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/mlp/-tan at Donut Joe's

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Jul 13th, 2015
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  1. Donut Joe closed the cash register and watched his most recent customer depart. He leaned against the counter and loosed a sigh. It was the middle of the morning, and as so often happened at this time of day, he was not busy, and he was bored. The morning rush was long gone, and all he could expect from here on out was stragglers and fatties, coming in in dribbles throughout the day to leech off the mountain of donuts he'd produced before the sun had risen. He sighed again. What to do?
  3. His boredom was broken, however, when the front door to the shop opened and a very familiar set of customers came in. "Twilght Spar- er, princess!" he exclaimed, coming around the counter. "And Spike! It's an honor to see you, your highness!"
  5. "Oh, Joe, stop it," said Twilight, waving a hoof. "Please call me 'Twiilght.' We've known each other long enough that I'd hate for you to get formal with me."
  7. "If that's a royal order, then of course, Twilight," said Joe. "What brings you to Canterlot?"
  9. "Well, I myself am here on royal business," said Twilight. "Some negotiations need my expertise. But that's not why I'm in your shop today." She grinned. "I think I've found somepony who can complete your Gratis Gross Challenge. Well, not somePONY..."
  11. "Really?" Joe said, arching an eyebrow. "Uh, Twilight, you know I mostly set that challenge up as a joke, right?"
  13. "Oh, I know," said Twilight. "But that's before I met HER." She opened up the door again. "Come on in, /mlp/!"
  16. Joe wondered what the deal was until he saw a shadow fall across the doorstep. The door opened, and she stepped inside. Or tried to; her hips got briefly wedged into the doorframe, but with a shimmy that sent jiggles through her body, she popped free, and stood before him.
  18. She was a human, and this was no great surprise; Joe had gotten the educational materials on humans that the princesses had sent out. She certainly didn't look like the humans in the pamphlets, however. She was much... MUCH bigger.
  20. Her belly jutted out in front of her, a rolling mass of three huge rolls of fat. The biggest pair of jeans he'd ever seen was struggling to contain it, while a white t-shirt with Madame Rarity's cutie mark rode up over a blobby slice of pale flesh. Her hips, as mentioned, were a little wider than the door, bulging out from either side and swelling down into gigantic thighs. Her boobs were as big as pumpkins, and sagged down her paunch; she clearly wasn't wearing a bra. Joe doubted there was one in Equestria that fit her.
  22. Her face was wide and fat, with two bulging cheeks and a second chin that sagged down her neck. Purple hair framed it, and a fedora on top of her head only accentuated the plumpness of her cheeks and chin. She wore glasses, behind which eyes sparkled.
  24. "Hey," she said, her voice husky from her fattened neck. "I'm /mlp/." She licked her lips. Her belly growled; she rubbed it. "I hear you make the best donuts in Equestria."
  28. Joe regained his composure and chuckled. "Yeah, that's what they say."
  30. "I also hear that if I eat a gross of them, they're free," said /mlp/. "That's what Twilight says. So let's do it!"
  32. "Uh, listen, girl," said Joe, "I realize you're..." he looked her bloated body up and down, "probably used to eating a lot, but I don't think you appreciate how hard the Gratis Gross Challenge is supposed to be. That's a GROSS, kid. That's a dozen dozen. A hundred and forty-four donuts."
  34. /mlp/'s belly gave a gurgle. A little drool came dribbling from the corners of her mouth. "Yeah, I know. I didn't slack off THAT much in math class."
  36. "So... you still wanna do it?" Joe asked.
  38. /mlp/ patted her sagging belly. "Does it look like I'd turn down an eating challenge? Let's get started."
  40. So, to the surprise and excitement of the other customers, the Gratis Gross Challenge was on. /mlp/ was settled on two chairs at a table in the middle of the shop- her belly was too big and jutting for a booth.
  42. "Now you're sure you don't want me to help you out?" Twilight asked.
  44. "Yeah," said Spike, "she could cast an anti-upset-stomach spell or something."
  46. "Relax," said /mlp/. "I can handle this. In fact, I'm starving. I haven't had anything to eat all day."
  48. "Really?" Twilight asked.
  50. "Yep!"
  52. "REALLY?" Spike asked with an arched eyebrow.
  54. /mlp/ blushed cutely. "Well, I may have had some cake at the palace. Along with a muffin or two..."
  56. Joe rang a bell. The challenge was on!
  60. A dozen donuts were placed before /mlp/- and they began disappearing just as soon as they'd arrived. /mlp/ devoured them efficiently, taking three big bites for each round pastry, guzzling them down her throat with machinelike pace. Joe provided her with a big glass of whole milk, which she chugged from intermittently.
  62. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve- "Done!" cried /mlp/, swigging from her glass. "Let's go, Joe! I'm hungry!"
  64. The second dozen went down just as swiftly, followed by the third. In fact, /mlp/'s pace actually INCREASED the further into the challenge she went. The fourth and fifth dozens were gone in the blink of an eye, and she was cramming donuts in her mouth with two bites by the sixth.
  66. Of course, nopony else was eating, or even looking at their food. In fact, a crowd had gathered around /mlp/'s place, mares and stallions staring on with wonder at the gorging, gluttonous human. They crowded closer, closer in-
  68. "Come on, come on!" said Spike, pushing them back. "Give her some space, will ya!"
  70. "Thanks, Spike- URRRRPPPP!!!" belched /mlp/ as the seventh dozen vanished. Joe set the eighth before her, but when she bent forward to grab it, she groaned. "Ugh, stupid jeans," she said, wallowing in place where she sat. Those jeans, as massive as they were, now cut into her bulging belly, and were already stretched tight across her huge, shelflike ass.
  73. Nevertheless, she reached forward. Six donuts were guzzled up like nothing, and the seventh slithered down her throat-
  75. POW!
  77. Something went shooting across the shop, bouncing off a wall and falling to the floor with a tinkle of metal. /mlp/ suddenly felt the capacity of her belly open up. She glanced down, having a hunch what the sound had been. She had to push her huge boobs aside to even come close to seeing her paunch, but when she leaned back and twisted around, her suspicions were confirmed. "Huh," she said. "There goes THOSE jeans." The button had blasted off, and the sheer size of her gut had forced the zipper partly down.
  79. "Ya ready to quit?" said Joe.
  81. "I have not yet begun to eat!" said /mlp/. She reached down and completely undid the zipper of her jeans, allowing her truly massive belly to flop out. It was so big it hung over the seats of her chairs, drooping down into the space below the table.
  83. This finished, the eighth dozen vanished down her throat. The ninth dozen was also guzzled up. The tenth dozen, however, went down more slowly. /mlp/, to her own amazement, was getting full, and now she had to force herself to gobble up each donut. Five bites were now required to finish each donut, and it took an amazingly long five minutes to polish off this tenth dozen.
  85. "She's not gonna make it!" Spike wailed, dragging his claws down his cheeks.
  87. "Come on, /mlp/!" cried Twilight. "I believe in you!"
  89. "GO! GO! GO! GO!" the customers chanted.
  92. Joe set the eleventh dozen down before her. /mlp/ was getting woozy now. She was already stuffed, her stomach full to bursting with delicious donuts. And they WERE delicious. She'd tasted donuts from Los Pegasus to Manehattan, but nothing had come close to these. She wished she could eat all that Joe had made that day, but while the spirit was willing, the flesh- all four hundred plus pounds of it- was steadily growing weak.
  94. Nevertheless, she had a challenge to win. She ate out of pure will, forcing donuts down her throat. One, two, three, four, five... six... seven... eight..... nine.... ten.... ele...ven... tw... twelve!
  96. "URRRRPPPP!!!" belched /mlp/, leaning back in her chairs. Frosting and icing covered her face, while flecks of sugar coated her t-shirt. Her stomach had bloated out so much that her belly was pressing up against the table. "I..." she swallowed hard, "I..."
  98. "Oh, no you don't!" said Joe, setting the final dozen down in front of her. "Ya haven't come this far to give up now! You're gonna EAT this last dozen!" He picked up a chocolate iced and crammed it into /mlp/'s half-open mouth.
  100. "URP!" belched /mlp/. "Joe... f... f...."
  102. "What?" he asked. "What is it?"
  104. "F... feed me..."
  106. With a nod, he did just that. he crammed the donuts into her mouth, she barely noticing the hardness of his hooves. Her stomach cried out in agony, but she kept chewing, kept swallowing.
  108. Two donuts... four... six... eight... ten... eleven... and... TWELVE!
  111. "Ohhhh...." groaned /mlp/, clutching her belly, which was red and swollen from the torment it had endured. "I think I'm gonna explode... I... I..."
  113. Her belly rumbled loudly. The rest of the crowd flinched away. Suddenly-
  115. "URRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPP!!!!!" the belch was so loud and so deep it rattled the bones in everypony's chest. /mlp/ leaned back in her chairs. One fat arm raised up, and she gave a thumbs-up signal.
  117. The crowd erupted in cheering, stomping their hooves loudly on the shop floor.
  119. "You did it!" cried Spike, leaping up on /mlp/'s stomach. He pressed forward toward her face, pushing his claws into her huge boobs. "You really did it!"
  121. "Ah, Spike- URP! Please get off my belly," gurgled /mlp/, "or else I'm probably gonna hurl." Sheepishly he clambered down.
  123. ''Congratulations, kid," said Joe, clapping her on the shoulder. "Didn't think ya had it in ya."
  125. "What can I say?" said /mlp/, patting her engorged gut. "I'm a champ."
  127. "You know what this means now, right?" Joe said.
  129. "I'm gonna spend all of tomorrow on the shitter?" she said jokingly.
  131. "Well, besides that," said Joe. "Anypony who completes the Gratis Gross Challenge gets free donuts for life!"
  133. /mlp/'s eyes bulged. "No matter how much?"
  135. "Nope."
  137. /mlp/ licked her icing-covered lips. "I'll be back later this evening."
  139. END
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