
Rules for Adding me on Steam

Jun 16th, 2015
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  2. Don't Friend Me for RP Exclusively of Any Kind
  3. I expect more dedication to me as a friend, than as an RP partner.
  4. Will I RP with you? If we are both in the mood for it, and if you can provide me with a fun sounding story? Yes I will!
  5. Will I ERP with you? HIGHLY unlikely. I do ERP, but the person needs to be someone I know relatively well, is at least 18 years old, and have above average sentence structure/grammar. I am extremely picky. :\
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  8. Don't Fall in Love with Me
  9. I am happily married in real life for the past 6 years. As flattered as I am when people confess their romantic interest in me, I cannot return these feelings. That doesn't mean that I wont love you as a friend.
  10. "The biggest disease this day and age is that of people feeling unloved." - Princess Diana
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  13. Do Not Get Angry if I Don't Respond!
  14. I want to make this abundantly clear. I 'hate' when people have the audacity to get aggressive or outright hostile towards me just because I don't respond in what they consider a reasonable timeframe.
  15. With all due respect, I have a life. My every day life is quite hectic, and I do not have the luxury to sit and respond to everyone the moment they feel the need to talk to me. I do not ignore anyone of my own volition, I'd much rather cut the bull and simply unfriend you than keep you on my friendslist if that was the case, so please don't make assumptions about me.
  16. "Ability will never catch up with the demand for it." - Confucius
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  19. Don't Include Me In Your Petty Drama
  20. Let me make it crystaline clear right now: I don't engage in drama what so ever. I don't care what the problem is, or what caused feelings to get hurt. If it has nothing to do with me, DIRECTLY ? Then don't waste my time by coming to me with it. This'll pretty much get you blocked for life on the spot. I have an absolute zero tolerance for drama.
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  23. You are not my friend just because you're on my Friendslist.
  24. This is one of the more annoying ones for me. Some people actually think that it's as simple as pushing a botton to become a friend of mine. This is not the case. I'd much rather if you referred to the 'Add Friend' button around me, as an 'Application for Potential Friendship' button.
  25. "Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." - Albert Camus
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  28. Accept me for who I am.
  29. Don't try to change me. I change for no one.
  30. "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing themself.” - Leo Tolstoy
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