
OC WIP - Amber v.2

Aug 20th, 2015
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  1. Name: Amber
  2. Age: Unknown
  3. Gender: Appears F
  4. Classification: Robot
  5. Occupation: Researcher, Adventurer
  6. Height: 5’7”
  7. Weight: 346 Lbs.
  8. Background:
  9. Amber is a child of Zed, a technogod whose form is that of a massive planet, located somewhere in the universe. Like many of Zed’s children, Amber has one major goal: collect information. Zed’s ultimate goal is to amass the ultimate collection of information & knowledge, to learn absolutely everything about the universe & beyond. For this purpose, it creates servants who travel all across the universe, seeking & gathering this information. Amber is particularly designed to collect information on the many different abilities & talents of the universe.
  10. However, this isn’t Amber’s only reason for travelling, for unlike many of these creations, Amber has been given the gift of thought. As she comes from a world where this is only given to a select few, Amber also wishes to understand this gift, and why she in particular was granted it. Aside from completing her given purpose, she also feels that by meeting many people, she will come to understand thought, a commonplace superpower in its own right.
  12. Personality:
  13. - Despite being a robot, Amber does actually have a personality of her own. She considers herself a scientist, and approaches everything with strong curiosity, as she wishes to learn how it works & why. She is confident in her actions & decisions, but she has a problem working with others, especially if her choices are questioned. Despite this confident & brash exterior, Amber is also quite introspective, and spends a lot of her personal time thinking. If she trusts someone enough, she might even let them in on her internal musings. She also has the strange ability to break the fourth wall, though not necessarily in a useful way – most of the time, she does her best attempt at cracking jokes using it (she’s far from the funniest person around, and she loves bad jokes & puns). She also has a habit of (almost passively) copying the actions of others during conversation, which can garner some strange looks.
  15. Powers and Abilities:
  16. - Data Collector
  17. As a servant of Zed, Amber was born with scanning equipment, made of supernatural technology that allows her to immediately pick up on speech & gestures, allowing her to quickly learn languages, as well as quickly learn specific actions, copy codes needed for a device, and even replicate weaponless martial arts perfectly. For special abilities, such as magic & psionics, she can also read the source of energy for that ability, and replicate how it is actually performed. Amber can use her weapon, ‘?’ (pronounced Question Mark), to replicate the abilities she copies if they don’t require a weapon Amber has pre-loaded on her. Amber is smart enough, however, that she can use the knowledge of a skill & apply it to her other abilities, i.e. using a fire spell to power up her other weapons.
  18. Amber’s ability does have her limits. Though she can apply the knowledge gained, Amber will not be able to surpass the damage output of the original user without the use of buffs/debuffs. Amber cannot copy passive or racial traits, such as regeneration or inherent resistances/immunities. She also cannot copy character-specific abilities, such as a one-of-a-kind super form, and though she cannot copy unique summons, she can replicate them using ?’s abilities.
  20. - Mechanical Physiology
  21. Amber is a hyper-advanced robot, born of a mechanical world. Because of this, she has physiology which protects her from both physical & mental status conditions, making them ineffective on her. Naturally capable of flight, Amber is also skilled in the manipulation of Life Force, and is capable of drawing it from her surroundings to fill her personal supply, or if needed, drain it from a living being. Amber also possesses a mind, and though due to its mechanical nature she can’t fall for mental status changes, it does make her vulnerable to psychic attacks, while also providing a way for her to perform copied psychic techniques.
  23. Stats:
  24. -Strength: **
  25. -Projection: **
  26. -Toughness: ***
  27. -Attack Type: Void, Slash, Impact [other attack types are added as Amber copies skills]
  28. -Resistances: Toxin (+1), Fire, Impact, Earth, Spirit (-2)
  29. -Endurance: ****
  30. -Stamina: ****
  31. -Speed: ***
  33. Standard Equipment:
  34. ~ Scanner
  35. A special scanner, built into Amber & made with supernatural technology. This scanner is what allows Amber to read & copy other abilities.
  37. ~ ?
  38. An amorphous, dark blue blob that Amber can summon. Though it has no true form, Amber can control it & cause it to morph as she needs, changing it into weapons to facilitate copied skills, as well as replicating summoned beings/objects for such abilities. ? is indestructible, and can be called back to Amber immediately via mental control. Typically, this weapon is stored within Amber’s body, coming out through her hands when summoned.
  40. ~ Quadra Set
  41. A set of four weapons, which Amber can always use. Amber switches between them as she needs, though only one can be used during a turn. They are as follow:
  42. * Sunglow – A pair of energy weapons, located within her hands. Amber can fire lasers from her fingers, which is effective for breaking barriers, shields, or armor & for firing quickly, or clap her hands & create an energy shotgun blast that knocks enemies away. Sunglow deals Void damage.
  43. * Vermillion – A yellow-orange energy blade, which Amber can summon around her wrists or feet, reaching a maximum of 3 feet in length. The energy blade can be used for generic cutting attacks, and release extra energy around her to give her projectile-immune attacks, though this puts this weapon on cooldown for two turns. Amber can activate up to two of these blades at once. Vermillion deals Slash damage.
  44. * Marigolds – A pair of dark yellow greaves & boots, which Amber uses for hand-to-hand combat. These weapons can store energy within them, taking an extra turn to create an attack that instantly stuns enemies, or break weaker floors, walls, and shields. Marigolds deals Impact damage.
  45. * Saffron – A set of four orange-red energy tentacles, which are about 5 feet in length, which appear from her back & around her wings (two on each side, one above & one below). These tentacles can attack anywhere around Amber, and can be used to drain Life Force from targets or the surrounding area if needed. Amber can also use Saffron to create a large burst of Life Force around her, hitting an area of 15 feet around her, but disabling the weapon for further usage for two turns. Saffron deals Void damage.
  47. ~ Life Force Tanks
  48. On Amber’s back, eight tanks filled with Life Force can be found. These are backup tanks, in the event Amber needs it, though she can also use them to heal herself, or by releasing them from her body, restore non-crippling damage dealt to others.
  50. Appearance:
  51. ~ Amber is tall, and has a slim figure resembling that of a young woman. Her face is round, with blonde hair in what seems to be a bob cut, lighter highlights on the tips of her hair. Her face is human-like, and has a dark skin tone, with deep red eyes, a small nose, and thin lips.
  52. ~ The rest of her body, however, is purely mechanical, made of dark grey metal. Some parts of her body, most of which are under the darker plates, are made of a lighter metal, though this lighter metal also makes up small shoulder pads, as well as heels on her feet, and what resembles a pair of headphones on her head, covering where the ears would be. Colored white, they have a glowing yellow ring on the ear pieces, connected by a single yellow line that goes across the band (it’s important to note she can’t actually take it off). A similar yellow glow can be seen in lines across her body, which regularly flows across them, as they are the visible process of Life Force flowing through her body. Blade-like wings, made of blue energy, are visible on her back, with four circles on either side appearing underneath these wings, highlighted by the same yellow glow that covers the rest of her.
  54. NOTES:
  55. - Between RPs, Amber will not necessarily keep any of the move data saved during the RP. The data she collects is automatically sent to Zed for archival & studying, and Amber chooses to purge this data, keeping it in long-range memory storage. This is because, as mentioned before, Amber considers herself a scientist, and like any good scientist Amber can recognize the problems that come out of taking abilities from one world & putting them in another – it’d be like introducing an all-too-powerful predator from a different environment, or bringing a normally harmless virus to a land which has never experienced it. Thusly, to preserve the environments she visits & more honestly come to understand their special abilities, Amber will not carry over abilities between worlds, though if she s revisiting a world, the player & GM may decide if she should bring in the powers copied from before.
  56. - Similarly, if the GM wishes, Amber’s Life Force tanks may also be prohibited.
  57. - A turn refers to the time take during a player’s post, which starts when the player posts and lasts until they must post again. As a result, in larger RPs it’s possible for effects based on rounds to last longer, or for cooldowns to take longer.
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