you gratitude with a handshake.
  508. > Force of habit.
  510. > You try to step forward, but lose your balance and fall to the ground.
  511. > You look at your feet, finding them enveloped in a purple aura coming from Twilight's horn.
  512. “W-What?”
  513. > You're caught by surprise as the cyan and yellow pegasi pick you up and grab you by the arms.
  514. > They pull your arms away from each other and hold you in place.
  516. > You hear a hear a heavy electric crackle.
  517. > You look forward.
  518. > The royal pony is approaching you, her horn fizzing with raw energy.
  519. > You start to feel an unbearable heat coming from her horn.
  521. “No! Let go!” you shout.
  522. > You pull your arms in every direction, trying desperately to free yourself.
  524. “Twilight! No! Don't do this!” you shout.
  525. > You continue to beg and plead.
  526. > She looks away, too ashamed to make eye contact.
  527. “Please! Twilight! I'm sorry! Twilight!”
  529. > The electric crackle intensifies.
  530. > One of the sparks brushes against your skin.
  531. > Instantly, a surge of pain courses throughout your body.
  532. > You start trembling and shouting in pain.
  533. > The royal pony pony touches her horn against your forehead.
  535. > It felt is someone was drilling a hole through your skull.
  536. > Your shouts echo throughout the throne room.
  537. > Your body convulses for a moment.
  538. > Your vision blurs.
  539. > Your hearing fades.
  540. > And soon, all pain is non-existant.
  542. > Your senses have been muffled.
  544. > But you're not dead.
  545. > No.
  546. > You've simply been left with your thoughts..
  548. > But you're not alone.
  550. > You feel a surge of emotions, feelings and ideas.
  551. > Those that do not belong to you.
  552. > You feel a second presence in your mind.
  554. > It's the royal pony.
  555. > She's here with you.
  557. > You suddenly feel your deepest memories unlock and replay themselves before you.
  558. > Starting from your earliest memories they play out like a movie before you.
  559. > She's reading you. Like a book.
  561. > You try to fight against it, but it's no use.
  563. > She starts from the very beginning.
  564. > Skimming through your childhood memories.
  565. > There, your life plays before you like video on fast forward.
  567. > You relive your most memorable moments.
  568. > Your first day at school.
  569. > Your first girlfriend.
  570. > The first time you made love with her.
  571. > Your high school prom.
  572. > Graduation.
  573. > Your first real job, and your first time moving out.
  574. > Your friends, family.
  575. > All your secrets and idea's
  576. > She reads everything
  578. > She gets closer and closer to the end of your life.
  580. > The war.
  581. > Your brothers in arms.
  582. > Everything you've seen.
  583. > Everything you've done.
  584. > It's all coming back to you.
  585. > It leaves you with a surge of unbearable misery.
  586. > All those memories you've tried so hard to forget.
  588. > You struggle to cope.
  589. > As she slows her search and takes time to analyze everything in gross detail.
  591. > The brutal invasion of your home.
  592. > The crumble of your country, your culture and your very way of life.
  593. > It's painful to think of what once was.
  594. > Everything near and dear to you, gone.
  596. > You still can't bring yourself to accept these terms.
  597. > What those bastards did was unacceptable.
  598. > Women and children were slaughtered in the streets.
  599. > Men were taken as prisoners and never heard from again.
  600. > Families were torn apart.
  602. > It was awful.
  604. > It wasn't long before your memories took you to your last day on earth.
  605. > Those last hours in the dead of night.
  606. > Making the final push for your freedom.
  608. > It all plays back in vivid detail for the royal pony to watch.
  609. > Getting cornered on the bridge.
  610. > Losing all your comrades.
  611. > Detonating the explosives.
  612. > And making the ultimate sacrifice for your country.
  614. > You don't know whether your actions were in vain.
  615. > Unfortunately, you didn't live to see the end of the war.
  617. > Your actions may have been brutal. Inhumane.
  618. > The entire ordeal may have been pointless.
  620. > But at least you fought in something you believed in.
  622. > Your memories fade.
  624. > You feel strange.
  625. > You can feel her digging through your mind.
  626. > She's not skimming, or reading.
  627. > No.
  628. > She's adding information.
  629. > It's a strange sensation that only lasts for a few moments.
  630. > And as soon as she finishes, she releases her grip on you.
  632. > Your left alone with your thoughts once more.
  634. > One by one, you regain your senses.
  635. > But you still feel weak.
  636. > Your body limps and collapses under it's own weight.
  638. > You hear voices.
  639. > “He's falling! Quick! Grab him!”
  640. > “Augh! He's heavy! A little help?!”
  641. > “Will he be alright?”
  642. > “Celestia!? W-What happened? What did you see?”
  644. > Twilight rushes to your side.
  645. > “Anonymous? Can you hear me? Are you alright?”
  646. > Your vision blurs.
  647. > “Anonymous?! Answer me!”
  648. > Your hearing dulls and you drift off.
  663. *This is the original post from June 27th, 2012 for anyone that cares.
  666. >The chariot begins to descend.
  667. >All the meanwhile, the ponies have started up a conversation with the guards.
  668. >Those guards have been tossing you the stink eye the entire ride.
  669. >It’s beginning to get on your nerves
  670. >Clearly they are more 'cautious' about your presence than the mane 6.
  671. >You heard your name gestured a couple times in their conversations.
  672. >This shit was getting awkward, fast.
  674. >Your chariot lands in front of the castle, the Pegasus piloting the chariot touchdown with grace and ease
  675. >The castle stands proudly above the city below
  676. >You are ushered out into the courtyard where more guards have gathered.
  677. >There must be dozens of them
  678. >Almost all of them are armed with spears and claymores
  679. >You try to ignore their hostile glares and look to Twilight for comfort.
  680. >She is still at your side tugging at your clothes, leading you into the castle
  681. >The first thing you notice is how elegant the interior is.
  682. >Looking down you can see your reflection on the polished marble floors.
  683. >The sun shines through various stained windows
  684. >Twilight leads your party through the castle, the various twist and turns makes it feel like a labyrinth
  685. > It's obvious she has been here before.
  686. > Most of the castles residents stop in their tracks when they see you.
  687. > Almost all of them had fear struck into their eyes, some even looked disgusted
  688. >You get that welling feeling in your gut.
  689. >Like you don’t belong here
  690. >It’s ironic really
  691. >You considered yourself to be a pretty calm and verdant person
  692. >But people here looked at you like you were some kind of monster
  694. >As you enter the castle you can feel the completely different atmosphere
  695. >There is soft music echoing throughout the halls, it’s soothing.
  696. [spoiler] [/spoiler]
  697. >The smell of freshly baked goods wafts into your nose, there’s probably a dining hall nearby
  698. >Walking down you notice some more stained windows lining the hallways.
  699. >Most of them depict some sort of scene involving various beasts and ponies
  700. >Upon closer inspection you realize Twilight is in some of them
  701. >In fact, all 6 ponies that brought you here are depicted in various window scenes.
  702. >Hehe, they must be royal or someshit.
  703. >The memory of beating down the Cyan pony into the forest floor comes into your mind.
  705. >Oh shit.
  706. >Did you fucking beat down royalty?
  707. >Fuck
  708. >If you did they're probably going to lock your sorry ass in a dungeon
  709. >If you didn't they would still imprison your sorry ass for life
  710. >Either you're fucked regardless.
  711. >You feel a bit nauseous at this realization
  712. >Fuck, you should have let the reds capture you at the bridge.
  713. >At least they would have killed you in time
  715. >After going down god knows how many hallways you arrive at what appears to be a throne room.
  716. >The room is adorned in various flags and statues
  717. >Lining the walls are huge support columns, they have a very Roman design to them
  718. >They tower above everyone in the room, successfully giving you a feeling of insignificance
  719. >The main attraction are the two thrones in the center of the room.
  720. >One of them is occupied by this huge pony.
  721. >She has a pure white coat with a flowing multicolored mane.
  722. >You just watch in awe as it flows freely without any sort of wind.
  723. “How is that shit even possible?”
  724. >No one seemed to notice your comment.
  726. >It finally dawns on you how tall you are compared to everyone else.
  727. >The pony on the throne just barely reaches your shoulder height
  728. >Everyone else you’ve met so far barely reaches above your waist.
  729. >Holy shit, you're a giant.
  731. > That huge pony is staring straight into your eyes.
  732. >She's staring daggers man.
  733. >Averting your vision from her you then notice how she has both a pair of wings and a Horn.
  734. >She's also sporting some gauntlets and a matching crown
  736. >It takes you a moment to put two and two together
  737. >...Oh shit, it's an alicorn and she must be royalty around here.
  738. >You turn to share your discovery with Twilight, but then realize they are all bowing.
  739. oh_shit_nigga.jpeg
  740. >Without second thought you kneel down as well.
  741. >The alicorn gets up from the throne and trots closer to you
  742. >You feel the alicorn’s presence only a few feet from you
  743. >By now everyone has gotten up from their bow.
  744. >You stay kneeled down for what seems like forever.
  745. >You felt Twilight's hoof on your shoulder, followed by her voice.
  746. >Even with Twilight’s reassurance you didn’t dare look the alicorn in the eyes again
  747. >A huge conversation stirred up, you could tell you were the main topic
  748. >The tone of voice coming from Twilight didn't sound good.
  749. >Every time you heard the alicorn say your name, the hairs on your neck stood on end.
  750. >The conversations continued on for what seemed like an eternity.
  751. >You got lost in your thoughts of what’s going to happen next.
  752. >Eventually you felt Twilight shaking your shoulder again, followed by the orange pony nudging you forward.
  754. >You stand up tall and just stare face to face with the Alicorn.
  755. >Suddenly her horn begins to glow, she inches it closer and closer to you.
  756. >Nope!
  757. >You try to make a dash for it but the cyan pony quickly cuts you off before you make it to the door.
  758. >Soon you feel the white pony picking you up with her horn
  759. “No! No! You don’t have to do this! Fuuck!” You yell at the top of your lungs
  760. >As much as you try to struggle you can’t escape the telekinetic grip
  761. >The Alicorn inches closer to you, her horn glowing even brighter
  762. “Twilight! Come on! Fuckin’ do something! Twilight!”
  763. >She is clearly ignoring you
  765. >Suddenly you feel the slight tap on your forehead from her horn.
  766. >It feels like your forehead just made contact with an electrical current.
  767. > [spoiler] Aw shit! It stings! [/spoiler]
  768. >A surge of emotions and memories surge through your mind.
  769. >You begin to remember EVERTHING about your life.
  770. >Everything you've ever witnessed, thought or felt was surging into your mind again.
  771. >All those insignificant details from deep in your subconscious are now flowing freely as memories.
  772. >Everything little detail is as clear as day
  773. >It's only a matter of time before you come to realization of what’s really going on...
  774. >She's reading through your memories.
  776. >No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't move your body
  777. >Nor could you resist the mind reading
  778. >You could feel her presence in your mind, carefully watching and studying your memories.
  779. >She’s searching your mind, looking for memories
  780. >You only sit and watch as your life played in your mind like some montage
  781. >Your childhood was the first thing to pop up.
  782. >All those care free days playing video games on the Super NES and Gameboy.
  783. >You soon recall all those years in school
  784. >All those long hours studying and working to receive a diploma
  785. >Everything you learned was now fresh in your mind.
  786. >And I mean fucking everything.
  787. >You could remember your lectures from class in absolute detail
  788. >She’s picking up the pace, as the montage of your life flows even faster
  789. >You remember your first real date.
  790. >The day you moved out and went to college
  791. >You remember getting wasted at the local bars with your friends.
  792. >And you remember spending all those hours in the university's library hitting the books.
  793. >In retrospect, your life was pretty repetitive
  794. >Eventually she had gotten to your recent experiences.
  796. >You suddenly recall the start of the war
  797. >Their brutal invasion into your land
  798. >The crumble of your economy, your culture, your way of life.
  799. >It’s painful to think what has happened to everything you held dear
  800. >You remember that one fateful night where your best friend, Chris, died in your arms
  801. >T here was nothing you could do except watch him slip away.
  802. >"..Anon..An...I..Iwwa...I..wanna..g-g-go..home..." His last words will forever be burned into your mind
  803. > Later that night you managed to find his killer
  804. >You beat that mother fucker down until he was nothing more than a bloody mess.
  805. >You remember popping a few rounds in his skull just for good measure
  806. >That was the first time you had ever killed someone
  807. > [spoiler] These memories really gets to you. You can feel yourself shaking in emotions. Anger, sorrow and remorse are just to name a few [/spoiler]
  809. >The images of guerilla warfare play through like a slide show
  810. >It's like a little montage of everything you did during the war
  811. >All those little missions in the dead of night.
  812. >All those lives you took
  813. >You were pretty crafty when it came to it
  814. >Variety is the spice of death right?...
  815. > [spoiler] God, just listen to yourself you sick bastard. Did you really do all that? Did you really kill all those people? [/spoiler]
  818. >Your memories, your previous actions, they disgust you.
  819. >You throw up a bit in your mouth.
  820. >But you suddenly remember why you killed all those Soldiers in the first place.
  822. >What those bastards did was unacceptable
  823. >Your way of life was stolen from you.
  824. >Men were taken as prisoners and forced to do slave labor
  825. >Women were raped in the streets
  826. >Children were executed in front of their parents
  827. >Civilian’s bodies littered the streets
  828. >You clenched your fists when you remember all the war crime that took place
  829. > [spoiler] Those bastards deserved every bit of it. [/spoiler]
  830. >It wasn't long before your memories took you to your last day on earth
  831. >Those last few hours spent fighting in the dead of night
  832. >Your final decision to detonate the explosives on top of you
  833. >You’re sobbing quietly now.
  834. “…It…it was the only way…right?..”
  835. >To become a martyr in the name of your country
  836. >You reassure yourself it was an honorable way to go
  838. >After your last memories fade the alicorn releases her grip on you.
  839. >You can hear heavy crying.
  840. >The alicorn was in full blown hysterics.
  841. >Your little slideshow must have hit her harder than you
  842. >The other ponies are in shocked to see her in such a state.
  843. >She regains her composure, her horn glowing once more.
  844. >A bright light engulfs your body.
  846. >You feel this huge pressure on your forehead.
  847. >The pressure then turns into this searing pain
  848. >The pain only grows with each passing moment
  849. >You try to yell, but no sound escapes your mouth
  850. >The expression on your face is of pure pain.
  851. >You quickly glance over at Twilight. She looks very worried right now.
  852. >God! It feels like someone is drilling a hole through your head
  853. >The light dissipates and so does the initial pain
  854. >A pounding headache ensued.
  855. >It's too much for you right now.
  856. "What....the...hell..." You barely managed to speak, gasping for breath in between each word
  857. >You manage to take a few steps towards the Alicorn
  858. >Your arm was stretched out to her
  859. >For some reason you had decided to reach out to her
  860. >You then stumble and collapse to the ground
  862. >Thankfully Twilight was able to catch you before you hit the floor.
  863. >The whole ordeal has placed a heavy toll on you.
  864. >You feel weak and unable to move.
  865. >Fuck you feel dizzy
  866. >Everyone in the room was now huddled over you
  867. >They began speaking again, but you were losing consciousness.
  868. >You couldn't really make out what they were saying, everything sounded muffled as fuck
  869. >Every muscle in your body was aching in pain
  870. >Your eyelids suddenly became heavy
  871. >You reached out your arm and held it up weakly
  872. >Twilight met your hand with her hoof
  873. “…Twilight? …Wh-Why?” You slowly whispered
  874. > “Anonymous? Anonymous!” For some reason you could clearly make out her speech. Her dialect was much similar recognizable now.
  875. >It wasn’t before long before you lost your grip on your consciousness.
  876. >You drifted off into sleep and into your dreams once more.
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